Deceased/Not Found CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #38

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So glad @Misy you posted back! I went and looked for your original post and just couldn't find it in this fast moving thread, but I tried the best I could to get you the best articles on the issue that it seemed like you were interested in.

The big answer to your question I think was the part of the story where Fd got his children to lie on his behalf about the presence of MT and her daughter during the children's visits to 4Jx. What was so awful about this situation was that Fd absolutely refused to acknowledge the deep deep damage this having the children lie on his behalf did to the children. Judge Heller ordered family therapy, personal therapy for Fd and effectively stopped visitation for a very long time. It doesn't appear the therapy had much impact on Fd as when he returned to court he continued to not tell the truth and this resulted in Judge Heller labelling him a 'liar' on the record.

But, the most tragic part about this entire lying episode was the impact on the older children. By all accounts it was psychologically debilitating and yet Fd (who was aware of the situation) responded by not following court orders and so was denied visitation during a time when his children were in very bad shape emotionally by all accounts. This put JFd in the impossible position of dealing with the situation by herself, which wasn't unusual. But it was this entire sequence of events that brought rise to the issue of Fd being accused of 'weaponising' his children against JFd and all because he didn't agree with the Judge Heller decision about MT and her daughter having no contact with the children.

I guess anytime I have heard Fd on the courthouse steps talking about loving his children OR his 'sister' saying he is the nicest person she knows, I just flash back to what Fd did not only to JFd as a mother trying to manage a childs emotional health but to his children as a family unit. What Fd did didn't just impact 1 or 2 of his children, no, IMO it impacted them all and worst of all IMO, Fd simply didn't care and I don't get how he can say he 'loves' his children based on what he did to them over a very long period of time.


Exactly. BRAVA!

And then there was here recently after JFd was reported missing on 5/24 the papers FD filed in court the week of August 19th, 2019 in which he sought to have the two eldest boys (13 year old twins) be represented in custody matters by their own attorney who would advocate for the twins' wishes. Why break up the family like that? try to go for just two of the kids? And the eldest two?

None of FD's actions (though I know he would disagree) have shown the love and care he claims he has for all 5 kids. It doesn't compute. Then there is the whole kidnapping and felony murder charge related to JFd disappearance.

I have no doubt FD believes he is a great dad. JFd in his mind, a terrible mother unable to care for the kids in the way that he would. Such is the mind of a pathological narcissist with a sociopathic and controlling mindset.
Super great questions @LittleBitty!

I wonder if it might not be 1 thing that spooked 'ole Atty. P. but the fact that the narrative made by the State is now so much clearer?

I kept thinking about the one thing that Atty Colangelo could flash at the hearing that could shut down debate and discussion on many fronts.

Its a tough pick as it seems like the CCTV and evidence pool is extensive.

Perhaps the Face of the driver of EE truck (and any passenger) on Lapham OR Face of driver of JFd Suburban leaving Welles at 10:25 am possibly with JFd visible? I'm sure one damning photo could be found to simply shut down Pattisville prospects for more months of pure BS which seems to be what they want to do so they can maximise billings too!

My suspicion is that the State does have CCTV with faces visible and they have these and more and would Atty. P. risk them being flashed and photographed in Court and played for months on TV and discussed on the internet?

IDK. Doubtful. IMO, this round goes to the State as we went from Atty. P. screaming for Grand Jury, Atty. P. updating his West-law database to current law and then focusing on PCH and then retreating so he can live to fight another day.

Pure speculation on my part as there could have been one item in the huge list of items we are still processing that resulted in the decision to back off the PCH.

Yep yep and more yep and a side helping of yep and some yeppers for dessert.

One thing I was able to pull out was that it appears that much of the footage was sent to Hartford police and their wonderful C4 command center for enhancement. No doubt if they were able to pick out an emblem on a black hat and a logo on a light colored tshirt etc...much less the Converse Chuck Taylors...(or maybe those weren't on camera but included because of foot impressions) NP and Pattisville have to know that there will be some pretty bad stuff there. And also, as much as I dislike MT, she already went against self interest and FD anyway by identifying herself and FD and the Raptor on the TBOoS (Trash bin Odyssey of Stupidity).
Haha @MollyDDD ! Can you imagine being a shoplifter and grabbed by that creepy looking robot mid grab! The lights on the robot would go off and a buzzer would ring and the announcement would come over the loudspeaker, "Police needed urgently in aisle 6, suspect in custody but they won't give up the meat"!

Warning! Warning!
@MollyDDD, perfection! I think you have a new avatar possibility here!

I do like the peaceful nature of the flowers in the present avatar though after the wild ride we have been on over the past week!

But, the irony of the MT post with the robot and possible reference to her being Fd 'clean up robot' is that it will be shown at trial. MT feeble attempt at making an alibi will most likely bite her very cleanly in the '*advertiser censored*'!

I do think its quite interesting that LE merely repeated what MT said was her alibi for the 5/24 missing/murder date but so far as I can tell didn't corroborate it in AW3.

How could things have been different if MT was in NC on the 24th and ditto for KM?

Super great questions @LittleBitty!

I wonder if it might not be 1 thing that spooked 'ole Atty. P. but the fact that the narrative made by the State is now so much clearer?

I kept thinking about the one thing that Atty Colangelo could flash at the hearing that could shut down debate and discussion on many fronts.

Its a tough pick as it seems like the CCTV and evidence pool is extensive.

Perhaps the Face of the driver of EE truck (and any passenger) on Lapham OR Face of driver of JFd Suburban leaving Welles at 10:25 am possibly with JFd visible? I'm sure one damning photo could be found to simply shut down Pattisville prospects for more months of pure BS which seems to be what they want to do so they can maximise billings too!

My suspicion is that the State does have CCTV with faces visible and they have these and more and would Atty. P. risk them being flashed and photographed in Court and played for months on TV and discussed on the internet?

IDK. Doubtful. IMO, this round goes to the State as we went from Atty. P. screaming for Grand Jury, Atty. P. updating his West-law database to current law and then focusing on PCH and then retreating so he can live to fight another day.

Pure speculation on my part as there could have been one item in the huge list of items we are still processing that resulted in the decision to back off the PCH.


I wonder how the State and NP handle all the proclamations that NP has made prior to AW3. From the very beginning we heard from the GAL at the May 22nd outdoor dinner that Fd never entered the home. This was repeated by NP to the press on several occasions...Fd repeated it in his TV interviews. This week NP says, Fd has been in the WL home. This was a HUH moment. (Didn't anyone in the press questions this?) What does the State do to impeach the public statements with the current theory and perhaps courtroom testimony? Will the state be allowed to do a montage for the jury of Fd and NP's pretrial proclamations...perhaps, during the final arguments? Where could one put this in a trial?

I hope and believe that the State has withheld certain pieces of evidence that will be the closers whether that be photos, video, or found evidence that hasn't been shared thus far. I do wonder if NP's sources have told him that the State still holds something more incriminating.

Do we think that this could go to trial this fall? Personally, I feel like it is the sooner the better, perhaps with the discovery of what happened to JFd's body. Where would NP like to move the trial? To the northeastern section of CT? I looked in the New London/Groton/Norwich news media and don't feel the case is receiving as much coverage there as it is in the western part of the state.

IDK...I'm guessing like everyone else, but this is a chess match. NP is, IMO, feeling the pressure.

BTW, we haven't heard anything from NP's crack investigator McNamara. I wonder if he is still lurking about. That information is on my list of wanna know information...NP wants to get the trial started before there are anymore breaks in this seemingly complicated case starring the 3 stooges. MOO...IMO
Good Question. I am not familiar with cases that Colangelo has tried in the past.

What I would like to see (since I have participated in trials while I was in Law School and afterwards and ofcourse like a lot of you have followed many trials for murder cases across the US):

1. That Colangelo puts a wonderful picture of JD up in the courtroom with all five of her kids during the State's case that is always visible.

2. That Colangelo resist the urge to make JFd into a Saint. She was a flawed human as we all are. No doubt there will be dirt thrown on her character every which way from NP. From her youth and past. Possible infidelity (meaning her relationship with FD started before his marriage to wife #1 ended). The fact that she also was living off the finances of her own father as well. In other words, the State should paint her as a woman, a victim of FD and DV but not a Saint. We know that NP is going to disparage JFd character every chance he gets and we should all be prepared for these attacks on her. If that is the way NP chooses to go. JFd is not perfect but she is a victim and as such dserves justice! She is a victim of domestic violence. A victim of FD. I hope this is how they present her as a complex woman who tried her best and fought for her life and for her kids life and tried to do her best to get out from under the clutches of her controlling husband. Keep in mind, I am not blaming JFd at all but NP's defense will probably to shred her reputation so that the jury will think less of her. I tend to believe this will not work.

3. That the State lay out the case like a timeline quilt. Lay it out from 5/22/19 and where all of the parties are. Lay out 5/23 and where all of the parties are. Then lay out minute by minute or hour by hour each moment of 5/24 and where KM, MT and FD are as well as JFd's final moments documented on camera.
Stick to the timeline. At 8:05 am JFd arrives at 69 Welles Lane...never to be heard from again. No electronic footprint. Purse left behind. Phone turned off. No financial activity. Blood everywhere.

Then lay out the story in terms of the blood.

Then lay out the odyssey of stupidity. Then lay out the three MT interviews if need be. Lay out FD lack of care and cooperation with LE.

Then end States case and prepare for rebuttal witnesses depending on what NP does.

We know NP will probably bring on FD first wife as a character witness (if they parted amicably), FD family and friends, etc..
We know NP will attack, PG, LA, any of JFd friends and family no matter what.

Stick to the timeline and the forensics and the computer information, cellular information, tower dumps, camera and video surveillance and footage.

Excellent. Do you think they will present any parts of her written journal to reveal the kind of person/mother/wife she was?
I wonder how the State and NP handle all the proclamations that NP has made prior to AW3. From the very beginning we heard from the GAL at the May 22nd outdoor dinner that Fd never entered the home. This was repeated by NP to the press on several occasions...Fd repeated it in his TV interviews. This week NP says, Fd has been in the WL home. This was a HUH moment. (Didn't anyone in the press questions this?) What does the State do to impeach the public statements with the current theory and perhaps courtroom testimony? Will the state be allowed to do a montage for the jury of Fd and NP's pretrial proclamations...perhaps, during the final arguments? Where could one put this in a trial?

I hope and believe that the State has withheld certain pieces of evidence that will be the closers whether that be photos, video, or found evidence that hasn't been shared thus far. I do wonder if NP's sources have told him that the State still holds something more incriminating.

Do we think that this could go to trial this fall? Personally, I feel like it is the sooner the better, perhaps with the discovery of what happened to JFd's body. Where would NP like to move the trial? To the northeastern section of CT? I looked in the New London/Groton/Norwich news media and don't feel the case is receiving as much coverage there as it is in the western part of the state.

IDK...I'm guessing like everyone else, but this is a chess match. NP is, IMO, feeling the pressure.

BTW, we haven't heard anything from NP's crack investigator McNamara. I wonder if he is still lurking about. That information is on my list of wanna know information...NP wants to get the trial started before there are anymore breaks in this seemingly complicated case starring the 3 stooges. MOO...IMO

Unless there are motions filed to the defense, I would imagine that yes the trial will happen this fall. NP will likely file for change of venue. Whether he gets it or not.
I think the other glaring thing is that we all know as Pattis and FD and MT and AB and KM and his attorney know that there are plenty of SWs that haven't been released yet. And those will deal more and more with KM and MT movements I would expect. And unless the State keeps pressing to have them sealed those will likely be released to the pubic in the coming weeks I suspect. And will become more and more damning.
I wonder how the State and NP handle all the proclamations that NP has made prior to AW3. From the very beginning we heard from the GAL at the May 22nd outdoor dinner that Fd never entered the home. This was repeated by NP to the press on several occasions...Fd repeated it in his TV interviews. This week NP says, Fd has been in the WL home. This was a HUH moment. (Didn't anyone in the press questions this?) What does the State do to impeach the public statements with the current theory and perhaps courtroom testimony? Will the state be allowed to do a montage for the jury of Fd and NP's pretrial proclamations...perhaps, during the final arguments? Where could one put this in a trial?

I hope and believe that the State has withheld certain pieces of evidence that will be the closers whether that be photos, video, or found evidence that hasn't been shared thus far. I do wonder if NP's sources have told him that the State still holds something more incriminating.

Do we think that this could go to trial this fall? Personally, I feel like it is the sooner the better, perhaps with the discovery of what happened to JFd's body. Where would NP like to move the trial? To the northeastern section of CT? I looked in the New London/Groton/Norwich news media and don't feel the case is receiving as much coverage there as it is in the western part of the state.

IDK...I'm guessing like everyone else, but this is a chess match. NP is, IMO, feeling the pressure.

BTW, we haven't heard anything from NP's crack investigator McNamara. I wonder if he is still lurking about. That information is on my list of wanna know information...NP wants to get the trial started before there are anymore breaks in this seemingly complicated case starring the 3 stooges. MOO...IMO
Atty. P. 'says' he wants a speedy trial but then simply plays the delay game when given the opportunity.

The addition of charges for Fd and new charges for KM had to have thrown a huge wrench in things as Atty. P. said KM was the cornerstone of their alibi. Whether this is true or not, who knows, but Atty. P. did say it and said he was surprised KM was arrested.

I don't see how a trial in the fall is possible if the investigation is ongoing and there is potentially a Greek national/s involved and that getting them to the US could take time given the process involved.

The KM arrest warrant wasn't fully fleshed out IMO and so this will take time.

Also I wonder if we will see more charges for MT. What if her crafted alibi of delivering thing left at party and the Stop and Shop robot don't pan out? We already are seeing MT on the forensic evidence in AW3. What else could MT have done that wasn't in AW3? Could she have been in NC? What if her only role was to watch the Fd cell phone at 4Jx in order to pick up the call from Greece? I wonder if MT had to be at 4Jx to pick up the call from Greece? Could she have been some place else?

Will we learn more about location of the main players when the cell data is released?

We still have no idea of the role of Andreas Tout even though he was mentioned in AW.

Is Andreas Tout mentioned because of his role in possibly calling the Fd phone on 5/24 or is his role deeper and does he have a physical presence in CT for the crime?

They possibly could get it admitted into evidence? I would think.

I hope they’re able to include some of her writings. It’s what drew me into this case, her blog posts, “hearing” her voice, her wit, her charm, her warmth. Simple everyday things, things and feelings we all experience. And with a sense of joy and humor. I hope the jury can get to know her that way too.
Thanks for posting this link: Fotis Dulos – True Crime Rocket Science / #tcrs

There is something about watching those videos in sequence and then thinking of other cases that we have followed that are similar that makes many things clearer in this case. The addition of KM and his entire network of connections adds a dimension to this case that was not present previously IMO.

Were Fd and KM in a pact together to murder each others wives? Will more conspiracy to murder charges be filed here? Could that be what Atty. P. is worried about?

Video is a powerful tool IMO. My guess jurors will be treated to a possible montage of clips from these various interviews. I really do wonder if Fd and Atty. P. didn't think the State would be able to gather enough evidence to disprove the statements made by Fd in these early interviews.

Looking at these videos now, they simply look like Fd is in quicksand and sinking fast! No wonder Atty. P. ditched the PCH and maybe he is now screaming for a 'speedy trial' because its his only hope for the State not to uncover more evidence against his client! I don't necessarily believe this to be true but it does seem to be what Atty. P. is now saying (for today at least....tomorrow is always a new day in Pattisville!).

Folks, don't post photoshopped pics (from an unapproved source no less). It can result in confusion, off topic discussion that derails the thread, and time required for WS staff to read through many pages to clean up all responses.

Humor or not, just don't do it. Thanks.
This was one of the videos that @LittleBitty linked earlier this evening.

The one video that still seems a bit surreal is a smiling Fd outside with Atty. P. after AW2? Was he just relieved to not have been charged with murder? IDK, but the smile is haunting.

But this is the video where Atty. P. attacks another female reporter for asking the question of "Where is Jennifer". I wish I knew who this reporter was from ABC7 (NY) as she stood her ground brilliantly IMO against a total and bully and she did it while looking him straight in the eyes (and while Fd was looking away from them both!).

Poor Marty the Robot. And Marty's almost year long stressful existence at the Stop and Shop at Simsbury dealing with shoppers like MT and FD on a likely regular basis. Marty saw too much of both of them. Possibly even saw FD on the 23rd of May buying more "meat" for his dinner party guests and MT with her stupid selfies on the 24th (or so we are led to believe).

Marty is about to have his very first birthday on January 25th (also the Chinese New year I believe) and Marty has already been dragged into a murder case. Its not like Marty's existence isn't stressful enough with all the creepy selfies from people like MT for a "solid" alibi.

Marty is also tasked with alerting employees of spills and other potential hazards. You are right @afitzy Someone without an avatar or an avatar fan like @MollyDDD needs to take up Marty's cause. I feel like.
Poor Marty the Robot. And Marty's almost year long stressful existence at the Stop and Shop at Simsbury dealing with shoppers like MT and FD on a likely regular basis. Marty saw too much of both of them. Possibly even saw FD on the 23rd of May buying more "meat" for his dinner party guests and MT with her stupid selfies on the 24th (or so we are led to believe).

Marty is about to have his very first birthday on January 25th (also the Chinese New year I believe) and Marty has already been dragged into a murder case. Its not like Marty's existence isn't stressful enough with all the creepy selfies from people like MT for a "solid" alibi.

Marty is also tasked with alerting employees of spills and other potential hazards. You are right @afitzy Someone without an avatar or an avatar fan like @MollyDDD needs to take up Marty's cause. I feel like.
Poor Marty the Robot. And Marty's almost year long stressful existence at the Stop and Shop at Simsbury dealing with shoppers like MT and FD on a likely regular basis. Marty saw too much of both of them. Possibly even saw FD on the 23rd of May buying more "meat" for his dinner party guests and MT with her stupid selfies on the 24th (or so we are led to believe).

Marty is about to have his very first birthday on January 25th (also the Chinese New year I believe) and Marty has already been dragged into a murder case. Its not like Marty's existence isn't stressful enough with all the creepy selfies from people like MT for a "solid" alibi.

Marty is also tasked with alerting employees of spills and other potential hazards. You are right @afitzy Someone without an avatar or an avatar fan like @MollyDDD needs to take up Marty's cause. I feel like.

Perhaps during Marty’s first anniversary celebration, they can present him with a little robotic helper named “Michi”.
And since it falls on the Chinese New Year, “The Year of the Rat”, maybe they can put Fotis’s picture on it too! He’s already got the ears.
I skimmed the last 55 posts - so I believe this is still happening?!?

Wednesday, January 22nd:
*Pretrial Hearing (@ am ET) – CT – Jennifer Rebecca Farber Dulos (50) (May 24, 2019, New Canaan) – for *Fotis Dulos (51/now 52) arrested (6/2/19), charged (6/1/19) & arraigned (6/3/19) with tampering with or fabricating physical evidence & hindering prosecution. Plead not guilty. $500K bond. Posted bond (on 6/12/19). *Arrested & charged (9/4/19) with tampering with evidence involving the borrowed car from work colleague. Plead not guilty. $500K bond. Posted bond (on 9/4/19). *Arrested & charged (1/7/20) with capital murder, murder & kidnapping. Plead not guilty. $6M bond. Bonded out (on 1/9/20).
Bond conditions re tampering charges: must be posted at courthouse, passport must be surrendered & must submit to GPS monitoring. Bond conditions on murder: on house arrest. GPS monitoring; must have prior approval to leave his house. No contact with 5 children, JD’s mother or children’s nanny.
Court info from 6/13/19 thru 12/12/19 reference post #244 here:
Deceased/Not Found - CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #35

1/7/20 Update: Dulos was arrested & charged (1/7/20) with capital murder, murder & kidnapping, according to Connecticut State Police. He is being held on a $6 million bond. Arraignment hearing on 1/8/20 for new charges.
1/8/20 Update: Dulos: State's Attorney feels $6 million is appropriate, if makes bond, house arrest. Pending protective order regarding his children and former mother in law. Norm Pattis says $6 million is excessive. Pattis asks for $1 million bond. Cites Dulos’s full compliance with earlier release. “I think the state is groping in the dark” with murder & kidnapping charges. Judge John Blawie issues protective orders - no contact with Jennifer’s mother Gloria Farber or the 5 Dulos children residing with her. Says he will obey. Sets bond at $6 million. If he posts, house arrest. Attorney asks for permission to leave house for work. Judge says case by case basis OK, with prior approval. State also asking Dulos has no contact with the nanny watching his children. Judge agrees. Case continued to 2/28. 1/9/20: Bonded out of jail. 1/16/20: Hearing on 1/22/20 to request a probable cause hearing, which must take place within 60 days of request.
*Michelle C. Tronconis (44/now 45) – Pretrial hearing on 2/7/20.
*Kent D. Mawhinney (54) – Pretrial hearing on 2/20/20.
I skimmed the last 55 posts - so I believe this is still happening?!?

Wednesday, January 22nd:
*Pretrial Hearing (@ am ET) – CT – Jennifer Rebecca Farber Dulos (50) (May 24, 2019, New Canaan) – for *Fotis Dulos (51/now 52) arrested (6/2/19), charged (6/1/19) & arraigned (6/3/19) with tampering with or fabricating physical evidence & hindering prosecution. Plead not guilty. $500K bond. Posted bond (on 6/12/19). *Arrested & charged (9/4/19) with tampering with evidence involving the borrowed car from work colleague. Plead not guilty. $500K bond. Posted bond (on 9/4/19). *Arrested & charged (1/7/20) with capital murder, murder & kidnapping. Plead not guilty. $6M bond. Bonded out (on 1/9/20).
Bond conditions re tampering charges: must be posted at courthouse, passport must be surrendered & must submit to GPS monitoring. Bond conditions on murder: on house arrest. GPS monitoring; must have prior approval to leave his house. No contact with 5 children, JD’s mother or children’s nanny.
Court info from 6/13/19 thru 12/12/19 reference post #244 here:
Deceased/Not Found - CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #35

1/7/20 Update: Dulos was arrested & charged (1/7/20) with capital murder, murder & kidnapping, according to Connecticut State Police. He is being held on a $6 million bond. Arraignment hearing on 1/8/20 for new charges.
1/8/20 Update: Dulos: State's Attorney feels $6 million is appropriate, if makes bond, house arrest. Pending protective order regarding his children and former mother in law. Norm Pattis says $6 million is excessive. Pattis asks for $1 million bond. Cites Dulos’s full compliance with earlier release. “I think the state is groping in the dark” with murder & kidnapping charges. Judge John Blawie issues protective orders - no contact with Jennifer’s mother Gloria Farber or the 5 Dulos children residing with her. Says he will obey. Sets bond at $6 million. If he posts, house arrest. Attorney asks for permission to leave house for work. Judge says case by case basis OK, with prior approval. State also asking Dulos has no contact with the nanny watching his children. Judge agrees. Case continued to 2/28. 1/9/20: Bonded out of jail. 1/16/20: Hearing on 1/22/20 to request a probable cause hearing, which must take place within 60 days of request.
*Michelle C. Tronconis (44/now 45) – Pretrial hearing on 2/7/20.
*Kent D. Mawhinney (54) – Pretrial hearing on 2/20/20.

NBC CT just said Dulos is in court tomorrow -Thursday
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