Deceased/Not Found CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #47

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Any rumblings about No-longer-an-attorney Mawhinney doing the right thing???

(Surely MT & her new attorney realize the danger to her here? Surely?)

I can definitely see KM offloading everything on MT, but if he does, that makes me think that he was heavily involved and she less so.
Yes, but the time from Waveny to the rest stop on the Merritt being only 3 minutes apart, if it was another person then it was incredibly coincidental!
Note: from my own familiarity, I thought that 3 minutes sounds right. However I just google mapped it starting exactly at 200 Lapham, and it comes out saying 5 minutes (or even 7 minutes if going around to get on on 106). So maybe he was going fast, or google maps isn't precise for such a short distance, or possibly this suggests another scenario. But it would be odd if the red truck was there so close in time to when the phone was turned off, and it wasn't the same person, right?
Not necessarily. One theory I have is that 1 person was waiting at Lapham for the other to arrive. Say the accomplice arrives at 11am. A few minutes to chat and finalise plans and then each goes their seperate ways. One heads back to farmington and the other heads off to dispose of the body, but ensures before setting off to turn off the phone. Or, if the phone is disposed with the body, it loses power/connection to the network and/or the power off is just coincidental.
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As I recall the "cleaning woman" report came from NP, and no mention of cw in LE reports. Also LA told of her noticing the paper towels were gone, but said nothing about a cw who might have taken them or used them. I also recall NP said back then that someone was on his way from Greece to give an affidavit. Never heard anything more about who it was or what the affidavit would be about.
@pernickety, unraveling the impact of "Pattis Patter" from the narrative of this tragic case has been quite a time-consuming project.

I think the reference to the "Greek Person" was in the early days of Atty. P. attempting to find an alibi for Fd.

What I do like about what Atty Colangelo and LE did in their process was to go through the "Pattis Patter" piece by piece and eviscerate it. The "Greek Person" narrative from the early days was effectively removed and became irrelevant for purposes of an alibi by the time AW3 rolled around and we saw MT and KM (allegedly I guess) both staring at the Fd cell phone that was ringing away and it was supposedly picked up by MT with an "HOLA" and a 17 second call. Who knows what was said, but it was clear that there was no "Greek Person", there was no Fd at 4Jx, Fd had 'left the building' at 5:35 am when he was pictured leaving 80MS and there was no alibi.

I'd previously posted the paragraph from the SW which states that LE had looked into all the possible am alibi calls and visits previously mentioned in the Press (many via DA!) for Fd had ALL proven to be false.


I've been trying to come up with some way to describe what Atty. P. did on behalf of his client for months on end and all I can come up with is, "LIAR LIAR PANTS ON FIRE".

Atty. P. seemed to simply believe that if he said it publicly and the Press printed his words that it, "made it so"! Well, LE had other plans thank goodness.

IMO Atty. P. looks to be a complete fool and someone who did no due diligence and took zero responsibility for his statements to the Public. Nobody likes a liar and IMO Nobody believes a liar but yet, this is precisely what Atty. P. did for over 6 months.

Fd was many things but IMO he wasn't stupid and he no doubt tracked the public narrative like a hawk. Fd knew that everything Atty. P. had been saying for months was being taken apart piece by piece until there was nothing left. No 'Greek Person" alibi, No "Greek Benefactor" to pay the bills, No alibi for the 24th and frankly as he determined No way out except hooking up a vacuum hose to the Suburban and gassing himself to death.

Atty. P. IMO had nothing to offer Fd except hollow words which proved useless and Fd was smart enough to realise the gig was up and that Atty. P. was functionally useless and powerless to help. Atty. P. proved his ineffectiveness and total uselessness even after the Fd suicide with the crazy and nonsensical motions referring to 'Joan of Arc' and other historical characters and his desire to 'take a dead man to trial for murder', which IMO simply made him look more pathetic and ineffective on behalf of his deceased client. It was IMO an undignified exit for an absolutely ineffective defense strategy by Atty. P.

If MT were not in NC on the 24th why would she need an alibi script. Was the script just to cover for FD...conspiracy...IMO

We haven't seen the multiple pages of the scripts but we have figured out a good portion of the contents.

But the 'alibi scripts' dealt with BOTH MT AND FD.

What I'm curious about is whether there is anything there to provide the cover of lies for KM? The KM timeline was something I was looking at today with his AW1 and I do very much wonder if KM stayed overnight in Farmington on 4/23 and was he seen by any of the folks that attended the Fd/MT party at 4Jx?

We haven't seen the multiple pages of the scripts but we have figured out a good portion of the contents.

But the 'alibi scripts' dealt with BOTH MT AND FD.

What I'm curious about is whether there is anything there to provide the cover of lies for KM? The KM timeline was something I was looking at today with his AW1 and I do very much wonder if KM stayed overnight in Farmington on 4/23 and was he seen by any of the folks that attended the Fd/MT party at 4Jx?

IMO the 'Greek call', was the signal for KM to leave 4 JX and make his way to Lapham.
@Dacaesar, good examples IMO of classic DA 'reposting' would be the alibi script narrative articles prior to the AW acknowledging that the 'alibi scripts' existed and that Fd and MT had been following them for months and MT had been lying to LE. These tidbits about the Fd then 'alibi' came via DA and HC prior to us here on WS learning about them in the AWs. The SW specifically state that they could not corroborate ANY of the statements made in the Press (usually to DA at HC IMO but sometimes to Sarah Wallace at NBC NY) about the Fd alibi.

The 'Greek Family' interview statements I'm not convinced came from them directly (even though it was called a phone interview I believe) but might have originated with them but were interpreted and respun by Atty. P. The interview with the 'Greek Family' done after the Fd suicide where they were disparaging about the Farber family and its wealth and then went on to blame the Family Court system for discriminating against Fd as the less wealthy party in the action along with the fact that he was 'Greek' simply read like the narrative that Atty. P. was spewing at the time.

IMO DA also had at least 1 or 2 LE sources and this most likely was where the Suburban mat, Fudge, bloody knife and bloody pillow narrative developed IMO. IDK if it was a HPD or FPD or CSP source/s.

These kinds of 'reposted' articles get mixed up with more down the line kind of stories where its simply repeating info from the AWs.

So, to get a true 'flavour' IMO of the overall situation the articles have to be read from the beginning of the case and look at the timing of the DA/HC statements against the timing of the info released in the AWs. IMO DA was just a 'reposter' of various leaks from any number of sources but overwhelmingly IMO his source of leaks was various members of Pattisville. Read the articles and see what you think. On the various threads here many folks commented as the articles were written about the timing of the comments.

In terms of questions for DA I would just be curious about whether he is required to have multiple sources for a statement or more broadly what are his standards for verifying a statement and why does he feel its ok to simply 'repost' a characterisation of a report (say the stolen psych report) rather than stating in his article that he himself read the report - he has been a consistent source for the statement that the stolen psych report was favourable to Fd which so far as I know has only been stated by Atty. P. and Atty Rochlin (in motion to Family Court).

Truly, the more I even think and type now about DA and HC I have to say that their reporting has called into question everything I 'thought' I might have known about the job of reporting and what expectations I have as a reader of articles in various publications as to the standards maintained.

The situation IMO became so clear and obvious which was why I came up with the term 'reposting' to describe it as IMO it seemed to be the polar opposite of 'investigative reporting'.

Curious where you come out on all this and I would truly be shocked if DA answers any questions about standards or process! But, stranger things have happened I guess in this case as we might be surprised.

Thanks for that afitzy. As going back and retracing all his articles in a chronological basis would have been a monumental and soul draining venture, I decided to just go with his latest entry.

So, here is my question I posted to him, which I seriously doubt he will respond to in any meaningful way:

"In your latest article "The story of the last time Fotis Dulos saw his children: Chocolate bunnies, a haircut, a new basketball hoop and an outdoor picnic", you seem to normalize the relationship between Fotis Dulos and Jennifer Dulos. There are those (including myself), who would characterize this whole case as one of horrific domestic violence, ending in the ultimate act of violence - kidnap/murder. Your description in this and other articles of the divorce proceedings read like a he said/she said account. I would think that it's now pretty apparent that Jennifer Dulos rightfully and rationally feared for her safety and ultimately her life. How would you respond to the criticism that in your quest for "fairness", you may have erred on not giving enough attention to the domestic violence aspects of this tragedy?

Thank you for this opportunity for this dialogue."

....and I didn't include any MOO's or IMO's
I thought FD had left a message or a note for NP to read after his suicide where he requested that NP clear his name for him. Or perhaps NP just made that up for more drama.

Per usual it seems this might be what Atty. P. wants the public to believe.

Atty. P. has never shown any other document to the Public other than Fd suicide note (I'm not sure that LE ever confirmed this note as being the Fd suicide note either and its unclear how exactly Atty. P. got it and why he felt compelled to release it).

It also appears that Atty. P. used his time with the "Greek Family" at the hospital to get their 'buy in' on the campaign to 'clear the name of Fd'.

IMO the campaign to 'clear the name of Fd' has been about as effective as the Atty. P. and Atty Smith pretrial campaign which in short was absolutely ineffective IMO and was effectively 'blown up' by the Fd decision to desecrate the memorial laid for JFd. The gig was up at that point IMO and the fraud put on by Fd/AC/GF and PI McKenna was just the icing on the cake of the situation and well and truly sunk Pattisville to the point where they could issue appeals on an ongoing basis and it wouldn't make any difference about anything.

IMO the 'Greek call', was the signal for KM to leave 4 JX and make his way to Lapham.

I agree it was a signal about something important to the co-conspirators and its fascinating because that phone call effectively ties together:

Andreas Tout

If there were any doubt anyplace that all these folks were 'all in' at 'all times' then IMO that phone call makes it impossible to believe they aren't all connected and aware of what that call meant.

Thanks for that afitzy. As going back and retracing all his articles in a chronological basis would have been a monumental and soul draining venture, I decided to just go with his latest entry.

So, here is my question I posted to him, which I seriously doubt he will respond to in any meaningful way:

"In your latest article "The story of the last time Fotis Dulos saw his children: Chocolate bunnies, a haircut, a new basketball hoop and an outdoor picnic", you seem to normalize the relationship between Fotis Dulos and Jennifer Dulos. There are those (including myself), who would characterize this whole case as one of horrific domestic violence, ending in the ultimate act of violence - kidnap/murder. Your description in this and other articles of the divorce proceedings read like a he said/she said account. I would think that it's now pretty apparent that Jennifer Dulos rightfully and rationally feared for her safety and ultimately her life. How would you respond to the criticism that in your quest for "fairness", you may have erred on not giving enough attention to the domestic violence aspects of this tragedy?

Thank you for this opportunity for this dialogue."

....and I didn't include any MOO's or IMO's
I fear that you may be right, for reasons that I cannot post on a public forum.
I think this is the one you are referring to

Thank you. I see RC refers to discussing it in chambers with the judge and NP, and says "that property is mortgaged for more than it's worth"--though NP said that if FD sold any one of his properties, it would right his financial ship. IMO both NP and FD knew full well that the values of the properties were over-inflated for the bond collateral.
I really think it may have been during the 40-minute gap in NC. Otherwise, he had to drive over an hour from NC back to Farmington in a (likely) unreliable, unfamiliar truck with a dead body somewhere in it. There's so many variables and what-ifs that could've happened on that drive back. I'm just not convinced he would've taken that risk.

Also, this was planned. He knew what he planned on doing with the body. 40 minutes is a long time to move some things from car A to car B, especially when you've already spent longer than you probably originally anticipated cleaning blood in a garage.

The one thing I can't figure out is the phone. The warrants make it seem like JFD's phone got to Lapham, stayed at Lapham, then was disconnected 40 minutes later. If that IS what happened (and LE aren't just purposefully leaving info only the killer would know out of the warrants), it doesn't make sense to me. He brought her car and phone to Lapham, left to dispose of the body, then swung back around to power off her phone? That seems foolishly dangerous and unnecessary.

Possibly- obviously LE is focused and really coy about that 40 minutes -as if that were the time they are offering to co conspiring persons to offer up details. That is one thing that leads me to think the body is in the area. But I also think there was a lot of time spent at 80 MS. And besides, it’s not like being in a truck with bags oozing blood is that much more comfortable in an unreliable vehicle. “Uh, I hit a deer that wore a VV tee and cleaned up the mess with these paper towels..”
Thank you sleuth66! That means the phone in the car is not hers... thank you for your help I think in earlier threads people kept saying the phone in the car was hers
@kimch33kim, I'm not sure the @sleuth66 quote from the AW confirms that the cell phone doesn't belong to JFd. IMO that entire section of the AW refers to JFd cell phone and the 929 area code refers to NY (usually northern Manhattan I believe) and the Fd cell phone that we have seen is area 860 (Hartford).

Sure people can get phones in different area codes but IMO that section of the AW was addressing LE attempting to find JFd cell phone.

Did Fd simply turn off the 929 area code cell phone and toss it from the window as he was driving up the Merritt?

I believe this JFd cellphone number was also provided to LE by LA too? Maybe we have the AW language someplace to confirm this as I'm going from memory.

@pernickety, unraveling the impact of "Pattis Patter" from the narrative of this tragic case has been quite a time-consuming project.

I think the reference to the "Greek Person" was in the early days of Atty. P. attempting to find an alibi for Fd.

What I do like about what Atty Colangelo and LE did in their process was to go through the "Pattis Patter" piece by piece and eviscerate it. The "Greek Person" narrative from the early days was effectively removed and became irrelevant for purposes of an alibi by the time AW3 rolled around and we saw MT and KM (allegedly I guess) both staring at the Fd cell phone that was ringing away and it was supposedly picked up by MT with an "HOLA" and a 17 second call. Who knows what was said, but it was clear that there was no "Greek Person", there was no Fd at 4Jx, Fd had 'left the building' at 5:35 am when he was pictured leaving 80MS and there was no alibi.

I'd previously posted the paragraph from the SW which states that LE had looked into all the possible am alibi calls and visits previously mentioned in the Press (many via DA!) for Fd had ALL proven to be false.

View attachment 233266

I've been trying to come up with some way to describe what Atty. P. did on behalf of his client for months on end and all I can come up with is, "LIAR LIAR PANTS ON FIRE".

Atty. P. seemed to simply believe that if he said it publicly and the Press printed his words that it, "made it so"! Well, LE had other plans thank goodness.

IMO Atty. P. looks to be a complete fool and someone who did no due diligence and took zero responsibility for his statements to the Public. Nobody likes a liar and IMO Nobody believes a liar but yet, this is precisely what Atty. P. did for over 6 months.

Fd was many things but IMO he wasn't stupid and he no doubt tracked the public narrative like a hawk. Fd knew that everything Atty. P. had been saying for months was being taken apart piece by piece until there was nothing left. No 'Greek Person" alibi, No "Greek Benefactor" to pay the bills, No alibi for the 24th and frankly as he determined No way out except hooking up a vacuum hose to the Suburban and gassing himself to death.

Atty. P. IMO had nothing to offer Fd except hollow words which proved useless and Fd was smart enough to realise the gig was up and that Atty. P. was functionally useless and powerless to help. Atty. P. proved his ineffectiveness and total uselessness even after the Fd suicide with the crazy and nonsensical motions referring to 'Joan of Arc' and other historical characters and his desire to 'take a dead man to trial for murder', which IMO simply made him look more pathetic and ineffective on behalf of his deceased client. It was IMO an undignified exit for an absolutely ineffective defense strategy by Atty. P.

Did HC print NP's claim that MT passed a polygraph? In WFSB's first interview with NP the off-camera female voice reporter asks "and [MT] passed a polygraph?" And he says, "Yes."
You and @afitzy know what i'm thinking about this. The last ping was in Darien

@kimch33kim, NC has a long and IMO very sorry history with regard to cell phone towers and up until recently there were segments in town that had no coverage (still don't get coverage in/around NC/Wilton border depending on your carrier). The range for a tower I believe is roughly 3 miles, and the Darien tower pinged makes perfect sense given the lack of NC cell tower options in/around Waveny.

The cell tower situation became so bad that First Responders were believed to be in danger due to inability to communicate and use equipment in various sections of New Canaan. I believe there was a partial fix to allow access for First Responders but I believe there is ongoing litigation about the installation of additional cell towers in NC.

The other issue that happens is that when traffic swells on the Merritt during am and pm rush hour then calls can drop, signals can't be found and you might have to drive for a bit to get access to another tower.

In an earlier thread we posted the locations of the cell towers in NC.

The fact that the JFd cell phone pinged off a cell tower in Darien which I believe is roughly 1 mile away from Waveny isn't surprising at all.

New Canaan controversial cell tower compound described

Letter To The Editor: New Canaan's Cell Tower Saga

STOP the Richey Cell Tower

New Canaan’s parents fear tower falling on children
I’m not defending km or MT in any way. I’m just saying that my personal opinion is that neither were in nc that day because le has never suggested that.I in no way discredit the opinions of others that do believe they could of been in nc that day.
  • LE suggested/strongly hinted in the latest warrants that someone else was in NC that day in addition to Fd.
  • It stands to reason that the someone else was MT, KM, or both.
  • Neither MT nor KM has any verified alibi for any of 5/24 AM whatsoever.
So - if one states that "neither were in NC that day," one is in fact defending BOTH of them.

Just sayin'.
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  • LE suggested in the latest AW that someone else was in NC that day.
  • It stands to reason that the someone else was MT, KM, or both.
  • Neither MT nor KM has any verified alibi for any of 5/24 AM whatsoever.
So - if you state that "neither were in NC that day," you are in fact defending BOTH of them.

Just sayin'.
Respectfully, I disagree. IF LE knew for certain that there was someone else in NC that day, then the charges against MT and/or KM would be different. UNLESS of course, they think Andreas was there?
Replying to myself because I just noticed this in this article:
"The dogs searched an area near the bridge that carries Lapham Road over the Merritt Parkway shortly after it was scoured by an FBI Evidence Response Team.
Officers with dogs were also seen late Monday afternoon searching on the other side of the Merritt Parkway from the park in a six-acre area the town is considering selling."
The bolded location is closer to that cell tower in Darien that her phone last pinged...

Just to put this geography in context, the Merritt Pkwy defines a perimeter of Waveny Park. The Town of NC continues for perhaps an 1/8 mile beyond the far side (non Waveny Park side) and then you are in Darien, CT. The Darien line happens shortly after you pass the Talmadge Hill Metro North Station on Rt. 106.

Here is a map to explain it more clearly:

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