Deceased/Not Found CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #47

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MollyDDD, the special treatment for the altered plates struck me as odd too. I have recently speculated here that he may have been leaving them for someone else to retrieve, perhaps as stage two of the conspiracy plan with another planned victim? Another poster speculated that the drop off could be related to a call Dulos made to KM shortly after the drop-off.

I also believe someone else (afitzy?) mentioned that another Websleuther (thethreekirbys?) who lived nearby had traveled to the Albany Ave area and also further learned that the storm drainage system in that area was undergoing a major renovation, so that the storm drain FD dropped the plates into was not active at the time; it was not yet connected to the larger drainage system.
Just jumping off your post -

JMO but I have a hard time thinking that FD put the plates in the storm drain because he or somebody else was planning to retrieve them at a later time. I would think getting the plates out of the storm drain would be a lot harder and take a lot more time than it did to put them in there. MOO
Yes, 5-7 min IMO sounds a bit better as sometimes with traffic getting onto the Merritt it can take a bit of time from when you get on the entrance ramp and then exit to make it onto the Merritt and get speed to pass the rest stop.

There wasn't much traffic yet at 11:00 am heading Northbound but it was a bit heavier than what Fd would have seen heading Northbound on the trip down from Farmington to NC IMO.
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Yes, 5-7 min IMO sounds a bit better as sometimes with traffic getting onto the Merritt it can take a bit of time from when you get on the exit ramp and then make it onto the Merritt and get speed to pass the rest stop. There wasn't much traffic yet at 11:00 am heading Northbound but it was a bit heavier than what Fd would have seen heading Northbound on the trip down from Farmington to NC IMO.
It seems KM and MT were both heavily involved - and they know it - so it will be very interesting to see who turns on whom, if anyone.

Charges of conspiracy are very serious. To be guilty of conspiracy, you and/or a co-conspirator must commit a specific overt act in furtherance of the conspiracy. So for some to say "MT/KM would have been charged with more if they were more involved" makes little sense to me. Conspiracy is seriously involved.

As I wrote earlier, MT had the most to gain from Jennifer being gone. She, IMO, was the biggest part of planning and likely even initiated the idea of a murder. She wanted everything Jennifer had. And, if she knew about AC, all the more reason to try to hold onto Fd - there was all the more urgency.

Fd, while clearly involved in the murder, had the most to lose, and in fact, he lost absolutely everything.
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Just jumping off your post -

JMO but I have a hard time thinking that FD put the plates in the storm drain because he or somebody else was planning to retrieve them at a later time. I would think getting the plates out of the storm drain would be a lot harder and take a lot more time than it did to put them in there. MOO

It is possible the box was pulled out quickly and easily and LE and helpers spent a lot of time making sure Fotis didn’t leave DNA or fibers, etc. Inadvertently.
Thanks for that afitzy. As going back and retracing all his articles in a chronological basis would have been a monumental and soul draining venture, I decided to just go with his latest entry.

So, here is my question I posted to him, which I seriously doubt he will respond to in any meaningful way:

"In your latest article "The story of the last time Fotis Dulos saw his children: Chocolate bunnies, a haircut, a new basketball hoop and an outdoor picnic", you seem to normalize the relationship between Fotis Dulos and Jennifer Dulos. There are those (including myself), who would characterize this whole case as one of horrific domestic violence, ending in the ultimate act of violence - kidnap/murder. Your description in this and other articles of the divorce proceedings read like a he said/she said account. I would think that it's now pretty apparent that Jennifer Dulos rightfully and rationally feared for her safety and ultimately her life. How would you respond to the criticism that in your quest for "fairness", you may have erred on not giving enough attention to the domestic violence aspects of this tragedy?

Thank you for this opportunity for this dialogue."

....and I didn't include any MOO's or IMO's
@Dacaesar, I give you 10 pts and an A+ for your question to our favourite 'reposter' DA.

The thing I think with the DA articles when taken as a whole (I will take a big one for the team and go back and very painfully read them all again over the next couple of days and report back to get some meat around the idea of how Atty. P. used DA to 'front run' information to the Public) is to me one of perspective. IMO from DA and the HC we saw next to nothing about the VICTIM or even articles from the victims perspective. There was never any attempt to investigate anything or develop a perspective on the Dulos v Dulos cases in Family Court. IMO the reporting was slipshod and cut corners and wasn't based on any research or investigation or even reading the Family Court files. Nope, it was based on documents no doubt slipped his way via email and the reason I believe it happened this was was because of the lack of an overall context and perspective for all the articles. It was as if everything DA wrote was seen through the eyes of Atty. P. and Fd and then ultimately the "Greek Family". Maybe this is what he intended as it was certainly the easier path IMO. Sit in your office and wait for emails to show up! Much easier than beating the bushes to find out about JFd, her friends and her life with the children.

DA did little to nothing on MT other than via publicly available info online IMO. IMO this was the case because Atty Bowman wasn't leaking like a sieve to the Press as was Atty. P. in this case. But, DA IMO did a huge disservice to this case by NOT reporting actively on MT and figuring who she was, who her friends were, who was doing her blowouts and giving her weekly facials and what all these people who might have run into MT on her endless coffee runs said about her! Then there was the entire EW community that no doubt must have had a POV on MT. I find it fascinating that the article about MT being 'disinvited' from her daughters graduation from the EW School didn't come from a CT news outlet (if I recall it came from NY)! To me, this shows that DA and the HC weren't 'ON' the Dulos case other than to 'repost' what Atty. P. was saying and that they effectively invested nothing in covering the story IMO. If you compare this to say WFSB or even FOX61 or NBC CT and NY, these stations dedicated resources to following along with the narrative of the case. IMO the online publication did some amazing investigative work (in particular on Fd finances and Family Court situation) when DA and the HC were sitting in front of his computer waiting for an email from Atty. P.! Then we had the various Hearst paper entities following along the best that they could and providing consistent reporting on the news of the day and following the Court proceedings. But IMO very little investigation going on from Hearst and when we saw Atty. P. blowing 'air kisses' to 'Helen' outside Court my heart sank as I believe the person involved is the senior most person at Hearst in CT. UGH.......

IDK, I think the folks here on WS did the best with the info available and sought out source documents to create a narrative when oftentimes the Print Press was behind the ball. DA IMO seemed at times 'in front of the ball' only because the information or comments he was serving up came from the defense. The DA reporting makes me angry because he didn't research the Atty. P. comments to realise they were lies from the "Alibi Script" AND he never did any retractions to his reporting or revisions to his reporting to adjust it for the "Alibi Script" lies.

What seemed to emerge over time was that DA and the HC became the third leg of the Atty. P. defense strategy for their client Fd. It took awhile for me to pinpoint exactly what it was about the coverage which was simply 'off' IMO but I think it was the connection to the defense and lack of victim focus which convinced me the DA/HC coverage was for lack of a better word "cooked". The final article from the "Greek Family" blaming everyone but their brother and making horrible insinuations about the Farber wealth and connections simply cinched it for me that this was not 'fair and balanced reporting' or even a thinly veiled attempt at balanced reporting.

IMO DA doesn't deserve any 'softball' questions. I'm curious about the entire "Fudge" the homeless man storyline and how DA said he went to Albany. Really? What was the origin of this 'investigation' into Fudge? My guess is that the closest DA got to Albany was searching it out on google maps after the Atty. P. PI might have sent him some info or a HPD or FPD LE person leaked the info. Atty P was on the record saying that he was aware of Fudge and the Suburban liner left on Albany months before it showed up in an AW. Is this a coincidence that it showed up in DA 'reposting'? IMO, sincerely doubt it.

Hate to be cynical but this reporting has been some of the worst I've seen on a major crime case that is quite complex.

Here’s a question I thought of.
Did they check afternoon school bus cam or other surveillance to see if JD Suburban was in the parking spot all day? Why didn’t anyone notice a car with running lights on parked there all day? Presumably keys were in the ignition if running lights were on.

Could someone else have come taken the Suburban and disposed of the wrapped and zip tied body disguised like a rug, etc? Could that explain the time lag of 40 mins, that FD was waiting for a connection? That person could have driven themself to N.C. and so would then have transport. Could it have been KM? He left 4JC in time that morning. Was that when the fake plates were used, on JD suburban, to take the body somewhere for burial or handoff? and then returned the Suburban to Lapham that afternoon and that’s why FD called KM right after he dropped the plates in the drain? MT could have picked up the plates that afternoon during her many outings from 80MS.
Was there some plan that each would take care of the other’s wife so as not to be suspect? We know KM nearly strangled his STBX, she had a bruised ring around her neck when she went to the police, and this is a huge red flag for being killed by the husband in the future.

I have to say I don’t think this is likely, but I was thinking out of the box here. Splitting up the crime would give each an out in some way. The Sirius in the Suburban returned no data that day, why not? Was it working other days?

@Dacaesar, I give you 10 pts and an A+ for your question to our favourite 'reposter' DA.

The thing I think with the DA articles when taken as a whole (I will take a big one for the team and go back and very painfully read them all again over the next couple of days and report back to get some meat around the idea of how Atty. P. used DA to 'front run' information to the Public) is to me one of perspective. IMO from DA and the HC we saw next to nothing about the VICTIM or even articles from the victims perspective. There was never any attempt to investigate anything or develop a perspective on the Dulos v Dulos cases in Family Court. IMO the reporting was slipshod and cut corners and wasn't based on any research or investigation or even reading the Family Court files. Nope, it was based on documents no doubt slipped his way via email and the reason I believe it happened this was was because of the lack of an overall context and perspective for all the articles. It was as if everything DA wrote was seen through the eyes of Atty. P. and Fd and then ultimately the "Greek Family". Maybe this is what he intended as it was certainly the easier path IMO. Sit in your office and wait for emails to show up! Much easier than beating the bushes to find out about JFd, her friends and her life with the children.

DA did little to nothing on MT other than via publicly available info online IMO. IMO this was the case because Atty Bowman wasn't leaking like a sieve to the Press as was Atty. P. in this case. But, DA IMO did a huge disservice to this case by NOT reporting actively on MT and figuring who she was, who her friends were, who was doing her blowouts and giving her weekly facials and what all these people who might have run into MT on her endless coffee runs said about her! Then there was the entire EW community that no doubt must have had a POV on MT. I find it fascinating that the article about MT being 'disinvited' from her daughters graduation from the EW School didn't come from a CT news outlet (if I recall it came from NY)! To me, this shows that DA and the HC weren't 'ON' the Dulos case other than to 'repost' what Atty. P. was saying and that they effectively invested nothing in covering the story IMO. If you compare this to say WFSB or even FOX61 or NBC CT and NY, these stations dedicated resources to following along with the narrative of the case. IMO the online publication did some amazing investigative work (in particular on Fd finances and Family Court situation) when DA and the HC were sitting in front of his computer waiting for an email from Atty. P.! Then we had the various Hearst paper entities following along the best that they could and providing consistent reporting on the news of the day and following the Court proceedings. But IMO very little investigation going on from Hearst and when we saw Atty. P. blowing 'air kisses' to 'Helen' outside Court my heart sank as I believe the person involved is the senior most person at Hearst in CT. UGH.......

IDK, I think the folks here on WS did the best with the info available and sought out source documents to create a narrative when oftentimes the Print Press was behind the ball. DA IMO seemed at times 'in front of the ball' only because the information or comments he was serving up came from the defense. The DA reporting makes me angry because he didn't research the Atty. P. comments to realise they were lies from the "Alibi Script" AND he never did any retractions to his reporting or revisions to his reporting to adjust it for the "Alibi Script" lies.

What seemed to emerge over time was that DA and the HC became the third leg of the Atty. P. defense strategy for their client Fd. It took awhile for me to pinpoint exactly what it was about the coverage which was simply 'off' IMO but I think it was the connection to the defense and lack of victim focus which convinced me the DA/HC coverage was for lack of a better word "cooked". The final article from the "Greek Family" blaming everyone but their brother and making horrible insinuations about the Farber wealth and connections simply cinched it for me that this was not 'fair and balanced reporting' or even a thinly veiled attempt at balanced reporting.

IMO DA doesn't deserve any 'softball' questions. I'm curious about the entire "Fudge" the homeless man storyline and how DA said he went to Albany. Really? What was the origin of this 'investigation' into Fudge? My guess is that the closest DA got to Albany was searching it out on google maps after the Atty. P. PI might have sent him some info or a HPD or FPD LE person leaked the info. Atty P was on the record saying that he was aware of Fudge and the Suburban liner left on Albany months before it showed up in an AW. Is this a coincidence that it showed up in DA 'reposting'? IMO, sincerely doubt it.

Hate to be cynical but this reporting has been some of the worst I've seen on a major crime case that is quite complex.


Several years ago it seems like I remember the Hartford Courant getting in trouble and being sued by a much smaller newspaper in Manchester, CT for taking their stories and using them without permission. The smaller paper won the suit if I remember right.

In the field I was in while in CT I dealt with newspapers all over the state. I consistently had problems with the HC getting everything wrong and simply not caring about it when informed. Along these lines I knew Lisa Backus, who was with the New Britain Heard at the time, and she was a stand up reporter. The police chief once told me she was the only reporter in the state he trusted to get things right (he too had experienced problems with the Hartford Courant).
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@Dacaesar, I give you 10 pts and an A+ for your question to our favourite 'reposter' DA.

The thing I think with the DA articles when taken as a whole (I will take a big one for the team and go back and very painfully read them all again over the next couple of days and report back to get some meat around the idea of how Atty. P. used DA to 'front run' information to the Public) is to me one of perspective. IMO from DA and the HC we saw next to nothing about the VICTIM or even articles from the victims perspective. There was never any attempt to investigate anything or develop a perspective on the Dulos v Dulos cases in Family Court. IMO the reporting was slipshod and cut corners and wasn't based on any research or investigation or even reading the Family Court files. Nope, it was based on documents no doubt slipped his way via email and the reason I believe it happened this was was because of the lack of an overall context and perspective for all the articles. It was as if everything DA wrote was seen through the eyes of Atty. P. and Fd and then ultimately the "Greek Family". Maybe this is what he intended as it was certainly the easier path IMO. Sit in your office and wait for emails to show up! Much easier than beating the bushes to find out about JFd, her friends and her life with the children.

DA did little to nothing on MT other than via publicly available info online IMO. IMO this was the case because Atty Bowman wasn't leaking like a sieve to the Press as was Atty. P. in this case. But, DA IMO did a huge disservice to this case by NOT reporting actively on MT and figuring who she was, who her friends were, who was doing her blowouts and giving her weekly facials and what all these people who might have run into MT on her endless coffee runs said about her! Then there was the entire EW community that no doubt must have had a POV on MT. I find it fascinating that the article about MT being 'disinvited' from her daughters graduation from the EW School didn't come from a CT news outlet (if I recall it came from NY)! To me, this shows that DA and the HC weren't 'ON' the Dulos case other than to 'repost' what Atty. P. was saying and that they effectively invested nothing in covering the story IMO. If you compare this to say WFSB or even FOX61 or NBC CT and NY, these stations dedicated resources to following along with the narrative of the case. IMO the online publication did some amazing investigative work (in particular on Fd finances and Family Court situation) when DA and the HC were sitting in front of his computer waiting for an email from Atty. P.! Then we had the various Hearst paper entities following along the best that they could and providing consistent reporting on the news of the day and following the Court proceedings. But IMO very little investigation going on from Hearst and when we saw Atty. P. blowing 'air kisses' to 'Helen' outside Court my heart sank as I believe the person involved is the senior most person at Hearst in CT. UGH.......

IDK, I think the folks here on WS did the best with the info available and sought out source documents to create a narrative when oftentimes the Print Press was behind the ball. DA IMO seemed at times 'in front of the ball' only because the information or comments he was serving up came from the defense. The DA reporting makes me angry because he didn't research the Atty. P. comments to realise they were lies from the "Alibi Script" AND he never did any retractions to his reporting or revisions to his reporting to adjust it for the "Alibi Script" lies.

What seemed to emerge over time was that DA and the HC became the third leg of the Atty. P. defense strategy for their client Fd. It took awhile for me to pinpoint exactly what it was about the coverage which was simply 'off' IMO but I think it was the connection to the defense and lack of victim focus which convinced me the DA/HC coverage was for lack of a better word "cooked". The final article from the "Greek Family" blaming everyone but their brother and making horrible insinuations about the Farber wealth and connections simply cinched it for me that this was not 'fair and balanced reporting' or even a thinly veiled attempt at balanced reporting.

IMO DA doesn't deserve any 'softball' questions. I'm curious about the entire "Fudge" the homeless man storyline and how DA said he went to Albany. Really? What was the origin of this 'investigation' into Fudge? My guess is that the closest DA got to Albany was searching it out on google maps after the Atty. P. PI might have sent him some info or a HPD or FPD LE person leaked the info. Atty P was on the record saying that he was aware of Fudge and the Suburban liner left on Albany months before it showed up in an AW. Is this a coincidence that it showed up in DA 'reposting'? IMO, sincerely doubt it.

Hate to be cynical but this reporting has been some of the worst I've seen on a major crime case that is quite complex.

Thank you for the props. However it was your perspective that prompted me to go back and take a deeper look at DA’s reporting. As I said, I didn’t have to go back very far (just a few days) to see what’s so wrong with the perspective he offers to his readers . After all the information that’s out there in the public sphere, he had the utter audacity to frame FD’s last visit to JD’s home as just a normal dad struggling to be compliant within the constraints of ongoing court-ordered divorce proceeding decrees. How dare he!? Ok - IMO.
Here’s a question I thought of.
Did they check afternoon school bus cam or other surveillance to see if JD Suburban was in the parking spot all day? Why didn’t anyone notice a car with running lights on parked there all day? Presumably keys were in the ignition if running lights were on.

Could someone else have come taken the Suburban and disposed of the wrapped and zip tied body disguised like a rug, etc? Could that explain the time lag of 40 mins, that FD was waiting for a connection? That person could have driven themself to N.C. and so would then have transport. Could it have been KM? He left 4JC in time that morning. Was that when the fake plates were used, on JD suburban, to take the body somewhere for burial or handoff? and then returned the Suburban to Lapham that afternoon and that’s why FD called KM right after he dropped the plates in the drain? MT could have picked up the plates that afternoon during her many outings from 80MS.
Was there some plan that each would take care of the other’s wife so as not to be suspect? We know KM nearly strangled his STBX, she had a bruised ring around her neck when she went to the police, and this is a huge red flag for being killed by the husband in the future.

I have to say I don’t think this is likely, but I was thinking out of the box here. Splitting up the crime would give each an out in some way. The Sirius in the Suburban returned no data that day, why not? Was it working other days?


@sleuth66, you idea might not be as far fetched as you might think. I'm not sure that we have the results of the afternoon bus cams. I'd have to go back and check again but my recollection is that the info we have from bus cams relates to the morning run of the buses.

It would be fascinating to see if the Suburban wasn't in view for the afternoon bus runs or which vehicles might have been in view at the time of the afternoon bus runs too!

If the Faux license plates were on the JFd Suburban it will be interesting to see if it shows up on any CCTV locally or on the Merritt or 95 as well. What I found odd though was that in the SW it said I believe that there was no geo data on Sirrus. I will have to go back and see if OnStar provided any information to LE in the SW but I don't remember this issue jumping out at me when I read the SWs and I wonder why OnStar data wouldn't be available? Could it have been wiped and ditto for Sirrus data for JFd vehicle?

Here’s a question I thought of.
Did they check afternoon school bus cam or other surveillance to see if JD Suburban was in the parking spot all day? Why didn’t anyone notice a car with running lights on parked there all day? Presumably keys were in the ignition if running lights were on.

Could someone else have come taken the Suburban and disposed of the wrapped and zip tied body disguised like a rug, etc? Could that explain the time lag of 40 mins, that FD was waiting for a connection? That person could have driven themself to N.C. and so would then have transport. Could it have been KM? He left 4JC in time that morning. Was that when the fake plates were used, on JD suburban, to take the body somewhere for burial or handoff? and then returned the Suburban to Lapham that afternoon and that’s why FD called KM right after he dropped the plates in the drain? MT could have picked up the plates that afternoon during her many outings from 80MS.
Was there some plan that each would take care of the other’s wife so as not to be suspect? We know KM nearly strangled his STBX, she had a bruised ring around her neck when she went to the police, and this is a huge red flag for being killed by the husband in the future.

I have to say I don’t think this is likely, but I was thinking out of the box here. Splitting up the crime would give each an out in some way. The Sirius in the Suburban returned no data that day, why not? Was it working other days?


Sorry I forgot to respond @sleuth66 to your point about the Fd/KM relationship and the seeming quid pro quo plan to murder their wives.

I never understood why LE didn't charge Fd for helping KM to circumvent the no contact order in his divorce case. Was this just an issue of inept South Windsor or Farmington or Hartford PD not wanting to get involved with a domestic issue? Or, was this a deliberate choice by CSP to let this whole incident slide to see where KM and Fd were heading as it related to KM STBX?

The KM STBX spousal rape AW was about a foul document of DV as I've read (and I've read quite a few!). The Fd plan to meet with KM STBX (who he had never met!) seemed fishy from the word go and yet we see nothing done about it in terms of LE and we know the Judge had her testify in Court about it for over an hr and then they denied her request for a protective order. I know protective orders won't save your life if someone is intent on murdering you but I just have to shake my head and wonder where in the HELL was ANY LE on this entire issue? I've really given up on South Windsor PD based on their handling of the gas can crowbar guy. Avon PD lost credibility on the Mama Dulos non-investigation and well Farmington PD just keeps knocking them out of the park with their early days handling of gathering evidence in/around 4Jx and 80MS, the Glock 19 release and the as yet unreleased Fd suicide investigation report. Its honestly been a situation of Keystone Cops IMO up in the Hartford Area on the Dulos case. Perhaps at some point we will learn more about what these LE in/around Hartford have done to assist, but right now things look a bit murky IMO.

I do wonder if Fd had lived whether there was sufficient evidence to charge both he and KM for conspiracy to murder KM STBX? Was LE working on this at the time of Fd death and did perhaps Fd know this? So far as I know there was no hindering convo between Fd and KM and I very much wonder when Fd and KM last spoke?

I also still wonder whether KM attended the 4Jx party on 5/23 or did he perhaps stay overnight in Farmington at either 4Jx or 80MS and was an assistant on a day when we saw many cars being moved around between the properties.

To me though the biggest question right now (or one of them) is the MT timeline. I think few would argue that MT via her 3 AWs is shown as being an active and integral member of the murder plot gang along with Fd and KM. But, what if the reason MT has always lied to LE unless faced with direct evidence such as a picture was because there was no plot to murder JFd WITHOUT MT? MT could never have made a deal with LE (a la KK in Frazee case) because her hands were all over every aspect of the plot to murder JFd and as LE dug further into the timeline and sifted through all the CCTV and examined the fingerprints present in the vehicles and on the bags etc. that there was NO WAY to disentangle Fd from MT as it related to the murder of JFd. No deal for reduced time for MT would ever be possible because at a certain point the evidence against her simply because piled too high and too deep to make it possible and if she knew where the body of JFd might have been she wasn't willing to share it?

When we first learned that MT had lied to police not 1x but 3x in very long meetings I think that was when it became somewhat clearer that she was either being poorly advised (not IMO by Atty Bowman but by Mama A perhaps) but that her window of opportunity to crack a deal had passed. Atty Bowman could have arranged those meetings with LE to craft a deal as that is what he is known to do. But it all fell apart once LE started connecting the dots and seeing that MT and her hands were all over everything in terms of the plan to murder JFd. Its speculative at this point as the AWs leave more out regarding MT than they include IMO but I now kinda sorta wonder if CSP did this for the reason of putting on a technicolor display of precisely where MT was and what she did on 5/23-25.

We have no idea what MT was doing while Fd was in NC or when Fd went to NY to get the children. MT is a ghost per the AWs and I have to wonder why? My guess is that LE knows precisely why and its just a waiting game until we learn what they know. I also wonder why we are only seeing conspiracy charges for MT or will her AW4 be a charge for the murder of JFd?


Sorry I forgot to respond @sleuth66 to your point about the Fd/KM relationship and the seeming quid pro quo plan to murder their wives.

I never understood why LE didn't charge Fd for helping KM to circumvent the no contact order in his divorce case. Was this just an issue of inept South Windsor or Farmington or Hartford PD not wanting to get involved with a domestic issue? Or, was this a deliberate choice by CSP to let this whole incident slide to see where KM and Fd were heading as it related to KM STBX?

The KM STBX spousal rape AW was about a foul document of DV as I've read (and I've read quite a few!). The Fd plan to meet with KM STBX (who he had never met!) seemed fishy from the word go and yet we see nothing done about it in terms of LE and we know the Judge had her testify in Court about it for over an hr and then they denied her request for a protective order. I know protective orders won't save your life if someone is intent on murdering you but I just have to shake my head and wonder where in the HELL was ANY LE on this entire issue? I've really given up on South Windsor PD based on their handling of the gas can crowbar guy. Avon PD lost credibility on the Mama Dulos non-investigation and well Farmington PD just keeps knocking them out of the park with their early days handling of gathering evidence in/around 4Jx and 80MS, the Glock 19 release and the as yet unreleased Fd suicide investigation report. Its honestly been a situation of Keystone Cops IMO up in the Hartford Area on the Dulos case. Perhaps at some point we will learn more about what these LE in/around Hartford have done to assist, but right now things look a bit murky IMO.

I do wonder if Fd had lived whether there was sufficient evidence to charge both he and KM for conspiracy to murder KM STBX? Was LE working on this at the time of Fd death and did perhaps Fd know this? So far as I know there was no hindering convo between Fd and KM and I very much wonder when Fd and KM last spoke?

I also still wonder whether KM attended the 4Jx party on 5/23 or did he perhaps stay overnight in Farmington at either 4Jx or 80MS and was an assistant on a day when we saw many cars being moved around between the properties.

To me though the biggest question right now (or one of them) is the MT timeline. I think few would argue that MT via her 3 AWs is shown as being an active and integral member of the murder plot gang along with Fd and KM. But, what if the reason MT has always lied to LE unless faced with direct evidence such as a picture was because there was no plot to murder JFd WITHOUT MT? MT could never have made a deal with LE (a la KK in Frazee case) because her hands were all over every aspect of the plot to murder JFd and as LE dug further into the timeline and sifted through all the CCTV and examined the fingerprints present in the vehicles and on the bags etc. that there was NO WAY to disentangle Fd from MT as it related to the murder of JFd. No deal for reduced time for MT would ever be possible because at a certain point the evidence against her simply because piled too high and too deep to make it possible and if she knew where the body of JFd might have been she wasn't willing to share it?

When we first learned that MT had lied to police not 1x but 3x in very long meetings I think that was when it became somewhat clearer that she was either being poorly advised (not IMO by Atty Bowman but by Mama A perhaps) but that her window of opportunity to crack a deal had passed. Atty Bowman could have arranged those meetings with LE to craft a deal as that is what he is known to do. But it all fell apart once LE started connecting the dots and seeing that MT and her hands were all over everything in terms of the plan to murder JFd. Its speculative at this point as the AWs leave more out regarding MT than they include IMO but I now kinda sorta wonder if CSP did this for the reason of putting on a technicolor display of precisely where MT was and what she did on 5/23-25.

We have no idea what MT was doing while Fd was in NC or when Fd went to NY to get the children. MT is a ghost per the AWs and I have to wonder why? My guess is that LE knows precisely why and its just a waiting game until we learn what they know. I also wonder why we are only seeing conspiracy charges for MT or will her AW4 be a charge for the murder of JFd?


This just made me think that it’s seems to be radio silence and crickets IMO for JS (MT’s new attorney), since he came out of the gate with such fanfare when he took over her case. Perhaps, he’s finally done the requisite reading of AW’s and such for his new client, and thus reconsidered his very public approach to her defense. One, can only hope.
This just made me think that it’s seems to be radio silence and crickets IMO for JS (MT’s new attorney), since he came out of the gate with such fanfare when he took over her case. Perhaps, he’s finally done the requisite reading of AW’s and such for his new client, and thus reconsidered his very public approach to her defense. One, can only hope.

Having read the MT AW's again over the past couple of days I have a feeling that more is left out than is included for a very precise reason.

I very much wonder if we might see an AW4 for MT and perhaps MT New Atty is choosing to lay low and not 'poke the bear' as he perhaps sees the 'holes' and 'issues' in the AW1-3 for his client.

What I am also curious about is what if anything has MT told her new atty? It seemed that MT lied to Atty Bowman just like she lied to LE and for any atty to defend a liar is no small task.

But, what if LE has been spending all this extra time preparing a technicolor display of the MT and KM timelines such that it won't matter if MT gets translation in Spanish or Swahili as the jury will simply be mesmerised by the photo and forensic evidence.

We also have next to no info from LE about possible character witnesses for JFd. We don't know who LE has spoken with about MT and what MT might have said over the years about JFd, the divorce or what she even might have told her family. MT said in AW3 that she and Fd fought frequently AND YET SHE STAYED. MT has nothing tying her to CT and she could have very easily packed her daughter up and returned to MIAMI, but YET SHE STAYED.

We saw Fd sending MT into the city to check up on Farber family probate documents. There is no way MT didn't know the money that was at stake possibly (or not) and we don't know either what Fd might have told her either about possible JFd will or trusts for the children. MT never demonstrated any career commitment IMO and as she bumped from one guy with money to the next she must have thought that she ended up with the mother lode with Fd and perhaps she was snowed by his BS? I don't think so as usually people that are fixated on money do a bit of research and so I think MT STAYED FOR A REASON.

My guess is that MT has told the world and LE who precisely she is and what she is capable of doing in terms of violence and pure evil deeds and LE took the challenge and have proven what she has done. I do think MT will regret complaining about her 1,000SF condo house arrest as the chances are that a good portion of the rest of her life will be in a 5x6 ft cell with a roommate and a toilet.

All I can think is that it all was motivated by greed, jealousy and hate and unwillingness to work (entitlement). Fd said the public thought he was a monster and I think this was true but I also believe that people think the same of MT now and eventually will believe it about KM as more info comes out on his involvement.

I feel profoundly sorry for the daughter of MT and no child deserves a mother with the morals and ethics of MT and frankly every day I expect to get a google alert that MT has lost custody of her daughter as the bio dad has finally woken up to the situation in the US with MT. Perhaps as the trial happens and the outcome becomes inevitable perhaps the biodad will wake up and figure out how to safeguard his daughter from the entire clan and crew surrounding MT. I hope so as the trial will be circus IMO.

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I can definitely see KM offloading everything on MT, but if he does, that makes me think that he was heavily involved and she less so.
Not necessarily. Hes got rape charges against him and suspension of license. He wants to keep his license. Plea deal, and he's got a lot that's why he's negotiating with LE. MT is up to her neck in the planning, murder and disposal. MT has no negotiating power now that FD is dead. Dumb *advertiser censored**.
It seems KM and MT were both heavily involved - and they know it - so it will be very interesting to see who turns on whom, if anyone.

Charges of conspiracy are very serious. To be guilty of conspiracy, you and/or a co-conspirator must commit a specific overt act in furtherance of the conspiracy. So for some to say "MT/KM would have been charged with more if they were more involved" makes little sense to me. Conspiracy is seriously involved.

As I wrote earlier, MT had the most to gain from Jennifer being gone. She, IMO, was the biggest part of planning and likely even initiated the idea of a murder. She wanted everything Jennifer had. And, if she knew about AC, all the more reason to try to hold onto Fd - there was all the more urgency.

Fd, while clearly involved in the murder, had the most to lose, and in fact, he lost absolutely everything.
I don't really think MT knew the nature of AC relationship with FD. MT would not have happily gone along, IMO.
I don't really think MT knew the nature of AC relationship with FD. MT would not have happily gone along, IMO.
I don't know if MT knew about Fd's level of involvement with AC, either - just speculating on that - but maybe she had an inkling (not realizing how serious it was), and figured she needed to protect her standing?

I agree she would not have put up with him being around AC. I see MT as likely quite jealous and possessive.

So jealous and possessive, in fact, she'd want to be completely rid of Fd's ex-wife.
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Having read the MT AW's again over the past couple of days I have a feeling that more is left out than is included for a very precise reason.

I very much wonder if we might see an AW4 for MT and perhaps MT New Atty is choosing to lay low and not 'poke the bear' as he perhaps sees the 'holes' and 'issues' in the AW1-3 for his client.

What I am also curious about is what if anything has MT told her new atty? It seemed that MT lied to Atty Bowman just like she lied to LE and for any atty to defend a liar is no small task.

But, what if LE has been spending all this extra time preparing a technicolor display of the MT and KM timelines such that it won't matter if MT gets translation in Spanish or Swahili as the jury will simply be mesmerised by the photo and forensic evidence.

We also have next to no info from LE about possible character witnesses for JFd. We don't know who LE has spoken with about MT and what MT might have said over the years about JFd, the divorce or what she even might have told her family. MT said in AW3 that she and Fd fought frequently AND YET SHE STAYED. MT has nothing tying her to CT and she could have very easily packed her daughter up and returned to MIAMI, but YET SHE STAYED.

We saw Fd sending MT into the city to check up on Farber family probate documents. There is no way MT didn't know the money that was at stake possibly (or not) and we don't know either what Fd might have told her either about possible JFd will or trusts for the children. MT never demonstrated any career commitment IMO and as she bumped from one guy with money to the next she must have thought that she ended up with the mother lode with Fd and perhaps she was snowed by his BS? I don't think so as usually people that are fixated on money do a bit of research and so I think MT STAYED FOR A REASON.

My guess is that MT has told the world and LE who precisely she is and what she is capable of doing in terms of violence and pure evil deeds and LE took the challenge and have proven what she has done. I do think MT will regret complaining about her 1,000SF condo house arrest as the chances are that a good portion of the rest of her life will be in a 5x6 ft cell with a roommate and a toilet.

All I can think is that it all was motivated by greed, jealousy and hate and unwillingness to work (entitlement). Fd said the public thought he was a monster and I think this was true but I also believe that people think the same of MT now and eventually will believe it about KM as more info comes out on his involvement.

I feel profoundly sorry for the daughter of MT and no child deserves a mother with the morals and ethics of MT and frankly every day I expect to get a google alert that MT has lost custody of her daughter as the bio dad has finally woken up to the situation in the US with MT. Perhaps as the trial happens and the outcome becomes inevitable perhaps the biodad will wake up and figure out how to safeguard his daughter from the entire clan and crew surrounding MT. I hope so as the trial will be circus IMO.

Is the daughter in a private school in the states? I certainly hope she has a different last name from MT.
@Dacaesar, I give you 10 pts and an A+ for your question to our favourite 'reposter' DA.

The thing I think with the DA articles when taken as a whole (I will take a big one for the team and go back and very painfully read them all again over the next couple of days and report back to get some meat around the idea of how Atty. P. used DA to 'front run' information to the Public) is to me one of perspective. IMO from DA and the HC we saw next to nothing about the VICTIM or even articles from the victims perspective. There was never any attempt to investigate anything or develop a perspective on the Dulos v Dulos cases in Family Court. IMO the reporting was slipshod and cut corners and wasn't based on any research or investigation or even reading the Family Court files. Nope, it was based on documents no doubt slipped his way via email and the reason I believe it happened this was was because of the lack of an overall context and perspective for all the articles. It was as if everything DA wrote was seen through the eyes of Atty. P. and Fd and then ultimately the "Greek Family". Maybe this is what he intended as it was certainly the easier path IMO. Sit in your office and wait for emails to show up! Much easier than beating the bushes to find out about JFd, her friends and her life with the children.

DA did little to nothing on MT other than via publicly available info online IMO. IMO this was the case because Atty Bowman wasn't leaking like a sieve to the Press as was Atty. P. in this case. But, DA IMO did a huge disservice to this case by NOT reporting actively on MT and figuring who she was, who her friends were, who was doing her blowouts and giving her weekly facials and what all these people who might have run into MT on her endless coffee runs said about her! Then there was the entire EW community that no doubt must have had a POV on MT. I find it fascinating that the article about MT being 'disinvited' from her daughters graduation from the EW School didn't come from a CT news outlet (if I recall it came from NY)! To me, this shows that DA and the HC weren't 'ON' the Dulos case other than to 'repost' what Atty. P. was saying and that they effectively invested nothing in covering the story IMO. If you compare this to say WFSB or even FOX61 or NBC CT and NY, these stations dedicated resources to following along with the narrative of the case. IMO the online publication did some amazing investigative work (in particular on Fd finances and Family Court situation) when DA and the HC were sitting in front of his computer waiting for an email from Atty. P.! Then we had the various Hearst paper entities following along the best that they could and providing consistent reporting on the news of the day and following the Court proceedings. But IMO very little investigation going on from Hearst and when we saw Atty. P. blowing 'air kisses' to 'Helen' outside Court my heart sank as I believe the person involved is the senior most person at Hearst in CT. UGH.......

IDK, I think the folks here on WS did the best with the info available and sought out source documents to create a narrative when oftentimes the Print Press was behind the ball. DA IMO seemed at times 'in front of the ball' only because the information or comments he was serving up came from the defense. The DA reporting makes me angry because he didn't research the Atty. P. comments to realise they were lies from the "Alibi Script" AND he never did any retractions to his reporting or revisions to his reporting to adjust it for the "Alibi Script" lies.

What seemed to emerge over time was that DA and the HC became the third leg of the Atty. P. defense strategy for their client Fd. It took awhile for me to pinpoint exactly what it was about the coverage which was simply 'off' IMO but I think it was the connection to the defense and lack of victim focus which convinced me the DA/HC coverage was for lack of a better word "cooked". The final article from the "Greek Family" blaming everyone but their brother and making horrible insinuations about the Farber wealth and connections simply cinched it for me that this was not 'fair and balanced reporting' or even a thinly veiled attempt at balanced reporting.

IMO DA doesn't deserve any 'softball' questions. I'm curious about the entire "Fudge" the homeless man storyline and how DA said he went to Albany. Really? What was the origin of this 'investigation' into Fudge? My guess is that the closest DA got to Albany was searching it out on google maps after the Atty. P. PI might have sent him some info or a HPD or FPD LE person leaked the info. Atty P was on the record saying that he was aware of Fudge and the Suburban liner left on Albany months before it showed up in an AW. Is this a coincidence that it showed up in DA 'reposting'? IMO, sincerely doubt it.

Hate to be cynical but this reporting has been some of the worst I've seen on a major crime case that is quite complex.

I don't think your being cynical, just truthful.
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