Silver Alert CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #29

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ok. So you can see through wide areas now. And?
Do you think that these areas can now be explored? To the extent they were not gone through early on? I understand the visual. I fail to connect the no leaves on trees to the locating any more evidence. Will the areas be more accessible? Maybe some seldom used footpaths will become visible?
Yes, exactly. Using Irwin as an example, when the brush is present there is maybe 2 ft on each side of the path of grass and then the brush area which is dense. Looking at the open areas will be possible in November and it might be possible to see disturbed ground and areas. Similar situation exists in parts of Waveny on the rear trails in particular. Yes, there will be leaves on the ground but it will be possible to look into the woods and walk in the woods more easily than was previously the case.
BBM A stranger wouldn’t make sense, FD would realise that. But he might think it’s plausible to pin it on someone who WORKED in NC that day and LIVES in Hartford direction. Especially as that person’s truck was in NC that day. JMO
EXCEPT, Hard to pin it on EE when you ride down Albany Ave in your Raptor with your cell phones blaring. No doubt that would have been the case no matter what truck FD had. Maybe even FD was smart enough to figure out the trading of the trucks was never going to fly for very long. I've never read where FD tried to implicate him or tried to hide the fact of how EE used the Raptor. I don't know that he volunteered that info but he was trying to get the Toyota clean. Would FD pin it on someone if he could? Absolutely. If he had tried, he would have been discredited very quickly.

I don't think he could have done a worse job trying to pin it on a stranger than what he did do. It would have eliminated alot of steps. And I'm not sure why that wouldn't make sense that a stranger did it. FD was going to be under scrutiny anyway and unfortunately, people are killed in their homes by strangers every day. By causing blood at the scene and removing JD body, he pointed right to himself. JMO.
hello. So glad to see you here!
Back to your observations:
KM. He’s up to his eyeballs in alligators.
Greek alibi. Wasn’t the alibi on his way into CT from Greece to verify the phone call? Days after NP declared that alibi? Sister and rear admiral not stepping up to say it is I who chopped down the cherry tree. Web site people bailed immediately. Even if them, they would say we spoke 3 minutes or 30 minutes. Clearly not leave an open line for alibi purposes. IMO. Greek benefactor being hidden from identification despite repeated court requests. So it’s not that person.
Greece phone call, if made, was not alibi material. No person claims to be on the other end of the phone line. FYI: Athens is 7 hours difference from NY.
NP would have been better off not making up stories. No story is better than a lie.
I think putting up a billboard with your brilliant tagline, "NO STORY IS BETTER THAN A LIE" on a billboard outside the Pattis offices in New Haven might serve as a daily reminder for Atty. P. to take the lead from his partner Atty S and 'zip it'!

The public has had to endure months of lies and with the latest 'motion' involving a deep sea fishing expedition for the JF medical records we were treated to more 'whoppers' by Atty. P. I am beginning to wonder where the line between fiction and reality lies for Atty. P.? Most days reading the 'word salad' concoctions feels like we are living in the 'Matrix'!

Not sure if a jury can be expected to endure months on end of this situation from Atty. P. and I do wonder at what point Judge Blawie will hold Atty. P. responsible for simply 'telling the truth'?

I'm thinking perhaps neon pink backing with large black block font and signing it, "Your Friends at WS"!

What do you think?

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I’m trying to recall where it came from that she had worked in equine therapy. Was it her profile in SM? And isn’t age 15 more akin to the age of a client/resident of a teen therapy centre than an employee/volunteer?

The only other thing I can find related to pre-adult years are various genealogy records that suggest her parents had four children - three girls (same names as her sisters) and a boy called Michael. No mention of Michelle. A mistake, probably.

Datos Genealógicos Página 273 (Páginas de Descendientes)

Family tree of Michael Troconis Arreaza
We learned about the equine training in Michigan and job experience in Dubai via the MT LinkedIn profile.

MT is a twin and had a brother, deceased, Michael.

The NY equine facility is run by 2 very experienced social workers who specialise in 'troubled teens'.

FD as you point out for whatever reason like to separate the evidence. Maybe there is a 'math' related reason or crazy reason for this IDK and maybe he or someone who advised him told him that he had a better chance of not getting caught if the evidence was spread all over? Pure speculation as this aspect of the case has me puzzled as I think by spreading things out it gives more evidence for people to find or stumble upon and makes it possible to put together a circumstantial case such as what we have seen so far.

I also wonder about the FD statement to EE about whether EE heard anything while working at Sturbridge on the 24th. Given the time gap we see in NC with the Red Truck heading north, I do wonder if the body transfer wasn't done at Irwin Park or the body wasn't dumped at the NC Transfer station, whether FD simply wrapped the body in a tarp and duck taped it and placed it inside the red dumpster on Sturbridge to be retrieved by someone else on the evening of the 24th or am of the 25th? Could someone have come to pick up the body at Sturbridge and made enough noise to wake up dogs or the neighbors? We have speculated that the dumpster was tipped but maybe it wasn't and someone just had a tough time getting the body out and that is what made the noise that was heard?

The FD early statement about knowing what he did and didn't do has always haunted my brain. I think it was this statement from FD that first brought up the thought/s of accomplice/s. Do I think he had the technical skills to dismember a body and dispose of it? Yes. We know the amt of time spent at Welles, we know of the time gap between Red Truck arriving at Lapham and being seen on CCTV heading north, we didn't get full visibility of the path taken to return to Farmington after Rt 8, we know the amount of time spent at 80MS, we don't know if FD/MT left 80MS at any point, and we don't know what all happened with MT and FD in the gap in the AW until they are next seen on Albany. Significant gaps still exist. These gaps could have been used for body disposal and many here have put out great ideas on where this might have taken place. Still a bit of a puzzle as if there was another person involved or a preplanned dump site in NC, then perhaps the JF body was never returned to Farmington and that 80MS was about FD cleaning himself and the Red Truck.

Still lots to think about....


Now it’s going to sound like I’m obsessed with FD framing EE.... but can’t this be explained by FD
wanting - or at least not minding too much if - the bloody bags are found, because he has arranged for everything to point to EE.

Alternatively, maybe by the time they realised they forgot to bury the clothes, they were high
and not thinking clearly.
I’m trying to recall where it came from that she had worked in equine therapy. Was it her profile in SM? And isn’t age 15 more akin to the age of a client/resident of a teen therapy centre than an employee/volunteer?

The only other thing I can find related to pre-adult years are various genealogy records that suggest her parents had four children - three girls (same names as her sisters) and a boy called Michael. No mention of Michelle. A mistake, probably.

Datos Genealógicos Página 273 (Páginas de Descendientes)

Family tree of Michael Troconis Arreaza

Michelle Troconis, jet-setting businesswoman, lived openly with Fotis Dulos as he defied court orders in divorce with missing wife Jennifer

"Troconis had come into the relationship with Fotis Dulos having lived a varied life. Her professional profile says she earned a degree in psychology from the Universidad Central de Venezuela and trained as a therapeutic riding instructor at an academy in Michigan. She plied the horse-riding therapy for children with autism and other physical and mental conditions at a riding center in Dubai in the United Arab Emirates."

The brother was MT's twin who passed away at some point.
We learned about the equine training in Michigan and job experience in Dubai via the MT LinkedIn profile.

MT is a twin and had a brother, deceased, Michael.

The NY equine facility is run by 2 very experienced social workers who specialise in 'troubled teens'.


Thank you Afitzy...and it’s good to see you again!
Maybe a rehab out of state where she wasn't so infamous. Maybe wherever she went found out about her arrest and told her it's best you leave. It seems Colangelo would have or should have done some verification. Hard to believe there wasn't but then again....Of course, may have nothing to do with rehab or mental health. She should have been under house arrest once she got where she was going. IMO.
Yes, I agree with you. We don't know what was said about this entire event in chambers but the fact that Colangelo didn't know MT had been back in CT for 3 weeks told me a lot about the sheer inefficiency of the communication between the bracelet monitors and the decision makers (Judge and Colangelo). It was all quite disappointing and I hope now that Colangelo is getting weekly (at a min.) reports.

If MT did head to the equine therapy facility in NY State I'm sad in a way that she didn't stay as she no doubt needed help and support from someone and the folks at that facility by all accounts work with children, teens and adults so might have been well positioned to assist MT who by all accounts looks to be a 'lost soul'. MT getting some counselling also might have facilitated the process of preparing her legal defence IMO as honestly MT continues to look and function like a zombie now nearly 4 months after her arrest.

Reading AW2 and her very basic almost rote like responses to very basic questions has me concerned that she is nowhere near being able to move forward with litigation. OF COURSE, it could all be an act and no different than the crocodile tears and tissue we saw at her last court appearance where her father was with her. I have zero sympathy for MT but if she isn't getting the psych help she needs to move forward with her defence then the entire case suffers IMO. Knowing the involvement of Mama A in the MT defence and the seeming inability of Atty B to complete a deal with the State for his client has me thinking that MT is putting on an act but its just not a very good one.

I’m trying to recall where it came from that she had worked in equine therapy. Was it her profile in SM? And isn’t age 15 more akin to the age of a client/resident of a teen therapy centre than an employee/volunteer?

The only other thing I can find related to pre-adult years are various genealogy records that suggest her parents had four children - three girls (same names as her sisters) and a boy called Michael. No mention of Michelle. A mistake, probably.

Datos Genealógicos Página 273 (Páginas de Descendientes)

Family tree of Michael Troconis Arreaza

BBM: exactly. Perhaps that is why she might think to return there (or someone suggested she go there) during this time of stress in her life. Although nearly all of what we've heard from MT thus far are lies, it is possible that in this case the GPS didn't work too well in a remote area and that was actually the reason for her return. MOO.
I have to disagree that The Trash Bin Odyssey of Stupidity" was genius. They both for some unbelievable reason took their phones with them and ended up being tracked coming and going. They provided a goldmine of evidence due to that.

Also, I don't think he was trying to pin anything on anybody by going to Hartford. Albany Ave is 6.5 miles from 4JC. It was convenient. Another reason it was super not smart is because FD super impressive Ford Raptor would stand out like a sore thumb on Albany Ave and could be easily remembered and identified. FD is lucky because he easily could have been stopped by police for suspicious behavior. Police in high crime neighborhoods know who is who. FD would have drawn attention. And likely dumpster divers in that neighborhood. There is a claim by at least one to having come across a bloody pillow and knife. It's not verified but the claim is out there. Also, the claim about the carpet. Not verified but shows that the dumpster run was very risky.

It also doesn't make sense to me that a criminal from Hartford would be hanging out at WL which is 1hr 25min away, kill JD, bring her to WP afterwards, with her phone pinging all the way. Also, no stranger from Hartford is going to clean up a crime scene and dispose of a body like that. A stranger leaves the body and doesn't clean up afterwards. And doesn't bring bloody mops and sponges back with him to Hartford. Maybe it made sense to FD. I don't think FD was ever trying to pin this on anyone. I know there was the NP remark about the "lyin lover" and also something about EE but that came later. I don't think FD was trying to frame anyone at the time. I don't think he wanted any forensic evidence of any kind. He just wanted her to be considered missing. Because as he said in that interview, he knows they look at the husband first. That being said, did he really think he did any type of sufficient job in the garage that it wouldn't be called the scene of a violent assault? Really? Blood was visually discovered in the garage on Day 1. IIRC, blood on the Suburban.

The only thing FD has got right so far is that JD hasn't been found. I think EE can easily pick his truck out from among others as was noted in the AW. And I think with better photos, it will be very clear this was the truck spotted on the route.

I do wonder about the Deercliff property as it's only a 5 minute drive to Mountain Spring. And @thekirbyfamily said she went there and she felt something very haunting. JMO.

Any “haunting feeling,” despite the Halloween season, gets my immediate attention. First time I read that from thekirbyfamily I got goose bumps all over...

Getting them again, although not as strong.
I think putting up a billboard with your brilliant tagline, "NO STORY IS BETTER THAN A LIE" on a billboard outside the Pattis offices in New Haven might serve as a daily reminder for Atty. P. to take the lead from his partner Atty S and 'zip it'!

The public has had to endure months of lies and with the latest 'motion' involving a deep sea fishing expedition for the JF medical records we were treated to more 'whoppers' by Atty. P. I am beginning to wonder where the line between fiction and reality lies for Atty. P.? Most days reading the 'word salad' concoctions feels like we are living in the 'Matrix'!

Not sure if a jury can be expected to endure months on end of this situation from Atty. P. and I do wonder at what point Judge Blawie will hold Atty. P. responsible for simply 'telling the truth'?

I'm thinking perhaps neon pink backing with large black block font and signing it, "Your Friends at WS"!

What do you think?


I love it.

And that’s the kinds of stuff I’d like to do with a Jennifer Alert site. Among other things!!!!

Would that violate media gag orders?
Any “haunting feeling,” despite the Halloween season, gets my immediate attention. First time I read that from thekirbyfamily I got goose bumps all over...

Getting them again, although not as strong.

I think @thekirbyfamily got the spooks at 80MS. They also scoped out Deercliff but stated that it is actually more visible to neighboring properties and not quite as haunting as 80MS.
Here's the link to that post:
Silver Alert - CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #22
For me anywhere FD frequents seems creepy, and that includes Norwalk HD these days I guess! Would not want to cross paths with that guy...
I’m trying to recall where it came from that she had worked in equine therapy. Was it her profile in SM? And isn’t age 15 more akin to the age of a client/resident of a teen therapy centre than an employee/volunteer?

The only other thing I can find related to pre-adult years are various genealogy records that suggest her parents had four children - three girls (same names as her sisters) and a boy called Michael. No mention of Michelle. A mistake, probably.

Datos Genealógicos Página 273 (Páginas de Descendientes)

Family tree of Michael Troconis Arreaza

all deleted based on death of twin brother.[/QUOTE]
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BBM: exactly. Perhaps that is why she might think to return there (or someone suggested she go there) during this time of stress in her life. Although nearly all of what we've heard from MT thus far are lies, it is possible that in this case the GPS didn't work too well in a remote area and that was actually the reason for her return. MOO.

I don’t see MT giving a S*^* if her Ankle Bracelet didn’t work and certainly not the cause for her to go back to a Motel in CT to stew for the summer .

Look at FD , he had multiple warnings about his Ankle Bracelet not being charging and he didn’t give a S*^*.

Would MT be any different ?

Yes, I agree with you. We don't know what was said about this entire event in chambers but the fact that Colangelo didn't know MT had been back in CT for 3 weeks told me a lot about the sheer inefficiency of the communication between the bracelet monitors and the decision makers (Judge and Colangelo). It was all quite disappointing and I hope now that Colangelo is getting weekly (at a min.) reports.

If MT did head to the equine therapy facility in NY State I'm sad in a way that she didn't stay as she no doubt needed help and support from someone and the folks at that facility by all accounts work with children, teens and adults so might have been well positioned to assist MT who by all accounts looks to be a 'lost soul'. MT getting some counselling also might have facilitated the process of preparing her legal defence IMO as honestly MT continues to look and function like a zombie now nearly 4 months after her arrest.

Reading AW2 and her very basic almost rote like responses to very basic questions has me concerned that she is nowhere near being able to move forward with litigation. OF COURSE, it could all be an act and no different than the crocodile tears and tissue we saw at her last court appearance where her father was with her. I have zero sympathy for MT but if she isn't getting the psych help she needs to move forward with her defence then the entire case suffers IMO. Knowing the involvement of Mama A in the MT defence and the seeming inability of Atty B to complete a deal with the State for his client has me thinking that MT is putting on an act but its just not a very good one.

Exactly - that time. We saw when she was in court looking all fragile and weepy, but then, when it came time for her to sign something, she did it with strength and conviction.

I really think she's an actress through and through, and has always been one, in particular with men - perhaps some women see through it. I think Bowman has fallen for her act, too.
Now it’s going to sound like I’m obsessed with FD framing EE.... but can’t this be explained by FD
wanting - or at least not minding too much if - the bloody bags are found, because he has arranged for everything to point to EE.

Alternatively, maybe by the time they realised they forgot to bury the clothes, they were high
and not thinking clearly.
I agree that the EE connection to the narrative is fascinating and I am still struggling to fit the EE piece of the puzzle into the bigger picture though. It seems like
FD could still be seen in the car. I suppose he could have crouched down though. FD would had to have left 4JC before 5:30AM to get to Fairfield rest stop at 6:36. Has anything definitive been stated as to if MT took her daughter to school that day? Depending on the answer, I've always thought it possible she was in the Toyota waiting. I think that's as close as FD would let her get. Remember, she's a weak sister. Of course, also interesting in the AW is that the truck's journey isn't documented as starting at 4JC making it possible that the truck was parked somewhere else overnight. Oddly, except for the false alibi of the Greek phone call, FD seemed nearly oblivious to cameras or phone pings. He did of course want to go undetected to Welles Lane but I think that was more for the element of surprise. The AW also says the Suburban left Welles and FD was believed to be driving. I know that's a little on the fence but I think it's based on something. I think FD relied on the fact that he would never be connected to the red truck or that it would be picked up on cameras. Unbelievable. Maybe LE thinks they have enough proof that MT wasn't actually at WL. IMO.
We have no info on MT timeline for am 24th as any of the 'early' info such as the 'shower together' was part of the alibi script. It seems fairly clear that LE has been cutting MT slack through AW1 and 2 but I do wonder how much longer this 'slack' will be provided to MT and Atty B.? I also very much wonder why MT was not charged with lying to LE in AW2 in addition to the other charges. At what point is 'enough' really 'enough' from MT? MOO
Exactly - that time. We saw when she was in court looking all fragile and weepy, but then, when it came time for her to sign something, she did it with strength and conviction.

I really think she's an actress through and through, and has always been one, in particular with men - perhaps some women see through it. I think Bowman has fallen for her act, too.
I agree the 'MT act' has been most likely ongoing. It looks likely that Atty B. let MT lie for over 2 months and this really surprised me as I would have thought he might have checked the story so that he looked like he was operating in good faith with LE. Right now, Atty B has lost credibility and MT looks like an unrepentant liar based on AW2. Sadly I expected more of Atty B and I didn't expect him to simply be a stooge but IMO he has looked like he is just going through the motions and isn't driving the bus for lack of a better expression.

Its almost as if everyone, including Atty B, are waiting for MT to 'wake up' but it doesn't seem to be happening and while she isn't the brightest bulb in the chandelier you would think at some point it would make it through the the first person in with a deal does well. IDK, seems like she is sticking with whatever plan FD put in place but I do think that given the limited/non existent alternative theories presented by Atty. P. thus far that its just a matter of time before they put MT's head on a stake and offer her up as an alternative theory of some sort.

At a certain point the State will simply move on and leave MT by the wayside and I do very much wonder if this has already happened? MOO
Exactly - that time. We saw when she was in court looking all fragile and weepy, but then, when it came time for her to sign something, she did it with strength and conviction.

I really think she's an actress through and through, and has always been one, in particular with men - perhaps some women see through it. I think Bowman has fallen for her act, too.

MT is not a girl’s girl ,
She’s a guy’s girl.

No Man is off limits .
Yes, I agree with you. We don't know what was said about this entire event in chambers but the fact that Colangelo didn't know MT had been back in CT for 3 weeks told me a lot about the sheer inefficiency of the communication between the bracelet monitors and the decision makers (Judge and Colangelo). It was all quite disappointing and I hope now that Colangelo is getting weekly (at a min.) reports.

If MT did head to the equine therapy facility in NY State I'm sad in a way that she didn't stay as she no doubt needed help and support from someone and the folks at that facility by all accounts work with children, teens and adults so might have been well positioned to assist MT who by all accounts looks to be a 'lost soul'. MT getting some counselling also might have facilitated the process of preparing her legal defence IMO as honestly MT continues to look and function like a zombie now nearly 4 months after her arrest.

Reading AW2 and her very basic almost rote like responses to very basic questions has me concerned that she is nowhere near being able to move forward with litigation. OF COURSE, it could all be an act and no different than the crocodile tears and tissue we saw at her last court appearance where her father was with her. I have zero sympathy for MT but if she isn't getting the psych help she needs to move forward with her defence then the entire case suffers IMO. Knowing the involvement of Mama A in the MT defence and the seeming inability of Atty B to complete a deal with the State for his client has me thinking that MT is putting on an act but its just not a very good one.


don’t know why I didn’t think about this:
DR. T is an MD. Presumably able to write prescriptions. Just don’t know if he’s licensed in Ct. or close enough to get it filled.
My best guess, he’d refer MT to psychiatrist friend for drug treatment with no questions asked about background situation. Zombie could be sedative, anti depressants. Could be stress. Could be normal for her.
I’m not a Dr. so cannot EVEN make an educated guess other than to say all kinds of drugs produce different responses in different people. Stress can kill you. No telling why MT looks like she does. Could be any number of reasons.

On another note, I am truly sorry the family lost MT twin brother, Michael.

With no comments comparing that loss to Jennifer loss.

Any loss of a child is devastating. God rest both their souls. God help both their families. God help us all.
I agree the 'MT act' has been most likely ongoing. It looks likely that Atty B. let MT lie for over 2 months and this really surprised me as I would have thought he might have checked the story so that he looked like he was operating in good faith with LE. Right now, Atty B has lost credibility and MT looks like an unrepentant liar based on AW2. At a certain point the State will simply move on and leave MT by the wayside and I do very much wonder if this has already happened? MOO
<At a certain point the State will simply move on and leave MT by the wayside and I do very much wonder if this has already happened?>

It seems that way - that they've given up on her. They've certainly bent over backwards for, shown her preferential treatment, in hopes, apparently, that she'd tell the truth.

So - she'll likely be doing massive amounts of "time" - and I don't mean skiing - even if (this went through my head with my earlier post) AW3 will be SO powerful it'll blow her away; she will desperately WANT to tell the truth, knowing it's her only hope.

But at that point, it's too late.

<Its almost as if everyone, including Atty B, are waiting for MT to 'wake up' but it doesn't seem to be happening and while she isn't the brightest bulb in the chandelier you would think at some point it would make it through the the first person in with a deal does well. IDK, seems like she is sticking with whatever plan FD put in place but I do think that given the limited/non existent alternative theories presented by Atty. P. thus far that its just a matter of time before they put MT's head on a stake and offer her up as an alternative theory of some sort.>
That's why I think FD knows something about her, has something HUGE on her - financial/drugs, something that would cause her to instantly lose custody of her daughter - and it's clouding her judgement, making her freeze. There is not likely ANYTHING he could know that would be more important than the help it would be for her to speak up now about anything she knows that would help LE.

ETA second paragraph from Afitzy's updated quote, hadn't seen it earlier, and edited last paragraph
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