Deceased/Not Found CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #49

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I agree -he was SURE she wouldn’t be found...but I somehow hoped she would be. Not sure about the semi pro nature of the assistance, but it does appear that he got some help from someone who wouldn’t ever talk, and who is involved with him and others in something more complicated. Just think of all of those people he ran around with who are skeevy. Honestly, I don’t think I know any people like that, and it appears that he knew EVERYONE like that. I do wonder how he got that loan officer to go bad-and why doesn’t she speak? Because she isn’t in a bit of legal trouble, and if she explained what she did, she would be
He was a charmer. Not convinced he was that smart. I think he got lucky. It pains me to think about the 3 to 4 weeks combing MIRA. Good men looking for Jennifer on account of her weak, small husband. A little man.
And, now to hear there were not 30 bags but 3 bags!

I remember having such hope.
Hope for her family and hope for the searchers.

Can't begin to imagine their frustration.

He was a charmer. Not convinced he was that smart. I think he got lucky. It pains me to think about the 3 to 4 weeks combing MIRA. Good men looking for Jennifer on account of her weak, small husband. A little man.
And, now to hear there were not 30 bags but 3 bags!

I remember having such hope.
Hope for her family and hope for the searchers.

Can't begin to imagine their frustration.


So many things we thought we knew...I agree that there seemed to be more than 3 bags found will be good to see the real video. Isn't it in the arrest warrant that more bags are visible in the back of the truck when it exits Albany and were gone when it reappears later on Albany? I also want to see that person who looks like FD putting something against the wall that looks like a liner from the Suburban.

Agree that FD was always certain the body wouldn't be found. He perseverated on "getting rid" of Jennifer for so long, some of his buddies or MT surely heard him ranting about what he'd like to do to her. There's really nothing to be lost for one of them to remember what FD said during his revenge fantasies. JFD knew he would hurt her if he got a chance.

I, too, was so hopeful something meaningful would result from this search.

A couple of questions:
  • I can't remember what happened to the white Jeep. Was it sold? Did LE ever exam it?
  • When was the Avon address searched yesterday searched before? Was it before FD's initial arrest? I've always been hazy about where LE searched the first week Jennifer was missing. I know that Waveny Park was thoroughly searched. I know some other areas in New Canaan were searched. When did LE begin searching in the Farmington area? (I'll go back to media thread to look, also.)
Attorney Hug, the probate attorney for FD's estate, has filed 3 motions to withdraw motions in the suit over 4JX:
139.00 06/12/2020 D WITHDRAWAL OF MOTION
Plus 140.00 and 141.00 which Websleuths said I couldn't post. (Beats me...)

You can read the motions that are being withdrawn on the docket site (mostly motions filed by Habib on FD's behalf) It appears that probate is trying to move things along at 4 Jefferson Crossing:
So many things we thought we knew...I agree that there seemed to be more than 3 bags found will be good to see the real video. Isn't it in the arrest warrant that more bags are visible in the back of the truck when it exits Albany and were gone when it reappears later on Albany? I also want to see that person who looks like FD putting something against the wall that looks like a liner from the Suburban.

Agree that FD was always certain the body wouldn't be found. He perseverated on "getting rid" of Jennifer for so long, some of his buddies or MT surely heard him ranting about what he'd like to do to her. There's really nothing to be lost for one of them to remember what FD said during his revenge fantasies. JFD knew he would hurt her if he got a chance.

I, too, was so hopeful something meaningful would result from this search.

A couple of questions:
  • I can't remember what happened to the white Jeep. Was it sold? Did LE ever exam it?
  • When was the Avon address searched yesterday searched before? Was it before FD's initial arrest? I've always been hazy about where LE searched the first week Jennifer was missing. I know that Waveny Park was thoroughly searched. I know some other areas in New Canaan were searched. When did LE begin searching in the Farmington area? (I'll go back to media thread to look, also.)
LE had a warrant dated 6/6/19 to seize and search the white Jeep. When searched, nothing was seized from it. That 6/6/19 SW indicated the Jeep is stored at CT State Police, Litchfield. ETA: I don't know if it was later returned.

The Avon address searched yesterday was NOT one of the properties for which there was a SW in the early dump of SW's (over 400 pages worth, most in May and early June, a few in July, and one in Oct, 2019) around the time of the January 2020 arrests. Those addresses included 4 Jefferson Crossing and 80, 84, and 88 Mountain Spring Rd in Farmington, 585 Deerclif Rd in Avon, and 61 Sturbridge Hill Rd in New Canaan.

When referring to an earlier search, I believe they are referring to a couple of weeks ago (around May 21st) when police were at the 44 Sky View Rd property. Discussion of that is on page 7 of this thread. ETA: During that discussion, quoted from a related HC article: "State police sources said they received a copy of the demolition permit and spoke with the property owner, David Ford, who gave them permission last fall to conduct a search. Police did visit the property, but didn't get a search warrant for it and didn't bring cadaver dogs to search the large swath of woods behind the house or the septic tank, as they did at several other properties that Dulos owned, sources said."
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LE had a warrant dated 6/6/19 to seize and search the white Jeep. When searched, nothing was seized from it. That 6/6/19 SW indicated the Jeep is stored at CT State Police, Litchfield. ETA: I don't know if it was later returned.

The Avon address searched yesterday was NOT one of the properties for which there was a SW in the early dump of SW's (over 400 pages worth, most in May and early June, a few in July, and one in Oct, 2019) around the time of the January 2020 arrests. Those addresses included 4 Jefferson Crossing and 80, 84, and 88 Mountain Spring Rd in Farmington, 585 Deerclif Rd in Avon, and 61 Sturbridge Hill Rd in New Canaan.

When referring to an earlier search, I believe they are referring to a couple of weeks ago (around May 21st) when police were at the 44 Sky View Rd property. Discussion of that is on page 7 of this thread. ETA: During that discussion, quoted from a related HC article: "State police sources said they received a copy of the demolition permit and spoke with the property owner, David Ford, who gave them permission last fall to conduct a search. Police did visit the property, but didn't get a search warrant for it and didn't bring cadaver dogs to search the large swath of woods behind the house or the septic tank, as they did at several other properties that Dulos owned, sources said."

Thank you so much Diddian!

I wonder if the Jeep is still in police storage. Someone, perhaps it was you, noted that MT never drove the Jeep after the morning that JFD went missing. I found it odd that she made rather a big deal our of her taking the Suburban back to 4JX from Mountain Spring. It seemed that she had a need to explain that to police during her intial interview, but I didn't understand why.

Too bad the the Sky View Road property wasn't searched shortly after JFD went missing a year ago. I, too, wonder what have been in the house, etc. in addition to the septic tank at that time. LE was probably overwhelmed searching the properties FD owned at the time, let alone discovering where he might have been working and still had access to other properties.
I have to admit that I am so bummed that nothing showed up at that search the other day...even though it was a long shot. I so badly want her to be found for her family and friends.

It just makes me so angry that spineless wimp took the easy way out instead of facing the consequences of what he had done.
Thank you so much Diddian!

I wonder if the Jeep is still in police storage. Someone, perhaps it was you, noted that MT never drove the Jeep after the morning that JFD went missing. I found it odd that she made rather a big deal our of her taking the Suburban back to 4JX from Mountain Spring. It seemed that she had a need to explain that to police during her intial interview, but I didn't understand why.

Too bad the the Sky View Road property wasn't searched shortly after JFD went missing a year ago. I, too, wonder what have been in the house, etc. in addition to the septic tank at that time. LE was probably overwhelmed searching the properties FD owned at the time, let alone discovering where he might have been working and still had access to other properties.

Judge Blawie agreed to return the White Jeep and Fotis’ Suburban on August 9, 2019.

Fotis Dulos appears in court; some seized items to be returned
Oh I get it now - it's almost like they want us to think FD planned it (and I fell for it). But I do wonder why he didn't demolish it - maybe the financial issues were catching up to him and he couldn't pay for the equipment?
I think the headlines are misleading but good click bait.

I think there was a "demolition" permit which would be required by State law (asbestos check) to gut out the damaged interior walls down to the studs after flood/water damage.

From the photos, this appears to be exactly what they did-- not to be confused with bulldoze and tear down the structure. No, not that kind of demolition.
It's so eerie to look at the state of Sky View Drive.
In keeping with this whole dreary saga.
All that money gone to useless waste , rotting from the inside out.
Evil is as evil does.
And vandals in such an upscale area?
Boggles the mind.
I know the police are trying really hard to find the body. But the case of the missing children out in Idaho that have just been found - identities still to be confirmed - makes me believe that it is easy to miss a buried body. If you look at the photo of where they just found 2 bodies in Idaho, it is right in the killer's back yard and they had already searched the area.
Maybe they need to go back to square one and look at all the sites again one by one, JD could be right under their nose and not in some creative place. That would make more sense.. the 3 trapped rats that are alleged to have participated in this heinous murder were not creative and they were desperate.
I would start all over being really thorough of all the properties they were at that day, starting with the most obvious, bring the dogs to all sites....and dig. I believe she is very near and they just keep missing.....FD was desperate and inept.....
Monday, June 15th:
*Status Conference Hearing (re Divorce) (@ 9:30am & 2:30pm ET) – CT – Jennifer Rebecca Farber Dulos (50) (May 24, 2019, New Canaan) – for *Kent D. Mawhinney (54) arrested & charged (1/7/20) & arraigned (2/20/20) with conspiracy to commit murder. Plead not guilty. Held on $2M bond.
Court info from 1/7/20 thru 3/26/20 reference post #283 here:
Deceased/Not Found - CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #49

4/28/20: Murder: Pretrial hearing was cancelled due to the coronavirus and rescheduled to 6/2.
5/9/20 Update: New prosecutor for the case- Paul Ferencek has replaced Colangelo. Hope he will be tough. Ferencek worked under Colangelo previously and Colangelo supported his appointment. He’s been in the CT Criminal Justice dept. since 1988.
5/20/20 Update: Courts in Connecticut will be expanding the kind of cases that are done remotely on Monday (5/20/20). Those cases include civil pre-trials, trial management conferences and status conferences. All of this will be done through video or over the phone.
6/2/20 Update: Murder: Hearing was cancelled due to COVID-19. Next pretrial hearing on 7/9/20.

*Charged (1/21/19) spousal sexual assault, disorderly conduct & 2nd degree unlawful restraint & on June 26, 2019 with violating of a protective order. $500 bond.
If bond made – on house arrest, surrender passport & no contact with co-defendants. Dulos’ former civil lawyer who represented Dulos against a $2.5 million civil lawsuit filed by his mother-in-law.
2/14/20 Update: re spousal assault: A judge said Friday an attorney accused of sexually assaulting his wife has been offered a deal that’s pending “discussions” in the Jennifer Dulos homicide case. The terms of the potential deal were not revealed in court and the judge said it could be held up pending “discussions” in the Jennifer Dulos case. Baldini agreed to set Mawhinney's bond at $500 in the two cases so that he could receive credit for any jail time served. He previously was free on bond prior to his arrest on the conspiracy to commit murder charge. He is next scheduled to appear for the charges related to his estranged wife on April 23 in Hartford court for disposition/pretrial hearing @ 10am.
Due to the coronavirus, Connecticut courts are only hearing “priority 1” matters for the next two weeks.
4/23/20 Update: HHD-FA19-6105839-S (Divorce): Status conference hearing on 6/15. Due to the coronavirus pretrial/disposition hearing re violation of protective order on 4/23 has been rescheduled on 6/25.
*Michelle C. Tronconis (44/now 45) – Had pretrial hearing on 8/6/20.
*Fotis Dulos (52) – Committed suicide on 1/28/20 & declared dead at 5:32pm on 1/30/20. 3/3/20: Charges dismissed. The case against Dulos will be officially dismissed in about a year, unless the state decides to reopen it.
Any news on what might have happened at the divorce hearing for Mawhinney?

TIA! :)

Think things were moved...
PRE-TRIAL FOR DIVORCE, non-criminal:
07/07/2020 9:30AM Remote Pretrial Conference

CRIMINAL..The first is related to the Dulos case and the other two are related to the relate to rape, etc. of wife:
MAWHINNEY KENT 1965 Stamford JD Pre-Trial 07/09/2020 10:00 AM FST -CR20-0241179-T (DULOS CASE)
MAWHINNEY KENT DOUGLAS 1965 Hartford GA 14 Awaiting Disposition 08/06/2020 10:00 AM H14H-CR19-0281509-T (VIOLATION OF PROTECTIVE ORDER-June 2019)
MAWHINNEY KENT DOUGLAS 1965 Hartford JD Pre-Trial 08/06/2020 10:00 AM HHD -CR19-0266274-T
53a-70b SEXUAL ASSAULT-SPOUSE/COHABITR B Felony 1 1/21/2019 Not Guilty
53a-182 DISORDERLY CONDUCT C Misdemeanor 1 1/21/2019 Not Guilty
53a-96 UNLAWFUL RESTRAINT 2ND DEG A Misdemeanor 1 1/21/2019 Not Guilty
Any news on what might have happened at the divorce hearing for Mawhinney?

TIA! :)

Dang another postponement -- c'mon, Kent, you've sobered up -- honor your own efforts in that, honor your children, tell LE everything you know about Jennifer's death.

Beat Michele Troconis to it,you're an attorney -- you sentence will reflect your cooperation!

Get to it, Kent!

I must have been really bored but I reread all of Michelle’s arrest warrants and if you have time I highly recommend it. It’s funny how you notice things you didn’t notice previously.

I was reminded how from the very beginning just how involved she was and her demeanor and audacity to lie, her flippant attitude/tone really stood out to me.

Her guilt is overwhelmingly obvious to me as her stories just kept changing as the police revealed their findings/evidence. Conflicting stories, changing information mid-sentence. Seriously! So telling!

The alibi scripts say everything, she literally wrote down blatant lies and then recited these lies verbatim to the police. What innocent person does that? How can she defend those lies to the jury?

Why would she take photos of herself with the robot at the store unless you’re deliberately trying to create an alibi. Did she send the pic to anyone? I doubt it.

She was very excited to share those photos to the police! That’s the only time she was forthcoming! As in I’m going to make it look like I went grocery shopping and randomly taking a selfie as my boyfriend kills the mother of his children. Premeditated!

She continued to lie for months!!!! How can you claim not guilty when you continuously lie to law enforcement?!!!

The alibi lies, accompanying Fotis on Albany Avenue (no one is that stupid not to know what their boyfriend was doing and why he stuffed bags into trash bins in another town) on a Friday evening. She must have seen him prop up Jennifer’s Suburban mat against the wall at Milagros as well as stuff the FedEx box with the altered license plate in the storm drain. Come on! You can’t really think that a jury will buy that you are clueless just chatting away on your phone!

Can she really think one would believe she just cleaned the MS house while Fotis cleaned blood from a car and then did who knows what to Jennifer’s body for hours!!!

I bet she’s never cleaned a day in her life. Police better check to see if that’s common for her to clean his properties on the market.

No jury will buy her clueless excuse from day one to the present.

Between managing/shifting Fotis’ phone all day 24 May, constant lies, driving off with the Tacoma key, following Fotis to the car wash, etc.

Then the most damning..., her DNA on the bag! DNA on the two bags taped together. She helped and her DNA is there to prove it.

I think now she just thinks she can keep quiet and claim she doesn’t understand English and she’s going to get away with everything.

I hope LE finds a lot of people willing to take the witness stand and prove she has a good command of the English language: Teachers, friends, peers, coworkers, neighbors!

Just because Fotis cowardly took his life, does not mean the case is just going to disappear and she gets a pass for being an accomplice to murdering a smart, beautiful mother of 5!

Cluelessness will not fly.

She waited until Fotis was dead and a year since her murder to make a statement finally..., how convenient!

I wonder what LE gleaned from the phones/computers.

Bring on her trial! I can’t wait!

I must have been really bored but I reread all of Michelle’s arrest warrants and if you have time I highly recommend it. It’s funny how you notice things you didn’t notice previously.

I was reminded how from the very beginning just how involved she was and her demeanor and audacity to lie, her flippant attitude/tone really stood out to me.

Her guilt is overwhelmingly obvious to me as her stories just kept changing as the police revealed their findings/evidence. Conflicting stories, changing information mid-sentence. Seriously! So telling!

The alibi scripts say everything, she literally wrote down blatant lies and then recited these lies verbatim to the police. What innocent person does that? How can she defend those lies to the jury?

Why would she take photos of herself with the robot at the store unless you’re deliberately trying to create an alibi. Did she send the pic to anyone? I doubt it.

She was very excited to share those photos to the police! That’s the only time she was forthcoming! As in I’m going to make it look like I went grocery shopping and randomly taking a selfie as my boyfriend kills the mother of his children. Premeditated!

She continued to lie for months!!!! How can you claim not guilty when you continuously lie to law enforcement?!!!

The alibi lies, accompanying Fotis on Albany Avenue (no one is that stupid not to know what their boyfriend was doing and why he stuffed bags into trash bins in another town) on a Friday evening. She must have seen him prop up Jennifer’s Suburban mat against the wall at Milagros as well as stuff the FedEx box with the altered license plate in the storm drain. Come on! You can’t really think that a jury will buy that you are clueless just chatting away on your phone!

Can she really think one would believe she just cleaned the MS house while Fotis cleaned blood from a car and then did who knows what to Jennifer’s body for hours!!!

I bet she’s never cleaned a day in her life. Police better check to see if that’s common for her to clean his properties on the market.

No jury will buy her clueless excuse from day one to the present.

Between managing/shifting Fotis’ phone all day 24 May, constant lies, driving off with the Tacoma key, following Fotis to the car wash, etc.

Then the most damning..., her DNA on the bag! DNA on the two bags taped together. She helped and her DNA is there to prove it.

I think now she just thinks she can keep quiet and claim she doesn’t understand English and she’s going to get away with everything.

I hope LE finds a lot of people willing to take the witness stand and prove she has a good command of the English language: Teachers, friends, peers, coworkers, neighbors!

Just because Fotis cowardly took his life, does not mean the case is just going to disappear and she gets a pass for being an accomplice to murdering a smart, beautiful mother of 5!

Cluelessness will not fly.

She waited until Fotis was dead and a year since her murder to make a statement finally..., how convenient!

I wonder what LE gleaned from the phones/computers.

Bring on her trial! I can’t wait!


Not to mention, MT called an IT guy to come help erase cell phones and computers at 4JC. IIRC, the company kept records on their server, although deleted on the individual devices.

Question for MT: WHY were you deleting, if you did not Know why?

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