Deceased/Not Found CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #38

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There are so many stories we have read so far in this tragic case about South Winsdor, CT, Avon, CT PD and Farmington,CT PD's and being an outsider looking in I just have to wonder WHAT IS GOING ON and is anyone from CT State Police or the AG's Office paying attention???

We have seen the Avon Police Chief recently put on leave but I also very much wonder if the Board's of Selectman of these two Towns (Avon and Farmington, CT) have any handle on the management and oversight of their local police/law enforcement? Do the citizens in Farmington know that their police are returning confiscated hand guns to 'friends'?

I've watched the interview with the So. Windsor PD regarding the crowbar/gas can incident and KM STBX and then recall that this same dept made a small local paper get a FOIA request for the KM spousal rape arrest document. Mmmm. IMO the KM ties to So. Windsor PD looked to be extensive and deep as was his connections in the local courthouses and IMO this was putting the safety of his STBX in jeopardy. This is all IMO deeply troubling as it speaks to deep corruption and other issues more closely aligned with third and fourth world countries IMO.

There really isn't a word I can come up with the even begin to discuss the issue of the Farmington PD and the Fd Glock. The issue of gun controls (or lack thereof) in the State of CT post Newtown Tragedy would IMO be a wonderful story for an intrepid investigative reporter with some courage as IMO this story shows quite starkly all that is horribly wrong in Hartford/CT. Nope, the gun lobby is in firm control of CT government and this sadly looks to have been the case for a very long time.

But, getting back to the Glock. The Glock was released to a Fd "friend". Really????? Does this mean that anyone can walk into Farmington, CT PD and claim to be a 'friend' and a gun will be released? Who is the Fd friend? Did the friend even have a gun permit? What are the requirements to release a gun? Can a gun be released to an atty who doesn't have a gun permit? Why was this done? I mean how can an illegally obtained fire arm be released by ANY LE Agency?????

The questions are endless here on the release of a gun to a 'friend' and frankly its all quite ridiculous because it doesn't seem that it should ever have happened? Why wasn't the gun destroyed as it was illegally obtained by Fd to begin with? The gun was brought up illegally to CT from FL. How many guns does Farmington PD have that it just might be releasing to other 'friends'? Are these released guns registered? How do you even register an illegal gun? Is the Farmington PD simply handing out guns or perhaps selling guns to 'Friends'? These aren't hunting rifles, these are sophisticated hand guns.

Is anyone in the CT Attorney Generals Office or Connecticut State Police (shoutout to our favourite CT State Police Spokesperson Foley - MEMO: Earth to Foley, we've got Farmington PD handing out firearms to Friends!!!!!!!!!) even paying attention to some of the details coming out of the Dulos case?

As an aside, good luck even understanding the organization IMO of the CT AG Office. I'm pretty handy with org charts but even figuring out the interrelationships of the CSP and AG was baffling, which makes even reporting this situation with the Fd Glock hard (IMO its no surprise that its hard to figure this out and IMO its just another Hartford lack of transparency issue that is a sad fact of life in CT).

Have to stop writing now as the lunacy of what happened with the Fd Glock and Farmington PD is simply unreal to me and even more so in light of the horror that has been seen in CT with gun violence. If someone in the press can file a FOIA to find out even if the Farmington Police know who the Fd 'Friend" might be, IMO this might be helpful in understanding what is going on here with illegal guns being recycled by LE into the public domain. Simply appears to be a total shambles of a local police department in Farmington, CT. Unbelievable.



What would Prevent a 'friend' from handing the gun back to Fd?

Absolutely NOTHING.

Otherwise, Why would the 'friend' ask for it to be released to them, in the first place? WHY Does the 'friend' need Fd's firearm? Can the 'friend' not procure his Own firearm?

I wonder If the 'friend' Is KM as some have speculated. Good Ole Boy KM and his 'relationship' with LE in and around the Hartford Area?

Is there a way to see if KM has a Firearm License and if so, what Firearms he has registered?

Think it's too early to give him his own thread....let's see what happens on the 10th.

Habib is also being sued in Civil Court over student loans....maybe he needed the extra income selling drugs to minors???

NNH-CV-16-6062927-S New Haven JD D-01
NNH-CV-17-6068168-S New Haven JD
Strange he claims he never signed it nor did he enroll in that university and he was in Lebanon at that time. It must be a mistake LOl
Think it's too early to give him his own thread....let's see what happens on the 10th.

Habib is also being sued in Civil Court over student loans....maybe he needed the extra income selling drugs to minors???

NNH-CV-16-6062927-S New Haven JD D-01
NNH-CV-17-6068168-S New Haven JD
@Tink56, thanks for posting this one. Riveting reading. Claims that he never attended Quinnipiac University as claimed by Chase and did not sign the promissory notes for over $45,000 and provides support for him being at the American University in Beirut at the time. A victim of fraud or something else? MOO
Well I looked at the Norm Pattis clip on the courthouse steps.

MOO He layed out his case strategy as well as invoking a case he intends to emulate, Lizzie Borden. A case with bodies but no murder weapon.

1. No one knows what exactly happened, so you the jury don't know who is culpable so you can't convict.
2. The nanny is not a credible witness. So disregard her statements. Listen to FDs family instead.
3. FD was in the 69 Welles home getting something from the sink on 5/22.
4. FD doesn't have to prove he was not the killer, so prove he was the one on the bike on Weed St. In the Tacoma Etc.
5. FORE moves vehicles around all the time, nothing atypical was going on.
6. FD was into the bags and gloves etc. prior to whoever was using them for crime scene disposal.
7. Hartford trip and Albany video----cross that bridge when we get there.
9. Because some parts of the crime can't be detailed without direct witness testimony (and no one is providing that) and because my client is super handsome you must find him innocent.

Keeping MT and KM in line must be a principle part of the strategy.
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In my ongoing search for copies of divorce documents from public sources in the Dulos case I find a new source that IMO did a solid job of summarising the 'he said/she said' in the Family Court:

Jennifer Dulos disappearance: Warning signs in the custody battle

Quotes from article and references to Stamford Advocate for original source documents:

Jennifer Dulos had been awarded sole physical custody of the couple’s five children, ages 8 to 13. Last year, the judge decided that Fotis Dulos was an unhealthy influence on the children.

Consider this case a warning. If you see any of the following behaviors in your divorce or custody battle, you need to be very careful.

What Jennifer Dulos said in court filings
  • Her husband was verbally abusive.
  • She worried he would attempt to take the children from her.
  • “I know that filing for divorce and filing this motion will enrage him. I know he will retaliate by trying to harm me in some way.”
  • Her husband exhibited “irrational, unsafe, bullying, threatening and controlling behavior.”
  • “I am afraid for my safety and the physical safety and emotional well-being of our minor children.”
  • Fotis Dulos had threatened to kidnap the children and take them to his native Greece or somewhere else. He said, “You will never find us.”
  • She became afraid after her husband purchased a handgun two years ago.
  • “I am terrified for my family’s safety, especially since discovering the gun, since my husband has a history of controlling, volatile and delusional behavior.”
  • Fotis Dulos was obsessed with water skiing, and he insisted on their children training to be world-class water skiers. He had them on a strict training program, sometimes training from 8 am to 7 pm.
  • In June 2017 she scheduled activities for the children on a Saturday morning, when Fotis Dulos thought they should be water skiing. He became enraged. “He got within inches of my face and berated me.”
  • “We were all terrified to disobey my husband.”
  • Fotis Dulos almost struck her in her driveway with his Suburban while picking up the children.
  • Her husband said to her: “You should be locked away.” “Why don’t you pop another pill?” “You’re insane.” “You should be put in an insane asylum.” “You are an unfit mother.” “I can do whatever I want. You don’t have a restraining order.”
What Fotis Dulos said in court filings
  • His wife was unfit to be the sole parent of the children.
  • She lost one of the children, including once on a trip to London.
  • He denied threatening to take the children out of the country.
  • He had previously discussed the possibility of purchasing a gun with his wife. He turned the gun into the police.
  • He denied forcing the children to water ski. He said they wanted to compete.
  • His wife tried to alienate the children from him by scheduling non-essential activities during his parenting time.
  • Jennifer Dulos made disparaging comments about him, including, “Your father did not work enough to make more money.” “Your dad is a psychopath.” “You are your father’s slave.” “Your dad does not care about you.”
Court finds Fotis Dulos pressured his children to lie
In 2017, Jennifer Dulos asked to have full custody of the children, but her request was denied. But as the custody battle continued, less than a year later, Judge Donna Heller found that Fotis Dulos lied to the court and put the children in danger. The custody decision was reversed.

According to the Stamford Advocate,

The judge concluded that Fotis Dulos was pressuring his children to lie in order to advance his argument, and that in at least one instance, his actions constituted “emotional abuse.”

In the communication, Heller wrote, “the court does not find the defendant to be credible.”

Further, she wrote, “the defendant does not seem to appreciate in any respect the consequences of lying under oath and willfully violating a court order. His facility in testifying falsely to the court suggests that he is equally comfortable in encouraging the children to lie to achieve his desired outcome.”

The court found that the children would be in “physical danger” if Fotis Dulos were allowed to have unrestricted and unsupervised contact with them, and that such interaction would be an “immediate and present risk of psychological harm” to the children.

He was ordered to only interact with them in supervised settings and could only speak to them on the phone through speakerphone, so the conversation could be monitored.
From starting out as a simple computer program to being involved in a prolific murder case, Marty the Robot has had quite a first year.
The now-famous Stop and Shop robot, Marty the Robot, will celebrate his first birthday at Stop and Shop locations throughout Connecticut on Saturday, January 25 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
The googly-eyed robot, designed by Badger Technologies in Kentucky, was rolled out to Stop and Shop locations throughout the state in January 2019. The premise of its design was to alert employees of spills and other potential hazards, while employees could work on better serving customers.
Most recently, Marty the Robot was mentioned in the warrant of Michelle Troconis, who is a central figure in the murder case of Jennifer Dulos.
Troconis stated in her alibi that she was taking a selfie with Marty the Robot at the Simsbury Stop and Shop during Dulos' estimated time of death.


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In my ongoing search for copies of divorce documents from public sources in the Dulos case I find a new source that IMO did a solid job of summarising the 'he said/she said' in the Family Court:

Jennifer Dulos disappearance: Warning signs in the custody battle

Quotes from article and references to Stamford Advocate for original source documents:

Jennifer Dulos had been awarded sole physical custody of the couple’s five children, ages 8 to 13. Last year, the judge decided that Fotis Dulos was an unhealthy influence on the children.

Consider this case a warning. If you see any of the following behaviors in your divorce or custody battle, you need to be very careful.

What Jennifer Dulos said in court filings
  • Her husband was verbally abusive.
  • She worried he would attempt to take the children from her.
  • “I know that filing for divorce and filing this motion will enrage him. I know he will retaliate by trying to harm me in some way.”
  • Her husband exhibited “irrational, unsafe, bullying, threatening and controlling behavior.”
  • “I am afraid for my safety and the physical safety and emotional well-being of our minor children.”
  • Fotis Dulos had threatened to kidnap the children and take them to his native Greece or somewhere else. He said, “You will never find us.”
  • She became afraid after her husband purchased a handgun two years ago.
  • “I am terrified for my family’s safety, especially since discovering the gun, since my husband has a history of controlling, volatile and delusional behavior.”
  • Fotis Dulos was obsessed with water skiing, and he insisted on their children training to be world-class water skiers. He had them on a strict training program, sometimes training from 8 am to 7 pm.
  • In June 2017 she scheduled activities for the children on a Saturday morning, when Fotis Dulos thought they should be water skiing. He became enraged. “He got within inches of my face and berated me.”
  • “We were all terrified to disobey my husband.”
  • Fotis Dulos almost struck her in her driveway with his Suburban while picking up the children.
  • Her husband said to her: “You should be locked away.” “Why don’t you pop another pill?” “You’re insane.” “You should be put in an insane asylum.” “You are an unfit mother.” “I can do whatever I want. You don’t have a restraining order.”
What Fotis Dulos said in court filings
  • His wife was unfit to be the sole parent of the children.
  • She lost one of the children, including once on a trip to London.
  • He denied threatening to take the children out of the country.
  • He had previously discussed the possibility of purchasing a gun with his wife. He turned the gun into the police.
  • He denied forcing the children to water ski. He said they wanted to compete.
  • His wife tried to alienate the children from him by scheduling non-essential activities during his parenting time.
  • Jennifer Dulos made disparaging comments about him, including, “Your father did not work enough to make more money.” “Your dad is a psychopath.” “You are your father’s slave.” “Your dad does not care about you.”
Court finds Fotis Dulos pressured his children to lie
In 2017, Jennifer Dulos asked to have full custody of the children, but her request was denied. But as the custody battle continued, less than a year later, Judge Donna Heller found that Fotis Dulos lied to the court and put the children in danger. The custody decision was reversed.

According to the Stamford Advocate,

The judge concluded that Fotis Dulos was pressuring his children to lie in order to advance his argument, and that in at least one instance, his actions constituted “emotional abuse.”

In the communication, Heller wrote, “the court does not find the defendant to be credible.”

Further, she wrote, “the defendant does not seem to appreciate in any respect the consequences of lying under oath and willfully violating a court order. His facility in testifying falsely to the court suggests that he is equally comfortable in encouraging the children to lie to achieve his desired outcome.”

The court found that the children would be in “physical danger” if Fotis Dulos were allowed to have unrestricted and unsupervised contact with them, and that such interaction would be an “immediate and present risk of psychological harm” to the children.

He was ordered to only interact with them in supervised settings and could only speak to them on the phone through speakerphone, so the conversation could be monitored.

Am being pulled back into RL today...but, wanted to share this quote by GAL Meehan....Fd was a problematic partner in visitations...another ploy or typical of his behavior....

“Not speaking for Ms. Dulos, but Ms. Dulos’ concern is that dealing with Mr. Dulos is like dealing with a bouncing ball. He sends an itinerary, he sets for a procedure she prepares for that and then shortly before, during or while in, something changes,” Meehan said.

IMO, Fd had a thought and acted, spoke, and wanted do-overs....SO immature and so SO many have noted before. Talk to you all later.
Justice for Jennifer
Washington Post, using FBI study on weapons
most commonly used in murders, states
"Without guns men have greater preference than women for BEATING, BLUNT OBJECTS
and strangling.
Women are more prone to kill with STABB
ING, asphyxiation, poison, fire, drowning,
explosives and defenestration."
Notice that?
Men- prefer beating, blunt objects
Women- prefer Stabbing
Odd that we have 2 alleged missing weapons.
Ax/hatchet and fishing knife/switchblade.

I'm still searching for murders where perp used
one weapon, then switched to a second weapon. Haven't found anything yet.

Yes, Generally Women want to kill the man quickly and any over kill is after the fatal blow has been struck.

While men Generally want to Exert their Dominance, Power, and Control over the woman Before taking them out. Men want the woman to suffer and to Know exactly who is doing this to them. They want the woman to beg for their life.

I have no doubt that Fd watched while a child entered the garage entry code to retrieve a basketball so that Fd could 'see' the code and see what was available in the garage.

Using a child's lacrosse or hockey stick at first and then bring in the death device of a knife or small axe/hatchet.

HC Article about Family Court history and clear explanation of Dr Herman hiring (recommended by Atty Midler) - note ongoing issue of DA 'reposting' Atty. P. comments about the psych report which DA has never himself viewed (or at least admitted to seeing IMO):

‘I’m not Charles Manson:’ Court transcripts show escalating tension and anger in two-year Dulos divorce

Quotes from article:

40 different motions
The hearings on the custody motion ended in October 2018, but it wasn’t until March of this year that Heller issued new orders — the ones that Dulos’ attorney, Norm Pattis, referred to in court last month as being beneficial to his client.

Heller set up a schedule allowing supervised visitation for Dulos to see his children every other weekend, seven hours at a time, starting on March 30. She kept many of the previous restrictions in place, including no contact between Troconis and the children.

But as with other orders in this case, it was immediately challenged by the other side, causing even further delays in the case.

On April 25, the date of the last hearing held before Farber Dulos’ May 24 disappearance, the couple argued about whether Dulos’ drive to and from New Canaan should count as part of his visitation time and where he should pick up and drop off the children. The hearing was long, prompting Heller to suggest that they visit family relations, which Midler dismissed as just another level of bureaucracy.

“There needs to be some mechanism for addressing disputes that do not require the court’s intervention, because if that is the case, then this case will be here five years from now,” Heller said, according to transcripts. “There are probably at this point forty different motions, and we could shut down the courthouse and not hear any other case and spend the rest of 2019 hearing and deciding those motions.”

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The hearing ended with Midler arguing strenuously against Dulos getting the children for the Greek Orthodox Easter weekend on April 28.

“This is a piece of self-interest litigation that’s being driven by the defendant, because he has other concerns than the healing of the family; he’s more concerned with the problems back at” Dulos’ home in Farmington, Midler said, according to court transcripts.

Midler raised concerns about how the children would be supervised during the weekend, saying 15 relatives of Troconis would be there in addition to another 20 to 30 people that are usually invited.

“We’ve had problems with children going missing in action before while visiting there, so this would be totally unworkable, it is not appropriate,” he said.

Heller didn’t adjust the visitation schedule to allow the Easter visit. She said she was waiting to get the custody report from Dr. Herman, which was overdue.

“Then the children will not have Easter,” Dulos said. “That’s great.”

Herman submitted his custody report to Meehan on April 24. A week later, Midler filed a motion asking the judge to remove Meehan as the guardian because he claimed Meehan had allowed Michael Rose, Dulos’ new attorney, to see it before the judge issued an order on how it would be distributed. It was Rose’s copy that was found in Dulos’ home after state police searched it last month.

Meehan asked Heller to investigate how Dulos ended up with the report. Heller ordered copies of the reports returned to Meehan and said attorneys could only look at it and take notes in his presence.

The motion to remove Meehan was never acted upon. Family law experts have said the motion to remove the guardian so far into the case was unusual.

Forensic exam
After Herman’s report was finished, he testified about it in a closed courtroom, but Midler could not complete his cross-examination once Herman left the witness stand and refused to return to court. Because of that, the sealed report is not officially part of the family court file, though Pattis is arguing in criminal court to have it unsealed.

[Related] State police investigate fatal shooting involving Waterbury police officer »
Midler, who had recommended Herman, had emphasized the importance of the report during the previous hearing.

“We’re talking about one week, and when you consider the importance that many people attach to a custody evaluation that it may very well cause one or the other party to change their position,” Midler said.

While the details of Herman’s report haven’t been released publicly, no one disputed Pattis when he said in court two weeks ago that it was favorable to Dulos. But whether the report ever officially becomes evidence in the divorce case is now uncertain, which Dulos would have been well aware of as he played basketball with his sons on May 22.

In addition, Midler filed motions requesting that a forensic examination of Dulos’ computers be done to determine if he had lied on his financial affidavit. A hearing on those motions was scheduled to take place in May and was expected to last for several days.

Pattis has submitted a motion to put the divorce case on hold since Farber Dulos is missing, and he is expected to eventually ask the court to dismiss the case if she is never found.

In recent interviews, Dulos has spoken publicly about missing his children and has denied knowing what happened to his wife.

Dulos is not allowed to see his children, and there is no indication when he will again.
HC Article about Family Court history and clear explanation of Dr Herman hiring (recommended by Atty Midler) -
On April 25, the date of the last hearing held before Farber Dulos’ May 24 disappearance, the couple argued about whether Dulos’ drive to and from New Canaan should count as part of his visitation time and where he should pick up and drop off the children. The hearing was long, prompting Heller to suggest that they visit family relations, which Midler dismissed as just another level of bureaucracy

And Midler told the police the last hearing was 5/17
I wonder which date is correct
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did find one recent murder where perp used ax
and knife on one victim and then used knives on the other victims.
Killer used ax, knives in Clackamas County quadruple homicide, autopsies reveal

I am not optimistic that the hatchet will end up being anything important; I know Fd’s been stupid in some respects, but it would surprise me to know that he held onto a hatchet bearing forensic evidence shows this implement had any contact with Jennifer. But of course, I am hopeful that they can connect it to Jennifer!
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I am not optimistic that the hatchet will end up being anything important; I know Fd’s been stupid in some respects, but it would surprise me to know that forensic evidence shows this implement had any contact with Jennifer. But of course, I am hopeful that they can connect it to Jennifer!
Well forgive me - I haven’t read up on this whole thread - but how could he have biked the three miles with an axe? The murder weapon - assuming he didn’t stash it there on the 22nd when he visited the kids - must have been pocket sized, no?
Well forgive me - I haven’t read up on this whole thread - but how could he have biked the three miles with an axe? The murder weapon - assuming he didn’t stash it there on the 22nd when he visited the kids - must have been pocket sized, no?

I don’t think that is necessarily what anybody’s saying-although I suppose it could be possible. I think some think that it may have been used to dismember Jennifer. It’s just kind of an interesting thing for him to have borrowed from someone, since he is anything but the log splitting type (in other words, nobody’s ever known him to do it-he didn’t even have an axe; he had to borrow and then never return it)
Washington Post, using FBI study on weapons
most commonly used in murders, states
"Without guns men have greater preference than women for BEATING, BLUNT OBJECTS
and strangling.
Women are more prone to kill with STABB
ING, asphyxiation, poison, fire, drowning,
explosives and defenestration."
Notice that?
Men- prefer beating, blunt objects
Women- prefer Stabbing
Odd that we have 2 alleged missing weapons.
Ax/hatchet and fishing knife/switchblade.

I'm still searching for murders where perp used
one weapon, then switched to a second weapon. Haven't found anything yet.

FD formative years culturally Greek/Turkish, what are those stats on preference?
defense attorney Norm Pattis does a 180 - will WAIVE right to probable cause hearing reports
Still having a good laugh about this 180 turn from Pattisville (it more like a 27o maybe with the detour for Grand Jury or maybe its just a double 180 from his comments at bail hearing? IDK)! How to keep track of the 'Wild World of Pattisville'. OR, wonder what perhaps Fd might have told Atty. P. that could be 'new news' in Pattisville?

I do wonder which person/s in or evidence particular from the State's list of evidence THUS FAR (more is coming!) might have resulted in this about face from Atty. P.? Atty. P. is quite amusing to watch because no matter how loud and wildly he screams for 'more evidence and discovery' he really doesn't want to talk about it or hear others talk about on the record!

More and more options for the defense were summarily removed via AW3 and the SWs as everyone here has been busy pointing out in great detail.

Atty. P. seems to be hanging his silly FB interns' cowboy hat on "no body" and 'not dead'?


My guess is that no-body on the jury will believe that line of defence given the growing mountain of evidence to the contrary.

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Well forgive me - I haven’t read up on this whole thread - but how could he have biked the three miles with an axe? The murder weapon - assuming he didn’t stash it there on the 22nd when he visited the kids - must have been pocket sized, no?
Good question. But, we have seen Fd with backpacks and man purses and other bags. IMO if you placed the axe in headfirst into a back pack then it might look like a baseball bat or a tennis or squash racquet at a quick glance. MOO
I guess it really depends on how friendly Mawhinney was with the LE agency who was holding the Glock. We’ve seen lots of things happen here that legally shouldn’t have; I just have a feeling that whoever collected the gun did it at Fd’s behest, so it had to be somebody close to him-and who is closer than somebody that you ask to help you commit/cover up the murder of your STBX? I like the notion that they’ve talked to the person who was holding the gun, though-and that he or she could have told the police what they did with it (and this wouldn’t preclude the idea that LE currently don’t know where the Glock is)

Exactly. KM could walk into an LE office and say that he is the attorney on record and he will take the firearm and keep it safe until which time the owner is in a position to take legal possession. Does LE do a background check on KM to ensure that He does not have any charges of DV or other aspects that would preclude him from taking possession? More than likely, NOT.

Sure Mr. KM, you are a CT Attorney and yes, Mr. KM we will be happy to give you possession of said firearm because Surely your respectable position as an Attorney would preclude LE from doing our due diligence to ensure that you are eligible to take possession of someone else's firearm.

It is Absolutely possible that LE in JFd's investigation Knows Who took possession of the gun and either that person is not telling what they did with the gun or LE has been unable to find the gun and corroborate the story if that person did tell them what they did with it.

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