Deceased/Not Found CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #38

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Yes, but what is so fascinating about the Dulos case is that its being so broadly watched. Those FB Groups aren't just folks from CT. Nope those people are from all over the world! So, if 'ole Atty. P. was using those posts to argue for a change in venue then IMO GOOD LUCK AND GOD BLESS as the case coverage has been national from the first week and its extended to Greece/EU and UK as well. I was even surprised to see coverage in Hong Kong and Argentina (I guess due to connection of MT and her ex). MOO
Also, he cannot get a change of venue from the entire state of Connecticut, so if he better be careful what he wishes for, he may surely get a smaller, more conservative venue in the state. IME his chances will get worse as the jury pool gets smaller. This isn't California or Florida or New York, or even Massachusetts. A small town jury is going to convict Dulos very quickly.
Jumping off your post to ask.... I'm sure this was answered but I only recently started really following this one... Do we know that FD & MT are in fact no longer in a relationship? If so, how did we confirm this fact?
We don’t really know ..
A moving truck was seen / photographed Outside FD’s house a couple months ago “supposedly” taking MT’s items to a new location .
Unverified Press Reports claimed they had broken up .
Only “they” would know ....
Y'all are wrong. It's not a 10,000 sq ft house he's having trouble staying in.


Ya gotta feel for the guy. Except that, if 13,000 sq ft feels restrictive to him, he's not gonna like 6x9, even if it has custom finishes and stainless steel bars.


even the nicest house can begin to feel like a prison if you cannot leave it IMO
he also traveled a lot- Greece, FL, etc. so, has to be a big change to be confined, but
his atty says he is a good cook, so there is that.

he cannot leave, but can he have visitors?
Man...finally watched the video from yesterday with NP, the Bearded Ginger and FD. Ok, that is sincerely creepy how FD is looking at NP. JMO. And only MOO.

Creepy. Locked jaw...eyes narrowed. Is he ticked NP couldn't save him from losing his "work privileges?"


Judge threatens $12M bond after items taken from Jennifer Dulos memorial

Yup! Maybe NP should think about taking out a restraining order on FD too.
Lord knows what revenge fantasies FD has cooked up for NP.
Yup! Maybe NP should think about taking out a restraining order on FD too.
Lord knows what revenge fantasies FD has cooked up for NP.
As much as we don't care for NP (personally) or his tactics, NP is the best that FD is gonna get considering the money issues, FD controlling personality and not following his legal team instructions AND the fact that the evidence we have seen so far doesn't allow a defense much to work with.
I know NP is gonna ride this high profile trial for all he can (ie good for future business) but FD by his own actions is very lucky to have his legal team after the memorial stunt. Most attorneys would have had a come to Jesus meeting with their client.

I have no doubt that FD blames everyone for his predicament and that would to some extent be also NP's fault (that his bail couldn't be lowered, that he is under house arrest, that he lost his work privileges, that there is a gag order in the case). I can assure you (and I have no sympathy for NP) that I have zero doubt FD blames NP for the latest round of losses...and likely has revenge fantasies about him too. Especially if he is found guilty.

Those two, FD and NP , may have some things in common sexism, bullying others, etc...but NP is FD's hired gun here and FD is NP's means to an end. So when I was watching that impromptu presser outside of court yesterday I have to say the way FD was looking at NP gave me the chills. Literally. It was not a look of someone who respects his attorney. He was ticked off.
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Sadly I don't think FD is CAPABLE of feeling terror, guilt, remorse. I suspect he only feels self-interest --and hatred for anyone and anything that disturbs his self-interest.

If I were his attorney, I wouldn't be alone in a room with him ever.

We know what he does to people who stand up to him.


I thought he was twitching a lot during the Court hearing- his lip was furled and he was clutching at his own hands.
Also, he cannot get a change of venue from the entire state of Connecticut, so if he better be careful what he wishes for, he may surely get a smaller, more conservative venue in the state. IME his chances will get worse as the jury pool gets smaller. This isn't California or Florida or New York, or even Massachusetts. A small town jury is going to convict Dulos very quickly.

Yippee....a conviction! Oh, I am sorry, I just got so excited for a second. But yes, small towns are very conservative plus they do not care for outsiders and will not like all the media and humans coming to their quiet town to watch the trial for any length of time. Mr. P and his client, FD, better think real hard...but that may not be in their vocabulary.
I love this! "Free the squirrel"!

I feel like NP's whole persona is a plea for sympathy. Please feel sorry for my client because he can't afford to hire an attorney that can afford to get a hair cut or wear clothes that look clean and pressed.

I think NP's squirrel is a "support" animal.


NP looks a little like Ben Franklin (check your Quaker Oats box- 'nothing is better for thee than me') ... and a little like Jerry Garcia. It is the patriot + rebel look. He also does dress conservatively for Court, and while he did try to press his client's case, when the judge told him to back off, he did what he was told, IMO.
As much as we don't care for NP (personally) or his tactics, NP is the best that FD is gonna get considering the money issues, FD controlling personality and not following his legal team instructions AND the fact that the evidence we have seen so far doesn't allow a defense much to work with.
I know NP is gonna ride this high profile trial for all he can (ie good for future business) but FD by his own actions is very lucky to have his legal team after the memorial stunt. Most attorneys would have had a come to Jesus meeting with their client.

I have no doubt that FD blames everyone for his predicament and that would to some extent be also NP's fault (that his bail couldn't be lowered, that he is under house arrest, that he lost his work privileges, that there is a gag order in the case). I can assure you (and I have no sympathy for NP) that I have zero doubt FD blames NP for the latest round of losses...and likely has revenge fantasies about him too. Especially if he is found guilty.

I am waiting for FD to fire NP, if he can find another lawyer. The money might not be there anymore or he will keep NP and file foe ineffective counsel and want a retrial, be out on bail while awaiting a new trial and flee. I still think he will try and flee.
I am waiting for FD to fire NP, if he can find another lawyer. The money might not be there anymore or he will keep NP and file foe ineffective counsel and want a retrial, be out on bail while awaiting a new trial and flee. I still think he will try and flee.

FD may not have to flee. Follow me around this bend...if what I suspect and posted in this thread is true (that there is a huge amount of criminal activity surrounding FD and his finances--to wit, the sale of illegal pharmaceutical drugs) with all the players involved locally, I would imagine he is a liability to that operation at this point. A very big one.

even the nicest house can begin to feel like a prison if you cannot leave it IMO
he also traveled a lot- Greece, FL, etc. so, has to be a big change to be confined, but
his atty says he is a good cook, so there is that.

he cannot leave, but can he have visitors?

With permission he can leave for medical, lawyer, and worship.
I hear you, @LittleBitty. For the safety of everyone, him included, let's lock him up.

He should volunteer.



It really is the safest place for him and everyone else. But honestly, FD wants to tool around in the mansion at 4Jax and I have no doubt he will find ways to get out and about (church, attorney visits and doctor appointments are all on the table still).

In addition, his actions in taking down the memorial created a lot more unwanted attention than he was already getting. It is a mess. I blame the CT court system here. There is no valid reason for him to be out. MT as well, but at least Bowman has her quiet and hiding out. Not so with NP. Not that NP really cares but if he truly did care he would advise FD to lay as low as possible. Even accept some type of Protective Custody in the NCPD jail or something until trial.
With permission he can leave for medical, lawyer, and worship.

And I have no doubt he will get the most out of those exceptions to house arrest. He cannot just lay low and stay in his house. He won't do it. Probably the "principle" of the matter or something with him. Or being told what to do...I bet it stings knowing that his life is the opposite of the old Burger King slogan "Have it your way!"
I didn't realize NP had been a reporter at the HC. DA's tweets and articles make so much sense to me now.
That explains his cozy relationship with DA. I will respectfully disagree about Mr. Pattis' legal prowess. He lacks the backbone of every good trial lawyer, namely good paper and good presentation. He is more of an off-the-cuff type lawyer, as opposed to a skilled practitioner.

He pontificates loudly, but what does actually he do when it comes down to it? Lets his client give not one, but two horrendous interviews that will surely be used against him at trial. A good lawyer would have never allowed his client anywhere near that kind of interview! He also prematurely revealed a false alibi that led LE to develop additional evidence against Dulos. That is not what good lawyers do.

At several critical junctures, he has appeared more interested in becoming a real, live TV lawyer than in protecting his client (from himself). He may enjoy a some sort of a regional reputation, but he is no Clarence Darrow, and he has led his client down the proverbial primrose path IMO.
NP looks a little like Ben Franklin (check your Quaker Oats box- 'nothing is better for thee than me') ... and a little like Jerry Garcia. It is the patriot + rebel look. He also does dress conservatively for Court, and while he did try to press his client's case, when the judge told him to back off, he did what he was told, IMO.

Honestly, NP looked like the Facebook thing was demanded by FD against his advice. He knew Judge White wouldn't go for it.

Pattis has a decent track record.
MOO he is doing his job.
If the DA makes a good case Dulos will be convicted.
In CT money is used in lieu of 'no bond' and he might end up with an amount so high he goes to jail,
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Hmm. I respectfully disagree.

What makes for a good lawyer? Someone who actually wins cases? NP average isn't even good on that front. Someone who follows the law, or respects justice and fairness? Nope.

NP chose Fd because NP hates women. That's the most consistent tie he has with his clients. And this was a high-profile case, which motivates NP the most.

NP's prior defense of a violent rapist showed the little regard he has for women. What more scornful, anti-women act is there than rape*? NP literally scorned the victim, repeatedly, in that trial. It was brutal.

Fd wasn't being scorned at the time of the murder when he was chosen. No, I don't fall for NP being the generous protector of poor 'maligned'/scorned Fd.

ETA: *What more scornful, anti-women act is there than rape?
To answer my own question: Murder of a mother of 5, perhaps.
110% agree. Loud defense does not equal good defense.
While I love the idea of this, this is just the stuff Normy Pattis will use to say FD won't be able get a fair trial, and request a move of the trial. IMO

This was evidently a poor attempt at humor, but I do like Marty.

I certainly don't know NP well enough to make reasoned guess how he will approach the jury and trial. It seems there are about three choices. Have we talked about the possibilities yet? Help me, are there others or are these about the only options he has:
  • Trial by jury in the local jurisdiction. (Stamford? Is that correct.)
  • Moving the judge, lawyers, witnesses, and defendants to a different jurisdiction within the state. Perhaps, one in which there has been less publicity about the disappearance and, IMO, obvious murder. Ct isn't a large state, and I haven't lived there in years. Where would NP suggest moving the trial The eastern, northern, north eastern part of the state? Would communities like Norwich, New London/Groton, Plainfield, Stafford, or Hamptom be able to handle this type of trial. Regardless where they move it, the media presence will be huge.
  • The last option would be my least favorite. Like the jury in the Casey Anthony trial, jurors could be selected from another jurisdiction and secreted in a hotel near the trial site. IMO, this is unfortunate as the jurors become increasingly restless and more prone to discuss opinions about witnesses and the case.
  • Are there any other options??
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