Silver Alert CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #34

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13. Mr. Dulos intends to seek access to his children in the Juvenile or Probate Court and is prepared for a full evidentiary hearing in support of the same.

Really? Is this a joke? Its almost as if its April Fool's Day in January! What possible evidence exists to support Fd even having a 2 min supervised phone call with his children at this point in time? My guess is NONE! But, this is Pattisville and the 4 ring circus has to be keep in full motion so we will no doubt be treated to some display about how Fd 'loves his children and misses them'.

The other hilarious line of the motion was:

1. Mr. Dulos is the loving father of five children.

Really? What evidence could possibly exist to support such a falsehood being made here by Atty Rochlin?

I know Fd leads a busy life, but I'm a bit baffled by Fd not showing up for the Probate Hearing. If this evidence of a 'loving father of 5 children'? Not sure how that will play in terms of the fact pattern in existence first in Family Court and then in Probate Court? Why give that opportunity a total miss and head right to Juvenile Court? Perhaps Fd was simply too tired that day and chose to sleep in vs driving down to New Canaan? IDK.

It's also hard to take this ongoing tormenting of GF at all seriously given what is known about Fd as a person and as a father. Overall IMO the situation is a farce and the situation enters the land of sheer lunacy too IMO when further charges are eventually brought by the State relating to the JFd disappearance and assumed murder by MT and Fd. I'm not even sure more charges are necessary given the significant risks involved with Fd having any access to the children until the investigation into their mother disappearance and presumed murder is completed. How could Pattisville think otherwise? I fail to understand how Atty Rochlin in particular thinks anything being proposed here by Fd represents a good idea relative to the emotional health of the 5 children? Will the argument be raised that 'even murderers' should have access to their children? Not sure even that argument would fly in CT!

I realize we have seen deficiencies (many) in the CT Court system since this tragic case started, but what Judge will run the risk of any harm (physical and emotional) being inflicted on the 5 Dulos children until there is clarity on the criminal case? If Fd were a worthy father and worthy human being that had a long track record as an involved and loving parent then perhaps a supervised phone call might be arranged. BUT, Fd has no track record as an actively involved or caring parent and instead has a long file in Family Court that shares precisely how much he cares about the emotional well being of his children.

IMO the Family Court files around the entire issue of Fd asking his sons (oldest son in particular) to lie on his behalf regarding MT and her daughter was probably one of the most chilling reads regarding psychological abuse of an already traumatised and near suicidal child that I've read in a long time. I've asked many times here if the Greek Family Grifters have read through the Family Court file to see the psychological damage intentionally inflicted by Fd on his son and how the psychologist involved was so concerned that he recommended referral of the matter to CPS. Per usual on this situation, GAL Meehan dropped the ball and the referral didn't happen but the idea that a situation could be so severe that a referral of this nature was demanded is telling IMO. JFd must have been losing it during this time period too as she was taking care of the other children while watching one of her children going off the rails. I think if I had to point to one thing that Judge Heller and GAL Meehan failed miserably at in the Family Court case (this is a tough ask!) it had to be simply not adequately protecting the emotional health of the children and the oldest son in particular. My only point in bringing this up was that Fd was indifferent to the situation by all accounts and didn't understand the severity of mental health issues as hand.

Does any of this sound like a loving and caring father who should have any access to his children? Nope IMO.

The ongoing attempts of Pattisville and Atty Rochlin to shift the narrative of the Family Court Divorce Action to include the idea that "things were moving in Fd's direction" and "Fd was winning in Family Court" based on the tossed and SEALED psych report is yet another laughable event IMO. Yet, Team Pattisville keeps bringing up the same issue over and over. No doubt they are trying this feeble narrative shift attempt on the Divorce to address the issue of "MOTIVE" in the Criminal Case but the facts to support the narrative shift simply don't exist.

It's telling IMO that even after Atty P. leaked the stolen psych report to the Press that nobody believed that Fd had the upper hand in Family Court. Judge Heller put a nail in this entire attempt by tossing the report and then sealing the disgraced report. BUT, this fact still doesn't stop Pattisville from making statements about Fd 'winning' in Family Court and irresponsible reposters such as Dave Altimari of the Hartford Courant from reporting statements made by Pattisville without independently verifying the information. Not once have I seen Dave Altimari or any reporter for that matter make the qualification around the psych report to say that the information is the OPINION of Pattisville etc. Its reporting opinions as facts which IMO totally discredits Dave Altimari on this case as I believe it is absolutely irresponsible and highly misleading to the public.

The reality is that the Family Court action was NOT moving in a favourable direction for Fd at the time of JFd disappearance and to say otherwise is simply factually untrue. Personally I believe Judge Heller did next to nothing well in her handling of the Family Court (certainly nothing to safeguard the physical safety of JFd) matter BUT I do believe she has the basic analytical skills to summarise the situation of Dulos v. Dulos well and she did it with precision IMO in the order awarding custody to GF.

Fd is no poster child for 'father of the year' and in fact his record in Family Court puts him clearly into the 'monster' category IMO. Then, you toss in the 'dead beat dad' financial non participation in his children's lives with the 'temper tantrum' for 10 months of no visitation because he 'respectfully disagreed with Judge Heller about MT' and there is no logical way any Judge (even one in CT with is particularly low and law standards IMO) would allow Fd anywhere near the children particularly given the ongoing criminal investigation and his at a minimum being seen on CCTV on Albany Ave disposing of bloody items belonging to JFd.

At the time of JFd disappearance Fd had supervised and structured visitation and hadn't been permitted to be alone with his children since the early days of the divorce action starting in 2017. Fd is the same person today as he always has been and the person he has always been has been fully documented in Family Court files IMO.

Getting back to where I started here and the claim by Pattisville that they will present evidence to support their request for Fd to have access to his children. I would really wonder what possible evidentiary materials would be presented by Fd and Pattisville Patsy Atty Rochlin to support any kind of contact for Fd? I'm not even addressing the Greek Family Grifters in this matter as they are simply irrelevant people that live far away and have never been a factor in children's lives IMO based on everything we know. I wonder if pictures of these people were shown to the youngest children whether they would even know who they were? My guess is that if the youngest saw a picture of Fd 'sister' today that they would shake their head and ask, "Is Nana Dulos back"? Entire situation is ridiculous but also painful because it sadly has zero to do with what is best for the children. I'd call it all shameful but I'm not sure shame is a topic understood by Fd and certainly not the Greek Family Grifters.

Happy New Year's to ALL Here!

I tried to take a bit of a break for the Holiday's but honestly could not resist one last laugh for the year based on the Atty Rochlin recent motion for Fd getting access to his children:

13. Mr. Dulos intends to seek access to his children in the Juvenile or Probate Court and is prepared for a full evidentiary hearing in support of the same.

Really? Is this a joke? Its almost as if its April Fool's Day in January! What possible evidence exists to support Fd even having a 2 min supervised phone call with his children at this point in time? My guess is NONE! But, this is Pattisville and the 4 ring circus has to be keep in full motion so we will no doubt be treated to some display about how Fd 'loves his children and misses them'.

The other hilarious line of the motion was:

1. Mr. Dulos is the loving father of five children.

Really? What evidence could possibly exist to support such a falsehood being made here by Atty Rochlin?

I know Fd leads a busy life, but I'm a bit baffled by Fd not showing up for the Probate Hearing. If this evidence of a 'loving father of 5 children'? Not sure how that will play in terms of the fact pattern in existence first in Family Court and then in Probate Court? Why give that opportunity a total miss and head right to Juvenile Court? Perhaps Fd was simply too tired that day and chose to sleep in vs driving down to New Canaan? IDK.

It's also hard to take this ongoing tormenting of GF at all seriously given what is known about Fd as a person and as a father. Overall IMO the situation is a farce and the situation enters the land of sheer lunacy too IMO when further charges are eventually brought by the State relating to the JFd disappearance and assumed murder by MT and Fd. I'm not even sure more charges are necessary given the significant risks involved with Fd having any access to the children until the investigation into their mother disappearance and presumed murder is completed. How could Pattisville think otherwise? I fail to understand how Atty Rochlin in particular thinks anything being proposed here by Fd represents a good idea relative to the emotional health of the 5 children? Will the argument be raised that 'even murderers' should have access to their children? Not sure even that argument would fly in CT!

I realize we have seen deficiencies (many) in the CT Court system since this tragic case started, but what Judge will run the risk of any harm (physical and emotional) being inflicted on the 5 Dulos children until there is clarity on the criminal case? If Fd were a worthy father and worthy human being that had a long track record as an involved and loving parent then perhaps a supervised phone call might be arranged. BUT, Fd has no track record as an actively involved or caring parent and instead has a long file in Family Court that shares precisely how much he cares about the emotional well being of his children.

IMO the Family Court files around the entire issue of Fd asking his sons (oldest son in particular) to lie on his behalf regarding MT and her daughter was probably one of the most chilling reads regarding psychological abuse of an already traumatised and near suicidal child that I've read in a long time. I've asked many times here if the Greek Family Grifters have read through the Family Court file to see the psychological damage intentionally inflicted by Fd on his son and how the psychologist involved was so concerned that he recommended referral of the matter to CPS. Per usual on this situation, GAL Meehan dropped the ball and the referral didn't happen but the idea that a situation could be so severe that a referral of this nature was demanded is telling IMO. JFd must have been losing it during this time period too as she was taking care of the other children while watching one of her children going off the rails. I think if I had to point to one thing that Judge Heller and GAL Meehan failed miserably at in the Family Court case (this is a tough ask!) it had to be simply not adequately protecting the emotional health of the children and the oldest son in particular. My only point in bringing this up was that Fd was indifferent to the situation by all accounts and didn't understand the severity of mental health issues as hand.

Does any of this sound like a loving and caring father who should have any access to his children? Nope IMO.

The ongoing attempts of Pattisville and Atty Rochlin to shift the narrative of the Family Court Divorce Action to include the idea that "things were moving in Fd's direction" and "Fd was winning in Family Court" based on the tossed and SEALED psych report is yet another laughable event IMO. Yet, Team Pattisville keeps bringing up the same issue over and over. No doubt they are trying this feeble narrative shift attempt on the Divorce to address the issue of "MOTIVE" in the Criminal Case but the facts to support the narrative shift simply don't exist.

It's telling IMO that even after Atty P. leaked the stolen psych report to the Press that nobody believed that Fd had the upper hand in Family Court. Judge Heller put a nail in this entire attempt by tossing the report and then sealing the disgraced report. BUT, this fact still doesn't stop Pattisville from making statements about Fd 'winning' in Family Court and irresponsible reposters such as Dave Altimari of the Hartford Courant from reporting statements made by Pattisville without independently verifying the information. Not once have I seen Dave Altimari or any reporter for that matter make the qualification around the psych report to say that the information is the OPINION of Pattisville etc. Its reporting opinions as facts which IMO totally discredits Dave Altimari on this case as I believe it is absolutely irresponsible and highly misleading to the public.

The reality is that the Family Court action was NOT moving in a favourable direction for Fd at the time of JFd disappearance and to say otherwise is simply factually untrue. Personally I believe Judge Heller did next to nothing well in her handling of the Family Court (certainly nothing to safeguard the physical safety of JFd) matter BUT I do believe she has the basic analytical skills to summarise the situation of Dulos v. Dulos well and she did it with precision IMO in the order awarding custody to GF.

Fd is no poster child for 'father of the year' and in fact his record in Family Court puts him clearly into the 'monster' category IMO. Then, you toss in the 'dead beat dad' financial non participation in his children's lives with the 'temper tantrum' for 10 months of no visitation because he 'respectfully disagreed with Judge Heller about MT' and there is no logical way any Judge (even one in CT with is particularly low and law standards IMO) would allow Fd anywhere near the children particularly given the ongoing criminal investigation and his at a minimum being seen on CCTV on Albany Ave disposing of bloody items belonging to JFd.

At the time of JFd disappearance Fd had supervised and structured visitation and hadn't been permitted to be alone with his children since the early days of the divorce action starting in 2017. Fd is the same person today as he always has been and the person he has always been has been fully documented in Family Court files IMO.

Getting back to where I started here and the claim by Pattisville that they will present evidence to support their request for Fd to have access to his children. I would really wonder what possible evidentiary materials would be presented by Fd and Pattisville Patsy Atty Rochlin to support any kind of contact for Fd? I'm not even addressing the Greek Family Grifters in this matter as they are simply irrelevant people that live far away and have never been a factor in children's lives IMO based on everything we know. I wonder if pictures of these people were shown to the youngest children whether they would even know who they were? My guess is that if the youngest saw a picture of Fd 'sister' today that they would shake their head and ask, "Is Nana Dulos back"? Entire situation is ridiculous but also painful because it sadly has zero to do with what is best for the children. I'd call it all shameful but I'm not sure shame is a topic understood by Fd and certainly not the Greek Family Grifters.

***** All of this ^, but especially this:

"It's also hard to take this ongoing tormenting of GF at all seriously given what is known about Fd as a person and as a father. Overall IMO the situation is a farce and the situation enters the land of sheer lunacy too IMO when further charges are eventually brought by the State relating to the JFd disappearance and assumed murder by MT and Fd. I'm not even sure more charges are necessary given the significant risks involved with Fd having any access to the children until the investigation into their mother disappearance and presumed murder is completed. How could Pattisville think otherwise? I fail to understand how Atty Rochlin in particular thinks anything being proposed here by Fd represents a good idea relative to the emotional health of the 5 children? Will the argument be raised that 'even murderers' should have access to their children? Not sure even that argument would fly in CT!

I realize we have seen deficiencies (many) in the CT Court system since this tragic case started, but what Judge will run the risk of any harm (physical and emotional) being inflicted on the 5 Dulos children until there is clarity on the criminal case? If Fd were a worthy father and worthy human being that had a long track record as an involved and loving parent then perhaps a supervised phone call might be arranged. BUT, Fd has no track record as an actively involved or caring parent and instead has a long file in Family Court that shares precisely how much he cares about the emotional well being of his children."

Fotis Dulos has never shown concern for the physical, health, educational or financial wellbeing of the children, that much is known.

But he also has outright abused them emotionally - not just with the ongoing court case and attacking their main caregiver and all the stress that entails - but by creating and publicly flaunting a lie that claims that their own mother abandoned them, meanwhile knowing full well what happened to her. There is no more despicable abuse than that.
Jennifer Dulos’ attorney wants Fotis to pay his legal fees
An attorney representing Jennifer Dulos in her acrimonious two-year divorce is seeking legal fees to cover the cost of the recent motions filed by her estranged husband who has been charged in her disappearance.
Attorney Ruben Midler, representing Jennifer Dulos, has responded by requesting Fotis Dulos to pay for all of his legal fees and costs associated with Rochlin’s motion.

Midler contends in the court documents that Fotis Dulos is paying several attorneys and a private investigator in the various civil, foreclosure and criminal cases filed against him with “foreign” money, possibly from Greece, and could be trying to “dissipate” martial assets against court orders.
Midler wants a judge to require Fotis Dulos to pay for the cost of depositions and any other legal fees related to defending the dismissal and the guardianship in juvenile court or any future motions filed by Rochlin in the divorce.
Rochlin is seeking to have the divorce dismissed because the disappearance has stalled proceedings. If the divorce is dismissed, it would pave the way for one judge to rule on custody issues instead of the three who have been overseeing the probate, criminal and divorce cases.

The custody battle will be the subject of a hearing in Stamford juvenile court on Jan. 9 — the same day Fotis Dulos is scheduled to appear at the courthouse for his next pretrial hearing on the criminal charges related to his estranged wife’s disappearance.

Rochlin said his client plans to seek access to the children when his appeal of the guardianship is heard next week.
Jennifer Dulos’ attorney wants Fotis to pay his legal fees
Rochlin is seeking to have the divorce dismissed because the disappearance has stalled proceedings. If the divorce is dismissed, it would pave the way for one judge to rule on custody issues instead of the three who have been overseeing the probate, criminal and divorce cases.
The custody battle will be the subject of a hearing in Stamford juvenile court on Jan. 9 — the same day Fotis Dulos is scheduled to appear at the courthouse for his next pretrial hearing on the criminal charges related to his estranged wife’s disappearance.
Rochlin said his client plans to seek access to the children when his appeal of the guardianship is heard next week.
RSBM: I don't really see how dismissal of the divorce changes anything as far as the children. By law, guardianship goes thru Probate and is then appealed to Juvenile. That's how it's gonna be, IMO. FD can't ask for anything in the dismissal, not that he won't try. Just for the divorce to go away. Custody issue is already in the proper venue. I am still wondering if the true underlying motive to dismiss is something other than the children. Like perhaps he WILL pursue Divorce by Publication and that would somehow be advantageous in a way we haven't figured out. JMO.
Does "unable to consult with," under Rule 1.4, make a distinction between willful avoidance (er, sounds like FD's MO) and "not able"?
Hehehe. The statute only addresses a plaintiff in an action. The courts do distinguish between a valid reason such as an attorney who has become gravely ill for instance and simply not following thru on a case. The court has wide discretion on the time frame in which they will dismiss. I am wondering why it is important to JD attorney that the case remain ongoing. I also wonder that by FD filing the motion to dismiss, thus forcing JD attorney to respond without having benefit of being able to consult with her, whether that fact alone justifies dismissal. I suppose the judge could set a time frame where if JD is not heard from, then it will be dismissed. Despite the criminal charges and despite the fact that intellectually everyone knows JD is not coming back, I don't think the court can take that point of view definitively. JMO.
RSBM: I don't really see how dismissal of the divorce changes anything as far as the children. By law, guardianship goes thru Probate and is then appealed to Juvenile. That's how it's gonna be, IMO. FD can't ask for anything in the dismissal, not that he won't try. Just for the divorce to go away. Custody issue is already in the proper venue. I am still wondering if the true underlying motive to dismiss is something other than the children. Like perhaps he WILL pursue Divorce by Publication and that would somehow be advantageous in a way we haven't figured out. JMO.
do you think this has anything to do with it

"Moreover, the court may not order alimony, child support or division of property outside of Connecticut unless the missing spouse is personally served or receives notice by mail. However, if the missing spouse is served by publication and enters a response, the court can "enter the full range of orders."
Among the MANY issues facing the wee Fd is the foreclosure on the NC property. Can anyone explain what the following motions might mean?
00.30 12/10/2019 P RETURN OF SERVICE

Fd seems to just shrug off these motions and isn't responding???? MOO...IMO
Among the MANY issues facing the wee Fd is the foreclosure on the NC property. Can anyone explain what the following motions might mean?
00.30 12/10/2019 P RETURN OF SERVICE

Fd seems to just shrug off these motions and isn't responding???? MOO...IMO

THanks, Tink56!!!

Perhaps this is the Court ready to pounce? Interesting that the Greek affiant was served at least 3 ways!

We'll help with the eviction.

And with searching the house afterwards.

And with refitting as our WS DV shelter, Jennifer's Home.

JMHO YMMV praying the courts' LRR is over JMHO
Midler contends in the court documents that Fotis Dulos is paying several attorneys and a private investigator in the various civil, foreclosure and criminal cases filed against him with “foreign” money, possibly from Greece, and could be trying to “dissipate” martial assets against court orders.

2020 is HERE! May it bring happiness and good health to all here and Justice for Jennifer!

In responding to @sds71 post about Atty Midler getting paid all I have to say is "good luck"!

BUT, what I find fascinating about the ongoing behaviour of the attorneys in this tragic case is how they all consistently do such a wonderful job of looking out for themselves YET rarely do much unless prompted to look out for the interests of 5 Dulos children IMO or Jennifer Dulos. Its a consistent theme we have seen and here IMO we are seeing it from Atty Midler. Jennifer Dulos no doubt has given millions to Atty Midler in fees for his unsuccessful services and YET he cannot be bothered to safeguard her financial interests in her absence on behalf of her children?????

Yet, Atty Midler is clearly interested in getting paid? Yep, can't fault him for that but some creative lawyering is needed to safeguard the financial interests of Jennifer Dulos and the best he can come up with is a throwaway line in a motion where he is asking to get paid? My guess is is might have done it only to protect himself from subsequent suit for not acting in the best interests of his missing client! I hate thinking like this but its incredible that a person can go missing and their assets can be possibly ransacked and its all ok?

Why is Fd not subject to compliance with Judge Heller's prior orders regarding marital assets? Why did Judge Heller simply not freeze all the marital assets when Jennifer Dulos went missing? Judge Heller knows who/what Fd is all about and what would no doubt happen to the assets yet SHE DOES NOTHING and doesn't even enforce her prior orders. WHY?

Atty Midler brings up a point that IMO is critically important, namely the allegation that Fd, "...could be trying to "dissipate" martial assets against court orders". Does Atty Midler DO ANYTHING in Family Court to perhaps ask the Court to investigate the matter? NO, he doesn't. Does Atty Midler make any suggestion to the Court that perhaps ALL OF Fd and FORE ASSETS SHOULD BE IMMEDIATELY FROZEN PENDING clarification of status of marital assets or any funds held in the name of the 5 Dulos children. NO, he doesn't.

I realize Atty Midlers legal standing in Family Court is an issue as his client is not able to speak for herself. BUT, I do very much wonder about Atty Midler as he obviously felt strongly about the issue of Fd undertaking most likely illegal activities to "dissipate" martial assets AGAINST COURT ORDERS enough to include the language in his motion seeking to get paid.

Can Atty Midler as an officer of the court and concerned professional who is no doubt privy to extensive information about how much Jennifer Dulos cared about her 5 children, file a motion as an Officer of the Court on behalf of the 5 Dulos children to safeguard the marital assets from the activities of Fd and no doubt also the Greek Grifters?

SHOUTOUT TO JUDGE HELLER or Senior Judges in charge of Family Court in CT! Where is Connecticut State Attorney General William Morten Tong?

I know the legal issues surrounding the situation in Family Court are a bit murky due to JFd disappearance but Judge Heller by all accounts has it seems exited stage left and/or been hiding under her desk as it seems Fd has been unsupervised by the Court as it relates to marital assets. Yet again, it seems Fd is skirting a situation where supervision by the lax Family Court and a non involved Judge Heller seems to be doing nothing to even impose compliance with her prior rulings. Given that the Family Court case hasn't been dismissed yet I would think that Judge Heller might be interested in at least making sure her prior orders have been complied with by Fd, but it appears this might not be the case.

Not much about Judge Heller or Family Court would surprise me at this point. BUT, I have to say that given the circumstances of this case (Plaintiff vanishes off the face of the earth leaving 5 children behind) and the high visibility of this case that Judge Heller or someone else in the CT Judiciary might have stayed on top of the orders in place to safeguard the marital assets and PROTECT THE INTERESTS OF MISSING JENNIFER DULOS.

Unbelievable that the possibly exists that Fd could financially ransack marital assets with ZERO consequences all because Judge Heller chooses to do nothing to protect the interests of a vanished Plaintiff in one of her most contentious cases.

Does Judge Heller at all care or see a role of ANY KIND here to look after the interests of a Plaintiff in her court? Or, if she sees no obligation to look out for the interests of a Plaintiff in her Court then how about making sure that until the case status is resolved that ORDERS IN HER COURT REGARDING MARITAL ASSETS ARE AT LEAST COMPLIED WITH?

I hesitate to use the word negligence here but it certainly seems like Judge Heller simply melted away in terms of oversight of the Dulos v Dulos case and not one of her supervisors thought to question whether lack of oversight of Fd might have unintended consequences.

Its all quite mind blowing.

CT doesn't so far as I know have Victims Rights Advocates as part of the process of going missing or being involved with a violent crime and being unable to advocate on your own behalf.


I guess if Judge Heller isn't doing anything in Family Court then I would have to ask that the States Atty General or perhaps State Atty Colangelo step in to make sure that the financial interests of Jennifer Dulos are safeguarded in Family Court and that Fd cannot simply take everything that is not nailed down and continues to comply with Judge Hellers financial orders.

Perhaps a blanket asset freeze of Fd and FORE assets might be instituted by States Atty Colangelo as well such that at least assets can be protected until the status of Jennifer Dulos is legally defined.

Its shocking that missing people who cannot advocate for themselves are not protected by the State.

If what Atty Midler alleges about Fd dissipating "martial assets" is true (at a minimum the State should investigate the situation IMO) then this is absolutely SHAMEFUL behaviour on the part of the State of CT.

Simply no more words on this topic as its mind blowing to me that this would even be an issue. No wonder Pattisville is seeking dissolution of the divorce as then these assets (unless otherwise direct via a will or trust I guess) would be in the hands of Fd and so available to pay Pattisville legal bills.


Last edited:
Attorney: Jennifer Dulos’ mother a victim of ‘trial by ambush’
Fotis Dulos is committing “trial by ambush” by claiming — weeks after a civil trial ended — that his estranged wife’s family owes him $1 million, his mother-in-law’s attorney said.
“This action was tried to the court without any claim pending against the plaintiff (Farber) to allow defendants to now, after trial, assert a new counterclaim where no claims had previously been pleaded against (the) plaintiff would be counter to all notions of equity and fairness,” Weinstein said.

HOW do they keep getting away with this kind of behavior? I don’t understand it. MOO.
Among the MANY issues facing the wee Fd is the foreclosure on the NC property. Can anyone explain what the following motions might mean?
00.30 12/10/2019 P RETURN OF SERVICE

Fd seems to just shrug off these motions and isn't responding???? MOO...IMO
Did anyone else notice the additional information in the Return of Service regarding Fd "Good Buddy" Yannis and the clear identification of Yannis with Pot Pan Food Masters? A simple google search will bring up any number of 'interesting' articles about Pot Pan Food Masters for those that might be interested.

Oh what a tangled web is being woven here IMO. Wonder if its the complexity of the web here that is taking extra time to bring additional criminal charges?

I do wonder why the State Of CT is not simply freezing the assets of FORE and Fd and having an independent liquidator appointed to safeguard the interests of people and institutions that lent money to Fd and FORE in good faith but aren't IMO being subjected to good faith behaviour by Fd and FORE?


Happy New Year's to ALL Here!

I tried to take a bit of a break for the Holiday's but honestly could not resist one last laugh for the year based on the Atty Rochlin recent motion for Fd getting access to his children:

13. Mr. Dulos intends to seek access to his children in the Juvenile or Probate Court and is prepared for a full evidentiary hearing in support of the same.

Really? Is this a joke? Its almost as if its April Fool's Day in January! What possible evidence exists to support Fd even having a 2 min supervised phone call with his children at this point in time? My guess is NONE! But, this is Pattisville and the 4 ring circus has to be keep in full motion so we will no doubt be treated to some display about how Fd 'loves his children and misses them'.

The other hilarious line of the motion was:

1. Mr. Dulos is the loving father of five children.

Really? What evidence could possibly exist to support such a falsehood being made here by Atty Rochlin?

I know Fd leads a busy life, but I'm a bit baffled by Fd not showing up for the Probate Hearing. If this evidence of a 'loving father of 5 children'? Not sure how that will play in terms of the fact pattern in existence first in Family Court and then in Probate Court? Why give that opportunity a total miss and head right to Juvenile Court? Perhaps Fd was simply too tired that day and chose to sleep in vs driving down to New Canaan? IDK.

It's also hard to take this ongoing tormenting of GF at all seriously given what is known about Fd as a person and as a father. Overall IMO the situation is a farce and the situation enters the land of sheer lunacy too IMO when further charges are eventually brought by the State relating to the JFd disappearance and assumed murder by MT and Fd. I'm not even sure more charges are necessary given the significant risks involved with Fd having any access to the children until the investigation into their mother disappearance and presumed murder is completed. How could Pattisville think otherwise? I fail to understand how Atty Rochlin in particular thinks anything being proposed here by Fd represents a good idea relative to the emotional health of the 5 children? Will the argument be raised that 'even murderers' should have access to their children? Not sure even that argument would fly in CT!

I realize we have seen deficiencies (many) in the CT Court system since this tragic case started, but what Judge will run the risk of any harm (physical and emotional) being inflicted on the 5 Dulos children until there is clarity on the criminal case? If Fd were a worthy father and worthy human being that had a long track record as an involved and loving parent then perhaps a supervised phone call might be arranged. BUT, Fd has no track record as an actively involved or caring parent and instead has a long file in Family Court that shares precisely how much he cares about the emotional well being of his children.

IMO the Family Court files around the entire issue of Fd asking his sons (oldest son in particular) to lie on his behalf regarding MT and her daughter was probably one of the most chilling reads regarding psychological abuse of an already traumatised and near suicidal child that I've read in a long time. I've asked many times here if the Greek Family Grifters have read through the Family Court file to see the psychological damage intentionally inflicted by Fd on his son and how the psychologist involved was so concerned that he recommended referral of the matter to CPS. Per usual on this situation, GAL Meehan dropped the ball and the referral didn't happen but the idea that a situation could be so severe that a referral of this nature was demanded is telling IMO. JFd must have been losing it during this time period too as she was taking care of the other children while watching one of her children going off the rails. I think if I had to point to one thing that Judge Heller and GAL Meehan failed miserably at in the Family Court case (this is a tough ask!) it had to be simply not adequately protecting the emotional health of the children and the oldest son in particular. My only point in bringing this up was that Fd was indifferent to the situation by all accounts and didn't understand the severity of mental health issues as hand.

Does any of this sound like a loving and caring father who should have any access to his children? Nope IMO.

The ongoing attempts of Pattisville and Atty Rochlin to shift the narrative of the Family Court Divorce Action to include the idea that "things were moving in Fd's direction" and "Fd was winning in Family Court" based on the tossed and SEALED psych report is yet another laughable event IMO. Yet, Team Pattisville keeps bringing up the same issue over and over. No doubt they are trying this feeble narrative shift attempt on the Divorce to address the issue of "MOTIVE" in the Criminal Case but the facts to support the narrative shift simply don't exist.

It's telling IMO that even after Atty P. leaked the stolen psych report to the Press that nobody believed that Fd had the upper hand in Family Court. Judge Heller put a nail in this entire attempt by tossing the report and then sealing the disgraced report. BUT, this fact still doesn't stop Pattisville from making statements about Fd 'winning' in Family Court and irresponsible reposters such as Dave Altimari of the Hartford Courant from reporting statements made by Pattisville without independently verifying the information. Not once have I seen Dave Altimari or any reporter for that matter make the qualification around the psych report to say that the information is the OPINION of Pattisville etc. Its reporting opinions as facts which IMO totally discredits Dave Altimari on this case as I believe it is absolutely irresponsible and highly misleading to the public.

The reality is that the Family Court action was NOT moving in a favourable direction for Fd at the time of JFd disappearance and to say otherwise is simply factually untrue. Personally I believe Judge Heller did next to nothing well in her handling of the Family Court (certainly nothing to safeguard the physical safety of JFd) matter BUT I do believe she has the basic analytical skills to summarise the situation of Dulos v. Dulos well and she did it with precision IMO in the order awarding custody to GF.

Fd is no poster child for 'father of the year' and in fact his record in Family Court puts him clearly into the 'monster' category IMO. Then, you toss in the 'dead beat dad' financial non participation in his children's lives with the 'temper tantrum' for 10 months of no visitation because he 'respectfully disagreed with Judge Heller about MT' and there is no logical way any Judge (even one in CT with is particularly low and law standards IMO) would allow Fd anywhere near the children particularly given the ongoing criminal investigation and his at a minimum being seen on CCTV on Albany Ave disposing of bloody items belonging to JFd.

At the time of JFd disappearance Fd had supervised and structured visitation and hadn't been permitted to be alone with his children since the early days of the divorce action starting in 2017. Fd is the same person today as he always has been and the person he has always been has been fully documented in Family Court files IMO.

Getting back to where I started here and the claim by Pattisville that they will present evidence to support their request for Fd to have access to his children. I would really wonder what possible evidentiary materials would be presented by Fd and Pattisville Patsy Atty Rochlin to support any kind of contact for Fd? I'm not even addressing the Greek Family Grifters in this matter as they are simply irrelevant people that live far away and have never been a factor in children's lives IMO based on everything we know. I wonder if pictures of these people were shown to the youngest children whether they would even know who they were? My guess is that if the youngest saw a picture of Fd 'sister' today that they would shake their head and ask, "Is Nana Dulos back"? Entire situation is ridiculous but also painful because it sadly has zero to do with what is best for the children. I'd call it all shameful but I'm not sure shame is a topic understood by Fd and certainly not the Greek Family Grifters.


As always, you said it all here. It’s ludicrous! I completely agree that Fd et al don’t have shame; this whole attitude and pervasive behaviors of theirs (again, as evidenced by what we SEE and HEAR from THEM, not what anyone else tells us) remind me of the view I thought was antiquated in the United States at least that children are there to enrich and benefit the parents, such as, in a far more understandable practice, when people who survived as farmers in the old days saw children as extra hands to work. Please know that I am not disparaging farmers or others who need this familial cooperation; many of my relatives grew up this way with some treated better than others were. The difference is the attitude and the issue of entitlement; it’s as if Fd and company feel that the sole purpose of these poor kids is to enrich them and they don’t mind treating them badly and cruelly such as with lies about their mother! I’ll tell you what it reminds me of, too; where I live, there are many farmers and all those I know treat their animals decently as in they don’t have their animals cowering in fear that I’ve ever seen. They still depend on the animals for their livelihoods but they don’t abuse the animals callously as far as I have seen. Another group of people near here also depends on their animals for their livelihoods including running puppy mills that they get away with due to—in my opinion, dubious—religious exemptions, and their animals ARE terrified. I don’t understand why they have to be so cruel to the animals when they already control them absolutely. I see these animals regularly when they’re done with them (they allow the animals to be picked up since it saves them a bullet or the trouble of drowning the smaller animals) and I have some of them as rescues. The best I can determine is that these adults only think of themselves and not those they see as lesser beings and there to serve their needs. I see the same attitude in Fd and company—no regard for any cruelty they cause. MOO. MOO.
2020 is HERE! May it bring happiness and good health to all here and Justice for Jennifer!

In responding to @sds71 post about Atty Midler getting paid all I have to say is "good luck"!

BUT, what I find fascinating about the ongoing behaviour of the attorneys in this tragic case is how they all consistently do such a wonderful job of looking out for themselves YET rarely do much unless prompted to look out for the interests of 5 Dulos children IMO or Jennifer Dulos. Its a consistent theme we have seen and here IMO we are seeing it from Atty Midler. Jennifer Dulos no doubt has given millions to Atty Midler in fees for his unsuccessful services and YET he cannot be bothered to safeguard her financial interests in her absence on behalf of her children?????

Yet, Atty Midler is clearly interested in getting paid? Yep, can't fault him for that but some creative lawyering is needed to safeguard the financial interests of Jennifer Dulos and the best he can come up with is a throwaway line in a motion where he is asking to get paid? My guess is is might have done it only to protect himself from subsequent suit for not acting in the best interests of his missing client! I hate thinking like this but its incredible that a person can go missing and their assets can be possibly ransacked and its all ok?

Why is Fd not subject to compliance with Judge Heller's prior orders regarding marital assets? Why did Judge Heller simply not freeze all the marital assets when Jennifer Dulos went missing? Judge Heller knows who/what Fd is all about and what would no doubt happen to the assets yet SHE DOES NOTHING and doesn't even enforce her prior orders. WHY?

Atty Midler brings up a point that IMO is critically important, namely the allegation that Fd, "...could be trying to "dissipate" martial assets against court orders". Does Atty Midler DO ANYTHING in Family Court to perhaps ask the Court to investigate the matter? NO, he doesn't. Does Atty Midler make any suggestion to the Court that perhaps ALL OF Fd and FORE ASSETS SHOULD BE IMMEDIATELY FROZEN PENDING clarification of status of marital assets or any funds held in the name of the 5 Dulos children. NO, he doesn't.

I realize Atty Midlers legal standing in Family Court is an issue as his client is not able to speak for herself. BUT, I do very much wonder about Atty Midler as he obviously felt strongly about the issue of Fd undertaking most likely illegal activities to "dissipate" martial assets AGAINST COURT ORDERS enough to include the language in his motion seeking to get paid.

Can Atty Midler as an officer of the court and concerned professional who is no doubt privy to extensive information about how much Jennifer Dulos cared about her 5 children, file a motion as an Officer of the Court on behalf of the 5 Dulos children to safeguard the marital assets from the activities of Fd and no doubt also the Greek Grifters?

SHOUTOUT TO JUDGE HELLER or Senior Judges in charge of Family Court in CT! Where is Connecticut State Attorney General William Morten Tong?

I know the legal issues surrounding the situation in Family Court are a bit murky due to JFd disappearance but Judge Heller by all accounts has it seems exited stage left and/or been hiding under her desk as it seems Fd has been unsupervised by the Court as it relates to marital assets. Yet again, it seems Fd is skirting a situation where supervision by the lax Family Court and a non involved Judge Heller seems to be doing nothing to even impose compliance with her prior rulings. Given that the Family Court case hasn't been dismissed yet I would think that Judge Heller might be interested in at least making sure her prior orders have been complied with by Fd, but it appears this might not be the case.

Not much about Judge Heller or Family Court would surprise me at this point. BUT, I have to say that given the circumstances of this case (Plaintiff vanishes off the face of the earth leaving 5 children behind) and the high visibility of this case that Judge Heller or someone else in the CT Judiciary might have stayed on top of the orders in place to safeguard the marital assets and PROTECT THE INTERESTS OF MISSING JENNIFER DULOS.

Unbelievable that the possibly exists that Fd could financially ransack marital assets with ZERO consequences all because Judge Heller chooses to do nothing to protect the interests of a vanished Plaintiff in one of her most contentious cases.

Does Judge Heller at all care or see a role of ANY KIND here to look after the interests of a Plaintiff in her court? Or, if she sees no obligation to look out for the interests of a Plaintiff in her Court then how about making sure that until the case status is resolved that ORDERS IN HER COURT REGARDING MARITAL ASSETS ARE AT LEAST COMPLIED WITH?

I hesitate to use the word negligence here but it certainly seems like Judge Heller simply melted away in terms of oversight of the Dulos v Dulos case and not one of her supervisors thought to question whether lack of oversight of Fd might have unintended consequences.

Its all quite mind blowing.

CT doesn't so far as I know have Victims Rights Advocates as part of the process of going missing or being involved with a violent crime and being unable to advocate on your own behalf.


I guess if Judge Heller isn't doing anything in Family Court then I would have to ask that the States Atty General or perhaps State Atty Colangelo step in to make sure that the financial interests of Jennifer Dulos are safeguarded in Family Court and that Fd cannot simply take everything that is not nailed down and continues to comply with Judge Hellers financial orders.

Perhaps a blanket asset freeze of Fd and FORE assets might be instituted by States Atty Colangelo as well such that at least assets can be protected until the status of Jennifer Dulos is legally defined.

Its shocking that missing people who cannot advocate for themselves are not protected by the State.

If what Atty Midler alleges about Fd dissipating "martial assets" is true (at a minimum the State should investigate the situation IMO) then this is absolutely SHAMEFUL behaviour on the part of the State of CT.

Simply no more words on this topic as its mind blowing to me that this would even be an issue. No wonder Pattisville is seeking dissolution of the divorce as then these assets (unless otherwise direct via a will or trust I guess) would be in the hands of Fd and so available to pay Pattisville legal bills.



THIS is the story I think 20/20 or such shows need to investigate now. It’s not just the injustice of Jennifer being killed but also this convoluted and bizarre chaos (a charitable way of describing it) around the courts here—chaos that is hampering justice for Jennifer and her family as well as who know how many others. It’s a big story waiting for a Pulitzer. Surely. MOO.
trade liens.png

THanks, Tink56!!!

Perhaps this is the Court ready to pounce? Interesting that the Greek affiant was served at least 3 ways!

We'll help with the eviction.

And with searching the house afterwards.

And with refitting as our WS DV shelter, Jennifer's Home.

JMHO YMMV praying the courts' LRR is over JMHO
In thinking a bit more about the games that are no doubt being played by Fd/FORE in the various foreclosure actions I do think that immediate intervention by the State of Connecticut might be needed here as I very much wonder if fraud might not be the underpinnings of what Fd/FORE has done with the trade liens and 'friend loans' to squeeze any equity out of the Sturbridge New Canaan Property such that GF doesn't see a penny?

In looking at the financial history of FORE there were very few instances of trade liens present. That is not to say there were no disputes with the trade. There were disputes as by all accounts Fd is a difficult person to do business with and getting paid by FORE/Fd is sometimes an uncertain thing. Nevertheless, to see the trade stacked up in a priority lien position in the case of Sturbridge is something I just have to wonder greatly about. I also wonder if these trade liens aren't 'real' whether the trade creditors involved with the situation are willing to risk charges of fraud and other possible criminal charges associated with defrauding a financial institution (in this case Danbury Savings Bank of Danbury, CT) to support their good buddy Fotis Dulos and FORE GROUP? I do wonder what the quid pro quo with the trade creditors and the 'friend loan' might have been?

I hate to say it but yet again where is the State of Connecticut and State's Atty Richard Colangelo?

Danbury Savings Bank in Danbury, CT is no doubt able to protect itself legally in this case, but if fraud is in existence with regard to 61 Sturbridge Hill Road, New Canaan, CT then I am not understanding why the State of Connecticut isn't yet involved.

I also don't understand why Atty Weinstein on behalf of GF hasn't entered the fray on this property situation if there is any doubt as to the validity of the prior liens on the property?

I do notice that no further price cut has taken place to the 61 Sturbridge property (last one was 10/9).

Tick tock Fd and FORE on getting this property sold!

What is known about the trade creditors listed here in the litigation (are these bona fide trade claims or is what is going on here suspect activity by Fd/FORE):

trade liens.png tradecreditorspng.png

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We could almost create a board game! Roll a 6, you're in Family Court, roll a 4, that's Foreclosure Action, snake eyes lands you in Criminal Court!

Draw A Card:

Head to the Secretary of State's office to register your Corporation.
Forget to File Your Firm's Tax Return.
Take an Overseas Trip
Take Another Overseas Trip
Take a Mistress

Ya'll think bribes might be a mainstay of our board game???

View attachment 223105

Did anyone else notice the additional information in the Return of Service regarding Fd "Good Buddy" Yannis and the clear identification of Yannis with Pot Pan Food Masters? A simple google search will bring up any number of 'interesting' articles about Pot Pan Food Masters for those that might be interested.

Oh what a tangled web is being woven here IMO. Wonder if its the complexity of the web here that is taking extra time to bring additional criminal charges?

I do wonder why the State Of CT is not simply freezing the assets of FORE and Fd and having an independent liquidator appointed to safeguard the interests of people and institutions that lent money to Fd and FORE in good faith but aren't IMO being subjected to good faith behaviour by Fd and FORE?

View attachment 223105

I could be wrong but I doubt it is CT issue to enforce. It is the responsibility, IMO, of the people/institutions who have been wronged. Again, JD atty Midler, so many issues before JD even went missing. What was he doing? The state doesn't help you. Your atty needs to advocate and you have to be proactive. If you have a judgment against someone, YOU are the one who needs to find the assets, their address, their place of employment. Nobody from the state is going to help you except for what is available in the public record. IME. IMO.
We could almost create a board game! Roll a 6, you're in Family Court, roll a 4, that's Foreclosure Action, snake eyes lands you in Criminal Court!

Draw A Card:

Head to the Secretary of State's office to register your Corporation.
Forget to File Your Firm's Tax Return.
Take an Overseas Trip
Take Another Overseas Trip
Take a Mistress

Ya'll think bribes might be a mainstay of our board game???

View attachment 223106
Yes, its all quite sad IMO.

I guess we won't need any 'get out of jail free cards' though as nothing seems to result in consequences in Connecticut unfortunately.

I could be wrong but I doubt it is CT issue to enforce. It is the responsibility, IMO, of the people/institutions who have been wronged. Again, JD atty Midler, so many issues before JD even went missing. What was he doing? The state doesn't help you. Your atty needs to advocate and you have to be proactive. If you have a judgment against someone, YOU are the one who needs to find the assets, their address, their place of employment. Nobody from the state is going to help you except for what is available in the public record. IME. IMO.

So sad.
THIS is the story I think 20/20 or such shows need to investigate now. It’s not just the injustice of Jennifer being killed but also this convoluted and bizarre chaos (a charitable way of describing it) around the courts here—chaos that is hampering justice for Jennifer and her family as well as who know how many others. It’s a big story waiting for a Pulitzer. Surely. MOO.
20/20 is definitely not the entity for the job. They put together a well told story and that is it. You would think a journalist from the NY/CT area would be on this. JMO.
HOW do they keep getting away with this kind of behavior? I don’t understand it. MOO.

They get away with it because nobody’s looking...a judge makes a ruling in CT, and then moves on without wondering if there is even a hint of compliance. I don’t know if it’s because they don’t give a [redacted], or if it’s because each and every judge is overwhelmed with cases that they ought to care about. Probably 6 of one, and half a dozen of the other. In any event, Fd & Co know there isn’t going to be any oversight, so they just roll the dice, and so far, it’s worked out for them. Maybe Ruben Midler knows that there are no consequences for the actions of Team FD, but he still had to make that motion to get paid, so it looks like he’s doing something. For my part, the impression I had was that he made that motion in a sarcastic way, because Team FD is filing motions that they know Midler has to respond to, even though FD knows Jennifer is dead, so he’ll never get paid. This is, as someone said sort of similar to D Broderick filing his divorce motions against Betty; Dan knew everybody in the legal field in his vicinity. He knew nobody would rule against him, in the same way Fd knows there won’t be any consequences. And there won’t be-Afitzy was right on with everything she said about the various judges and lawyers. Nobody is going to do a thing to keep Fd from sacking the marital assets-nobody. It’s too much like work, to lift a finger to do ANYTHING. And, they know that Fd will continue to file legal motions until the day he dies. Fd knows that somehow it’ll all go back to GF. If Fd isn’t going to get any more of the Farber money, he is going to make sure she loses a substantial part of it and doesn’t care how it affects his kids. Somebody needs to grow a backbone, but they are all too lazy, or stupid or afraid to call attention to themselves around this guy.
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