Deceased/Not Found CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #38

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is because she hasn't entered a plea for the conspiracy charges yet

Steps in a Criminal Case
Basic Criminal Case Steps

Step 1: Arraignment

The first step in a criminal case is a court appearance called an arraignment, in which the charges against the defendant are read before a judge. At an arraignment, a lawyer is appointed if the defendant cannot afford one, and the defendant's plea (guilty, not guilty, no contest) is entered. Bail may also be set at the arraignment.

Step 2: Preliminary Hearing

The arraignment is followed by a preliminary hearing, in which a prosecutor presents evidence to a judge in an attempt to show that there is strong suspicion that a person committed a crime. If the judge is convinced that a strong suspicion exists, the defendant is 'held to answer,' and the prosecution proceeds to the trial court level. If the judge does not agree that the prosecution has demonstrated 'strong suspicion,' the charges are dropped.

Step 3: 2nd Arraignment (Superior Court)

Fourteen days after the defendant is 'held to answer,' he is arraigned in the trial level court of the Superior court. This hearing is the same procedure is the first arraignment.

Step 4: Pretrial Hearing & Motions

A motion is a request asking a judge to issue a ruling order on a legal matter. The pretrial is a hearing to resolve outstanding issues and it is often an appropriate time to attempt to settle or 'plea bargain' the case.

Step 5: Jury Trial
Where I come from, when a private lawyer is in the case, the accused enters a plea at first appearance, because why make the lawyer show up twice just to enter a plea that could have been entered at the prior hearing? At the next hearing, while called "arraignment", the lawyers file pretrial discovery motions and get on with the case. That is why I was curious. Has a similar notice been filed in Dulos' new case?

I was trying to read the tea leaves to see if MT's hearing could potentially be a change of plea hearing, because I do not see that woman ever going to trial. I still believe we are going to see both MT and KM try a cut a deal. Yes, MT has lied and lied; that will affect her sentence IMO. Coangelo is no fool. He will negotiate with Bowman further only on the State's terms. She had her chance. Still, do I see her sitting with Dulos at trial? No.
Where I come from, when a private lawyer is in the case, the accused enters a plea at first appearance, because why make the lawyer show up twice just to enter a plea that could have been entered at the prior hearing? At the next hearing, while called "arraignment", the lawyers file pretrial discovery motions and get on with the case. That is why I was curious. Has a similar notice been filed in Dulos' new case?

I was trying to read the tea leaves to see if MT's hearing could potentially be a change of plea hearing, because I do not see that woman ever going to trial. I still believe we are going to see both MT and KM try a cut a deal. Yes, MT has lied and lied; that will affect her sentence IMO. Coangelo is no fool. He will negotiate with Bowman further only on the State's terms. She had her chance. Still, do I see her sitting with Dulos at trial? No.
This is what she’s doing on 2/7

Pre Trial
Statute Description Class Type Occ Offense Date Plea Verdict Finding
53a-155 TAMPERING-PHYSICAL EVIDENCE D Felony 1 5/24/2019 Not Guilty
53a-165aa HINDERING PROSECUTION 1ST DEG C Felony 1 5/24/2019 Not Guilty

Awaiting Plea:
Statute Description Class Type Occ Offense Date Plea Verdict Finding
53a-54a CONSPIRACY TO COMMIT MURDER B Felony 1 5/24/2019
Fotis Dulos wants a hearing to determine whether police had probable cause to arrest him for the murder of his estranged wife Jennifer. Attorney Norm Pattis says Dulos will be in court 1/22 to make that request.

Fotis Dulos attorney Norm Pattis has reversed course. Now says he will WAIVE a probable cause hearing rather than request one. Pattis now says he’ll be in court Thursday to do so.

im not sure if Pattis has his days or dates mixed up or if its now Thursday 1/23

so did he waive the PC hearing the day before so that the prosecutors had already spent time and effort preparing for his other request? nice guy.
Maybe LE is reallllllllly good at what they do and they've got the knife. How nice for FD to be able to see it again. I sure hope he gets a chance to see his beloved Mercier bicycle, too. AT TRIAL.


Me too! Me Too! Like if LE found the bike presented it to FD at trial. It would be just like Citizen Kane and the *Spoiler Alert*

sled RoseBud.

I wonder if he had a name for his Mercier Bike. I admit from this forum I am partial to True Crime Cruiser but...that is just me.
Has anyone seen an update on the Atty Habib charges for drug solicitation to a minor in a school area?

Wondered if we might be seeing another intervention from the State of CT similar to what we saw for KM recently or whether things have to rise to the level of conspiracy to murder before it hits the 'radar'?


obvious why states with a lot of attorneys need even more attorneys- the attorneys each need several attorneys themselves, IMO
I'm not sure if this is relevant or not, but we have a family friend that was busted for meth in his youth and is barred from owning a gun. His Uncle passed away a few years ago and left him a shotgun. Although he is not allowed to possess a gun, my DH, whom he has named as his executor, was allowed to receive the gun and hold it for our friends daughter when she becomes of age.
Ya! The whole incident is weird.

Coincidentally, FD had also been in court that day. For custody/divorce issues. In his very contentious divorce/custody battle with his estranged wife Jennifer.

The wording in the SW for #19 says that LE spoke to JFd attorney, Rueben S. Middler. The last time FD attempted/appeared in court was on 5/17 and he "DID NOT PREVAIL." It was in the words of Middler, a "LOSING" court appearance.

Keep in mind that prior to this final court appearance for JFd as she went missing exactly one week later and is now presumed murdered, that FD had lost physical custody/visitation with his kids from 3/1/2018 until 3/20/19 (this is the date most SWs go back to with regards to FD/MT/JFd phone records and such). BUT he was trying to get regular visitation. Judge Heller only granted supervised visits and ALSO REFUSED Fotis the "right to reintroduce his children to Michelle Troconis."

SW #28 for blood, etc...for the Black 2015 K1500 Chevrolet Suburban registered to Fore Group, Inc. SW was dated 5/30/19.

In SW#28 LE did a check of their database. It listed an accident which occurred on 5/17 on I-84 in Tolland involving the Black 2015 K1500 Chevrolet Suburban registered to Fore Group, Inc.

Michelle Troconis (paramour, liar and chief word salad crossword puzzle expert) was listed as the claimant driver. Photos associated with the claim documented damage to the LEFT front quarter panel of the vehicle. No FURTHER details were given regarding the incident.

SW #28 also mentions (NO DATE given for the camera surveillance that LE obtained) that LE had located surveillance video from residence located at 7 Thurton Drive (dead end street) which is 600 feet South West of JFd 69 Welles Lane address. Surveillance shows a dark colored Chevy Suburban with DAMAGE to the left front quarter panel of the vehicle. LE could not tell if it was outfitted with the removable Thule rack.
LE sent the surveillance video to Hartford PD for possible enhancement. No further information is given. No dates/times or if enhancement was able to see more. Or if pings or cell data related to this surveillance video.

We know that JFd blood was found in this vehicle.
Ex# 135-143 (2) swabs (no idea what they are of or what they tested for)
Ex# 144 (1) bloodlike stain (Luminol +) (KM+)
Ex# 145 (1) WeatherTech floor liner with latent blood like stains
Ex# 136 (1) GM Infotainment System (took this to mean Sirius XM)

Now that we are all caught up on the Fore(ver Losers) Group, Inc. Chevy Suburban and blood evidence and MT poor driving...
Did MT flip her lid because FD lost in court on that day? Was she mad that FD was in court and got to see JFd? Did she become enraged and unhinged because the Judge said MT was STILL not allowed to be around FD children? Did she drive over to 69 Welles Lane just to make sure Fotis wasn't over there (even though he wasn't allowed to be without court appointed observer for visitations only).

Was Friday May 17th the day for a visitation for FD and the kids? I think it was. He had them alternating Fridays and Saturdays. As well as every Wednesday from 4:30 to 7:30 pm.
I wonder where that visitation took place.

Saturday the 25th at 11:00 was the next visit following the 5/22 visit on JFd back patio that she graciously allowed to happen on her property.

Did MT drive recklessly because she had to get away from 4Jax for the visitation? Was it in Farmington? And she wrecked? Wonder if she wrecked the Porsche Cayenne too? That was parked at 585 Deercliff Road in Avon, CT in the garage. The one that FD "graciously" gave the seats to EE to replace the evidence stained ones in his Red Toyota Tacoma.

I wonder about her mental stability. She was insanely jealous of and angry with JFd. That much is obvious. But 5/17 and the losing court date further illustrated that on Wednesdays from 4:30 to 7:30pm and alternating Fridays and Saturdays, MT would have to have no contact with FD or FD children. Did it upset our Princess of low morals and standards?

Who knows but 5/17 is significant for a lot of reasons!!!
Car wreck with MT. Losing day in Court for FD. And the clock is ticking...Jennifer has exactly one week left to live.
I just
There are so many stories we have read so far in this tragic case about South Winsdor, CT, Avon, CT PD and Farmington,CT PD's and being an outsider looking in I just have to wonder WHAT IS GOING ON and is anyone from CT State Police or the AG's Office paying attention???

We have seen the Avon Police Chief recently put on leave but I also very much wonder if the Board's of Selectman of these two Towns (Avon and Farmington, CT) have any handle on the management and oversight of their local police/law enforcement? Do the citizens in Farmington know that their police are returning confiscated hand guns to 'friends'?

I've watched the interview with the So. Windsor PD regarding the crowbar/gas can incident and KM STBX and then recall that this same dept made a small local paper get a FOIA request for the KM spousal rape arrest document. Mmmm. IMO the KM ties to So. Windsor PD looked to be extensive and deep as was his connections in the local courthouses and IMO this was putting the safety of his STBX in jeopardy. This is all IMO deeply troubling as it speaks to deep corruption and other issues more closely aligned with third and fourth world countries IMO.

There really isn't a word I can come up with the even begin to discuss the issue of the Farmington PD and the Fd Glock. The issue of gun controls (or lack thereof) in the State of CT post Newtown Tragedy would IMO be a wonderful story for an intrepid investigative reporter with some courage as IMO this story shows quite starkly all that is horribly wrong in Hartford/CT. Nope, the gun lobby is in firm control of CT government and this sadly looks to have been the case for a very long time.

But, getting back to the Glock. The Glock was released to a Fd "friend". Really????? Does this mean that anyone can walk into Farmington, CT PD and claim to be a 'friend' and a gun will be released? Who is the Fd friend? Did the friend even have a gun permit? What are the requirements to release a gun? Can a gun be released to an atty who doesn't have a gun permit? Why was this done? I mean how can an illegally obtained fire arm be released by ANY LE Agency?????

The questions are endless here on the release of a gun to a 'friend' and frankly its all quite ridiculous because it doesn't seem that it should ever have happened? Why wasn't the gun destroyed as it was illegally obtained by Fd to begin with? The gun was brought up illegally to CT from FL. How many guns does Farmington PD have that it just might be releasing to other 'friends'? Are these released guns registered? How do you even register an illegal gun? Is the Farmington PD simply handing out guns or perhaps selling guns to 'Friends'? These aren't hunting rifles, these are sophisticated hand guns.

Is anyone in the CT Attorney Generals Office or Connecticut State Police (shoutout to our favourite CT State Police Spokesperson Foley - MEMO: Earth to Foley, we've got Farmington PD handing out firearms to Friends!!!!!!!!!) even paying attention to some of the details coming out of the Dulos case?

As an aside, good luck even understanding the organization IMO of the CT AG Office. I'm pretty handy with org charts but even figuring out the interrelationships of the CSP and AG was baffling, which makes even reporting this situation with the Fd Glock hard (IMO its no surprise that its hard to figure this out and IMO its just another Hartford lack of transparency issue that is a sad fact of life in CT).

Have to stop writing now as the lunacy of what happened with the Fd Glock and Farmington PD is simply unreal to me and even more so in light of the horror that has been seen in CT with gun violence. If someone in the press can file a FOIA to find out even if the Farmington Police know who the Fd 'Friend" might be, IMO this might be helpful in understanding what is going on here with illegal guns being recycled by LE into the public domain. Simply appears to be a total shambles of a local police department in Farmington, CT. Unbelievable.

You make great points. Very baffling. This could easily be a big national story, no?
Me too! Me Too! Like if LE found the bike presented it to FD at trial. It would be just like Citizen Kane and the *Spoiler Alert*

sled RoseBud.

I wonder if he had a name for his Mercier Bike. I admit from this forum I am partial to True Crime Cruiser but...that is just me.

How do you think Colangelo is going to present this case given all the diverse and extensive tidbits? A dynamic power point with a touch of video from surveillance cameras when applicable...splash in screen grabs of threatening texts...excerpts from personal blogs...a flash of the garage lit up with luminol!!!! I'm sure they are in production as we speak. Perhaps Colangelo will present the best pieces of evidence from his briefcase, or take a little ride up to the judge on a Mercier. The jury is going to be so well informed.

Here's some more info on the visitation schedule and associated issues with that. From the famous "I'm not Charles Manson" HC article. Back when they were reporting more based on court documents, and less as a mouthpiece for NP (MOO).
May be useful, especially those newer to the case.

(I have excerpted beginning with portion that is informative to this discussion, below quote is from court docs.)

“Not speaking for Ms. Dulos, but Ms. Dulos’ concern is that dealing with Mr. Dulos is like dealing with a bouncing ball. He sends an itinerary, he sets for a procedure she prepares for that and then shortly before, during or while in, something changes,” Meehan said.

But he also made it clear that the children wanted to see their father.

“The children are very vocal. They have vocalized their position as to what they would like to see. All of them want more time with their dad. They want to see their father. They have vocalized that to me,” Meehan said.

Dulos complained that he hadn’t seen his children in three weeks at that point other than in family therapy sessions. He asked the court for "makeup time” because the children were begging for it. Dulos also believed the restrictions keeping the children from seeing Troconis and her daughter were unnecessary as was barring his children from coming back to his home in Farmington.

“Michelle and [her daughter] have been wonderful to the children. There’s absolutely no evidence they have done anything wrong or they have spoken badly about Jennifer or anybody else,” Dulos said. “I want the children to come back to their home. They are asking for it. They’re asking to see their rooms. They’re missing their home. They consider this to be their home, and they have voiced that many times in family services therapy."

40 different motions
The hearings on the custody motion ended in October 2018, but it wasn’t until March of this year that Heller issued new orders — the ones that Dulos’ attorney, Norm Pattis, referred to in court last month as being beneficial to his client.

Heller set up a schedule allowing supervised visitation for Dulos to see his children every other weekend, seven hours at a time, starting on March 30. She kept many of the previous restrictions in place, including no contact between Troconis and the children.

But as with other orders in this case, it was immediately challenged by the other side, causing even further delays in the case.

On April 25, the date of the last hearing held before Farber Dulos’ May 24 disappearance, the couple argued about whether Dulos’ drive to and from New Canaan should count as part of his visitation time and where he should pick up and drop off the children. The hearing was long, prompting Heller to suggest that they visit family relations, which Midler dismissed as just another level of bureaucracy.

“There needs to be some mechanism for addressing disputes that do not require the court’s intervention, because if that is the case, then this case will be here five years from now,” Heller said, according to transcripts. “There are probably at this point forty different motions, and we could shut down the courthouse and not hear any other case and spend the rest of 2019 hearing and deciding those motions.”

The hearing ended with Midler arguing strenuously against Dulos getting the children for the Greek Orthodox Easter weekend on April 28.

“This is a piece of self-interest litigation that’s being driven by the defendant, because he has other concerns than the healing of the family; he’s more concerned with the problems back at” Dulos’ home in Farmington, Midler said, according to court transcripts.

Midler raised concerns about how the children would be supervised during the weekend, saying 15 relatives of Troconis would be there in addition to another 20 to 30 people that are usually invited.

“We’ve had problems with children going missing in action before while visiting there, so this would be totally unworkable, it is not appropriate,” he said.

Heller didn’t adjust the visitation schedule to allow the Easter visit. She said she was waiting to get the custody report from Dr. Herman, which was overdue.

“Then the children will not have Easter,” Dulos said. “That’s great.”

Herman submitted his custody report to Meehan on April 24. A week later, Midler filed a motion asking the judge to remove Meehan as the guardian because he claimed Meehan had allowed Michael Rose, Dulos’ new attorney, to see it before the judge issued an order on how it would be distributed. It was Rose’s copy that was found in Dulos’ home after state police searched it last month.

Meehan asked Heller to investigate how Dulos ended up with the report. Heller ordered copies of the reports returned to Meehan and said attorneys could only look at it and take notes in his presence.

The motion to remove Meehan was never acted upon. Family law experts have said the motion to remove the guardian so far into the case was unusual.

Forensic exam
After Herman’s report was finished, he testified about it in a closed courtroom, but Midler could not complete his cross-examination once Herman left the witness stand and refused to return to court. Because of that, the sealed report is not officially part of the family court file, though Pattis is arguing in criminal court to have it unsealed.

Midler, who had recommended Herman, had emphasized the importance of the report during the previous hearing.

“We’re talking about one week, and when you consider the importance that many people attach to a custody evaluation that it may very well cause one or the other party to change their position,” Midler said.

While the details of Herman’s report haven’t been released publicly, no one disputed Pattis when he said in court two weeks ago that it was favorable to Dulos. But whether the report ever officially becomes evidence in the divorce case is now uncertain, which Dulos would have been well aware of as he played basketball with his sons on May 22.

In addition, Midler filed motions requesting that a forensic examination of Dulos’ computers be done to determine if he had lied on his financial affidavit. A hearing on those motions was scheduled to take place in May and was expected to last for several days.

Pattis has submitted a motion to put the divorce case on hold since Farber Dulos is missing, and he is expected to eventually ask the court to dismiss the case if she is never found.

‘I’m not Charles Manson:’ Court transcripts show escalating tension and anger in two-year Dulos divorce
How do you think Colangelo is going to present this case given all the diverse and extensive tidbits? A dynamic power point with a touch of video from surveillance cameras when applicable...splash in screen grabs of threatening texts...excerpts from personal blogs...a flash of the garage lit up with luminol!!!! I'm sure they are in production as we speak. Perhaps Colangelo will present the best pieces of evidence from his briefcase, or take a little ride up to the judge on a Mercier. The jury is going to be so well informed.

Good Question. I am not familiar with cases that Colangelo has tried in the past.

What I would like to see (since I have participated in trials while I was in Law School and afterwards and ofcourse like a lot of you have followed many trials for murder cases across the US):

1. That Colangelo puts a wonderful picture of JD up in the courtroom with all five of her kids during the State's case that is always visible.

2. That Colangelo resist the urge to make JFd into a Saint. She was a flawed human as we all are. No doubt there will be dirt thrown on her character every which way from NP. From her youth and past. Possible infidelity (meaning her relationship with FD started before his marriage to wife #1 ended). The fact that she also was living off the finances of her own father as well. In other words, the State should paint her as a woman, a victim of FD and DV but not a Saint. We know that NP is going to disparage JFd character every chance he gets and we should all be prepared for these attacks on her. If that is the way NP chooses to go. JFd is not perfect but she is a victim and as such dserves justice! She is a victim of domestic violence. A victim of FD. I hope this is how they present her as a complex woman who tried her best and fought for her life and for her kids life and tried to do her best to get out from under the clutches of her controlling husband. Keep in mind, I am not blaming JFd at all but NP's defense will probably to shred her reputation so that the jury will think less of her. I tend to believe this will not work.

3. That the State lay out the case like a timeline quilt. Lay it out from 5/22/19 and where all of the parties are. Lay out 5/23 and where all of the parties are. Then lay out minute by minute or hour by hour each moment of 5/24 and where KM, MT and FD are as well as JFd's final moments documented on camera.
Stick to the timeline. At 8:05 am JFd arrives at 69 Welles Lane...never to be heard from again. No electronic footprint. Purse left behind. Phone turned off. No financial activity. Blood everywhere.

Then lay out the story in terms of the blood.

Then lay out the odyssey of stupidity. Then lay out the three MT interviews if need be. Lay out FD lack of care and cooperation with LE.

Then end States case and prepare for rebuttal witnesses depending on what NP does.

We know NP will probably bring on FD first wife as a character witness (if they parted amicably), FD family and friends, etc..
We know NP will attack, PG, LA, any of JFd friends and family no matter what.

Stick to the timeline and the forensics and the computer information, cellular information, tower dumps, camera and video surveillance and footage.

Been digging and digging away at old article research for this case (of interest to me are articles from May and June of 2019 because many had a ton of information on the divorce and custody battles). This one is also very good at laying out the timeline. Still haven't found a darn thing on 5/17. Did find 5/7 and 5/8 and 5/9. Still haven't found a good one that specifically lays out the visitation that was set forth on 3/20/19.

Accusations of Threats, Lying, Manipulation in Missing New Canaan Woman’s Divorce Case

That article is a good one in terms of laying out the timeline somewhat and clarifies some of the questions that I had because many of the articles are incomplete or are confusing.


1. 6/20/17

JFd files affidavit stating FD behavior is "irrational, unsafe, bullying, threatening and controlling."

2. 6/28/17

JFd files for emergency ex parte order for custody of five kids


7/11/17 Judge Colin (over the custody battles at the time) says that FD and JFd can communicate via text regarding the kids.


7/20/17 JFd files for divorce


7/25/17 Judge Colin denies JFd request for exparte emergency relief. Sketches out temporary joint custody plan. Denies FD request to move kids from NC to Farmington. Colin uses this wording, "JFd was upset over the breakdown of the marriage and FD's controlling and aggressive behavior. FD was upset because he felt he could no longer control the situation AND unilaterally dictate its outcome." Colin rules neither FD or JFd can bring the children around any romantic interests. NO MT. Neither parent can take further steps to obtain passports for kids or to apply for any other citizenship. JFd retains possession of NC residence (temporary home and rented) FD retains possession of Farmington marital home. Kids are not allowed to drive a motor vehicle.


GAL is appointed


11/11/17 FD is caught by JFd private eye on video having MT around all of his kids on the weekend in violation of the order in place since 7/25. It is further found that MT and her daughter had moved into the residence prior to November of 2017.


11/14/17 (unbeknownst to the court, FD has violated the orders by having MT and her daughter in marital home and routinely having his children around them) Judge allows FD can have MT present while he parents the kids. JFd switches attorneys two weeks later.


1/18/18 JFd files for another emergency ex parte order for custody. Judge Heller orders this to be sealed. FD files an objection saying among other things that JFd told his kids that she can have the mafia break FD legs with a baseball bat. and that she says he is stupid and such for living in Farmington and only smart people live in New Canaan.


3/1/18 Judge Heller rules that FD claims in #9 are not credible and in fact that FD fabricated the claims and pressured some of the kids to repeat those claims. Finds that MT did indeed move into FD residence with her daughter prior to the 11.14/17 ruling. FD denies that he spent the weekend of 11.11.17 with MT and the kids but eventually admitted they had when confronted with testimony of a PI hired by JFd and prospect of viewing video evidence of such.
Heller finds that FD repeatedly asked the kids to lie to "achieve his own personal goals." A psychiatrist working with the family told GAL Meehan that FD's actions had caused psychological harm. Heller cites Meehan's recommendation that FD only be allowed to see his kids in a public supervised setting and to have telephone access by speaker phone so it can be monitored. JfD gets sole physical custody and final decision-making with respect to the kids and FD and JFd share joint legal custody.


April 2018 a physician is retained to perform comprehensive custody and psychological evaluation

Thus begins dozens and dozens of documents in both the custody and divorce case. It appears that because FD did not have his way and was unhappy with the ruling he did not see his kids (that is what all the articles say) UNTIL a new agreement set forth by Heller on 3/20/19.


5/7/19 FD financial affidavit


5/8/19 JFd files motion for contempt saying FD filed improper and misleading financial affidavit. He listed the value of assets he claimed to own (did not include the value of Fore Group, Inc.) as $363,228.50.


5/9/17 FD files an objection to JFd motion for contempt.
And Jennifer has now less than two weeks left to live. I think the crime was planned long before this and certainly fantasized long before this but number 13 certainly amped up the urgency, n'cest pas?

Haven't seen anything for 5/17. Haven't also seen where they would be due in court the week following JFd homicide on May 24.

Have yall found anything for 5/17 as any type of court date or motion ruling or motion filed? What about for the week after May 24? Were there court appearances scheduled. ?
Been digging and digging away at old article research for this case (of interest to me are articles from May and June of 2019 because many had a ton of information on the divorce and custody battles). This one is also very good at laying out the timeline. Still haven't found a darn thing on 5/17. Did find 5/7 and 5/8 and 5/9. Still haven't found a good one that specifically lays out the visitation that was set forth on 3/20/19.

Accusations of Threats, Lying, Manipulation in Missing New Canaan Woman’s Divorce Case

That article is a good one in terms of laying out the timeline somewhat and clarifies some of the questions that I had because many of the articles are incomplete or are confusing.


1. 6/20/17

JFd files affidavit stating FD behavior is "irrational, unsafe, bullying, threatening and controlling."

2. 6/28/17

JFd files for emergency ex parte order for custody of five kids


7/11/17 Judge Colin (over the custody battles at the time) says that FD and JFd can communicate via text regarding the kids.


7/20/17 JFd files for divorce


7/25/17 Judge Colin denies JFd request for exparte emergency relief. Sketches out temporary joint custody plan. Denies FD request to move kids from NC to Farmington. Colin uses this wording, "JFd was upset over the breakdown of the marriage and FD's controlling and aggressive behavior. FD was upset because he felt he could no longer control the situation AND unilaterally dictate its outcome." Colin rules neither FD or JFd can bring the children around any romantic interests. NO MT. Neither parent can take further steps to obtain passports for kids or to apply for any other citizenship. JFd retains possession of NC residence (temporary home and rented) FD retains possession of Farmington marital home. Kids are not allowed to drive a motor vehicle.


GAL is appointed


11/11/17 FD is caught by JFd private eye on video having MT around all of his kids on the weekend in violation of the order in place since 7/25. It is further found that MT and her daughter had moved into the residence prior to November of 2017.


11/14/17 (unbeknownst to the court, FD has violated the orders by having MT and her daughter in marital home and routinely having his children around them) Judge allows FD can have MT present while he parents the kids. JFd switches attorneys two weeks later.


1/18/18 JFd files for another emergency ex parte order for custody. Judge Heller orders this to be sealed. FD files an objection saying among other things that JFd told his kids that she can have the mafia break FD legs with a baseball bat. and that she says he is stupid and such for living in Farmington and only smart people live in New Canaan.


3/1/18 Judge Heller rules that FD claims in #9 are not credible and in fact that FD fabricated the claims and pressured some of the kids to repeat those claims. Finds that MT did indeed move into FD residence with her daughter prior to the 11.14/17 ruling. FD denies that he spent the weekend of 11.11.17 with MT and the kids but eventually admitted they had when confronted with testimony of a PI hired by JFd and prospect of viewing video evidence of such.
Heller finds that FD repeatedly asked the kids to lie to "achieve his own personal goals." A psychiatrist working with the family told GAL Meehan that FD's actions had caused psychological harm. Heller cites Meehan's recommendation that FD only be allowed to see his kids in a public supervised setting and to have telephone access by speaker phone so it can be monitored. JfD gets sole physical custody and final decision-making with respect to the kids and FD and JFd share joint legal custody.


April 2018 a physician is retained to perform comprehensive custody and psychological evaluation

Thus begins dozens and dozens of documents in both the custody and divorce case. It appears that because FD did not have his way and was unhappy with the ruling he did not see his kids (that is what all the articles say) UNTIL a new agreement set forth by Heller on 3/20/19.


5/7/19 FD financial affidavit


5/8/19 JFd files motion for contempt saying FD filed improper and misleading financial affidavit. He listed the value of assets he claimed to own (did not include the value of Fore Group, Inc.) as $363,228.50.


5/9/17 FD files an objection to JFd motion for contempt.
And Jennifer has now less than two weeks left to live. I think the crime was planned long before this and certainly fantasized long before this but number 13 certainly amped up the urgency, n'cest pas?

Haven't seen anything for 5/17. Haven't also seen where they would be due in court the week following JFd homicide on May 24.

Have yall found anything for 5/17 as any type of court date or motion ruling or motion filed? What about for the week after May 24? Were there court appearances scheduled. ?
"A custody hearing for a Guardian Ad Litem, which is an individual the court appoints if the parties are unable to resolve a parenting dispute, was scheduled for Wednesday morning." [May 29th]
Report of missing New Canaan woman also a criminal investigation, according to police
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