Deceased/Not Found CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #46

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This is an important point. The car that MT was known to drive regularly, that was seen behind the house either prior to or on the day of the murder, was part of the planning - there was no other reason for it to have been there hiding behind the house.

The practicing and planning had to have taken place in NC to get the timing right.

I do think we'll learn that MT was part of that planning, hence her conspiracy charge. It was not, most likely, all done in the Hartford area.

MT and Fd were "joined at the hip" so to speak. It's likely she helped plan the entire thing. She had a lot to gain - a lot of motive.

With or without the "local" practicing and planning, the fact that the crime was committed in NC means that the venue should not change from that area.

Venue is not just for the convenience of the accused.
Interesting thought here about the Suburban seen on Thurton and 5/22, the date of the BBQ. EE would have had the Raptor that day. MT thought FD was taking the kids to Grace Farm. He would have needed the Suburban to do that. Unless a Jeep Cherokee could. Does anybody know if the Jeep could have accommodated everyone? Did the GAL need to be present in the vehicle if FD was driving his kids or could they just meet somewhere? What did GAL know about plans for Grace Farm or did he think that the visitation would be at WL? What vehicle was FD driving that day? Surveillance and LA would know. AW is silent on that point. Maybe FD just went to park on Thurton to wait on the appointed time. IDK. Just thoughts.
ETA: If it was there on the 24th, whoa!
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I agree. He loaded up before he got in that car to ensure he wouldn't exit when he began to have trouble breathing. He wanted to be numb to all of it.
Just speculating and JMO.

I have read that you get confused and fall asleep. But I think I read that in regards to when a furnace isnt working correctly so idk if car exhaust would be different.
A sofa, too?

Where did she keep that prior to moving in - in her rented car?

Ladder? The house didn't have a ladder until she moved in?

Puleeeeze. This needs to be contested ASAP.

Most of the things on this list were, no doubt, already in that house and bought during Jennifer's marriage with GF's money.

Jennifer moved out in a hurry - I'm sure she brought as much of the children's things as possible - and that would have been a lot - but I find it highly unlikely she managed to get the household items - items likely purchased with Gf's money.

They need to X-ray the couches, chairs for hidden things. Not kidding. My mom ordered a white leather couch and underneath was a zipper compartment. Even the furniture store had no idea what it was for except to put valuables. (The couch paperwork was attached to the outside of the arm).
Interesting thought here about the Suburban seen on Thurton and 5/22, the date of the BBQ. EE would have had the Raptor that day. MT thought FD was taking the kids to Grace Farm. He would have needed the Suburban to do that. Unless a Jeep Cherokee could. Does anybody know if the Jeep could have accommodated everyone? Did the GAL need to be present in the vehicle if FD was driving his kids or could they just meet somewhere? What did GAL know about plans for Grace Farm or did he think that the visitation would be at WL? What vehicle was FD driving that day? Surveillance and LA would know. AW is silent on that point. Maybe FD just went to park on Thurton to wait on the appointed time. IDK. Just thoughts.
It's a good thought, but it seems a weird detail to include in the warrant if it was a date he was supposed to be in town anyway. I am of the opinion that it was FD behind the wheel, I'm just not sure when it was. The window is small though, and your scenario makes sense.

I would think FD drove the Suburban often. I doubt borrowing EE's Tacoma was a regular occurrence; it just doesn't seem to fit FD's style. I think the Tacoma was only used when necessary. MOO.
Alathea, I was rather encouraged when I read this.
It appears, IMO, that Jennifer got most of what mattered to her.
Furniture, Silverware, everyday flatware....... and tupperware?
Then Michi came on board to pad the love nest.
Now she wants to reclaim it since she's been done wrong.
Working hard to stifle my giggles.
You couldn't make this stuff up.
:::::::::::::::high five::::::::::::::::::
It's a good thought, but it seems a weird detail to include in the warrant if it was a date he was supposed to be in town anyway. I am of the opinion that it was FD behind the wheel, I'm just not sure when it was. The window is small though, and your scenario makes sense.

I would think FD drove the Suburban often. I doubt borrowing EE's Tacoma was a regular occurrence; it just doesn't seem to fit FD's style. I think the Tacoma was only used when necessary. MOO.
He wouldn't have taken a truck in any case because he told MT he was going to Grace Farm. He knew he wasn't going there but had to keep up the charade with MT who did not like him going to JD house.
Seven attorneys haggling over the estate of Fotis Dulos attended a probate court hearing uesday in search of what the accused killer left behind, including his motorcycle, a crepe maker and the $194,000 left in a Fidelity account.
After about 30 minutes, about all that appeared to be settled was the fate of Dulos’ 16-year-old cat, Madonna, who was rescued from his Jefferson Crossing home last weekend and may end up with Anna Curry — the woman who paid $147,000 to post a bond for Dulos weeks before he tried to kill himself.
Farmington Probate Judge Evelyn Daly will have to sort out the rest. And it could take some time.

Attorney Christopher J. Hug, the temporary administrator of the Dulos estate, said he needs to do an inventory of all the personal property in the home, as well as review Dulos’ financial accounts and also determine the status of properties and houses owned by the Fore Group Inc., Dulos’ luxury home building company. Several of the homes, including his home at 4 Jefferson Crossing, are currently in foreclosure. Hug said so far he has found a bank account with about $14,000 in it and a Fidelity account, which is likely an IRA not subject to probate, with about $194,000.
Hug said he has already received claims for some of the personal property in the house from Curry, Rena Kyrimi, Dulos’ sister, and Michelle Troconis — his former girlfriend who lived with him in Farmington for nearly two years before she was arrested in connection with the May 24 disappearance of Dulos’ estranged wife, Jennifer Farber Dulos. Troconis is currently free on a combined $2.1 million in bonds...
“The family wants closure. I suspect that the [medical examiner’s] office awaits blood tests," Dulos’ attorney, Norm Pattis, said. "I certainly hope that there is no real suspicion of foul play by a third party.”

Pattis and his law partner, Kevin Smith, have filed their own petition to be administrators of Dulos’ estate but for now, Daly said she will keep Hug as the temporary administrator. She asked Hug to try and submit an inventory of the estate within 30 days.
“You have quite a bit of work ahead of you,” Daly said to Hug.
The judge said she plans to vigilantly oversee the distribution of the Dulos estate.

“There will be no property sold or moved from the home,” Daly said.

Among the attorneys present Tuesday was Jon L. Schoenhorn, Tronconis’ new defense attorney. Schoenhorn filed a motion to intervene solely to protect some of her property that was left behind when Troconis moved out.

He filed a two-page inventory of those items which include a Honda motorcycle, several pairs of skis that he said belong to her and her daughter, some furniture, a crepe maker and two “artistic pictures of myself.” ;)

The state is expected to ask a judge to dismiss the criminal charges against Dulos on March 3. Pattis has talked about arguing to substitute the estate as the defendant so that the murder trial can continue and evidence can be heard.

Smith provided the court with a copy of the preliminary death certificate.

Dulos was cremated following his death. The death certificate doesn’t indicate where he will be buried but sources have said his remains will be shipped back to Greece and there will be a seaside memorial ceremony before his ashes are thrown into the sea.

The fight over Fotis Dulos’ assets - from his cat to his bank accounts - heads to probate court
He filed a two-page inventory of those items which include a Honda motorcycle, several pairs of skis that he said belong to her and her daughter, some furniture, a crepe maker and two “artistic pictures of myself.” ;)
SBM/BBM - I love your editorializing!

One more reason not to leave your nudes laying around, ladies and gentlemen.
ITA....The only acceptable reason for "unknown" may have been in response to the middle name. Otherwise, stating that Jennifer Farber's maiden name was 'unknown" was an absolute slap in the face, especially if NP was helping Rena at this point. I'm offended....IMO...MOO! :mad::(
I understand being offended. But don’t allow yourself to be. People like this aren’t worth being offended by IMO. I’ve always subscribed to the theory that the best “place” to be in with people such as this is completely apathetic. No emotion = they aren’t worthy of you even acknowledging their existence.
Unreal . She wants an “iron” back .
And 2 plastic spoons!

Maybe she's laying the groundwork for some other claim, that she supplied all of the basic daily living needs in the house and thus has a stake in the estate writ larger. From the looks of it perhaps RK was taking the bed because that's the only thing FD owned in the house? I mean MT is claiming that all the rugs (of course!) sofa, furniture in the living room, etc is hers, not to mention the basic kitchen items.

I don't know if anyone addressed this, but, I believe Fotis made at least 2 or 3 practice runs before the FINAL one.

He was such a a professional athlete, that I am guessing he timed all of it - from leaving his home at 4JX to parking at the Wavenly Park and riding the bicycle to Jennifer's.

I believe that he (and "homewrecker") scouted out a place to park - put - bury - sink with an anchor - Jennifer's skeleton ahead of time and the spot was ready on May 24. If it was a hole in the ground, then he collected dirt and brush and had a shovel hidden there to bury her in the ground - under brush - far far from the road.

I believe the banging that the neighbors heard later that morning was Fotis chopping up his bicycle to discard it on Albany Street.

I do not believe "homewrecker" to be innocent at t'all - not by a long shot. She appears to have been so swept up by him that she would do a-n-y-t-h-i-n-g he wanted. I have to imagine that she was only too happy to get rid of "the wife" so she could STOP listening to Fotis b*tching and moaning about the $$$$$ the divorce was costing him, and I bet you a million to one that "homewrecker" had NO idea how broke Fotis really was.

There is a book called "From Charm to Harm and everything in between" by Greg Zaffuto.
I have purchased it to try to understand Fotis and many other people like him, but it appears that Fotis destroyed
a-n-y-t-h-i-n-g he touched. He destroyed his first marriage, his second marriage, her parents (he owed Mr. Farber money and Jennifer's parents would have known he was cheating on her), his superficial relationship with his children, his financial life, his reputation as a builder, and last but not least, his relationship with the courts - all of them, Family court, Criminal Court and probate court. OH, wait - he destroyed "homewrecker's" life, too. She fell for him hook line and sinker, was manipulated by him, and BAM - within 7 days of Jennifer being murdered, "homewrecker" is informed by the courts that she and FD MUST have NO CONTACT. BAM. OVER.
3 strikes - you're OUT Michelle. YOu ruined your life for what? a pretty face? a good lay? or what
you got over by hurting Jennifer and the 5 kids? you ruined your own daughters life too.

He's a monster and who knows how many other "Michelle's" and "Anna's" Fotis bedded down. who knows how many other children are on the planet sired by a person the likes of him. He hurts people for a hobby.

But he was a competitive athlete, and being a skilled professional that he was, I have to guess, he made some practice runs on his bicycle from Wavenly Park - to make sure that when the final episode came, it would go off swimmingly.
Standing ovation for you!
Interesting thought here about the Suburban seen on Thurton and 5/22, the date of the BBQ. EE would have had the Raptor that day. MT thought FD was taking the kids to Grace Farm. He would have needed the Suburban to do that. Unless a Jeep Cherokee could. Does anybody know if the Jeep could have accommodated everyone? Did the GAL need to be present in the vehicle if FD was driving his kids or could they just meet somewhere? What did GAL know about plans for Grace Farm or did he think that the visitation would be at WL? What vehicle was FD driving that day? Surveillance and LA would know. AW is silent on that point. Maybe FD just went to park on Thurton to wait on the appointed time. IDK. Just thoughts.
ETA: If it was there on the 24th, whoa!

The GAL/Supervisor is REQUIRED to be With Fd at ALL Times when the children are present.

Therefore, Fd would have been REQUIRED to drive a vehicle large enough to include the five children and at least 1 Supervisor.

That makes 7-8 people, therefore Fd would have Definitely been in his Suburban.

IMO, Fd did come to NC Early for visitation because he was Scoping out the area, including Thurton.

Fd arrived at 69/71WL 30 minutes Early.

If he were hanging out at Thurton to waste time until visitation, would he not have waited a little longer since he was Mandated to Not be on the 69/71WL property Without the GAL/Supervisor? It was in court documents that the Supervisor Must arrive FIRST and Fd was a whole 30 minutes Early.

Edited to Add:
Regardless of Where Fd was taking the children, the fact remains that it was Court Ordered that his Visitation was Not at 69/71WL. Therefore, he would have been Required to use a vehicle large enough for 7-8 people to take them anywhere in Fairfield County, Every Wednesday.

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We know why she put Jennifer as “surviving spouse”-and as far as I’m concerned, she said “unknown” for maiden name, just to be insulting. Like she was the “nobody” in the relationship, and not her brother.

If Jennifer is the 'surviving' spouse, as Rena claims, how can Rena claim to have any part of the estate?
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PG said it was a normal occurrence. His car won't make it as far as NC. thats why he regularly borrowed the Raptor
That’s one thing I found odd. What if EE’s Tacoma had some problems that day? Was that just an excuse EE gave FD so he wouldn’t have to put the miles on his truck going back and forth to NC?
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