Deceased/Not Found CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #43

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Well, that's why some of us are suppressing laughter here. He intends, apparently, to appeal a non-conviction of a dead client.

He says he wants a court to declare Fotis Dulos innocent of the crimes for which he was charged when, of course, there is no proceeding in a court that would allow a judge to hear such a case and declare the defendant "not guilty" (much less "innocent"). NP rightfully fears that the local judge will throw such a motion or case out of court (will NP try to start a civil suit on behalf of FD? will he simply introduce a motion in the existing criminal matter?) In either case, appeals will be taken all the way to the USSC (says NP where, no doubt, it will not be heard.

It will be novel. I suppose NP thinks he'll just bring a motion (as it's very hard for him to be the civil Attorney of Record for a dead person, I do believe) and that the judge will deny it, and then he'll just keep appealing. Perhaps AC will pay for this and NP can milk someone else dry.

ETA: Apparently NP wants to continue with discovery in this case (which is surely about to be dismissed, as criminal cases are, when the defendant is deceased).
Completely agree. Our legal system never decides on innocence. It decides on guilt. (hence the senate impeachment thingy). So, all that NP could request is that the state continue to try to prove FDs guilt. But why? He's dead and can't defend himself. Even if the state wanted to, it would be unconstitutional to have a trial for someone and not give them an opportunity to defend themselves. It he were deemed guilty, it would be thrown out on the fact that he was dead at the time of the trial. I've really never heard anything so bizzare in my life.

On the other hand, if NP wants to spend his money trying to find evidence that someone else killed JD, or that JD is still alive, he can go ahead and do that. Nothing stopping him. But I do wonder what it means that FD was seen throwing away cleaning supplies covered in JDs blood. Sure, someone else may have killed JD (like KM), and FD just cleaned up the mess but that too is irrelevant. All three would still be convicted of murder as a result of the conspiracy. But if NP has evidence to this, then he should give it to LE.
Yes. I was thinking he must've still had her in the 'lovebombing phase' and had not shown her the hot-cold yet? But would he have been able to hold it together when she was staying at 4JC? I wonder if she had started to see his temper, etc.

Narcs can hold it together in the love bombing phase for as long as they need.

They are excellent manipulators
What if others were funding his bail, though FD qualified as "indigent"?

This isn't a brain teaser. There either was a motion and hearing determining FD had no assets and qualified as indigent so he was appointed counsel or there wasn't. Given that his own properties were put up as bond collateral I'm sure that would have tipped the court off. But if there was a motion and hearing I missed then I hope someone will post it.
Yes. I was thinking he must've still had her in the 'lovebombing phase' and had not shown her the hot-cold yet? But would he have been able to hold it together when she was staying at 4JC? I wonder if she had started to see his temper, etc.
FDs mask must have slipped even w AC but he seems to have pulled her into a ‘us against the world’ triangle , to think that even some of Charles Manson’s followers never turned on him for instance, gives me the chills. MOO
JMO, but I think MN also try to demean family and friends of the victim and make the victim totally dependent. They leave the victim with no sense of self esteem and that the MN is their only hope in the world for survival. When the crap hits the fan the victim feels powerless and has no where to turn.
JMO, but I think MN also try to demean family and friends of the victim and make the victim totally dependent. They leave the victim with no sense of self esteem and that the MN is their only hope in the world for survival. When the crap hits the fan the victim feels powerless and has no where to turn.
Isolation, yes. It's very beautiful that Jennifer's mom never gave up and fought for her daughter. I am sure she was one of Jennifer's greatest allies, through the divorce and all. My opinion only.
I don’t think he meant to kill himself. At 9:38 he was calling new bonding company. No one told him new bonding co. in the works. NP wasn’t picking up calls bc flying to DC. So at 10:00 he’s all rigged up with his latest stall tactic. He was counting on new friend to find him when she left for the store. Which would have been a little bit later. Or to get back from store earlier. And find him. Or monitoring company to come get him. By 10:20? or so when bond guy called back, he was already sucking in CO. 10:30 was target. For monitoring company to realize he wasn’t en route. It takes about 1.5 hrs travel time. New girlfriend didn’t go into garage as expected at 10:30. Must have parked his car outside.
If there is a note? Maybe he meant it.
If he really wanted to kill himself, he would have pulled a trigger. This was a cry for help. Like pills.
We will never know. I don’t care. He deserved to be snuffed out for his crimes. At least we know he won’t get acquitted. And cannot kill another person.
You could be right.But couldn't he have accomplished that by swallowing a bottle of pills?
Will be curious to know if autopsy reports did find drugs in his body.
Maybe he took some to be listless enough to prevent himself from jumping out of the car when he became short of breath?
Just speculating.
IMO, he decided it was over, knew there was no way out. He was trapped and he went for it.
This isn't a brain teaser. There either was a motion and hearing determining FD had no assets and qualified as indigent so he was appointed counsel or there wasn't. Given that his own properties were put up as bond collateral I'm sure that would have tipped the court off. But if there was a motion and hearing I missed then I hope someone will post it.
There were no indigency hearings but there were motions filed by GF to find out who was paying for FDs attorneys and his private detective.
I don’t know. It’s weird. She clearly has money and he clearly doesn’t or he wouldn’t need her help. It’s mysterious. Why such a bond with him? I mean we’ve heard that people found him to be “a great guy” because of his charming veneer and fancy house selling company, but I don’t get it. Maybe he was a good enough actor that people he kept at somewhat arms length thought he was wonderful.
They are GREAT actors. Never underestimate the shallowness and lack of discernment of the general population. Charisma RULES!!! I am somewhat jaded now that I believe most people to be stupid. Mine was able to turn friends against me that I had known for 10 years. They actively taunted me and every thing he said about me was the things he did. The lies were amazing and even when confronted with indisputable evidence, nobody cared and they giggled about my situation. Yes, they all thought he was wonderful and felt so sorry that he was the victim of me.
Psychopaths are capable of great charm. Hypomania is contagious. A person can feel quite safe around a psychopath, if he decides to beguile them. Many people who suffer from anxiety are attracted to antisocial/narcissistic (cluster B) types because those people have an almost magical power to influence others' emotions (and inside mental hospitals, they are quite difficult to manage and often get all the other patients on their side, then split into warring groups, all for the amusement and promotion of the Leader Psychopath). Most psychiatrists and psychologists either will not accept these types into their practices OR they will only have 1-2 at a time.

Other people's strong emotions are certainly transmissible, especially to empathic people. So an anxious, empathic woman would fall under his spell. There are a lot of anxious, empathic women.

Geez. That’s scary. Thanks for the enlightenment!

I will say, however, that I know a few anxious, empathic women who would not fall for a sociopath. I feel like there has to be something added, no? Like an absence of street smarts. And maybe also an attraction to money, appearance, etc? Because I think it would become clear pretty quickly that someone’s core is not deep or loving. I feel like you can tell fairly quickly by remarks they make, how they treat others in business, what they’re interested in (like accumulation, appearance, money and “winning” over achievement, art, nature, animals, the lives of other humans, being there for family, etc.).

In fact, I heard of a statement by a psychologist to a family member of mine that people you date will reveal who they are on the very first date. I found that interesting and thought about it in relation to my life and what friends and family have told me about dates and relationships. Sounds true. We all drop heavy clues.

I was eating lunch a couple days ago and this horrid young woman was chatting loudly next to me with a guy she was on a date with. Ugh. It was hard to tune them out. She mocked him for being a Pisces after asking him his sign, “ew! Just kidding!” said she has a “dark side” and told him “I used to be a bad person in high school.”

Based on things she was saying (“I don’t feel sorry for people who bring it on themselves”, etc.) I thought man, you still are. But she surrounded those statements with charming things about how healthy she is, how much she cares for children, what a hard worker she is.

I feel like people like FD reveal themselves if you’re paying attention.
There were no indigency hearings but there were motions filed by GF to find out who was paying for FDs attorneys and his private detective.

So would this be GF’s way of exposing AC to the world as being financially linked to FD?

I sense that there is much more about AC and her financial association with FD to come and GF’s lawyers were very carefully starting to nibble around the sides of something that they knew was inappropriate.


Coming up at 5 and 6... hear why Dulos’ attorneys will continue to fight for their client even after his death.

So would this be GF’s way of exposing AC to the world as being financially linked to FD?

I sense that there is much more about AC and her financial association with FD to come and GF’s lawyers were very carefully starting to nibble around the sides of something that they knew was inappropriate.
no the motions were filed months ago but AC could have been funneling money to them
but if only a business relationship, WHY was
she living there in the same house since October? And driving his car, according to a neighbor?
Did she just up and leave her career and move in with him?
Maybe she was a funnel for other money. ??
What’s the matter ... don’t you live with your business associates!?
I will say, however, that I know a few anxious, empathic women who would not fall for a sociopath. I feel like there has to be something added, no? Like an absence of street smarts. And maybe also an attraction to money, appearance, etc? Because I think it would become clear pretty quickly that someone’s core is not deep or loving. I feel like you can tell fairly quickly by remarks they make, how they treat others in business, what they’re interested in (like accumulation, appearance, money and “winning” over achievement, art, nature, animals, the lives of other humans, being there for family, etc.).

In fact, I heard of a statement by a psychologist to a family member of mine that people you date will reveal who they are on the very first date. I found that interesting and thought about it in relation to my life and what friends and family have told me about dates and relationships. Sounds true. We all drop heavy clues.

I was eating lunch a couple days ago and this horrid young woman was chatting loudly next to me with a guy she was on a date with. Ugh. It was hard to tune them out. She mocked him for being a Pisces after asking him his sign, “ew! Just kidding!” said she has a “dark side” and told him “I used to be a bad person in high school.”

Based on things she was saying (“I don’t feel sorry for people who bring it on themselves”, etc.) I thought man, you still are. But she surrounded those statements with charming things about how healthy she is, how much she cares for children, what a hard worker she is.

I feel like people like FD reveal themselves if you’re paying attention.
Is absence of street smarts a flaw? Do you think Jennifer was only attracted to FD's look or money? So maybe Jennifer should have been smarter? I was in a great place emotionally when I met the Malignant N. I didn't need anybody. Everybody I knew loved him. Things do not always become clear pretty quickly. With Malignant N, things become clear when it is too late. IME.
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