Deceased/Not Found CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #35

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DNA Solves
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Wouldn't it be better if the bucket was checked to make sure it did not come from JDF's garage? There was no mention if this was done.
Processing all the various locations in this case was no doubt done in a very organised and meticulous fashion and each item photographed and scene drawings and photos taken etc.

We have seen the CPS Crime Van at a number of locations doing forensic work and site evaluation on this case. Which pieces of information from all the many pieces of information cataloged and tested by LE then actually makes it into the AW is an interesting process that as outsiders is not always easy to figure out.

You clued in on the multiple bucket references in AW3 from 2 different sources (Welles garage and EE truck). Is there a connection between the locations mentioned and the bucket references? Seems like a good bet yes IMO. Was the writer of AW3 trying to make the connection that a red bucket was used to clean up the very bloody crime scene in the Welles garage and that the person believed to have committed this violent act was in the Welles garage on the 24th and ALSO was driving a borrowed Toyota Tacoma that just happened to be red and was captured on bus cam on Lapham Rd in NC and again on the Merritt Parkway driving to and from Farmington?

All seems like a good bet to me! But we won't know for sure that this is the inference the writer was seeking to make until down the road when PERHAPS we will learn more about your other question regarding the DNA testing on the bucket and whether there might be a DNA connection or forensic connection between the mop found and the bucket found?

Still a million and one questions but putting these pieces together in a loose puzzle is the first part and I think you did that with your first question.

Just reading your post I thought of something I hadn’t thought of until now - I was so paranoid I used to lock my cars in the garage ! If she did this she couldn’t even get inside to get away from him - I’m so sad for the end of her life - I feel sad for all the women murdered by their SOs but this one hurts more IMO - maybe because of the 5 children left orphaned
Yes! Our security company advised against locking cars in garage for this reason and I didn't originally understand it until I thought about being trapped in a garage with someone chasing you and not having anyplace to go. The security company suggested crawling under the vehicle or on top of the vehicle if that was possible which might be possible with enough time. But if you are jumped, I think the first reaction will be to pull away and flee and with the close proximity with the attacker, it might not be possible to get under a vehicle. We also don't know the weapon used as references were to blunt force as well as sharp I believe. What weapon was being used also would no doubt impact options to flee as well.

All prospects of a close quarters attack are frightening. Just thinking about this playing out in a space of maybe 6'' x 10' or so is tough to fathom. If JFd entered next to Land Rover then there was a maybe 3-4' aisle between the cars and another car bay open and that was all the space she had to work with if I'm visualising the site properly.
Me too - completely knocked out and possibly staggered against the vehicles before falling IMO and I don’t think it was with an axe
I remember reading yesterday that the nanny had stated she found tea and an uneaten granola bar in JD’s kitchen. Left wondering how much tea was in the mug and if was enough to have taken a couple of sips upon her return and been drugged out? We know FD’s dna places him within the house. MOO
I doubt he could get into Canada at an official crossing using his real identity.
Reasons You May Be Denied Entry at the Canada Border
A current passport is required for entry into Canada no matter your nationality. You may also use a Trusted Traveler program card, like NEXUS, or an enhanced drivers license, but you are still required to have a passport.
If you are traveling with a birth certificate and drivers license, do so at your own risk. You could be denied entry.

was not imagining a legal entry- two convicts from NY almost made it into Canada a few years ago. It is a long border but not great weather this time of year.
I did a speed read of the Mawhinney AW and nothing struck me as being overwhelming evidence against him. I was hoping he'd roll over on FD but I'm not sure the case against Mawhinney is strong enough to get his full cooperation.
On the borrowed axe: FD is a cold, calculating, smiling assassin. There are more of that type in the NYC area. I doubt he would use anything like that in the crime, let alone a borrowed tool. Everything he used was designed to be used and discarded without a trail. Cash and burner phones probably played roles in his planning. The zip ties were new to me, I guess they made sense. But how do you tie someone's arms behind their back with zip ties if they are resisting?
I'm not sure zip ties would have been usable unless the victim were subdued, especially if Fd were in Welles garage by himself with no accomplice. It seems like duct or other tape would be easier for a single attacker than zip ties.

I do wonder if the zip ties might have assisted in other aspects of the crime such as disposal possible or even carrying a body? 36" zip ties could go around the body of JFd with no problem.
LE keeps a lot of info close to their vest, so to speak. They are just giving high-level details (and omitting even more of them) in the arrest warrant. I am sure that will all come out. It will be okay. They are doing their job beautifully, IMO. Others in the field think it's an awesome AW - some say it's the best they have seen, incredibly detailed.

It's just that they don't give up everything they know right in the AW.

How is GF doing? And the children?
Hope they are doing well under the circumstances. We have not seen GF for a few years, my children worked for HF during their summer college vacations before he sold his business. It is sad when parents lose a child to illness or unforeseen events. This is something one would not wish on anyone.
I’d bet my prize collection of VHS tapes (lol yes I have them) that the bucket LA can’t recall as being red or white was the same bucket removed from JD house by FD and transported in EE Tacoma to Farmington and then later found by EE who placed it inside 4Jax. He recalls it had a hoodie in it. And we know a man resembling FD was peddling down Weed street toward JD home wearing a hoodie and riding what appears to be a Mercier bike that we know FD owned and is also now missing.

I just don’t see any reason at all for the defense to be confident about any of this information. They have to know that LE knows precisely where KM and MT were on the morning of 5/24. No matter what LE is sharing with us. It’s gonna be beyond difficult to say JD disappeared herself from her home. On purpose. Even more difficult to say some rando killed JD. And even more difficult to say it was an accident or self defense.
I’d say stick a fork in their theories they have put out there so far...

how do FD and MT "innocently" wind up throwing JD's cut up bloody shirt out of their truck? cannot imagine that being explained away, IMO.
how do FD and MT "innocently" wind up throwing JD's cut up bloody shirt out of their truck? cannot imagine that being explained away, IMO.
Ha! There is absolutely no innocent explanation for that.

Can anyone come up with a plausible excuse for this, that isn’t hilarious?
IDK of any, even the arguably most heinous criminals I can think of—the Cheshire home invasion— got bail ($15M ea) but they stayed in jail bc they could not post it.

Thank you so much for your reply.
Wow, i looked up that crime. TERRIBLE! The perpetrators death sentences got overturned... :eek:Unbelievable... :(
No she’s 5’7”- 5’8” and weigh 120. Weighing 100 pounds was something coming from NP.

yep yep! All part of the careful story that FD started sharing with people according to AW3 at the 5/31 lake party when FD was talking to his friend. The friend thought it was inappropriate for FD and MT to be seen together at said party after JD had been reported missing. Friend asks FD, “Where is Jennifer?” And FD instead goes into a long explanation of the medical bills JD is racking up. At this point an alert comes across the friend’s phone about LE being on Albany avenue and finding trashbags. FD reads the story and then locks eyes with MT for a bit and then leaves the party talking on the phone to a person the friend believed to be an attorney.
Do we know that the bike is missing?

I'm curious to know what made him think, last minute, to dispose of the logo? He apparently didn't think ahead of time to docto
thanks for posting. I can’t stomach listening to him. It’s bad enough seeing his quotes in news articles. We will hear from him soon enough at trial and that’s gonna be just nauseating.

another thing I also notated today was what the Judge said regarding FD’s bail and NPs argument to have it reduced. Judge specifically said there was a lot more evidence and as such the bond was appropriate and would remain at $6 million. That’s encouraging for Justice for Jennifer.

the biggest pieces of information to come out of the last two days: the bicycle (wow) being ridden to JD house by a man wearing a hoodie fitting FD description, the logo for vintage Mercier bicycle found in trashbag from odyssey of stupidity, the fact they have a picture with FD with a vintage Mercier bike taken from 2008 and that bike was one he had from childhood and had brought with him to America and is now missing. DNA from FD on door to mudroom in a specific spot. MT and FD DNA and FD fingerprints found on items in trashbag also containing items that have JD blood on them. KM and his evasiveness but in particular the phone call from FD to KM on 5/24 at 7:47 pm when FD and MT were on the trashbin odyssey of stupidity. The zip ties are really really damning. Specific locations where JD blood found in the garage. The grave at the Windsor Rod and Gun Club with the two bbq grate lids and two unopened bags of lime and dimensions of grave itself. The fact KM phone pinged there a lot. They may have used burners and KM may have replaced his cell on 5/25 but I’d be willing to be the phone evidence is gonna be just eye opening between FD and KM. Like the 5/23 cal when FD left his dinner party and KM phone pinging near by and the 7 minutes spent at 80 Mountain Spring Road.
Can’t wait to know what KM was up to from 5/23 until 5/25.

I'm imagining FD searching every Ebay and Etsy site in the world to find a maroon red Mercier bike to buy so he can put his filthy hands all over it and claim it never left his garage.
Ha! There is absolutely no innocent explanation for that.

Can anyone come up with a plausible excuse for this, that isn’t hilarious?

Since FD didn't want his worker to talk to LEOs because he was a green card holder (intimidation at the highest level, especially given FD's current co-defendant and his livelihood) and was driving his truck/hiding his key/detailing his truck, my plausible (mildly hilarious) explanation is that the employee left those clothes, bloody items, pillows and zip ties in the truck he was using because he killed Jennifer. Thus, FD and MT were worried that the employee was guilty and decided to help him out by getting rid of the evidence that would incriminate the employee. After all the worker was dependable, followed directions and always listened to his boss.

But, seriously, I think FD was trying to set this man up, not just trying to not use his own truck and items.
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I did a speed read of the Mawhinney AW and nothing struck me as being overwhelming evidence against him. I was hoping he'd roll over on FD but I'm not sure the case against Mawhinney is strong enough to get his full cooperation.

he just has to explain digging "graves" in his former gun club, but there does not seem to be any eye witness to him personally doing it and digging a grave is vastly different than interring some one in it.
Ha! There is absolutely no innocent explanation for that.

Can anyone come up with a plausible excuse for this, that isn’t hilarious?

Hell no. Especially when you factor in FD cell left behind at 4Jax, EE Tacoma being used to drive from Farmington to NC in the wee hours. Parking Tacoma near Waveny Park where the Suburban for JD was later dumped. Riding a damn vintage Mercier bicycle to JD house with a hoodie on in late May. And finally showing up in the driveway where you are NOT allowed without permission. No reason to go inside the garage at all and no right to go inside.
Crazy that NP still trying to spin the trashbin odyssey of stupidity.
FD fingerprints are on items in the bags collected. FD and MT DNA also in the same bag(s) along with items containing JD blood. MT can’t claim she wasn’t sure what was in the bags or what they were doing on Albany avenue. Then you have the license plate in the sewer grate coming back to FD and the weathertech floor at being placed near Albany avenue by FD. Then ofcourse the phone call from FD to KM during that time frame.

It boggles the mind. NP gonna have to revise his story. Not a soul with any credibility believes the GG stuff.
If she left the garage door open while running the kids to school he could have put the bike behind the house and hid - but if she did leave her vehicle in the driveway and walked into the open garage - did he shut the door or attack her with the door open ? Were his prints in the opener inside the garage? I’m interested in the logistics of the attack - and what happened after

I think what @afitzy had posted regarding JD going into the mudroom and back out to the garage (I can't quote just that portion for some reason :rolleyes:) is a possibility. If IIRC, the nanny said when she came to the house she noticed JD's purse on the floor either in the mudroom or kitchen, along with her tea and unopened granola bar on the kitchen counter. It's possible JD pulled the Suburban into the garage and FD crept around the back corner of the garage, crouched down, and went into the garage behind the Suburban as she pulled in (high car, JD would not have seen him in her rear view mirror if he was crouched low) and slid off to the side by the Land Rover waiting. If she's being super vigilant about things she would have stayed in the car until the garage door closed before exiting the car to enter the house...this is where he would have her trapped. He probably approached her from behind as she was walking into the mudroom from the garage. She drops her purse, cellphone in hand, and runs for the garage......

After following the CW/SW case and then the PF/KB case I swore I was not going to get so involved again for awhile..... and now, here I am feeling like I'm seeing a combination of those two cases. Especially the PF/KB case and the involvement of help from the mistresses, no body, etc... I always hoped we would have heard from PF's defense attorney but after hearing the very few times I've listened, to FD's attorney, NP, I'm glad we didn't. What attorney tells a press group if they want to see FD's they should stick around???? That's insane... JMO on that!!
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