Deceased/Not Found CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #38

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PoppyCock! (What NP says to the media)

Petty Cash (we know MT and FD can speak to this)

Power Corrupts (and that power which is an illusion will soon be taken away from you Fotis. Have fun with your commissary account in prison. Maybe you and Jodi Arias can be pen pals? She can tell you the ropes of what to purchase? Like pork rinds and cheese that squirts out of a can and razors and stuff like that.)

In the WFSB interview, back in June, I think, NP says, “the housekeeper was in the house for hours…” Does anyone know where this info came from? Did LE ever disclose anything about a housekeeper or a cleaning woman being at Welles on the day of JFD disappearance? In LE’s latest releases nanny LA speaks of going to the house around mid-day and noticing the missing paper towels. If a cleaning woman had been there, LA could have thought the cw had taken the paper towels, but no mention of a cleaning woman or housekeeper? I googled and found an article in a Boston paper (Globe?) mentioning a cleaning woman, but they were quoting from an HC article. Could it be that the cleaning woman who didn’t find anything amiss was another meme fabricated by NP and funneled through the HC to dampen the idea of FD’s DNA being found with JFD’s blood on the faucet?
Interview: Attorney Norm Pattis answers questions about Dulos case

Also in the interview the reporter asks NP why he supposes that the case has generated such interest, and he likens it to the Pettit case, saying “when an upper middle-class white woman suffers violence in a privileged community…” So there he assumes JFD did suffer violence—no Gone Girl theory.

LA herself had cleaned/organized the garage just days before.

NP just makes stuff up out of his ponytail.
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PoppyCock! (What NP says to the media)

Petty Cash (we know MT and FD can speak to this)

Power Corrupts (and that power which is an illusion will soon be taken away from you Fotis. Have fun with your commissary account in prison. Maybe you and Jodi Arias can be pen pals? She can tell you the ropes of what to purchase? Like pork rinds and cheese that squirts out of a can and razors and stuff like that.)

LA herself had cleaned the garage and organized it just days before.

NP just makes stuff up out of his ponytail.

And we all know what’s underneath a pony’s tail.:rolleyes:
So if LA parked in the center bay, was her vehicle parked over the blood stained area? I don’t recall what bay it was said LE saw the stains. That would account for her not noticing it on the 24th.
She didn’t park in the garage. She parks on the driveway and opens the center bay to go in. The RR was parked in the center garage
Also doubt she would have traveled out of NC for a Subway. I am not from that area, but many have posted there are no local Subways there. I don't think the Subway receipt has anything to do with the children's lunch. But, I am not sure where she lives....

If it was the nannys receipt doubt it would be listed as evidence.
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What is "PC"?
PoppyCock! (What NP says to the media)
Petty Cash (we know MT and FD can speak to this)
Power Corrupts (and that power which is an illusion will soon be taken away from you Fotis. Have fun with your commissary account in prison. Maybe you and Jodi Arias can be pen pals? She can tell you the ropes of what to purchase? Like pork rinds and cheese that squirts out of a can and razors and stuff like that.)

Probable Cause.

Positively Convicted!
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It sort of sounded like that but I think what really happened was MT basically reiterating what the police were telling her. In other words, I think she was repeating it, not confessing to it

the words I remember are something like "well, if you tell me that the Tacoma had blood stains from JD, then I guess she was there" or something like that. it was a subjunctive statement with the "IF" predicated on LE telling her about blood stains.

if you recall, when asked about FD being at home the a.m. of 5/24 she says he was and then she says his car was there, and then she says she heard a phone call in the office and she thought he was there but she really did not see him, so she backs off each of her assertions when pressed for further details, IMO.
I don’t think they know if it’s nanny’s or not. They seized it on 5/25/19 even if its nanny’s they took it for fingerprints and etc. the day after they don’t know if she would be a suspect or not yet

You're correct, IMO...As someone posted up thread, sorry I can't find it right now, the search warrants are proof of all items collected at the crime scene before these items are screened for use as evidence.
Obviously from 69 WL one would expect to find the Nanny's FP as well as those of the children and perhaps their DNA. As an occupant of the house, one would expect to find JFd's DNA as well. However, finding blood spatter and blood in excessive amounts would not be an ordinary event, especially in copious amounts concentrated in a single area. And, Fd's DNA and fingerprints should not be in the house or garage. MOO..IMO
Regarding A.S.S. (Or Avon Self Storage) it is mentioned in the SW that MT went to that location around lunch hours of 5/24 to return an item to RH (hutch) wife that had allegedly been left at 4Jax on 5/23 during the dinner party. Just fyi.
RH (Hutch) owns the storage unit.
Edited also because much of the SW information is specific requests for warrants for Tower Dumps not a specific cell phone of KM, MT or FD. But the carriers of each one of their phones. AT&T, Verizon and Metro...

Calling BS on MT (Again)
I think I’m up to number 57 .

MT didn’t “need” To return any item to Hutch’s wife the day of the murder.

When you go to a dinner party (if your husband is driving) you usually don’t have much to carry so, what was of such urgency that MT HAD to return it that day ...
Lipstick, leftovers ?

1.What was the item ?

2. Did MT surreptitiously steal this woman’s purse / cell phone (like she did EE’s keys) to establish an alibi for the day of the murder ?

3. Was this “ item” returned to Hutch’s home or the storage unit address?

4. Why would MT return (said) item to Hutch’s business, does his wife work at This location with him?

5. Why couldn’t MT leave (said fake
item ) on the front stoop of their “home” or in their mailbox like most “friends” would do ?

6. You don’t bring much to a dinner party.
A small purse , cell phone , gum , a container if you bring food. Nothing of extreme importance. I doubt Hutch’s wife pulled out the only item she would really need the next day (a drivers license) and left it at the dinner party .

7. What was left at “this“ storage unit that MT needed to access around Noon ?

8. How long was MT at storage unit, is there video, Nothing in AW3 quotes Hutch or his wife being interviewed Regarding MT, FD.

9. Did MT open FD’s storage locker While she was there ?

10. Who called Whom?
Did Hutch’s wife call MT and ask Her to return (Fake item)
Did MT call Hutch’s wife and claim she HAD to Return (fake item) that exact day?

Sketch E
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Reading this account I just have to wonder whether 'delusional behaviour' is perhaps genetic in the Dulos/Kyrimi family?

I don't recall delusion being a genetic disorder (more of a personality disorder perhaps or addiction to denial as a personal defense IDK!?) but perhaps researchers should look into it as the now rebranded "Dulos Kyrimi" (thanks for the name clarification BTW!) is now claiming to, "...not know where they are getting this, but they don't have any character to be saying these types of lies."

Lies? Really? Don't think so. Not one bit of lying here.

Sure we have heard lies but they haven't IMO come from JFd or the people suing your brother Fd for repayment or the State of CT who has accused your brother of murder and other serious crimes. Perhaps Dave Altimari didn't explain it all to you properly when you called him the other day? Dave should have told you that your brother is accused of not only murdering his wife but also borrowing money from people (GF and the banks) and not paying it back. Your brother IMO has been a very very naughty boy and maybe hasn't told you the entire 'story'. Its not a hard story to follow but you will have to do bit of reading in order to put it all together. I realize that repaying bank loans might not be a familiar concept in Greece but in the US it is customary to repay what is borrowed and to also pay interest.

We are just trying to figure out where all the money went that Fd took from GF and the banks? Did he perhaps give it to you and the Rear Admiral and if he did can you please send it back as it really doesn't belong to you or your family as it was borrowed from banks in CT in good faith (and GF) but sadly there doesn't seem to have been ANY good faith at all. Did Fd perhaps tell you that the money was a 'gift'? He might have been fibbing a bit here. Well, you know what they say about beware of "Greeks/Turks" bearing gifts and all that! The sad thing is that the money really belongs to the 5 children you sought to visit in NY (remember them?). How will you and your family explain to them someday why their dad gave you all their money and they don't have any of it? Or, did you maybe give all the money to Atty. P.? Naughty, Naughty if you did and if you did then maybe it would be a good idea to talk to your attorney as maybe a trip back to the US might not be in your best interest unless you want to go to prison too!

Message to Dulos/Kyrimi - please get thee to the Stamford Courthouse on the next trip to the States where there is an enormous file of over 450 motions in Family Court and multiple experts who evaluated the family that just might explain all this to you if any confusion exists.

After you have finished with the Family Court file I'd suggest a brief coffee break as you will no doubt be totally exhausted before diving back into the documents in Civil Court in Stamford.

Sadly for The Danbury Savings Bank they made the mistake of lending your brother money in a no equity down deal to build the Sturbridge property in New Canaan. Your brother says he can't pay the loan back and can't even pay for interest or maintenance or taxes on the property. The Danbury Savings Bank needs their money back or their Board of Directors and Shareholders will be very very angry. So, if you know where this money is or can ask your brother to return the money to The Danbury Savings Bank, I'm sure they would very much appreciate it! Ditto for Peoples Bank who also has a sizeable loan to your brother and is also probably in trouble with their Board of Directors as well.

Then have another coffee and drive up to Hartford and read through the also enormous file (paying special attention to the exhibits) in the Hartford Civil Court with the GF case. Also take a look at an older file where your brother rear ended a poor young woman on I84 and trashed his Porsche Cayenne. I know you are probably more concerned about the trashed Porsche Cayenne, but the poor woman that your brother rear ended suffered terribly and was unable to work (she wasn't a wealthy person and could barely afford an attorney) and yet your brother and his atty. thrashed this poor woman in court for a couple years and made it impossible for her to get compensation for her very severe injuries.

Honestly, please get with the program here members of the "Greek Family", as its impossible to believe that the best you can do is to accuse ALL the people that have had the sheer misfortune to run into your unethical and immoral brother of lying?

I would call this all a true Greek Tragedy but its now gone beyond that level IMO!


Terrific advice @afitzy.:):):)
If this was followed, by the many family doubters and others who haven't followed the case, a great deal will be revealed about this charlatan: charlatan is a person practising quackery or some similar confidence trick or deception in ... or some knowingly employed bogus means of impressing people in order to swindle his victims by selling them worthless nostrums and similar ..
Guess they may have to wait for the trial, when the bogus builder, a murderer will be sentenced.
Charlatan - Wikipedia
A charlatan is a person practising quackery or some similar confidence trick or deception in ... or some knowingly employed bogus means of impressing people in order to swindle his victims by selling them worthless nostrums and similar.
Guess they will wait until the trial, when the bogus builder, a murderer is sentenced.
Yes the timing is interesting... Seems like there would have been more than enough time for the white Jeep to have gone there that day.

I looked up the address but that building doesn't seem to exist... An approximate address maybe?
It’s on a corner so it could be a traffic cam or other camera at that location. Like they give 200 Lapham Rd as the address where the JD Suburban was found but no residence or building there.
That’s what made me think they had surveillance video,that needed corroboration with cell phone pings.
I keep going back to the MT comment regarding the fact that she was 'cleaning the house (referring to 80MS) and not cleaning Jennifer'. Initially I thought this might have been an english/spanish translation issue but I don't think this is the issue here with this particular statement at all.

Graphic - so please scroll and roll if you are uncomfortable

We've discussed before that MT is an accomplished spear fishing person. I have some familiarity with aspects of fishing and hunting and so understand phrases such as cleaning and dressing but wasn't as familiar with the spear fishing process to know if its the same or different.

Turns out, spear fishing is not all that different other than the tool used to fish (a spear vs a rod). The fact is that as with regular fishing the phrase in english and in spanish for preparing the fish to eat is referred to as 'cleaning'. As in english there are different words in spanish for scaling and gutting etc. but the basic process by most is still referred to as 'cleaning' and this does include 'gutting' and 'deheading' by most people in common usage.

We have no way of knowing if MT's statement is true here when she refers to, "cleaning Jennifer" but what I do believe might have some truth to it is an awareness on the part of MT that 'cleaning' of JFd did occur. Odd thing IMO to admit to LE don't you think?

Here is a very simple video that explains what MT with her level of expertise as a spear fisher person would be able to do:

Spearfishing: Kill a fish underwater & gut it

Speculation about knife:

The more I kept thinking about fishing and its tools and accessories, I wondered if there was any connection between fishing/hunting and the infamous knife from Albany Avenue that was discussed by DA/HC.

The more I thought about that knife which I believe was described to be a retractable blade, the more I thought it could very easily have been part of any spear fishing kit such as one that MT might have.

Originally I thought the size of the knife might have been small for a hunting kit but given that we don't really have anything from LE about the knife or anything much to go on other than the description from DA its hard to say if the knife would have been large enough for hunting larger animals such as deer. But, it seems like the knife could easily have been used to 'clean' smaller animals with no issue too.

I just wanted to put this information out here to think about as a possible clarification for the ongoing 'word salad' that has been seen from MT in AW1-3.

MT is rarely specific about much IMO in her verbal descriptions in the AWs, but I do think her use of the word 'cleaning' was descriptive and did have meaning to her based on her experience. A person without fishing and hunting experience most likely IMO would never use the word 'cleaning' when referring to a human being. But I believe MT used this word specifically to refer to a deceased JFD and I further believe she very coldly and with absence of emotion or connection said what she said and that she was simply thinking of the body of the deceased no differently from a fish that she had just spear hunted that was dead.

Here is some other information about the kill types employed in spear fishing and about which MT would have experience:

Quote from about video article:

There are three good and quick ways to kill the fish quickly. Underwater it is not possible to hit the fish in the head to stun it, but over water you should always give it a strong blow between the eyes.

  1. Gills cut You stack the knife through the gill cover and cut through the gill matter. The fish dies quickly and bleeds. It is important that you cut through at least one whole gill arch, it just scratched the gills, it means a prolonged suffering for the fish
  2. Heart Strike This requires a sharp and sharp knife. You sting the fish in the middle between the pectoral fins, a little backwards. If you hit right, blood will come out immediately and the fish will die after a few seconds.
  3. Spine section The spine is cut short behind the head and the fish dies instantly. A subsequent gillcut ensures the bleeding of the fish.
It's interesting that in this case each of the co-conspirators have various knowledge of hunting, fishing and tanning.


Good explanation and just the phrase, "I was not cleaning Jennifer," is so ODD. It is obviously MT can not take any amount of stress of being incarcerated (hope she is working on these skills because it appears she is going to be dealing with this soon for a prolonged period) and maybe she gets very nervous talking to LE (think of her ever changing stories), but to use the phrase. "I was not cleaning Jennifer." is so telling in either Spanish or English...
We can't believe anything KM says. Like MT he
is feigning memory loss, brain cell deterioration,
concussion results and just plain stupidity.
Even his phone locations could have been staged on 5/24 and like FD, left his phone at
4JC during the crime. Enter burner phones.

He's sitting in jail, IMO, because he's lied to LE.
He knows more about the crime and refuses to come clean. Exactly what conspiracy he has
committed, we don't really know.
There's much, much more to come out on KM,
unless he works a deal and LE puts him on their side. For now we're just left wondering.

Perhaps, while KM is not out on bail and is detoxing for LE to witness, KM has revealed a great deal: all taped.
Wonder if 'some sort' of legal requirement, to do this is needed.
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