Deceased/Not Found CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #38

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I read his power got turned off, his company isn't making money as he is the only employee now, you can't afford power you're probably not going to afford to fight this. He has his house for sale for $4.8M probably going to need that cash to pay his legal team.

His power didn’t get turned off-there is still power where he lives, at 4 Jefferson Crossing, in Farmington. You are thinking of 61 Sturbridge in New Canaan.
People named “Fudge,” are notoriously unreliable (in my experience).

Actually, Fudge is the dealer and George discovered the knife! If the Hartford Courant found Fudge, I'm sure LE did too.

"In an interview last month with The Courant, that man, known in the Albany Avenue area as “George” said while searching through the trash, he found a garbage bag containing a pillow with blue and white stripes and a knife. Both were covered in blood.
...The man, who The Courant is not identifying, can be seen on surveillance video wiping an object on his pants leg and putting it in his pocket. The man said he then sold the knife to a man known as “Fudge” in exchange for a $5 rock of crack cocaine."

Police suspect a folding hunting knife was used to kill Jennifer Farber Dulos. A Hartford man sold it for $10.

edit... I see in the article Fudge also claims to have sold the knife.. hope LE found it one way or another.
I guess Fotis doesn't have the cash to pay for Norm's billable hours for a probable cause hearing?

The $$$$$$$ is flowing to Pattisville. 3 Attys at the last bail hearing when 1 could do AND he had 2 interns I believe as well. Nope, $$$$ is not the issue here IMO.

Nope, my best Guess is that 'ole Atty. P. was concerned about what additional evidence might be presented by the State!

I also guess that Pattisville has fully 'digested' AW3 and the beginnings of the SW dump.

Dark Days in Pattisville IMO and discussion of yet more damning evidence sitting with the public for a very long time doesn't fit with the Atty. P. strategy IMO.

When a certain force is applied to wood, what happens? It splinters, that is what happens. The item isn't labeled a wood chip, it is labeled a wood fragment. Depending on what the forensics say about that fragment, some sort of wooden weapon may have been used.

The fragment would have been transferred to Jennifer's Suburban when he put her in the car. We know it was a messy transfer because Dulos threw away the rug from the back of her vehicle during your so well-labeled "trash bin Odyssey of stupidity." People lie; forensic evidence does not. This wood fragment may tell its own truth.
Could 'wood fragment' possibly just mean a piece of wood for example from a tree or a bush from being in the woods? I don't know, just guessing what it could possibly be.
I confess to being disappointed. I am disappointed that NP has done a 180 on the Probable Cause hearing. Largely, because the article that @afitzy posted explained that while the State would not put on much more evidence at the PC hearing, CSME Gill would likely be called by the State to prove that JFd is actually dead and was murdered in her garage.

I am aware his words are in the AW3 of MT and FD and in KM AW.

NP desperately does not want that narrative to be left with the potential jury pool. Especially with a gag order (that he continually skirts around with no contempt charges). He will control the narrative in the press on waiving the PC hearing by saying that in skipping it he ensures that his client will get that speedy trial that FD so desperately wants. Ya, a PC hearing is really gonna delay that speedy trial. Poppycock!

NP wants to keep the GG bullcrud story out there for as long as he can.

But where does this put the co-conspirators? A plea deal? Will both of them waive the PC as well? Let's face it, Gill will get up there and graphically go over the ample blood evidence and there will not be much in the way of countering it until trial for any of the defendants.

So while it is fun to watch NP abruptly turn course, it is a let down for me. We all want Justice for Jennifer. I was hoping that the State could control the narrative that she is indeed deceased by a homicide of violence. Not allow a scintilla of the GG stench to permeate the air anymore. It would also, imo, allow for a vigil and a chance for the public to mourn in a sense without a funeral. Gill merely stating his expert opinion in a document (AW) is not as powerful as having his words on the stand during a PC hearing while FD is sitting in court be repeated by the print and television news media.

So while I admit, NP is indeed aware that JFd is dead I am still very much bummed that the PC hearing will not be taking place for FD.

So what will KM and MT do? Probably waive the PC as well unless they can strike a plea deal.
@LittleBitty, I hear you on being a bit disappointed here about no PCH as I was curious which card Atty Colangelo would play in this very long drawn out poker game in Court.

I get why Pattisville finally woke up and smelled the coffee after digesting the AWs and SW info. IMO the hole they are now digging themselves out of just sunk 250 ft into pure quicksand and the person they were alleged to have been relying on, namely KM, is most likely detoxing and also waking up and smelling the coffee in his new prison location. I truly think the more facts that are released by the State the harder it becomes for the Pattis lies and half truths to not simply be dismissed by the public. It just seems like Atty. P. wasn't willing to risk not knowing what Atty Colangelo might put out at the PCH and this is why they packed up the tent and bailed IMO. We shall see as this is a long game and much more evidence will be revealed IMO.

The article posted the other day about how prosecutors sometimes play PCHs was interesting. That article I believe suggested that sometimes witnesses who might be flight risks or vulnerable such as a homeless person might be brought out at an early PCH to get their testimony on the record in case they are in the wind at the time of trial.

I would have liked to see "George" and possibly even "Fudge" on the stand and discussing the bloody items they might have seen on Albany. This would bring in the pillows, possibly bloody clothes/rags and the infamous and not yet confirmed knife. Can you imagine the images of these people on the stand played on repeat across CT for months and months? It would be never ending and Atty. P. could be shouting about 'no body' all day long and nobody would care IMO!

We saw Atty Colangelo I believe at the first PCH bring up the issue of Fd blood on JFd faucet and in hindsight this was a big card to play so early in the process. Perhaps knowing this Atty. P. decided to fold early for now in order to figure out a way forward in his defense which per usual seems to be nowhere IMO.

Mmm, he is "awaiting plea" but MT is "plea hearing." I wonder why the language of the two notices is different.
@oceancalling, with you on the language difference here. I wasn't sure if the difference was that one person had a date set for their hearing and the other person did not. Grrrr. Will try to track down the State definitions used and try to figure out if there are inconsistencies in usage.
In my ongoing search for copies of divorce documents from public sources in the Dulos case I find a new source that IMO did a solid job of summarising the 'he said/she said' in the Family Court:

Jennifer Dulos disappearance: Warning signs in the custody battle

Quotes from article and references to Stamford Advocate for original source documents:

Jennifer Dulos had been awarded sole physical custody of the couple’s five children, ages 8 to 13. Last year, the judge decided that Fotis Dulos was an unhealthy influence on the children.

Consider this case a warning. If you see any of the following behaviors in your divorce or custody battle, you need to be very careful.

What Jennifer Dulos said in court filings
  • Her husband was verbally abusive.
  • She worried he would attempt to take the children from her.
  • “I know that filing for divorce and filing this motion will enrage him. I know he will retaliate by trying to harm me in some way.”
  • Her husband exhibited “irrational, unsafe, bullying, threatening and controlling behavior.”
  • “I am afraid for my safety and the physical safety and emotional well-being of our minor children.”
  • Fotis Dulos had threatened to kidnap the children and take them to his native Greece or somewhere else. He said, “You will never find us.”
  • She became afraid after her husband purchased a handgun two years ago.
  • “I am terrified for my family’s safety, especially since discovering the gun, since my husband has a history of controlling, volatile and delusional behavior.”
  • Fotis Dulos was obsessed with water skiing, and he insisted on their children training to be world-class water skiers. He had them on a strict training program, sometimes training from 8 am to 7 pm.
  • In June 2017 she scheduled activities for the children on a Saturday morning, when Fotis Dulos thought they should be water skiing. He became enraged. “He got within inches of my face and berated me.”
  • “We were all terrified to disobey my husband.”
  • Fotis Dulos almost struck her in her driveway with his Suburban while picking up the children.
  • Her husband said to her: “You should be locked away.” “Why don’t you pop another pill?” “You’re insane.” “You should be put in an insane asylum.” “You are an unfit mother.” “I can do whatever I want. You don’t have a restraining order.”
What Fotis Dulos said in court filings
  • His wife was unfit to be the sole parent of the children.
  • She lost one of the children, including once on a trip to London.
  • He denied threatening to take the children out of the country.
  • He had previously discussed the possibility of purchasing a gun with his wife. He turned the gun into the police.
  • He denied forcing the children to water ski. He said they wanted to compete.
  • His wife tried to alienate the children from him by scheduling non-essential activities during his parenting time.
  • Jennifer Dulos made disparaging comments about him, including, “Your father did not work enough to make more money.” “Your dad is a psychopath.” “You are your father’s slave.” “Your dad does not care about you.”
Court finds Fotis Dulos pressured his children to lie
In 2017, Jennifer Dulos asked to have full custody of the children, but her request was denied. But as the custody battle continued, less than a year later, Judge Donna Heller found that Fotis Dulos lied to the court and put the children in danger. The custody decision was reversed.

According to the Stamford Advocate,

The judge concluded that Fotis Dulos was pressuring his children to lie in order to advance his argument, and that in at least one instance, his actions constituted “emotional abuse.”

In the communication, Heller wrote, “the court does not find the defendant to be credible.”

Further, she wrote, “the defendant does not seem to appreciate in any respect the consequences of lying under oath and willfully violating a court order. His facility in testifying falsely to the court suggests that he is equally comfortable in encouraging the children to lie to achieve his desired outcome.”

The court found that the children would be in “physical danger” if Fotis Dulos were allowed to have unrestricted and unsupervised contact with them, and that such interaction would be an “immediate and present risk of psychological harm” to the children.

He was ordered to only interact with them in supervised settings and could only speak to them on the phone through speakerphone, so the conversation could be monitored.
Wow, I sure wish she was the judge at his trial.
Where I come from, when a private lawyer is in the case, the accused enters a plea at first appearance, because why make the lawyer show up twice just to enter a plea that could have been entered at the prior hearing? At the next hearing, while called "arraignment", the lawyers file pretrial discovery motions and get on with the case. That is why I was curious. Has a similar notice been filed in Dulos' new case?

I was trying to read the tea leaves to see if MT's hearing could potentially be a change of plea hearing, because I do not see that woman ever going to trial. I still believe we are going to see both MT and KM try a cut a deal. Yes, MT has lied and lied; that will affect her sentence IMO. Coangelo is no fool. He will negotiate with Bowman further only on the State's terms. She had her chance. Still, do I see her sitting with Dulos at trial? No.
CT has a 2 step process it seems for bail/charges and plea.

IDK. Bowman has said next to nothing to the public in this case thus far but he was quite clear that he was taking MT in front of a jury at trial. Posturing by someone with few options and angling for a deal from the State? Possibly, but that was all said before MT spent months lying and LE wasted tons of time checking her statements.

I do wonder if Bowman still might think that the jury offers the best option for his client? The evidence against MT seems to be growing and the possibility that she didn't have awareness and didn't participate with Fd seems remote at this point and we don't have anywhere near all the evidence.

The other issue that Bowman was vocal about in the Civil Court depo [REDACTED] situation was MT vulnerability to 'other crimes'. This was never fully fleshed out but we here are aware of more than a few 'other such crimes' related to the Hunter property and bank loans etc. and then there is the issue of her residency and taxes etc. and the list can go on. I'm not sure Atty Colangelo can do much to make these issues go away, especially if they are Federal charges.

Seems like waiting to see where the evidence goes might be what Atty Bowman chooses to do. IDK.

I went looking for an article for @LittleBitty to answer the question of the custody arrangement at the time of JFd disappearance. I haven't found that article yet but I am reposting this article as I think its the best summary of Family Court history done to date by ANY reporter. The article clearly explains the mission of the psych report and its clear that it fits well within the Atty. P. mission of creating doubt while providing nothing but opinion from a now discredited doctor.

But, the article also summarises the Family Court situation for any new folks on the thread who weren't here when all these details were discussed many threads ago.

Its clear to me (having myself done what Michael Dinan IMO did do here) that the author sat down with the huge file before it was sealed and actually read and processed the case details to create a timeline and narrative that is in line with the facts of the case. IMO the narrative of the case is consistent with the statement made by JFd atty Midler that Fd was not on the 'winning' end of things at the time JFd went missing/was murdered. MOO!

Accusations of Threats, Lying, Manipulation in Missing New Canaan Woman’s Divorce Case

Here is quote about the psych report from above article:

The following month, April 2018, a physician was retained to “perform a comprehensive custody and psychological evaluation” that “shall include a relocation study for both parents and a risk assessment as to either parent, including flight, and may also consider third party relationships for either party as they may impact the children,” court documents show.

To the earlier poster that asked why Fd had lost access to his children for so long (sorry I can't find that original post asking the question):

Quotes from article:

Fotis Dulos appeared to have broken the terms of the court’s orders in other ways, according to Heller’s order.

For example, Troconis and her child “had moved into the marital residence” in Farmington prior to November 2017, Heller said.

Also, though Fotis Dulos initially denied that his children had spent a weekend with Troconis, “he eventually admitted the they had all been together after he was confronted with the testimony of” a private investigator hired by Jennifer Dulos, “and the prospect of viewing video surveillance evidence,” Heller wrote.

“He also attempted to minimize the significance of the interaction that weekend [of Nov. 11, 2017] because the court’s order prohibiting contact was modified just a few days later, on Nov. 14, 2017,” Heller wrote.

According to Heller’s memo, Fotis Dulos had repeatedly asked the children to lie “to achieve his personal goals.”

A psychiatrist working with the family had told the guardian ad litem, Michael Meehan, that Fotis Dulos’s actions had caused psychological harm, according to Heller.

Ultimately, citing Meehan’s recommendation, Heller ruled that Fotis Dulos only be allowed to see the kids “in a public supervised setting and to have telephone access to them by speakerphone, so that the calls may be monitored.”

Heller ordered that Jennifer Dulos would have sole physical custody and final decision-making with respect to the children, while the parents shared joint legal custody.

‘The Defendant has stonewalled discovery’

Hi afitzy! I’m the poster who asked about why FD had lost access to the children for so long. Thank you so much for sharing this article (and the other ones too). It’s hard to read, to take, just heartbreaking everything Jennifer went through and continued to fight for, for the safety of her children and herself. It seems when the focus on FD was to include his financials.... that was it for him. He couldn’t allow anyone to discover what he was trying so hard to hide. I didn’t even know Jennifer but I feel devastated for her, and her children. MOO
@LittleBitty, I hear you on being a bit disappointed here about no PCH as I was curious which card Atty Colangelo would play in this very long drawn out poker game in Court.

I get why Pattisville finally woke up and smelled the coffee after digesting the AWs and SW info. IMO the hole they are now digging themselves out of just sunk 250 ft into pure quicksand and the person they were alleged to have been relying on, namely KM, is most likely detoxing and also waking up and smelling the coffee in his new prison location. I truly think the more facts that are released by the State the harder it becomes for the Pattis lies and half truths to not simply be dismissed by the public. It just seems like Atty. P. wasn't willing to risk not knowing what Atty Colangelo might put out at the PCH and this is why they packed up the tent and bailed IMO. We shall see as this is a long game and much more evidence will be revealed IMO.

The article posted the other day about how prosecutors sometimes play PCHs was interesting. That article I believe suggested that sometimes witnesses who might be flight risks or vulnerable such as a homeless person might be brought out at an early PCH to get their testimony on the record in case they are in the wind at the time of trial.

I would have liked to see "George" and possibly even "Fudge" on the stand and discussing the bloody items they might have seen on Albany. This would bring in the pillows, possibly bloody clothes/rags and the infamous and not yet confirmed knife. Can you imagine the images of these people on the stand played on repeat across CT for months and months? It would be never ending and Atty. P. could be shouting about 'no body' all day long and nobody would care IMO!

We saw Atty Colangelo I believe at the first PCH bring up the issue of Fd blood on JFd faucet and in hindsight this was a big card to play so early in the process. Perhaps knowing this Atty. P. decided to fold early for now in order to figure out a way forward in his defense which per usual seems to be nowhere IMO.


I wonder what did change with regard to Pattis strategy re: PC hearing. I would imagine it would have to do with as you say, not knowing what Colangelo would present. I will rarely compliment NP but it was a good call on his part to waive the PC as far as legal strategy/ defending FD. He can shout to the rooftops that FD wants a speedy trial and his "day in court" but the divorce and custody battles and stonewalling on FD part in both show us differently.

I mean we know that there are still SWs left to be unsealed and made public. Loads of them. But that is at least a few weeks away. But at least we will have FD court appearance however brief to discuss. NP is also now dealing with two co-conspirators. One is jail who has now been moved. And one out on bail. And he can't know what they are up to either. The earlier strategy of GG is going to fade away I think.

I would imagine that the next strategy will be Jose Baez like. Attack attack the state's witnesses...attack attack JFd character, attack attack everything and throw spaghetti at the wall and see what will stick with a jury at trial.

But of all the new revelations that have come out in the past two weeks I wonder what it was that may have "spooked" NP:
The bicycle and the ride down Weed street and missing from FD possession?
The sheer amount of JFd blood in her garage, her Chevy Suburban, the Tacoma and the Fore Group, Inc. Chevy Suburban?
The video surveillance of possible Fore Group, Inc. Chevy Suburban captured on 7 Thurton Drive?
DNA of MT and FD on bags containing JFd blood and DNA as well as FD fingerprints?
The axe?

How much do y'all think MT has told her attorney AB? Everything? Same for FD? Has he told NP everything? Something sobering has happened for both FD and MT with the latest charges (apart from what that means should they both be found guilty). They were both so cocky before. FD giving interviews and MT smiling and Instagramming and going out to church and such and casual glam for court appearances for both.

What else has changed? Something about the evidence? The introduction of KM as a co-conspirator? Obviously that is new since the first two AWs for MT and FD.

Or is it the sheer amount of camera surveillance that was all over 4Jax and 80 Mountain Spring? Was it the information about KM pinging near FD home on the evening of 5/23 when FD left his dinner party guests but stopped at 80 Mountain for 7 minutes first?

I would think the bicycle gave NP the fits. It is just too unique. Like robbing a bank wearing a Saturday Night Fever famous suit you own or something. Maybe it is the sheer amount of blood? Something has changed because MT looked stricken when she bonded out and FD swept past the media with no statement about loving and missing his kids when he bonded out.
Yes, Generally Women want to kill the man quickly and any over kill is after the fatal blow has been struck.

While men Generally want to Exert their Dominance, Power, and Control over the woman Before taking them out. Men want the woman to suffer and to Know exactly who is doing this to them. They want the woman to beg for their life.

I have no doubt that Fd watched while a child entered the garage entry code to retrieve a basketball so that Fd could 'see' the code and see what was available in the garage.

Using a child's lacrosse or hockey stick at first and then bring in the death device of a knife or small axe/hatchet.

I assumed he had asked one of the kids for the pass code.
Hi afitzy! I’m the poster who asked about why FD had lost access to the children for so long. Thank you so much for sharing this article (and the other ones too). It’s hard to read, to take, just heartbreaking everything Jennifer went through and continued to fight for, for the safety of her children and herself. It seems when the focus on FD was to include his financials.... that was it for him. He couldn’t allow anyone to discover what he was trying so hard to hide. I didn’t even know Jennifer but I feel devastated for her, and her children. MOO

ITA! The divorce and custody battle between JFd and FD is one of the largest (motion wise filed back and forth) and contentious possibly in the state of CT.

I also posted on the previous page an explanation for why FD did not see the kids from 3/1/18 through 3/20/19. He was allowed to see them but only in public supervised and could only speak them on speaker phone via telephone. FD simply did not get what he wanted and as such did not take that arrangement to be fair or something and purposefully did not see the kiddos? That is what all the articles seem to be saying. And also not paying child support for essentially two years. But he was openly in violation of the custody orders. Time and time again. Yet his attorney NP says somehow the opposite.
Hi afitzy! I’m the poster who asked about why FD had lost access to the children for so long. Thank you so much for sharing this article (and the other ones too). It’s hard to read, to take, just heartbreaking everything Jennifer went through and continued to fight for, for the safety of her children and herself. It seems when the focus on FD was to include his financials.... that was it for him. He couldn’t allow anyone to discover what he was trying so hard to hide. I didn’t even know Jennifer but I feel devastated for her, and her children. MOO
So glad @Misy you posted back! I went and looked for your original post and just couldn't find it in this fast moving thread, but I tried the best I could to get you the best articles on the issue that it seemed like you were interested in.

The big answer to your question I think was the part of the story where Fd got his children to lie on his behalf about the presence of MT and her daughter during the children's visits to 4Jx. What was so awful about this situation was that Fd absolutely refused to acknowledge the deep deep damage this having the children lie on his behalf did to the children. Judge Heller ordered family therapy, personal therapy for Fd and effectively stopped visitation for a very long time. It doesn't appear the therapy had much impact on Fd as when he returned to court he continued to not tell the truth and this resulted in Judge Heller labelling him a 'liar' on the record.

But, the most tragic part about this entire lying episode was the impact on the older children. By all accounts it was psychologically debilitating and yet Fd (who was aware of the situation) responded by not following court orders and so was denied visitation during a time when his children were in very bad shape emotionally by all accounts. This put JFd in the impossible position of dealing with the situation by herself, which wasn't unusual. But it was this entire sequence of events that brought rise to the issue of Fd being accused of 'weaponising' his children against JFd and all because he didn't agree with the Judge Heller decision about MT and her daughter having no contact with the children.

I guess anytime I have heard Fd on the courthouse steps talking about loving his children OR his 'sister' saying he is the nicest person she knows, I just flash back to what Fd did not only to JFd as a mother trying to manage a childs emotional health but to his children as a family unit. What Fd did didn't just impact 1 or 2 of his children, no, IMO it impacted them all and worst of all IMO, Fd simply didn't care and I don't get how he can say he 'loves' his children based on what he did to them over a very long period of time.

Actually that wouldn’t be a bad idea. Stores could catch shop lifters as well as testify in court.
Haha @MollyDDD ! Can you imagine being a shoplifter and grabbed by that creepy looking robot mid grab! The lights on the robot would go off and a buzzer would ring and the announcement would come over the loudspeaker, "Police needed urgently in aisle 6, suspect in custody but they won't give up the meat"!
I wonder what did change with regard to Pattis strategy re: PC hearing. I would imagine it would have to do with as you say, not knowing what Colangelo would present. I will rarely compliment NP but it was a good call on his part to waive the PC as far as legal strategy/ defending FD. He can shout to the rooftops that FD wants a speedy trial and his "day in court" but the divorce and custody battles and stonewalling on FD part in both show us differently.

I mean we know that there are still SWs left to be unsealed and made public. Loads of them. But that is at least a few weeks away. But at least we will have FD court appearance however brief to discuss. NP is also now dealing with two co-conspirators. One is jail who has now been moved. And one out on bail. And he can't know what they are up to either. The earlier strategy of GG is going to fade away I think.

I would imagine that the next strategy will be Jose Baez like. Attack attack the state's witnesses...attack attack JFd character, attack attack everything and throw spaghetti at the wall and see what will stick with a jury at trial.

But of all the new revelations that have come out in the past two weeks I wonder what it was that may have "spooked" NP:
The bicycle and the ride down Weed street and missing from FD possession?
The sheer amount of JFd blood in her garage, her Chevy Suburban, the Tacoma and the Fore Group, Inc. Chevy Suburban?
The video surveillance of possible Fore Group, Inc. Chevy Suburban captured on 7 Thurton Drive?
DNA of MT and FD on bags containing JFd blood and DNA as well as FD fingerprints?
The axe?

How much do y'all think MT has told her attorney AB? Everything? Same for FD? Has he told NP everything? Something sobering has happened for both FD and MT with the latest charges (apart from what that means should they both be found guilty). They were both so cocky before. FD giving interviews and MT smiling and Instagramming and going out to church and such and casual glam for court appearances for both.

What else has changed? Something about the evidence? The introduction of KM as a co-conspirator? Obviously that is new since the first two AWs for MT and FD.

Or is it the sheer amount of camera surveillance that was all over 4Jax and 80 Mountain Spring? Was it the information about KM pinging near FD home on the evening of 5/23 when FD left his dinner party guests but stopped at 80 Mountain for 7 minutes first?

I would think the bicycle gave NP the fits. It is just too unique. Like robbing a bank wearing a Saturday Night Fever famous suit you own or something. Maybe it is the sheer amount of blood? Something has changed because MT looked stricken when she bonded out and FD swept past the media with no statement about loving and missing his kids when he bonded out.
Super great questions @LittleBitty!

I wonder if it might not be 1 thing that spooked 'ole Atty. P. but the fact that the narrative made by the State is now so much clearer?

I kept thinking about the one thing that Atty Colangelo could flash at the hearing that could shut down debate and discussion on many fronts.

Its a tough pick as it seems like the CCTV and evidence pool is extensive.

Perhaps the Face of the driver of EE truck (and any passenger) on Lapham OR Face of driver of JFd Suburban leaving Welles at 10:25 am possibly with JFd visible? I'm sure one damning photo could be found to simply shut down Pattisville prospects for more months of pure BS which seems to be what they want to do so they can maximise billings too!

My suspicion is that the State does have CCTV with faces visible and they have these and more and would Atty. P. risk them being flashed and photographed in Court and played for months on TV and discussed on the internet?

IDK. Doubtful. IMO, this round goes to the State as we went from Atty. P. screaming for Grand Jury, Atty. P. updating his West-law database to current law and then focusing on PCH and then retreating so he can live to fight another day.

Pure speculation on my part as there could have been one item in the huge list of items we are still processing that resulted in the decision to back off the PCH.

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