Deceased/Not Found CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #38

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Agree. The Memorial may be from earlier. I do think it is at Jefferson Crossing though, there is a matching slab there.
Was there a bit of snow on the ground on 1/7/20 when he was arrested?

I have to say (and I am sure everyone agrees so this is not an argument but is instead a statement) that while it might matter related to his house-arrest terms when he did this, it’s bottom-of-the-bottom low and despicable no matter when it was. MOO.
From Marissa Alter Twitter:

Response from Norm Pattis to this alleged violation: “He got out of his car on the way home? Seriously? We need to get this trial on as quickly as possible to put an end to this nonsense.” @News12CT


I'm not sure if the issue here is Fd or Atty. P. but my suspicion is that it is sadly BOTH. WTH Atty. P.!


For once I agree with Pattis: Yes, we do need to put an end to this nonsense. Lock FD up NOW.
@Serenity101, Perfect! So glad you are here to join us.

We continue to debate so many things but recently have been working on the timeline issues based on new information in AW3 and the SWs.

Some think that Fd disposed of JFd body in/around NC and there are some here that think the reservoir area near the Wilton border where there are dirt roads and little traffic might have been perfect.

Here is a map of the general area:

Google Maps

We know that Fd has knowledge of NC and has built at least one other house in town other than Sturbridge. He also built a cottage on the property of the Farber's in Pound Ridge, NY (right over NY border). And, we know that he takes his children to Graces Farm facility for some of his visitation time (when he gets the operating hours right). It is also believed that Fd typically travelled down 84 via 7 through Ridgefield to get to NC (via 123) and when he was caught in NYS with a bracelet violation he was in the area of Vista I believe. Vista is also were a very large "Welcome to NY" and "Welcome to CT" sign sits quite prominently so this error that was attributed to Waze never made much sense to me and his detour in NY was also quite close to the upper area of the map posted above.

AW3 showed Fd biking to Welles using his vintage French Bike and he was caught on surveillance camera on Weed Street. Would he have gone down Frogtown or another route? We don't yet know.

Welcome and be sure to check out the media thread for more great resources that have been collected since the beginning of the case.

When FD crossed into NY it was reported he was on Silver Spring Rd. There are no State line crossing signs on that road to my knowledge (and it crosses NY/CT state lines twice in a short distance). The road surface changes at the Wilton line at the north though.
However WAZE would never send someone on Silver Spring to avoid traffic as it is narrow and bumpy/dirt in some sections. There is a reservoir back there and very isolated.
Good place to hide a body if there ever was one.
Also about 18 min from 200 Lapham Rd.
(I’m still not putting my money on it though I wonder what he was doing back there. MOO)

Jennifer Dulos case: Judge warns Fotis Dulos to properly charge GPS device
I may need

I have the day off tomorrow and may just have to take a ride down to New Canaan with flowers and ribbons.
It sure would be a shame if that memorial that FD put his freedom on the line for, somehow got bigger...

It would almost seem as if it wasn’t worth it, for him to remove items from there. I have no doubt that’s exactly what’s going to happen.

I’d love to see his face as he drives back from court tomorrow, as he glances over at a memorial that is 10 times bigger than the one that pissed him off.

More than that though, I’d prefer that he doesn’t even get the chance to make that drive.
Kept thinking about this lone BMW and why advertise online.

Why would Fd be advertising a random BMW online in August, 2019?

We also saw Fd send back vehicles from Greece via container ship to Port Newark (this was disclosed in Civil Case) - were these vehicles also sold online?

We don't know if LE searched these vehicles (BMW and the vehicles brought back to US from Greece) to find out if anything else might have been in these vehicles.

How did Fd get his hands on the BMW and does he have a bill of sale and can the vehicle be registered in the US?

Did MT or her family facilitate introductions to various 'friends and family' in Latin and South America where illegally imported luxury cars aren't unusual and in fact many of them are actually 'stolen to order' from the United States and on a boat heading for LA or SA within a few days of being stolen and will never be seen or heard from again in the US. Its an impressively large industry and by all accounts quite profitable too!

Could Fd and MT have made a sideline business done wholly in cash in 'subsidise' the lifestyle that MT was becoming accustomed to? We saw Fd not building houses and not selling houses yet his lifestyle and travel didn't skip a beat? Was it from the money he 'borrowed' from the gullible CT banks or was it from some illicit cash based business such as selling cars?

Curious situation all around and I hope LE has looked into it, particularly given possible connections to KM clients and 'friends and family'.

That’s from 2007. And this is one of the vehicles sent back from Greece
Colangelo is very savvy to bring FDs stop at the JD memorial into court. He was also spotted at the Stop and Shop and at 80MS, but now FDs desecration of a memorial to his missing wife is in the legal record, ready for jury consumption.
While I would love to see FD bail revoked and him locked up tomorrow, there’s a
longer game plan here.
Let’s see what else FD can do while he’s out, to further convince a jury of his guilt.
For once I agree with Pattis: Yes, we do need to put an end to this nonsense. Lock FD up NOW.

This behavior is like that of a kid who’s grounded (and headed for more!)! Speaking just for myself, if I hear that someone is on house arrest, I assume the person is doing only what is permitted, and yes, I’d be bothered if I saw that person stop his car and get out at any other location than one I knew was allowed expressly.

As usual, in my opinion, Norm Pattis uses fallacies of logic to try to excuse his badly behaved client by trying to make this seem like people are making a big deal over nothing. The issue is not that Fotis Dulos stopped his car and got out of it; the issue is that he stopped his car and got out of it and, possibly while on house arrest with rules that did not seem to allow for vandalizing (this is not purposefully overstated rhetoric; what else would it be?) memorials to the wife he is accused of murdering, took things that were not his, things that were placed there on a property he does not own as far as I am aware by a kind soul to remember Jennifer, as a matter of spite and in spite of the fact that he could have terrified anyone nearby given his documented behaviors and the evidence used to arrest him.

Seriously: Do people there feel like they and their kids are safe knowing that someone that angry, impulsive, and law-ignoring—someone whose behaviors as outlined in the arrest warrants make it clear that Fotis seemingly literally and figuratively has his fingerprints all over the killing of Jennifer—is allowed such latitude? What does he have left to lose? He’s already lost it all and he knows it; to rephrase a term, he is a lifer still walking—and driving—free. Presumption of innocence doesn’t have to mean ignoring the facts and risks when they are flouted time and again. For me, what comes to mind is that saying that when people show or tell you who they are, you should believe them. In my opinion, this photo and the actions it depicts show clearly who and what Fotis Dulos is. Truly, I worry for those of you who live there. Take care. All MOO.
It sure would be a shame if that memorial that FD put his freedom on the line for, somehow got bigger...

It would almost seem as if it wasn’t worth it, for him to remove items from there. I have no doubt that’s exactly what’s going to happen.

I’d love to see his face as he drives back from court tomorrow, as he glances over at a memorial that is 10 times bigger than the one that pissed him off.

More than that though, I’d prefer that he doesn’t even get the chance to make that drive.

If any of you add to that memorial—and how I wish I were nearby to do my part!—, please be watchful for Fotis. Stand so you can see oncoming traffic, bike riders, or joggers. Seriously. MOO.
Thursday, January 23rd:
*Pretrial Hearing (@ am ET) – CT – Jennifer Rebecca Farber Dulos (50) (May 24, 2019, New Canaan) – for *Fotis Dulos (51/now 52) arrested (6/2/19), charged (6/1/19) & arraigned (6/3/19) with tampering with or fabricating physical evidence & hindering prosecution. Plead not guilty. $500K bond. Posted bond (on 6/12/19). *Arrested & charged (9/4/19) with tampering with evidence involving the borrowed car from work colleague. Plead not guilty. $500K bond. Posted bond (on 9/4/19). *Arrested & charged (1/7/20) with capital murder, murder & kidnapping. Plead not guilty. $6M bond. Bonded out (on 1/9/20).
Bond conditions re tampering charges: must be posted at courthouse, passport must be surrendered & must submit to GPS monitoring. Bond conditions on murder: on house arrest. GPS monitoring; must have prior approval to leave his house. No contact with 5 children, JD’s mother or children’s nanny.
Court info from 6/13/19 thru 1/9/20 reference post #1256 here:
Deceased/Not Found - CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #38

1/16/20: Hearing on 1/22/20 to request a probable cause hearing, which must take place within 60 days of request. 1/22/20: Has been reset for 1/23/20.
*Michelle C. Tronconis (44/now 45) – Pretrial hearing on 2/7/20.
*Kent D. Mawhinney (54) – Pretrial hearing on 2/20/20.
It sure would be a shame if that memorial that FD put his freedom on the line for, somehow got bigger...

It would almost seem as if it wasn’t worth it, for him to remove items from there. I have no doubt that’s exactly what’s going to happen.

I’d love to see his face as he drives back from court tomorrow, as he glances over at a memorial that is 10 times bigger than the one that pissed him off.

More than that though, I’d prefer that he doesn’t even get the chance to make that drive.

Speaking of things that wouldn’t seem worth it to a rational mind (not that I’m saying mine always is), his actions in the divorce and worse seem not only reprehensible but also illogical and, simply put, stupid. Surely he could have brokered some kind of deal with Jennifer for him to get out of the marriage and still have more money and things than most people ever would, just to give her peace. I’m sure of that; she just wanted peace and time to love her kids. He wanted it all and in pursuing that, lost it all and then some in my view. MOO.

Edited to fix a typo.
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they had 5 children- two sets of twins.... any reasonable person would have let her pick the names for 2 ... [do you know anyone who has carried 2 sets of twins to term? I know 2 small women who almost died (seriously) carrying twins. Neither of them chose to have more children after the twins. just saying ]
My great grandmother had 3 sets of twins (out of 14 total). It does happen. Jmo
Hello everyone. Like a recent poster, I’ve been lurking for a few days now and decided I needed to create an account and join you all. I have no idea how I stumbled upon this site, but I’m forever grateful. It has been able to clarify so many things for me.
I am devastated for Jennifer, her family and most importantly her children. I’m local to New Canaan. I have been to all the court appearances thus far and plan to be there tomorrow. I can’t scream Justice for Jennifer any louder

(hope I did this right!)
Welcome to WS!!
Is he going to modify to say that FD has to leave memorials to JFd alone?! The arrogance of Fotis Dulos is stunning. MOO.

Is there any hope that Judge Blawie will ask him why he removed the memorial from somebody else’s property? I personally would love to hear Fd’s answer to such a question.
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