Deceased/Not Found CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #38

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As I recall, Atty. Pye not a criminal lawyer. And he was on his cell phone with a criminal lawyer getting basic info. about the situation. Outside? In hallway? FD probably walked in to meet LE bc he had nothing to hide. By the time Pye got off phone to know what to do to protect FD with LE meeting, FD already was in the LE meeting and gave up his phone voluntarily.
Not as an excuse for dropping the ball but the scenario as it played out in real life.
Better play would have been to call for criminal backup before heading to LE. Who remembers? LE called FD to come in. Do we remember if he called Pye before heading towards LE? Did they come together? Who got there first? All of these details make a big difference in Pye acts or lack of action.
Aha! And there is his basis of an appeal when he’s found guilty. Ineffective counsel. Whether before or after arrest would make a big difference. But still, maybe Pye didn’t have a chance to tell FD anything. It’s not like FD thinks he doesn’t know everything. He’s sure that he knows everything.
Pye was on FDs phone when FD Walked inside and started talking to LE. IIRC, FD was patting down his pockets muttering where is my phone?? Then Pye walked in and handed phone to FD. LE promptly said, is that your phone and FD passed it to LE.

so Pye and FD were together for some time before FD started talking w LE.

BBM above....The searched for this at JFd's home.....BUT, there is no indication if it was found. Am I correct in this assumption?

@LittleBitty indicates the things found, like HF will, but not the custodial evaluation.

@Tink56, the way I understood this request in the SW was that LE made the request to Family Court as part of the SW process. This document is sealed by Judge Heller.

We have not ever heard that JFd or Atty Midler had a copy of the discredited psych report either (My guess is that this was a huge bone of contention in Family Court and Atty Midler filed to have GAL Meehan removed from the case for his role in the entire situation as he was the one allegedly passing around the report in draft form to Fd former atty).

The issue in Family Court was that GAL Meehan was to have given the draft copy to Fd former atty. Fd was to have then stolen it from his former atty. Atty P or PT 2 (possibly) allegedly found the report at 4Jx when looking for the passports I believe. The rough framework of what exactly was alleged by Atty Midler to Judge Heller was in a motion and I believe its now sealed.

It's also not clear what investigative work Judge Heller did to figure out what happened with the entire report. She was clearly very angry at Atty. P. who leaked the report contents and then continued to talk about it to the Press. What is also so typical is that Judge Heller I believe also said that the report was not to be discussed publicly and YET it was talked about both by Atty Rochlin and Atty P AND it was reported about multiple times in the Dave Altimari reporting in the HC as he was simply 'reposting' statements made by Atty. P.

Judge Heller to my knowledge has NEVER done anything to enforce her ruling about the infamous, discredited and now sealed Psych Report. To this day I don't know if Judge Heller simply isn't aware of the report being discussed in public or simply doesn't care about standing behind orders she issues in Court! I'm leaning towards her not caring AND not standing behind orders issued in her Court given the long history of Fd behaviour in her court and little to nothing in the way of specific punishment or jail.

If I had any faith in Judge Heller doing something about the ongoing discussion of the report by Atty. P. and Atty Rochlin I would send her all the articles where the report has been mentioned, but my sense is that Judge Heller simply had no interest in doing anything further about the matter.

Judge Heller also did not sanction Atty. P. or report him to the Bar and it further seems she allowed him to excuse himself from appearing in Family Court rather than face dismissal. Why did Judge Heller protect Atty. P.? Is that just how things roll in CT Family Court? IDK?

JMO, but the way this entire discredited report was handled by Judge Heller and the role of Atty. P. told me everything anyone could possibly want to know about Judge Heller as a professional and a CT Family Court Judge, as I thought the information released here was confidential, to say nothing of being highly personal but Judge Heller didn't seem to care very much. Judge Heller seemed to simply 'yawn' and seal the report but meanwhile the information was made public. I don't know why Atty Midler didn't fight back harder against Judge Heller and ask for sanctions against the other attys in the case? But, this is the same Atty Midler that didn't seem to protect JFd interests in the marital assets either, so I guess he just works when he is paid or asked to work? IDK? Scary that JFd went missing and Atty Midler did little to nothing to protect her confidential information (from the psych report incident) or martial assets. Note to self to not hire Atty Midler if I ever have to head to Family Court!!! Grrrrr.

Judge Heller yet again IMO did zero to publicly protect the confidential information of JFd (missing person at that time) or other people mentioned in the report and the eventual decision to seal the report did nothing really as the information was already out in the public domain and Atty Rochlin and Atty. P. continue to talk about the report TO THIS DAY and he is now saying it 'will save his client'!

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Anyone hav anything on the MVA that damaged FDs Suburban?

looking at this as a possible date to start filling in more of MTs movements that week.

do we know for a fact MT was driving? On I84? I read somewhere it was near where KM was finally grabbed-near exit 68.

could this be it?


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Anyone hav anything on the MVA that damaged FDs Suburban?

looking at this as a possible date to start filling in more of MTs movements that week.

do we know for a fact MT was driving? On I84? I read somewhere it was near where KM was finally grabbed-near exit 68.

could this be it?
@Chicago54, I thought that someone posted the info on the MT accident the other night? Wasn't the damage from the accident also mentioned in the SW? MOO
Pye was on FDs phone when FD Walked inside and started talking to LE. IIRC, FD was patting down his pockets muttering where is my phone?? Then Pye walked in and handed phone to FD. LE promptly said, is that your phone and FD passed it to LE.

so Pye and FD were together for some time before FD started talking w LE.
That’s how I remember it also.

You have to question why Pye was using FD’s phone and not his. Either FD called someone and handed the phone to Pye to continue talking to, or Pye called someone from FD’s contacts on his phone when FD walked into the station.

Nonetheless, if this story is true, Pye walked in with FD’s phone...then declined an interview with LE....and LE got a hold of FD’s phone.
Pattis is full of one-penny promises (no offense to pennies) when it counts to unsealing HIS MOUTH, but notice how tight-lipped he is when it comes to actual facts and real evidence?

Then he himself says that FD's phone was in Farmington at the time of the murder (which is going to be a HUGE at trial, providing not an alibi but PROOF OF PREMEDIATION, in that it was prearranged to be exactly there at the very same time the murder occurred! Only the murderer could know what time that was going to be!!) Pattis didn't even dress it up to PRETEND FD was in Farmington with his phone. It's really gotta stink when your own attorney can't keep your foolery worded in your favor.

Of course JMO
I believe many of his tactics will come back to haunt his client, including spouting that stupid alibi so quickly out the gate.
Also, I have never understood why NP had advance warning that his client was about to be arrested for AW3, and so could get there ahead of time - does this mean law enforcement has a direct link to Norm? And why did they arrest in sequence, giving KM a chance to escape? Fortunately they caught up with him, but with such serious arrests, shouldn't they be made simultaneously and stealthily? Even the college cheaters had no warning and got early morning surprise wake-up calls!
Let's put it this way-had the FBI executed that SW there would have been no advance notice and no pretrial release due to the nature of the crime. I suspect, however, that one of NP's good friend at a certain newspaper got an inside scoop and passes it along by asking for a "comment" about it. No way, no how LE leaked that directly to him. MOO
As I recall, Atty. Pye not a criminal lawyer. And he was on his cell phone with a criminal lawyer getting basic info. about the situation. Outside? In hallway? FD probably walked in to meet LE bc he had nothing to hide. By the time Pye got off phone to know what to do to protect FD with LE meeting, FD already was in the LE meeting and gave up his phone voluntarily.
Not as an excuse for dropping the ball but the scenario as it played out in real life.
Aha! And there is his basis of an appeal when he’s found guilty. Ineffective counsel. Whether before or after arrest would make a big difference. But still, maybe Pye didn’t have a chance to tell FD anything. It’s not like FD thinks he doesn’t know everything. He’s sure that he knows everything.

Do you think the fact fact that Pyetranker once worked with and for JDs attorneys will come into play if Pattis tries to appeal on those grounds.
If the atty decides they don't like a client anymore, that is no excuse to perform poorly. You still have to do your job. Whether Pyetranker liked FD or not, it is still his job to give proper legal advice, legal advice that most laypeople understand. I am in fact happy that Pyetranker was stupid enough to facilitate the acquisition of the phone by LE. And happy to cross him off my list of attorneys that I would ever consider retaining.
Who do you think is going to fall on his sword as ineffective counsel for FD? Mule Pye or the sneaky crim attorney who refuses to out himself by calling FD's cellphone to give Pye questionable Apple iPhone X security advice to pass along to FD? LE knows who the sneaky crim attorney is...they did check the call log right away and that guy is TOAST. MOO.
Each individual SW will be listed by me and numbered as some relate back to different SWs (ie the Tower Dump information). All contain similar facts laid out in the AWs 1-3 for MT and FD. Nothing really relates to KM at all. If there is specific information that is different in each one that information will be included.

Keep in mind all SWs say "not to exceed 14 days from time of the SW date."

Each of my five posts will contain approximately 10 of the 49 total SWs. This is the final or FIFTH of 5.

47. SW for blood, etc...for JFd 2017 Black Chevrolet Suburban
SW date 5/25/19

Ex#94-104 (2) Swabs
Ex# 105-107 (2) swabs bloodlike stains (KM+)
Ex# 108 (2) swabs of bloodlike smudge (KM+)
EX#109 1 lift of footwear impression
Ex# 110 1 woodlike fragment
ex#111 fiber
ex#112 LP (which I took to mean Latent Print like a lot of yall)
EX# 113 2 swabs latent smudge
EX#114 LP
EX# 115-116 LP
EX 117 one iPhone model A1778 in red colored case
EX# 118 (2) swabs bloodlike stain (KM+)
Ex# 119 (2) swabs
EX#120 (2) swabs bloodlike stain (KM+)
Ex# 121 (2) swabs bloodlike stain (KM+)

48. SW for blood, weapons, electronics etc...for 69 Welles Lane dated 5/25/19.
Yall know about all the blood evidence they found in the garage and on the items in the garage and on the Land Rover parked in the garage.
This includes:
paper towel fragments with Bloodlike stains
used paper towel roll with bloodlike stains (KM+),
1 pair of purple rubber kitchen gloves,
1 box of hefty strong kitchen bags with blue drawstrings
Several Apple electronics like phones, computers, etc...
one electric toothbrush
1 journal of handwritten notes
1 iPad
photos of patent impression
1 pad of handwritten notes
1 SUBWAY receipt
A couple of LP's (take to mean Latent Prints)

49. SW for blood, weapons, electronics, etc...for 61 Sturbridge Hill Road dated 6/4/19.

That is the end of post five of five. Summary complete.

Wow...thanks for this deconstruction!
The SWs (eg P171, point 11) refer to LE confirming ‘a history of domestic calls to the 69WL address’ as well as to 4JX, but give no examples pertaining to 69WL.

The SWs cite examples (reiterated in @Little Bitty’s point 19) only of calls relating to the two former addresses (4 JX and 153 Chichester).

Do we know, from other sources, of any LE domestic calls to 69 WL? And, given those incidents would have been the most recent, any thoughts on why details have been omitted?
Copy/Paste (partial) from The Stamford Advocate:

Fotis Dulos has also asked the bank to pay utilities to keep the electricity and heat on, the court documents said. So far, he has not received any money from the Savings Bank of Danbury to maintain the utilities, the documents said.

The house is on the market for $3.9 million, but Fotis Dulos owes more than $4.5 million on the property, including a $500,000 loan from his Greek business associate Ioannis Toutziardis, a $600,000 loan from his friend Harry Masiello and a $500,000 attachment to the home by his mother-in-law Gloria Farber, who is suing him for $2.5 million, court documents said.

Farber is also foreclosing on the 14,000-square-foot Farmington home built by the Fore Group in 2012 where Fotis Dulos is now under house arrest.

The bank wants a judge to name Luigi D’Acunto, of DBI Development of Norwalk, as the receiver who will make sure the property is maintained and the utility bills are paid so pipes don’t burst and lower the value of the home, court documents said.

The bank is also considering installing a security system to keep an eye on the property, Gazetos said. There is also a $15,662 real estate tax payment due this month to the town of New Canaan that Fotis Dulos cannot pay, the bank said.

Under the appointment of a receiver, Fotis Dulos could still market the property for sale and preserve its value, the court documents said.

Stupid comment. He can’t market it if he’s under house arrest. They need a real estate broker to market the property, as well as a receiver. CT never ceases to amaze me.
They said they would have to build a backdoor and that might affect all iPhones
Same excuse they used with the Pulse shooter.

Apple INfects my iPhone anytime they upgrade. Last time they wiped out texts, photos, contact info. I’ve blocked iCloud backup. Not interested in being held hostage by a computer.
They need to get a grip. National security is important. Spend time there and not on those ugly Bitmoji they put out. And I can’t wipe off my phone for good. Reappear like clock work.
Done. Sorry. But national security is not something up for discussion. IMO. USA expelled some Chinese nationals for taking an unauthorized tour of a base. Wonder what is so difficult about getting into the phone. That information is KEY to criminal and civil investigations. With a warrant, Apple would be shielded from liability, I would think. Yes? No? Maybe this would be good fodder for a new thread.
I’m thinking any hacker with some knowledge could get in the iphone. Is that how it works? Could work?
That’s even worse. Our country’s security is at stake and Apple won’t cooperate?

There's no such thing as a backdoor just for the good guys.

You shouldn't be so quick to vilify Apple. Apple has provided all the info they have to give on this guy, including full access to all his icloud back-ups.

The thing is, if Apple agreed to unlock this phone, they would be admitting that a "backdoor" exists. If it exists, then I (as a corporate IT manager) assume that it is hack-able. And if it's hack-able then it will be hacked -- by our competitors, foreign governments, etc. I would immediately switch all my company phones to Android. Access to our phones provides the user access to our network and thus important financial documents and trade secrets.

It's not that Apple won't, most likely they just cannot. Or at least not without pissing off a large percentage of their customer base (including the US gov't) that rely on strong encryption and use of bio-metrics to unlock.

There are a couple of companies that say they can subvert Apple's security - one by brute forcing the password and the other by file-system extraction and decryption. I'm not sure how successful they are but they charge a hella lot of money just to try.
@acutename, document court order written by Judge Blawie is in Media Thread. Searching WS is a challenge and IMO google search works better. Suggest, "Judge Blawie Gag Order Document Fotis Dulos" as a way to start the search. There were 2 portions to the document. Also, I believe the infamous Atty. P. 'gag order appeal' had Judge Blawie document as an attachment and the actual document is probably also on file with the CT Supreme Court for the Appeal. Sadly in CT, Criminal Court documents aren't online. If all else fails one of the reporters on this case, Marisa Alter of Channel 12 posts the documents on her facebook page. So, you can search there too. WFSB, NBC CT and FOX61 also retain documents in various forms on their websites and this has been super helpful too as a resource.

Note that there are also 'no contact' orders in place for Fd and these I don't believe haven't been seen publicly but have been discussed in hearings.

thanks... I did read the other news article that was posted.... after listening to his atty give an interview. does seem like a lot of talk occurring.
I have lots of conflicting theories but I come back frequently to the Velvet Sweeper. What was he up to? Just mugging for the cameras? An unseasonably dusty stoop, requiring obsessive, excessive sweeping? There's a part of me that circles back to his preposterous arrogance.... which makes me wonder if he wasn't looking STRAIGHT AT her final resting place, even if just bones and lime (oh, sweet JF, we're so sorry), beneath a seeded lawn or driveway apron. Otherwise, why so smug?

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