Deceased/Not Found CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #38

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So how did one of NP’s besties get the scoop?
This is my guess, based on what I have seen. Certain reporters handle the courts. They are at the courthouse frequently and deliberately try to make friends with everyone in there, because everyone is a potential source. They trade on information and the ability to favorably influence a story, provide a sympathetic voice for whoever is their friend.

A big case like this hits, and everyone and their brother, is interested in the story. Then that sympathetic reporter pulls in his/her chits...and also spreads that information to his friends with whom he has gotten tight with in other cases. He does so under the guise of asking for a comment about the client's impending arrest.

Is this scenario beginning to sound familiar? NP wasn't given much of a lead time, which is why I believe LE was not the leak. Did someone along the line leak? Sure, but not the guys investigating this case. No way.

Also one of the things that was upsetting to MT per her interview is that FD LIED TO HER about the 5/22 visitation. She was angry he'd been at JF's house.

Those tower dumps will be invaluable. Who was hanging out on Thurton, when and why? How did JF's blood get into the Fore Suburban?

MT said that the Fore Suburban was at 4JC on May 24th when she returned from taking her daughter to school. Which probably means it wasn't. She's allergic to the truth. IMO

The damage to the Fore Suburban: was she REALLY driving? Was she alone? What was she doing on that particular road?

How much recon was done before the 24th?

MT did say that FD said sometimes he wished JF would just disappear. Maybe what she meant is SO DID SHE.


So many good questions!!!!

1. I do believe that MT was not lying when she said she didn't know FD was at JFd house for 5/22 visitation. She was ticked. Regardless of how much pre-planning for JFd murder I believe she may have been privy to, she did not want FD to spend any time around JFd. At all. JMO. MOO.

2. The Tower Dumps will be a treasure trove. As will the tracking of phone calls/texts etc starting on 3/20/19 which is the date when FD received court ordered supervised visitation after not seeing his children since 3/1/18. It will be interesting to see all of the records between FD and his co-conspirators as well as any other Greek friends and family members and their comings and goings from Greece/Turkey etc... to the United States.

It is also important to note from the SW #19 Any and all Verizon wireless telephone account records for target phone (JFd cellular number) to cover dates from 5/24/19 through 6/5/19 that on 6/21/17 Farmington Police secured an unregistered firearm Glock 19 9 mm from Fotis Dulos pursuant to a Protective Order. According to the SW wording, "As of 3/8/19 a FRIEND of Fotis Dulos had reportedly made arrangements to receive the Glock--the exact status of the firearm is currently undetermined."

3. I am very curious to know who was hanging out on Thurton too. If it is indeed the Fore Group, Inc. 2015 Black Chevy Suburban then we know that it had to have happened AFTER the accident on 5/17 which means that it could have taken place on 5/17 or on any date afterwards up through 5/24-5/25. We know that LE canvassed several neighborhoods etc...requesting footage from at least 5/20 or so. Perhaps it occurred on the 5/22 visitation? Just a thought. Ofcourse it could have happened on 5/24 as well. Very curious. No idea if it was night or day. I think based on the little that has been released that KM met with FD on the night of 5/23 in Farmington. I believe he may have been operating this Chevy Suburban on 5/23 and during perhaps the morning and day of 5/24. Did he take possession of JFd remains? Where did he take them? Or was JFd briefly in that vehicle to her final resting place? EE said that on that afternoon of 5/24 when he came to retrieve his Toyota Tacoma that FD was operating the black suburban. MT was operating the White Jeep Cherokee Laredo.
Who do you think is going to fall on his sword as ineffective counsel for FD? Mule Pye or the sneaky crim attorney who refuses to out himself by calling FD's cellphone to give Pye questionable Apple iPhone X security advice to pass along to FD? LE knows who the sneaky crim attorney is...they did check the call log right away and that guy is TOAST. MOO.
Haha!!! But there is a very high standard for ineffectiveness of counsel. Very high. There was not even a criminal charge yet. Appeals based on ineffectiveness of counsel are about what happens in the courtroom, IMO. AND, FD himself says he wanted to hand over the phone. Doubt there is anything to be concerned about!
Exhibit #110 wood-like fragment jumps out at me immediately; from this list is appears to have been taken from Jennifer's Suburban. Could that be a fragment be telling us method of death? But it makes no sense; why go to the trouble to hid his tracks only to kill her in a fashion that cannot be erased from the scene of the murder? Was he that stupid and arrogant?

No, I have to think something did not go according to plan. He did not want to murder her in that garage, he wanted to do it elsewhere (hence, the zip ties for submission).

She fought him. I feel it in my bones. She knew his intent the second she saw him and, she took a stand. He was not counting on her strength; I believe she surprised him by her will to live. He was going to kill her, no doubt, but at a secondary location. She prevented that from happening by her bravery.

She was right to do so. Had she not fought him, he might have gotten away with her murder. As the result of my work, I have always told people who ask to stand and fight rather than allow an assailant to force them into a car. I think the reasons are obvious. Jennifer fought.

ITA! She fought with everything she had but her injuries and the fact that FD was dead set on killing her was too much for her to overcome. RIP, sweet Jennifer.

What are your thoughts on the woodlike fragment? What do you think about it?
By GOLLY...It's lavender with a maroon tie...He dressed up for DV day!!

That’s what I thought, as well.

edited to add:
How much of a bet that the lavender shirt and maroon tie get donated? Maybe to a safe house for DV survivors fundraiser?
We’ll watch to see if these two items ever reappear on NP.
Guess that way we’ll know if we’re being sleuthed by NP, FD or anyone else in that camp.
ITA! She fought with everything she had but her injuries and the fact that FD was dead set on killing her was too much for her to overcome. RIP, sweet Jennifer.

What are your thoughts on the woodlike fragment? What do you think about it?

There were many items, especially the kids sporting equipment, that would have wood connected..LaCrosse Sticks, Baseball Bats, hockey sticks (I keep one of my son's old has many other functional uses), brooms, etc. Did Fd use one of these as a weapon to strike JFd when she stepped out of the car or did JFd fight back with one of them?

I don't know if LE would have had the kids inventory what remained at 69 WL, but they could have identified if any of their equipment was missing.
Ya! The whole incident is weird.

Coincidentally, FD had also been in court that day. For custody/divorce issues. In his very contentious divorce/custody battle with his estranged wife Jennifer.

The wording in the SW for #19 says that LE spoke to JFd attorney, Rueben S. Middler. The last time FD attempted/appeared in court was on 5/17 and he "DID NOT PREVAIL." It was in the words of Middler, a "LOSING" court appearance.

Keep in mind that prior to this final court appearance for JFd as she went missing exactly one week later and is now presumed murdered, that FD had lost physical custody/visitation with his kids from 3/1/2018 until 3/20/19 (this is the date most SWs go back to with regards to FD/MT/JFd phone records and such). BUT he was trying to get regular visitation. Judge Heller only granted supervised visits and ALSO REFUSED Fotis the "right to reintroduce his children to Michelle Troconis."

SW #28 for blood, etc...for the Black 2015 K1500 Chevrolet Suburban registered to Fore Group, Inc. SW was dated 5/30/19.

In SW#28 LE did a check of their database. It listed an accident which occurred on 5/17 on I-84 in Tolland involving the Black 2015 K1500 Chevrolet Suburban registered to Fore Group, Inc.

Michelle Troconis (paramour, liar and chief word salad crossword puzzle expert) was listed as the claimant driver. Photos associated with the claim documented damage to the LEFT front quarter panel of the vehicle. No FURTHER details were given regarding the incident.

SW #28 also mentions (NO DATE given for the camera surveillance that LE obtained) that LE had located surveillance video from residence located at 7 Thurton Drive (dead end street) which is 600 feet South West of JFd 69 Welles Lane address. Surveillance shows a dark colored Chevy Suburban with DAMAGE to the left front quarter panel of the vehicle. LE could not tell if it was outfitted with the removable Thule rack.
LE sent the surveillance video to Hartford PD for possible enhancement. No further information is given. No dates/times or if enhancement was able to see more. Or if pings or cell data related to this surveillance video.

We know that JFd blood was found in this vehicle.
Ex# 135-143 (2) swabs (no idea what they are of or what they tested for)
Ex# 144 (1) bloodlike stain (Luminol +) (KM+)
Ex# 145 (1) WeatherTech floor liner with latent blood like stains
Ex# 136 (1) GM Infotainment System (took this to mean Sirius XM)

Now that we are all caught up on the Fore(ver Losers) Group, Inc. Chevy Suburban and blood evidence and MT poor driving...
Did MT flip her lid because FD lost in court on that day? Was she mad that FD was in court and got to see JFd? Did she become enraged and unhinged because the Judge said MT was STILL not allowed to be around FD children? Did she drive over to 69 Welles Lane just to make sure Fotis wasn't over there (even though he wasn't allowed to be without court appointed observer for visitations only).

Was Friday May 17th the day for a visitation for FD and the kids? I think it was. He had them alternating Fridays and Saturdays. As well as every Wednesday from 4:30 to 7:30 pm.
I wonder where that visitation took place.

Saturday the 25th at 11:00 was the next visit following the 5/22 visit on JFd back patio that she graciously allowed to happen on her property.

Did MT drive recklessly because she had to get away from 4Jax for the visitation? Was it in Farmington? And she wrecked? Wonder if she wrecked the Porsche Cayenne too? That was parked at 585 Deercliff Road in Avon, CT in the garage. The one that FD "graciously" gave the seats to EE to replace the evidence stained ones in his Red Toyota Tacoma.

I wonder about her mental stability. She was insanely jealous of and angry with JFd. That much is obvious. But 5/17 and the losing court date further illustrated that on Wednesdays from 4:30 to 7:30pm and alternating Fridays and Saturdays, MT would have to have no contact with FD or FD children. Did it upset our Princess of low morals and standards?

Who knows but 5/17 is significant for a lot of reasons!!!
Car wreck with MT. Losing day in Court for FD. And the clock is ticking...Jennifer has exactly one week left to live.

Your last line is chilling @LittleBitty. week left to live.

I read about Midler saying Jennifer "won" in court on the 17th also. Then I read this excellent post about the significance of May 17th and decided to check the docket to see if I could tell what might have happened in court that day.

Couldn't find anything on the docket for the 17th. IDK...Does everything actionable get entered into the docket? (This was before everything was sealed, of course.)

There were some ugly motions happening in late April and May, including JFd requesting GAL be replaced, an emergency order of custody by Fd, a motion to demand financial statement from unfortunate...sure to raise anger and hostility.

Do you think Midler gave the wrong date to LE or is something missing from the docket? Are short calendar items placed in the record?
Snipped for focus:

3. I am very curious to know who was hanging out on Thurton too. If it is indeed the Fore Group, Inc. 2015 Black Chevy Suburban then we know that it had to have happened AFTER the accident on 5/17 which means that it could have taken place on 5/17 or on any date afterwards up through 5/24-5/25. We know that LE canvassed several neighborhoods etc...requesting footage from at least 5/20 or so. Perhaps it occurred on the 5/22 visitation? Just a thought. Ofcourse it could have happened on 5/24 as well. Very curious. No idea if it was night or day. I think based on the little that has been released that KM met with FD on the night of 5/23 in Farmington. I believe he may have been operating this Chevy Suburban on 5/23 and during perhaps the morning and day of 5/24. Did he take possession of JFd remains? Where did he take them? Or was JFd briefly in that vehicle to her final resting place? EE said that on that afternoon of 5/24 when he came to retrieve his Toyota Tacoma that FD was operating the black suburban. MT was operating the White Jeep Cherokee Laredo.

Thanks that arrival at MS has always bothered me.

Tacoma arrives 80 MS 12:22pm.
Then Suburban with FD and MT arrive in 2015 Suburban and white Jeep respectively.
Unless I read the timeline wrong.
How did FD get to the Suburban?
I'm no blood spatter expert but I do binge-watch Forensic Files so I'm deputizing myself. The Range Rover. Blood droplets on the hood, yes? A smear on the front end, driver's side (evidence of attempted clean up). Blood on the back driver's side. Quarter size droplet on back bumper.

Drops. Not spatter. Drops suggests to Deputy Megnut that an individual is bleeding and ABOVE the spot to which the drop drops. IMO JF was STANDING (or more upright than down) when her blood landed on the RR. From back bumper to the front... or front to back. Either way, that's movement. Chased. IMO

I wonder if at any time we will hear about any imprints. At trial, in the Patrick Frazee case, we learned about dents in the wood floors, consistent with the murder weapon/baseball bat. In the FD case, did the weapon(s) make contact with any other surfaces?

Do we know WHERE the large bloodstain was? Could it have been in front of or behind the RR, not even immediately visible from the bay where the Suburban would normally be parked?

Once incapacitated, shot? Pillows to mute? What's the fire power of a Glock? Through and through?

However it unfolded that morning at Welles, how terrorized she must've been, fearing for her life but fearing for whatever he'd do next.

How truly is it possible for one man to be so utterly evil?

Thank God the nanny and the GF took immediate steps to keep five more lives out of harm's way.

And when I say harm, I mean him. Deplorable human being.

A reporter on nbc ct said she heard from sources @8 am
that FD was going to be arrested and reached out to Pattis
He said he hadn’t heard anything.

a. he would not reveal his sources IMO

b. how many people work on a warrant? there is a chain of command; a few people who do administrative stuff, word processing, IT, there is a car from motor pool, a sheriff or two, somebody talks to a spouse or friend....miracle anything is ever NOT released ahead of time, IMO.
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I'm no blood spatter expert but I do binge-watch Forensic Files so I'm deputizing myself. The Range Rover. Blood droplets on the hood, yes? A smear on the front end, driver's side (evidence of attempted clean up). Blood on the back driver's side. Quarter size droplet on back bumper.

Drops. Not spatter. Drops suggests to Deputy Megnut that an individual is bleeding and ABOVE the spot to which the drop drops. IMO JF was STANDING (or more upright than down) when her blood landed on the RR. From back bumper to the front... or front to back. Either way, that's movement. Chased. IMO

I wonder if at any time we will hear about any imprints. At trial, in the Patrick Frazee case, we learned about dents in the wood floors, consistent with the murder weapon/baseball bat. In the FD case, did the weapon(s) make contact with any other surfaces?

Do we know WHERE the large bloodstain was? Could it have been in front of or behind the RR, not even immediately visible from the bay where the Suburban would normally be parked?

Once incapacitated, shot? Pillows to mute? What's the fire power of a Glock? Through and through?

However it unfolded that morning at Welles, how terrorized she must've been, fearing for her life but fearing for whatever he'd do next.

How truly is it possible for one man to be so utterly evil?

Thank God the nanny and the GF took immediate steps to keep five more lives out of harm's way.

And when I say harm, I mean him. Deplorable human being.


Deputy. Great Forensic work.
JD being chased leads me to think garage doors down or she would have run outside. Yes?
Where was RR located? Which parking spot. Can’t recall. But important. I’d guess at far end. And he had her cornered before he killed her. Yes? jumped over the RR to catch her. Or an accomplice.
Deputy. Great Forensic work.
JD being chased leads me to think garage doors down or she would have run outside. Yes?
Where was RR located? Which parking spot. Can’t recall. But important. I’d guess at far end. And he had her cornered before he killed her. Yes? jumped over the RR to catch her. Or an accomplice.

RR was in center bay.
Thanks that arrival at MS has always bothered me.

Tacoma arrives 80 MS 12:22pm.
Then Suburban with FD and MT arrive in 2015 Suburban and white Jeep respectively.
Unless I read the timeline wrong.
How did FD get to the Suburban?

This has been bothering me for quite a while...Asked about it on an earlier thread. Possibilities:
  • He road the bike back to 4JX.
  • He had yet another vehicle at MS.
  • Someone dropped him off...who???
  • He used a motorbike?
  • He called MT and she drove over and picked him up????
If another vehicle came in and out, one would think LE would have seen in on the neighbor's security camera.

This has been bothering me for quite a while...Asked about it on an earlier thread. Possibilities:
  • He road the bike back to 4JX.
  • He had yet another vehicle at MS.
  • Someone dropped him off...who???
  • He used a motorbike?
  • He called MT and she drove over and picked him up????
If another vehicle came in and out, one would think LE would have seen in on the neighbor's security camera.

Or MT took someone away when she left to get cleaning supplies.
This has been bothering me for quite a while...Asked about it on an earlier thread. Possibilities:
  • He road the bike back to 4JX.
  • He had yet another vehicle at MS.
  • Someone dropped him off...who???
  • He used a motorbike?
  • He called MT and she drove over and picked him up????
If another vehicle came in and out, one would think LE would have seen in on the neighbor's security camera.

Someone else met him there (what was KM doing around that time?) and gave him a ride?

If known, LE might not have mentioned this - yet.
Someone else met him there (what was KM doing around that time?) and gave him a ride?

If known, LE might not have mentioned this - yet.

Agree about LE withholding some information for AW4....KM seems like a good possibility. We know nothing about his schedule for the rest of Friday, May 24.

MT and Fd seemed to be renting a lot of cars even before their first arrest. Wonder if LE has accounted for all the rentals? IDK...confusing.

I have seen this article that 'Says' they have the ability.

There are also some who say they have hacked the iPhone, but these same people are not able to do a Full Unlock and therefore LE receives limited information from the hack.

However, this company and these individuals are Not Apple and Not sanctioned by Apple.

My point was to show Why Apple has refused to create the backdoor in the iPhone's software since it opens the door for criminals to learn how to hack iPhones.

In addition, there are those in the world who would see this as an invasion of privacy for those of us who are non criminals.

Where do we draw the line to prevent the abuse of this ability?

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