Deceased/Not Found CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #48

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I seriously cannot wait until PattIS a blank shares this Albany Avenue theory that Fotis Dulos claims will reveal his innocence.

Nobody is going to buy a claim that the Raptor was returned to him with the bags in it and he thought it was just construction debris as he is a builder and loaned his car and subsequently disposed of it unknowing of the contents.

He had a dumpster. Traveling to Hartford...Really? Stuffing a FedEx both with altered plates. Then there’s everything else listed in the SWs and AWs!!!!

Lo siento!

There’s a mountain of EVIDENCE/FACTS that make that possible claim so laughable!

Thank you cameras, BUSted (ha), DNA/FOREsenics (that just bit him in the prefix) and witnesses for telling the truth. We knew we could count on you.

The truth will set you free. Too bad that not everyone is willing to speak it.

Thank you LE for continuing to seek justice for Jennifer.

Just because Fotis Dulos dreaded his fate and probable life sentence, cowardly took his life as he couldn’t stand even one more hour in jail ...does not mean that all of whom are responsible in conspiring to kill Jennifer will be off the hook.

Quite the contrary! LE is moving forward to solve this case and will not rest until those responsible are held accountable and justice is served.

KM- If you are smart, questionable I know as you wouldn’t be sitting in jail reading this, but anyway you really should think about your children and do the right thing. Despite everything else, think of yours and the 5 Dulos children. It’s not too late.

MT - I think that LE gave you dozens of chances to do the right thing- you refused. Now you and your new attorney think you can pretend that you are clueless and that you don’t understand English but now may be a good idea to start preparing yourself for the trial (your life will be on full display for the world including your daughter.) LE will leave no stone unturned. They will play tapes of you talking on the see if you grasp English, they
Will interview former Employees, employers, clients, classmates, acquaintances etc. They intend to provide ample evidence to corroborate the arrests they made.

1000 square feet may be confining to you but a jail cell is much smaller so maybe start thinking of possibly living in super tight quarters, no Sunlight, no Starbucks, no blow-outs, no asado, no heels, just the same jumpsuit day in and day out.

I actually have tried to pretend I was a close relative of all of the accused, FD,MT and KM to try to see things from a different perspective/angle. I’ve read every single AW and SW and I reach the same consensus... I think that they all are guilty as charged with the information I have to date but am looking forward to their fair trials (MT and KM’s) to see and hear everything.

you're right i think money is involved that's why they are so protective of MT. many nonprofits are involved with money laundering and we know all about MT baby daddy money laundering and drug stuff. JMO
BBM - well, I for one don't know all about money laundering & drug stuff associated with MT's daughter's father so can you please explain. Also, I've been involved in animal rescue for many many years & the horse rescue looks legit to my eyes (pretty recent Guidestar gold rating). Also not sure why you (or anyone for that matter) would say many nonprofits are involved with money laundering. What are your sources for this statement?
if you do some searches in spanish about his resort you'll find that he was selling molly MDMA to some teen ravers and also talk of money laundering through his resort. JMOO

wow. Im guessing you're talking about his ski resort.
So MT has "IMA LOSER MAGNET" tatoo'd on her forehead
when it comes to love relationships.
I've been going over scenarios in New Canaan this morning, so some of the info is fresh in my mind. Thus, I have this question in relation to transfer of JFD's body to anyone in New Canaan or dumping of body in New Canaan:

Why take the time (at risk of discovery) removing at least some of JFD's clothing and bag-wrapping and zip-tying the body at Welles Lane IF - only 20-30 minutes later - you are going to take additional time (at risk of discovery) to REMOVE those bag-wraps and zip ties before handing over or dumping the body?

The clothing, bags, and zip-ties were thrown away in the bags found in trash receptacles on Albany Ave.

Do you think the taped together bags and zip ties were used for something other than wrapping the body?

We have seen examples of bags used to provide a 'working surface' in other cases. But, it seems like it would be easier to use a large piece of sheet plastic (folds small and can be quite large and its super light but easily cut and slippery to work on) or a tarp (heavier, thicker and more sturdy but depending on material might be porous, easier to work on vs plastic sheet or bags).

The combo of the zip ties and bags makes some sense to carry a body as the bags wouldn't have the strength to allow for carrying body IMO.

The removal of clothing is puzzling but I wonder if it could have been as simple as continuing the Fd 'game' of disposing of evidence in multiple locations? Wonder also if he/MT might have believed that their DNA was on the shirt/clothing so it needed to go so as to not connect them to the body?

It seems like there is still speculation around the idea of accomplice/s in NC in/around Lapham and I'm not sure we have consensus that the body was returned to Farmington. Wonder if the body was possibly stripped and left (either intact or not) in Suburban for pickup and possibly in bag/s? Wonder if the blood found in the Red Tacoma on passenger seat was from blood seepage from paper towels and other clean up items and maybe not body? 2 hrs at 69/71 Welles is another head scratcher and we don't have full visibility I think on the idea of any other vehicle either being at Welles or on adjacent street on the Murder date.

To think of a body being transferred in broad daylight on a school day with bus traffic, periodic trade vans/trucks passing and park visitors passing is something I've long struggled with in terms of understanding what did and didn't happen at Lapham/Waveny. Long wondered what connection there might have been to Irwin Park (we know it was searched but never heard what if anything was found) as IMO it offers a bit more privacy possibly for a body transfer. All the parks do get morning traffic from people walking dogs and exercising so I find it hard to believe the parks didn't have some traffic and people walking around. Its just also that it was a long weekend and people had left for the weekend and things were generally quiet vs typical weekends at the parks IMO. I know most discount Sturbridge property dumpster but I do wonder if a body or bags could have been left there for pickup either later by the co-conspirators or another 3rd party? EE didn't show up at Sturbridge until 10:30 am or so and I wonder if he would have thought twice about seeing some black contractor bags in the dumpster?

Still many questions.

Wow-so this witch is blabbing that Jennifer made 100% of the motions in the divorce? Doesn’t that idiot realize that her friend MT pushed Jennifer and her children out of the house? And that Fd made all of the demands? And paid for n-o-t-h-i-n-g? Not even for his children?

100% Even Judge Heller made a point in her award of custody to GF that Fd actually filed more motions in Family Court than JFd and her attys.

Yep, filing the "Horse Woman" under the title of "FAKE NEWS" nothing to see here. Sad that someone wants to insert themselves into a situation about which they might only have one side of the story and then not take the time to get up to speed on the info in the public domain and the AWs. IMO this person is just embarrassing herself.

wow. Im guessing you're talking about his ski resort.
So MT has "IMA LOSER MAGNET" tatoo'd on her forehead
when it comes to love relationships.

So agree! This paragraph from the much discussed recent articles from airmail I think captures your sentiment about MT as well!

"She was a good-time girl! A ski bum from South America! Her name was Michelle Troconis, but friends called her Michi. She had long dark hair and a wicked smile. She was in her early 40s when she met Fotis, with a teenage daughter from a liaison that preceded her failed marriage. She’d gotten a degree in psychology at the Central University of Venezuela in 1998, then worked in event planning and public relations at hotels around the world. The Ghantoot Racing & Polo Club, in Abu Dhabi. Cerro Castor, a resort on Mount Krund, in Tierra del Fuego. She had been the host of Snow Time, an ESPN show shot at ski resorts in South America. She had lived in Caracas, the United Arab Emirates, Miami.

She was a type—the jet-setter, the aging ingénue, the woman who always seems to find the best-looking, most unstable man in the room.[BBM] It was Michelle Troconis’s arrival on the scene that set in motion the events that would lead to the disappearance of Jennifer Dulos. [BBM]

BBM - well, I for one don't know all about money laundering & drug stuff associated with MT's daughter's father so can you please explain. Also, I've been involved in animal rescue for many many years & the horse rescue looks legit to my eyes (pretty recent Guidestar gold rating). Also not sure why you (or anyone for that matter) would say many nonprofits are involved with money laundering. What are your sources for this statement?
Make a charity, lets call it “make me rich”. Anyone can donate. They hand dirty money to normal people to donate to the charity. Now charity has money that is considered clean to spend on goal.

This is why they are looked at a lot for fraud

don’t get me wrong I’m not saying for sure she’s laundering money. But something definitely fishy going on between MT and the horse fam since they are adamant to protect MT and spread her “innocence” everywhere. Also, have interviewed several people who have past experiences with this crazy horse lady And husband and none of them have anything good to say about them. I respect you for supporting animal nonprofits so please don’t be taking this personally. Thanks
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I know most discount Sturbridge property dumpster but I do wonder if a body or bags could have been left there for pickup either later by the co-conspirators or another 3rd party? EE didn't show up at Sturbridge until 10:30 am or so and I wonder if he would have thought twice about seeing some black contractor bags in the dumpster?
PG arrived at Sturbridge around 9:30.
Yes he did. I'm hoping to get more visibility on the issue with the probate process as I kept running into LLCs and corporate names with no human names visible in my early search work. I would think KM and Atty Markowitz might be able to shed some light on this but my guess is that the won't be inclined to assist unfortunately. I would think that Atty Weinstein has been working on this situation over the past few years as well. Its on my radar to watch. MOO

I originally asked about this because I thought maybe they were thinking of adding these to the bond to "fix it," but also possible they were used for another purpose during the crime. The trustee has to be checking on this as well. Any chance he or FORE owned property in MA?
I have a question for those knowlegeable about
KM's arrest warrant.
Paragraph # 30 states:
...there to be Probable Cause to believe that
Kent D. Mawhinney did on Friday May 24, 2019

"in the town of New Canaan, Ct. "

commit the following crimes on the person of JFD which resulted in her death."

Question- does this mean KM did this act
"in New Canaan" or is it written this way because the actual crime took place and is listed as NC?

Could this mean KM WAS in NC on 5/24?
Mawhinney Arrest Warrant (01!07!20)
I have a question for those knowlegeable about
KM's arrest warrant.
Paragraph # 30 states:
...there to be Probable Cause to believe that
Kent D. Mawhinney did on Friday May 24, 2019

"in the town of New Canaan, Ct. "

commit the following crimes on the person of JFD which resulted in her death."

Question- does this mean KM did this act
"in New Canaan" or is it written this way because the actual crime took place and is listed as NC?

Could this mean KM WAS in NC on 5/24?
Mawhinney Arrest Warrant (01!07!20)

It seems to suggest in plain English that he dun it it NC.
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