Deceased/Not Found CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #43

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OMGoodness- you're so right- I just looked this
movie/story up and they even interview the
woman he hustled on a YouTube. So many similarities. Good looking guy puts his mark
on a lonely female with money. Then he plots
and plans how to use her money to live the good life after he married her after knowing her for 2 months.
This movie should be required viewing for
any female in dating age. Even older women
should watch it because often times they're
even more vulnerable just based on age and
fewer options.
Thanks for suggesting the movie and how similar Dirty John and FD were.

I binge watched it yesterday on Netflix and kept thinking of FD the during the entire series! In fact, I posted that Eric Bana should play FD if there ever is a movie even though he's tall.

I agree with you about every older woman needs to see this, but it happens to men too! The next series is going to be based on Betty Broderick and her story. I believe that older people are more vulnerable because of their money, accomplishments and being lonely. I do hope someone will do a study of FD and all of his women!
Mark Dean
02/03/2020 12:00PM Status Conference Proceeding
2 02/10/2020 Short Calendar SC-14 #031

And in the Farber vs Fore
02/03/2020 12:30PM Status Conference Proceeding

Danbury Saving vs Fd
02/03/2020 Short Calendar SC-02 #024
2 02/10/2020 Short Calendar SC-02 #033

Rochlin filed suggestion of death
Nothing else filed...

Wonder if the financial things are being handled so the Greek family can return to Greece as quickly as possible. By CT law, without a will, the estate passes to the children, correct? Nothing to see here Greek relatives...don't think your standing in family court will carry much weight.

That’s a conundrum.
IMO we are seeing 2 different factions at play through her actions.
MT: part of murder, not turn on FD, does not come clean.
Bowman: no contact order, move out of JX
Mama T & fam: hedging their bets, straddling the fence, letting FD know they were dangling a threat over him, but aware he was threatening them. I still think his financial shenanigans invoke MT AND her family. Moo

Yes. There are two facts that cannot be reasonably disputed.

1) Troconis knows more than she shared or had shared last we knew

2) Troconis did not get sucked into a joint defense agreement

These facts mean Troconis did not help LE in locating Jennifer or getting additional evidence against anyone involved in her murder- Troconis’ reasons for this are hotly debated. But it is not reasonable to conclude she had had nothing to offer. Obviously she did.

And they mean she decided a joint defense was not in her interest. Her reasons for this are not known. It is not known if she asked for the no contact order because it was inevitable to be ordered and it looked better to appear to ask for it, or because she changed her mind about Fotis, he was hounding her, and she wanted to distance herself as much as possible- and needed relief from him. But however she felt about the no contact order, she did still clearly choose a separate defense.

Her not sharing information and choosing a separate defense make theorizing about her difficult to me. It is obvious to me that she did very bad things, and has chosen to make solving the murder more difficult. But what the exact bad things are still stump me. What has caused her to not tell all, yet decide against a joint defense? If this is about financial shenanigans ONLY (i.e. her role in the murder was minor) wouldn’t she give it up about the murder? If it is about both, (i. e. her role in the murder was major) why not a joint defense?

Yes. There are two facts that cannot be reasonably disputed.

1) Troconis knows more than she shared or had shared last we knew

2) Troconis did not get sucked into a joint defense agreement

These facts mean Troconis did not help LE in locating Jennifer or getting additional evidence against anyone involved in her murder- Troconis’ reasons for this are hotly debated. But it is not reasonable to conclude she had had nothing to offer. Obviously she did.

And they mean she decided a joint defense was not in her interest. Her reasons for this are not known. It is not known if she asked for the no contact order because it was inevitable to be ordered and it looked better to appear to ask for it, or because she changed her mind about Fotis, he was hounding her, and she wanted to distance herself as much as possible- and needed relief from him. But however she felt about the no contact order, she did still clearly choose a separate defense.

Her not sharing information and choosing a separate defense make theorizing about her difficult to me. It is obvious to me that she did very bad things, and has chosen to make solving the murder more difficult. But what the exact bad things are still stump me. What has caused her to not tell all, yet decide against a joint defense? If this is about financial shenanigans ONLY (i.e. her role was minor) wouldn’t she give it up about the murder? If it is about both, (i. e. her role was major) why not a joint defense?


One thing that she is probably sure of is that she is sorry she ever met FD.
Not true. It is very clear Troconis knew a great deal of information that could have tightened the radius of possible locations of Jennifer. She could know exactly where Jennifer is. It is possible she does not. But there is no chance- zip- zilch- zero- that she does not have information about Dulos that could help LE find Jennifer. Every detail limits the possibilities of where Jennifer is. By appearances, she has not cooperated by giving the information she has. Certainly, she had not given it by the dates of the narratives reported in the arrest warrants.

She could “flip” if that is what you call it. I call it telling the truth.

True she could know where jd is and it’s possible she dose. But she could not know where jd is,and it is possible she doesn’t.
Your right now that fd is dead I will no longer refer to it as flipping. It’s called telling the truth.
It’s all so possible she told le all she new at that last meeting with le and attorney bowman and it’s just not enough. Le got something because they lowered her bail on aw2
ETA: but le was not satisfied with what they got because they still charged her, is that because she is guilty or is that because le felt it would make her talk more?
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Probably because KD would have thrown a fit at having her husband cremated. In the case of her death, there was nobody to kick up a stink about cremation.
I wonder if Rena even knows that KD was cremated...
IDK, it seems like a Doctors note in this case might be doable given the cirumstances, but I do wonder if the family wants to pay the expense of shipping and then the ongoing rental fees for a gravesite unless there is a reestablished gravesite for the family back in Greece? Neither of Fd's parents were buried in Greece. Perhaps the Greek Rear Admiral's family has space in a family plot in Greece.

But I think when this issue of cremation w/i the Orthodox Church was discussed previously, it was determined that the Church views have evolved and cremation, while not the norm is accepted. Folks here have posted about the lack of space for grave sites in Greece and so this also pushed the Orthodox church to alter its stance on burial.

Its interesting that when Fd had to decide how to handle Mama Dulos after her death, he had her cremated immediately and the location of her ashes is unknown. In contrast, her husband had a traditional burial and headstone in Canton, CT.

I agree that the area was specifically picked for that reason. The demographic is primarily black, hispanic,undereducated, and hovering at the poverty level - so alot of income and employment insecurity. Hartford is the top crime area in CT and this area is a hotbed. I have driven through here many times while in CT on business. IMO FD drove the right vehicle here. The Raptor did not make him look like a suburban Dad - more like a player. Drugs, what have you. He kind of looks the part especially with the shaved head (and without the brooks brothers monogramed shirts of course !). The Starbucks MT referred to is on Albany Ave(rt44) but west of this area in WHartford at Bishops Corner which is more diverse and middle class. Without the phone pings/video LE would have never connected that trash to JFD's murder. It was a smart move until they self sabotaged. But that has pretty much been FD's MO anyway - self sabotage. All IMO
Oh, you are correct that the Raptor would look like a dealer's truck. I wasn't really thinking of that angle. It still wasn't a good choice, IMO. Most dealers do not have vehicles like that. Only a dealer who was way up on the supply line. Some of those Raptors cost $100K. Most dealers who stand on the corner have a bicycle or a broken down piece of junk. They live from day to day. The people who are daily on those streets would have noticed. The Raptor would have been an unusual sight. Big time dealers don't often come to these locations personally. They're not street-level. People living in these areas are always on high alert and carefully take note. When I worked in a small grocery in a place like this, if we saw a car like that, we'd be asking one another, who's that, have you seen that car before. There was also the fear that a very nice vehicle could be a "flash car" used by LE. Oftentimes, a very nice car WOULD be stopped by LE. Most often, it was a suburban dude looking for crack or a prostitute. Very rarely would a high level dealer be around. Whether suburban dude or dealer, LE would have noticed if they were around to see the Raptor doing shady things with garbage dumpsters. Additionally, there are plenty of confidential informants in those areas. I would not be surprised if the guy who found the knife and pillow was a CI. Some CI's are very proactive with their handlers though this one was not.

Additionally, I do wonder if the OnStar was functioning on Albany or if it had been disconnected? FD really had no way of knowing when the Raptor would be seized or how quickly LE would get info from OnStar or phone pings. LE had the phone pings on 5/26 but only started reviewing footage on 5/29 if IRCC. IMO, Albany was not a safe place for the Raptor. Very high risk of being stopped by LE. Did not blend in.

I doubt there were supposed to be bloody bags but everything in the JD garage went sideways. Seems a transfer station would have been a better option. MOO.
One thing that she is probably sure of is that she is sorry she ever met FD.

How true! But she did meet the dude and hook up. And then she made additional choices.

Among them the decision NOT to help locate Jennifer.

Why not? She does know more than she shared, by public information. The answer is not that she does not know anything else. She knows more. Why not share more?
PG arrived unexpectedly and was getting too close so they pretended to get heavy by the truck to give a reason PG should not approach there.
But key in passenger door lock was accidentally left for him to see, why would the car be locked at MS after parking? Caution.
Why was the key in the passenger lock? MOO unlocking a passenger door is almost exclusively done to unload a car.

Your post motivated me to go back and read both MT's and PG's statements to police. Having done so:

The claim about sex comes only from MT in her interview with police and IMO seems an "after the fact" lie designed to provide a plausible explanation to police for why MT and JD would be witnessed doing something on the passenger side of the Toyota Tacoma. PG doesn't say anything to police to indicate that HE believed they were having sex and that is why they seemed surprised to see him.

Here's what PG told police (paraphrasing): MT and JD looked "surprised" to see him when he drove into the driveway at MS and found them standing beside the Toyota Tacoma. PG asked what they were doing and Dulos said MT was "cleaning windows" and JD was "cleaning some stuff up outside." PG also reported he did not see any cleaning products in their hands or nearby. Shortly thereafter, when they all left the site in separate vehicles, PG noticed the key sticking out of the passenger door lock.

PG didn't mention anything to police about seeing any hot and heavy movements or about anyone quickly securing clothing that had been unzipped, lifted up or down, or whatever. He was surprised by their presence there, but was comfortable enough to actually ask them what they were doing there, which IMO wouldn't seem to be the case if it was obvious they were having sex.
How true! But she did meet the dude and hook up. And then she made additional choices.

Among them the decision NOT to help locate Jennifer.

Why not? She does know more than she shared, by public information. The answer is not that she does not know anything else. She knows more. Why not share more?
I'm sure she is sorry NOW, but I think it took a long while for her to feel regret over hooking up with him.

One huge red flag about MT is that she stayed with FD. I know it's not cool to be a sanctimommy and say "I would never!" but if you're dating a guy whose wife went missing and is getting a lot of public scrutiny, wouldn't you at least take a break so you could shield your child from the situation? Even if you wanted to stand by your man, FD wasn't her husband or father of her'd think your maternal side would tell you to get away for the sake of your child's peace.

Unless you were involved. And/or didn't mind.

If the DM comments about Atty. P. saying that Fd left no will are true then I have to really wonder what might have been going on with Fd in the last weeks of his life as it might have been much worse than anyone might have imagined IMO.

We know Fd is a planner (highly imperfect one based on AW1-3, but he plans and schemes and dodges and weaves too). Are we now supposed to believe that Fd died with no will knowing that JFd hadn't yet been declared dead and so would so far as I can tell would be his beneficiary? Also, how does this all fit into the infamous "Gone Girl" scenario too that Atty. P. spouted for months?

Or, by leaving no will and so effectively leaving his assets to his wife was Fd admitting (FINALLY) perhaps that everything he had effectively came from the Farber's and so he was simply willing to give it all back to them now in death?

Or, did no will exist because Fd with all his spreadsheets and Quickbooks knew that after all was said and done that the ledgers would balance out to zero?

Entire situation is bizarre too as his suicide note references his 'honourable friends Andreas Tout and Anna Curry' from whom he borrowed large sums. He kinda/sorta apologised to them in the note but why not have a will with a specific provision? Or, did he not do this because he didn't need to because both of these people were simply returning money to Fd that he had 'hidden away' over the years?

Fd spent nearly 2 years battling with JFd in divorce court to not disclose any financial information such that financial details pertaining to the children could be resolved. Fd also never paid a penny towards the support of his children during that time either and so we are left to wonder where did all the money go? Is the money in the possession of Money Manager Anna Curry who has allegedly been canoodling with Fd since October at 4Jx and who has known him for a very long time? Or, is the money with friends Yannis and Andreas Tout or with Rena and the Rear Admiral?

Honestly this is all starting to sound like yet another game of Clue except that instead of the murder weapon and place we are trying to find out which of these unsavoury people are holding the cash and where?

The other stunning omission of Atty. P. here (not really given the ongoing IMO tone deafness of Atty. P. to the reality that behind all of his games and tricks are 5 children that have no parents now) is that whatever Fd left really at the end of it all belongs to the children and GF via her eventual claim in the Civil Litigation (Tick Tock Judge Noble who I truly still wonder if he ever works and issues rulings or is he off skiing or hunting?). So, to see song and dance games going on from Atty. P. about Probate etc. which will no doubt allow for some ongoing fees to Fd Greek Family etc. and permit for a potential ransacking of assets in advance of an orderly liquidation, IMO is absolutely shameful and disgusting. But, not unexpected. Wait long enough and people will show you precisely who they are and I firmly believe that this is what we are seeing here with Atty. P. and the Greek Family.

IMO Fd was nothing more than an nightmare built with Farber money and to suppose anything else to me shows limited understanding of what Fd has been up to since 2004.

There are no easy answers to the present complicated estate and probate situation but it just seems that if a Probate Court were to involve an impartial receiver on behalf of all parties to sift through the financial rubble that Fd left behind that it might be best for the ultimate beneficiaries here who are the 5 Farber Dulos children.

It is for this reason that I believe the incendiary comments of Atty. P. rushing to Probate Court to protect the Fd assets was absolutely self serving BS which loses sight of who matters here and IMO this can only be valid prior claims (including GF and bona fide trade creditors) and the 5 Farber Dulos Children. Everyone else (including the Greek Family) should IMO 'sit the [REDACTED] down' and wait this out for resolution.

Sorry, @Woodswarrior if your experiences with tradespeople have been so subpar. Not sure where you are, but I live maybe 10 miles from Sturbridge, and here to tell you that my plumber and electrician (latter is in NC) leave their workplaces at least as clean as when they arrived. If not, I would be finding another provider, pronto, because there is no shortage of *good* contractors and such serving our area.
P.s. my plumber is da bomb :cool:
I’m keeping a open mind about mt involvement for now.she did help fill some of those bags but were not sure that every bag fd thru out on Albany ave had bloody evidence in them.some of those bags could of contained construction debris from previous clean ups that could be how MT’s dna and fingerprint got on and in them.she may of cleaned up after a trades man days before half filling a bag.we all know tradesman (electritions,plumbers,ect)don’t clean up after themselves. Then Fotis throws some bloody clean up on top and ties the bag shut. She said fd was cleaning something off a seat in the Tacoma handed her the towel and she thru it in a bag.he said it was coffee she had no reason to believe it wasn’t at that point. I just think mt could be the starie eyed air head in love with the rich guy,do what he asked.confused as to why but doing it because he asked. Fotis being the cheap builder he was probably used other people’s trash bins all the this ride may not of seemed so out of place. Except the neighborhood he choose.
I m just not ready to be judge and jury with her life just yet.fd I would of locked up and thru away the key!! Moo
You win today, @enelram !

Sorry, @Woodswarrior if your experiences with tradespeople have been so subpar. Not sure where you are, but I live maybe 10 miles from Sturbridge, and here to tell you that my plumber and electrician (latter is in NC) leave their workplaces at least as clean as when they arrived. If not, I would be finding another provider, pronto, because there is no shortage of *good* contractors and such serving our area.
P.s. my plumber is da bomb :cool:

I work in the trades and my referral to messy trades men is what I’ve seen in new construction,when the guys subbing are getting nickel and dimed by cheap builders/Developers.the tradesmen tend to leave their Mess behind for the builder to get one of his laborers to clean up. When there working for a home owner they clean up after themselves.
oh I’m sure fd new what was in those bags.
I’m just not sure Mt new what was in all those bags! She may of gotten dragged into this as a accomplice finding out along the way.

I'm all for new theories and discussion and @Woodswarrior, I very much welcome yours so I am attaching an article about AW3 (Aw1 and 2) for MT for your review and consideration.

‘I Wasn’t Cleaning Jennifer’: Macabre Details Abound in Michelle Troconis Arrest Warrant

There are any number of other articles out there that have covered MT but this one I think does a particularly fine job of capturing what I believe to be one of the most chilling statements uttered by a criminal in quite awhile.

Quotes from the above article:

At one point, police told Troconis that Dulos had killed his wife and involved her in the cleanup process.

”That’s like even worse,” she allegedly replied, “I hate him because of that.”

An officer then pressed a bit harder: “He got you in trouble.”

To which Troconis allegedly replied:

But I was cleaning the house. I wasn’t cleaning Jennifer.[BBM]

MT was an accomplished spear fisher person and so her reference here most likely was NOT to her using a washcloth and water to clean JFd. Nope, this reference most likely refers to what happens to a large game fish upon its capture when it is gutted and filleted. I would defy anyone to sit with the image of a gutted large game fish and then picture a human body and not be completely and absolutely horrified by this statement of MT. THEN, picture that MT made this statement DEADPAN to LE and with zero consideration to the fact that she was talking about the victim in this tragic case. I'm sickened by the statement of MT and find it horrifying that someone would say this about another human being no matter even if they hated them and were jeolous of them as it appeared MT was of JFd (and with good reason IMO!).

MT has IMO exhibited no remorse, has offered zero assistance to LE from DAY 1 in this investigation and then via lying to LE for over 2 months wasted precious resources at a critical time in the investigation. I do think MT should be charged for lying to LE as it is a punishable offence.

YES MT is to be presumed innocent as that is the US system but that doesn't mean that logic and analysis get suspended pending trial here. LE IMO has put forward a compelling case against MT now in 3 AWs and its believed that this is the tip of the iceberg in terms of evidence.

MT followed Fd blindly and placed no value on what her being sent to prison for life would mean to her family or her teen aged daughter. MT did not care about the victim here or helping to find her body and now even with the death of Fd hasn't stepped forward to offer any further information to LE that we are aware of.

The evidence against both Fd and MT were pilling higher and deeper in this case and the information in AW3 that MT wasn't just sitting chatting on her phone on Albany to Petu and was instead out of the truck and dumping garbage showed me she was all in and what she was doing on Albany was just 'another day in the office for her' and she was one step closer to being the "Queen of 4Jx". The sick joke was totally on her as it appears likely that her greed overcame any ability to look at the situation and see the history of Fd 'wealth' and his crumbling future.

MT IMO will go to prison for a good long time and IMO also she worked quite long and hard and diligently for this situation!

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