Deceased/Not Found CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #38

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Pattis is full of one-penny promises (no offense to pennies) when it counts to unsealing HIS MOUTH, but notice how tight-lipped he is when it comes to actual facts and real evidence?

Then he himself says that FD's phone was in Farmington at the time of the murder (which is going to be a HUGE at trial, providing not an alibi but PROOF OF PREMEDIATION, in that it was prearranged to be exactly there at the very same time the murder occurred! Only the murderer could know what time that was going to be!!) Pattis didn't even dress it up to PRETEND FD was in Farmington with his phone. It's really gotta stink when your own attorney can't keep your foolery worded in your favor.

Of course JMO
I believe many of his tactics will come back to haunt his client, including spouting that stupid alibi so quickly out the gate.
Pattis is full of one-penny promises (no offense to pennies) when it counts to unsealing HIS MOUTH, but notice how tight-lipped he is when it comes to actual facts and real evidence?

Then he himself says that FD's phone was in Farmington at the time of the murder (which is going to be a HUGE at trial, providing not an alibi but PROOF OF PREMEDIATION, in that it was prearranged to be exactly there at the very same time the murder occurred! Only the murderer could know what time that was going to be!!) Pattis didn't even dress it up to PRETEND FD was in Farmington with his phone. It's really gotta stink when your own attorney can't keep your foolery worded in your favor.

Of course JMO

Norm Pattis would know the time if he Fotis Dulos killed her or not because it's in the arrest warrant for murder.
do not discount how much lying he may have done with them- maybe they believe that any money he gave them he made himself through his construction business (!) and he may have told them that JD was: not generous, not friendly, not a good mother, not out going, not healthy, paranoid, mean, etc., etc. (speculation) IMO

I don’t doubt that he told his family that all or most of the money was earned as a supremely successful builder of “luxury homes”-and I have to believe that he lied about Jennifer, too. But if they spent as much time in their home as they (Dulos clan) say they did, then they observed how Jennifer comported herself, and are lying about her. Could they now still be thinking that his construction business was successful, seeing how many of his homes haven’t sold (even before Jennifer’s murder put an effective end to his business)?
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Responding to BBM:
I understand you really like this line of thought. However, if the bucket was not there on 5/24, when would it have gotten there? EE returned it in the AM on the 28th. The only way the bucket could not have been there over the weekend was for FD to go to Simsbury and plant it. MOO, that doesn't make sense to me. EE met FD in the kitchen that day. I don't see any shenanigans where FD went to truck on the morning of the 28th and planted the pail. Seems like EE went into house, came out, went for his toolbox and saw the pail. Alot of guys trucks are not very well kept. For a guy that is into construction type work, they usually have alot of stuff in the bed. MOO. Very easy to overlook miscellaneous stuff.

what does the bed of the truck look like and how tall is EE? some truck beds have the wheel wells protruding so that something could be behind one- if EE was just pushing his 4 wheeler in and out, maybe he would not see a red pail in a red (?) truck bed, but maybe if he climbed into the bed, it would be obvious? IMO
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LA arrived at Jennifer's home at 11:30 am, via the center bay garage.

She went into the kitchen, noticed all the oddities like the purse being there, granola bar unopened, etc.

So if LA parked in the center bay, was her vehicle parked over the blood stained area? I don’t recall what bay it was said LE saw the stains. That would account for her not noticing it on the 24th.
@Jmoose , can you give your Tour De Fo a spiffy red pair of laptop Chuck Taylors?

Is it more likely that EE discovered the bucket and hoodie over the course of the weekend, made a mental note to return it on the 28th? Low priority item, remembered it again on the 28th, only after eyeing it again?

I think EE shows us just how much FD thinks of PEOPLE. They exist for his use. IMO FD never intended for LE to know EE existed. Borrowing EE's truck COULD have been a most clever maneuver! If not for the DNA evidence on the seat. A random red truck driving from nowhere near Welles had to seem invisible... and FD would have had that vehicle back in place long before EE came to retrieve it, none the wiser.

Blood changed everything.

I'd like to know WHY LE believes there was clean up help at Welles. To me, that means one of at least two things: either security camera images or two sets of footprints.... FD shaved his head, disguised himself, borrowed a truck, changed out license plates on at least one vehicle -- I can see him being bright enough to disguise his footwear.... and just as easily, I can see him being STUPID ENOUGH to use MT's shoes FOR his disguise. Not to incriminate or frame her, but for the same reason he used EE's truck -- he didn't expect LL to look at MT. (OR EE.)

Based on the AWs, keep in mind that FD, either alone or with help, had TWO FULL HOURS to clean the Welles garage. He DIDN'T clean up all the spatter, but that's probably because it wasn't readily visible, against dark backdrops. To me, that leaves two hours to attend to the primary area of attack. He MUST HAVE, in addition to paper toweling it, did what he could to hose it down. I still want to know if the yard spigot was tested.... the nanny only looked in the count cars, presumably. Actually WHY did she look in the garage? She wasn't expecting JF to be home. At any rate, she did look out there. 2 hours after FD left. Would she notice a WET garage floor? Particularly if were drying uniformly. If not a garden hose, we KNOW FD had a pail. And we know he did SOMETHING at the kitchen sink. I'm not picturing a massive pool of blood left for LE. I'm picturing a faded bloodstain, as diluted as FD could get it, after two hours of trying. Not visible to the nanny, because she WASN'T LOOKING FOR IT. Visible to LE, later that day, because LE was LOOKING FOR CLUES.... We don't know that the nanny even turned any lights on....

So...what we HAVEN'T seen are SWs for KM and AW2 or AW3....

What's HE got for alibis for 5/24?

Cheech and Chong thought they'd outsmarted the world, providing dueling alibis for each other. Smoking gun: that only prepared alibis for the early morning of 5/24!!!! BECAUSE THEY ARE TWO OF MAYBE THREE OR FOUR PEOPLE WHO KNEW EXACTLY THE DAY AND HOUR THE CRIME WOULD AND DID HAPPEN!!!

(Same with MT. In the course of her life, did she EVER so carefully document a morning?!!!!)

How come FD, MT and KM didn't think they'd need solid alibis for AFTER the morning?!!! Just like FD, shaving his head just one time. Crackpot criminals.

LL: Fotis, did you kill your wife?
FD: No, I was in my office in Farmington at 8:17 when what I didn't do happened.


Meanwhile, what does LE have for confirmation of KM's whereabouts that day? Any actual meetings with actual clients? Any selfies? Right now, my money's on him in the Tacoma. The accomplice, the look out....

The Prosecution is going to BLOW OUR MINDS.

Probably knock the squirrel right off the head.

Bring it on!

It sort of sounded like that but I think what really happened was MT basically reiterating what the police were telling her. In other words, I think she was repeating it, not confessing to it

I don’t doubt that he told his family that all or most of the money was earned as a supremely successful builder of “luxury homes”-and I have to believe that he lied about Jennifer, too. But if they spent as much time in their home as they (Dulos clan) say they did, then they observed how Jennifer comported herself, and are lying about her. Could they now still be thinking that his construction business was successful, seeing how many of his homes haven’t sold (even before Jennifer’s murder put an effective end to his business)?

MOO Bullying dynamics, terrifying her, making her a scapegoat, lies about the sources of money, setting her up to look bad, developing his golden boy image with family.
Could they now still be thinking that his construction business was successful, seeing how many of his homes haven’t sold (even before Jennifer’s murder put an effective end to his business)?

if they know how many homes he actually constructed/sold. since the nieces went to school in the US, maybe they know the real #, but for people who are in Greece and not adept English speakers, he could tell them that he built and sold 2000 homes and they would not know the difference, IMO. this man fooled bankers, so fooling cousins in a foreign county? piece of cake, IMO.
She could have picked up lunch from
Wherever she was before. Doesn’t mean she picked up lunch with the kids in the car that is if the receipt belongs to her
Also doubt she would have traveled out of NC for a Subway. I am not from that area, but many have posted there are no local Subways there. I don't think the Subway receipt has anything to do with the children's lunch. But, I am not sure where she lives....
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Pattis is full of one-penny promises (no offense to pennies) when it counts to unsealing HIS MOUTH, but notice how tight-lipped he is when it comes to actual facts and real evidence?

Then he himself says that FD's phone was in Farmington at the time of the murder (which is going to be a HUGE at trial, providing not an alibi but PROOF OF PREMEDIATION, in that it was prearranged to be exactly there at the very same time the murder occurred! Only the murderer could know what time that was going to be!!) Pattis didn't even dress it up to PRETEND FD was in Farmington with his phone. It's really gotta stink when your own attorney can't keep your foolery worded in your favor.

Of course JMO
You nailed it!!
I keep going back to the MT comment regarding the fact that she was 'cleaning the house (referring to 80MS) and not cleaning Jennifer'. Initially I thought this might have been an english/spanish translation issue but I don't think this is the issue here with this particular statement at all.

Graphic - so please scroll and roll if you are uncomfortable

We've discussed before that MT is an accomplished spear fishing person. I have some familiarity with aspects of fishing and hunting and so understand phrases such as cleaning and dressing but wasn't as familiar with the spear fishing process to know if its the same or different.

Turns out, spear fishing is not all that different other than the tool used to fish (a spear vs a rod). The fact is that as with regular fishing the phrase in english and in spanish for preparing the fish to eat is referred to as 'cleaning'. As in english there are different words in spanish for scaling and gutting etc. but the basic process by most is still referred to as 'cleaning' and this does include 'gutting' and 'deheading' by most people in common usage.

We have no way of knowing if MT's statement is true here when she refers to, "cleaning Jennifer" but what I do believe might have some truth to it is an awareness on the part of MT that 'cleaning' of JFd did occur. Odd thing IMO to admit to LE don't you think?

Here is a very simple video that explains what MT with her level of expertise as a spear fisher person would be able to do:

Spearfishing: Kill a fish underwater & gut it

Speculation about knife:

The more I kept thinking about fishing and its tools and accessories, I wondered if there was any connection between fishing/hunting and the infamous knife from Albany Avenue that was discussed by DA/HC.

The more I thought about that knife which I believe was described to be a retractable blade, the more I thought it could very easily have been part of any spear fishing kit such as one that MT might have.

Originally I thought the size of the knife might have been small for a hunting kit but given that we don't really have anything from LE about the knife or anything much to go on other than the description from DA its hard to say if the knife would have been large enough for hunting larger animals such as deer. But, it seems like the knife could easily have been used to 'clean' smaller animals with no issue too.

I just wanted to put this information out here to think about as a possible clarification for the ongoing 'word salad' that has been seen from MT in AW1-3.

MT is rarely specific about much IMO in her verbal descriptions in the AWs, but I do think her use of the word 'cleaning' was descriptive and did have meaning to her based on her experience. A person without fishing and hunting experience most likely IMO would never use the word 'cleaning' when referring to a human being. But I believe MT used this word specifically to refer to a deceased JFD and I further believe she very coldly and with absence of emotion or connection said what she said and that she was simply thinking of the body of the deceased no differently from a fish that she had just spear hunted that was dead.

Here is some other information about the kill types employed in spear fishing and about which MT would have experience:

Quote from about video article:

There are three good and quick ways to kill the fish quickly. Underwater it is not possible to hit the fish in the head to stun it, but over water you should always give it a strong blow between the eyes.

  1. Gills cut You stack the knife through the gill cover and cut through the gill matter. The fish dies quickly and bleeds. It is important that you cut through at least one whole gill arch, it just scratched the gills, it means a prolonged suffering for the fish
  2. Heart Strike This requires a sharp and sharp knife. You sting the fish in the middle between the pectoral fins, a little backwards. If you hit right, blood will come out immediately and the fish will die after a few seconds.
  3. Spine section The spine is cut short behind the head and the fish dies instantly. A subsequent gillcut ensures the bleeding of the fish.
It's interesting that in this case each of the co-conspirators have various knowledge of hunting, fishing and tanning.


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The point isn't whether the Defense knows, from AWs, what time the murder occurred. The point is that only the MURDERER, who left his phone at home on the morning of May 24th, could know AHEAD OF TIME what time the murder was scheduled to occur. And then did, in fact, occur. He incriminated and convicted himself.

You sunk yourself, Waterboy.

You know, it's possible that FD expected the nanny to take the children to school.... and he expected to encounter JF alone in the home. Fascinating (in a sick, sick way), that the bulk of his morning alibi, outside of the shower, bridged 7:30 to 8:30 am. The meeting in his Farmington office with KM and the phone call from Greece that was SUPPOSED TO COME IN ON THE LANDLINE but came to his cell phone. Notice -- he didn't have any meetings or phone calls lined up for any other part of the day!!! He knew EXACTLY when he'd need to stick his alibi landing.

I wish they had him on camera THE MOMENT he realized he'd outdumbed himself.

Even if innocent, it is smart to get an attorney. EE got an atty and he is 100% innocent. That being said, even a civil atty should know not to bring your cell phone to the police station. I have no law education and even I know that. Being a civil atty is no excuse. All you have to do is watch Dateline!

If you are an atty representing a guy in civil matters, and he is having a contentious divorce, and his wife is suddenly missing, maybe he is not your favorite client at that point in time, and maybe you begin questioning just what you can do for him, IMO, and if he has been truthful with you, IMO.
Toyota Tacoma bed... does have some protrusions. if something was tucked up front, might not be noticed....not sure if the beds are always lined.

optional carpet- so if the bed were red, a red bucket might not be noticeable, IMO.
I am working to catalog some of the Atty. P. statements and in the process found this whopper:

The Jennifer Dulos Case So Far: Prosecutors Take On Fotis Dulos's Alibi In Arrest Warrant

Quotes from article:

After Dulos was first arrested in June 2019 on evidence tampering charges, Pattis rebutted speculation about his client’s involvement in Jennifer’s May 24 disappearance, saying “the alibi is enormous.”[BBM]

“We believe we can demonstrate with credible evidence that Mr. Dulos was in his home in Farmington ’til just about 9 a.m., at least 9,” on the day Jennifer went missing, Pattis said in June. “Thereafter, we still think he was in his home.”

Pattis indicated phone records would back up that claim. Even better for the defense, there were witnesses: Dulos’s then-girlfriend Michelle Troconis, and an attorney named Kent Mawhinney. [BBM]


Missing Connecticut mother Jennifer Dulos’ estranged husband Fotis Dulos and girlfriend, Michelle Troconis. (credit: Connecticut State Police)

“(Troconis) was with him at the time Jennifer went missing,” Pattis told Hearst Connecticut Media in June.

“We know where he was. Michelle knows where he was,” he said.

“Michelle provides Fotis a complete alibi for the morning of Ms. Dulos’s disappearance,” Pattis claimed.

Seven months later, that claim may no longer hold. [BBM]

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In the WFSB interview, back in June, I think, NP says, “the housekeeper was in the house for hours…” Does anyone know where this info came from? Did LE ever disclose anything about a housekeeper or a cleaning woman being at Welles on the day of JFD disappearance? In LE’s latest releases nanny LA speaks of going to the house around mid-day and noticing the missing paper towels. If a cleaning woman had been there, LA could have thought the cw had taken the paper towels, but no mention of a cleaning woman or housekeeper? I googled and found an article in a Boston paper (Globe?) mentioning a cleaning woman, but they were quoting from an HC article. Could it be that the cleaning woman who didn’t find anything amiss was another meme fabricated by NP and funneled through the HC to dampen the idea of FD’s DNA being found with JFD’s blood on the faucet?
Interview: Attorney Norm Pattis answers questions about Dulos case

Also in the interview the reporter asks NP why he supposes that the case has generated such interest, and he likens it to the Pettit case, saying “when an upper middle-class white woman suffers violence in a privileged community…” So there he assumes JFD did suffer violence—no Gone Girl theory.
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