Deceased/Not Found CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #49

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lol subtly advertising her sister's ugly homemade masks.

Perhaps the horse is carrying out the Equine Therapy?

Bit of a muffin top, there. Think about posture, Michelle!


Ahhhh....I have a do you wear cowboy boots with an ankle monitor? I really would not want to be wearing any type of a “gym shoe”.
Well, maybe it would be wise To wear a gym shoe.
”Mr Horse can you please stomp hard on that shoe you see next to you, it’s moving and scaring me?! Thanks Mr Horse!”
Sorry, I am going back to lurking.....I have been inside too long.
I cannot imagine how you can wear an ankle bracelet with cowboy boots. Look at that horse, though; MT is looking at the horse and it is IGNORING her. I mean it. Does that horse not look like it’s thinking, “Get me out of here?” I grew up with horses and they are so smart about people. Of course this is IMO but I wonder what horse people think? Also, I have a hard time reconciling the word “sacred” with anything MT does or has done—and that certainly includes what is on the record. Let me think...nope. MOO.
I'm not sure if this is relevant, but the Fisher Meadows recreation area is apparently immediately across the river from the U.S. Horse Rescue. I thought I remembered this from looking at the map, but this press report confirms it.

News Stories - Avon Old Farms

Didn't MT have an association with that organization?

Oh, my gosh! I don’t know but certainly MT had a lot of dealing with horses and I cannot ever forget all the horses that died in the barn fire. FD was so angry that the horses took time from the kids time to ski, as I recall. MOO.
I have for almost two months been considering the wisdom of posting an analysis document I created before the coronavirus lockdown shut everything down and closed court proceedings and discussion about them to a crawl. The document is huge (13 pages, 11in x 17in), a work in progress, and it reflects my own (amateur) analysis of vehicle and cellphone activity (as reported in search and arrest warrants) in timeline table form from the day before JFD's disappearance through the next night with MY questions, MY assumptions, and MY conclusions. Any of those may be way off base and all of those are based on what limited information LE has publicly disclosed to date from their obviously very extensive investigations.

The reason I have debated with myself about it is that I do NOT want to do anything to lend a hand to the defense (formal or informal) of the three people who I believe have been properly charged in the conspiracy to murder JFD and who I hope will ultimately suffer serious legal consequences for their roles (at least those two who haven't killed themselves and lied about why). However, I feel certain that if I could come up with this, others who paid close attention could (and have - in their posts on this site), so it really isn't new information so much as that information put into organized form. And, if organized presentation could help the defense, it would equally help investigators or prosecutors by highlighting potential issues, holes, other ways of looking at a set of facts, or could confirm that their assumptions align with what amateur, unrelated observers of the facts also see or infer. If nothing else, it can serve as a starting point to re-engage currently stalled discussion if fellow Websleuthers challenge my own assumptions, opinions, or find errors in facts gathered from SW's or AW's and offer up better ideas/information.

Of course, there are many facets of this case beyond the limited scope of analysis of vehicle and cellphone activity, as discussed here for many threads. So, this is just amateur analysis of one piece of a much larger pie.

So, here goes. The document is organized as follows:
  • "Contents" Table;
  • 3 Separate "Vehicle & Cellphone Activity" Timeline Tables - ones for 5/23 Evening, one for 5/24 Morning, and one for 5/24 Afternoon to Evening;
  • 1 Combined "Vehicle & Cellphone Activity" Timeline Table from 5/23 Evening through 5/24 Evening (THIS IS THE KEY TABLE - I created it after discovering that artificially breaking the time up caused me to miss large gaps of unaccounted for time and to miss the potential significance of particular vehicles);
  • Table Summarizing Albany Ave Activity;
  • Table Summarizing FD's Suspicious Actions Relating to Toyota Tacoma; and
  • Key Questions relating to vehicle & cellphone activity (that remain at least publicly unanswered).
Note that the contents table only lists 12 pages, but there are 13 (Table D has expanded since I last updated "Contents" page). As I mentioned, it's a work in progress and I often tinker with it.

WOW!!! You are amazing!!!
WOW!!! You are amazing!!!

Well, I'm detail-oriented, that's for sure! It was valuable when I worked as a financial statement auditor, but my first husband didn't consider it so valuable when I found the irrefutable evidence he had been cheating for years (gas lighting me all along the way). Life has been much better in the many years since.

I can definitely see the value in LE having programs that allow the building of table timelines such as these - preferably that allow the building of separate tables that can be laid atop each other (like transparencies laid upon a base document on a projector), to take some sources of evidence (say, vehicle locations or surveilled persons), show the connections to other sources (cellphone activity and location), and lay more on top of that (physical evidence, DNA, etc). And even better, if you could enter assumptions and run several different scenarios at once.
I have for almost two months been considering the wisdom of posting an analysis document I created before the coronavirus lockdown shut everything down and closed court proceedings and discussion about them to a crawl. The document is huge (13 pages, 11in x 17in), a work in progress, and it reflects my own (amateur) analysis of vehicle and cellphone activity (as reported in search and arrest warrants) in timeline table form from the day before JFD's disappearance through the next night with MY questions, MY assumptions, and MY conclusions. Any of those may be way off base and all of those are based on what limited information LE has publicly disclosed to date from their obviously very extensive investigations.

The reason I have debated with myself about it is that I do NOT want to do anything to lend a hand to the defense (formal or informal) of the three people who I believe have been properly charged in the conspiracy to murder JFD and who I hope will ultimately suffer serious legal consequences for their roles (at least those two who haven't killed themselves and lied about why). However, I feel certain that if I could come up with this, others who paid close attention could (and have - in their posts on this site), so it really isn't new information so much as that information put into organized form. And, if organized presentation could help the defense, it would equally help investigators or prosecutors by highlighting potential issues, holes, other ways of looking at a set of facts, or could confirm that their assumptions align with what amateur, unrelated observers of the facts also see or infer. If nothing else, it can serve as a starting point to re-engage currently stalled discussion if fellow Websleuthers challenge my own assumptions, opinions, or find errors in facts gathered from SW's or AW's and offer up better ideas/information.

Of course, there are many facets of this case beyond the limited scope of analysis of vehicle and cellphone activity, as discussed here for many threads. So, this is just amateur analysis of one piece of a much larger pie.

So, here goes. The document is organized as follows:
  • "Contents" Table;
  • 3 Separate "Vehicle & Cellphone Activity" Timeline Tables - ones for 5/23 Evening, one for 5/24 Morning, and one for 5/24 Afternoon to Evening;
  • 1 Combined "Vehicle & Cellphone Activity" Timeline Table from 5/23 Evening through 5/24 Evening (THIS IS THE KEY TABLE - I created it after discovering that artificially breaking the time up caused me to miss large gaps of unaccounted for time and to miss the potential significance of particular vehicles);
  • Table Summarizing Albany Ave Activity;
  • Table Summarizing FD's Suspicious Actions Relating to Toyota Tacoma; and
  • Key Questions relating to vehicle & cellphone activity (that remain at least publicly unanswered).
Note that the contents table only lists 12 pages, but there are 13 (Table D has expanded since I last updated "Contents" page). As I mentioned, it's a work in progress and I often tinker with it.
"Diddian said:" A lot of impressive work went into the analysis document. I hope the Connecticut police, detectives and others involved look into everything, especially since there are more things that is not mentioned. Why is Ct news/print media quiet? Are they doing research or waiting? One year will be here soon, hope there will be Justice for Jennifer!
"Diddian said:" A lot of impressive work went into the analysis document. I hope the Connecticut police, detectives and others involved look into everything, especially since there are more things that is not mentioned. Why is Ct news/print media quiet? Are they doing research or waiting? One year will be here soon, hope there will be Justice for Jennifer!

I think it is simply that there isn’t anything to say right now. Hoping that on the one year anniversary, there is at least some mention of Jennifer, out of respect for her life. I have absolutely no hope, though, that MT and KM will spill the beans.
"Diddian said:" A lot of impressive work went into the analysis document. I hope the Connecticut police, detectives and others involved look into everything, especially since there are more things that is not mentioned. Why is Ct news/print media quiet? Are they doing research or waiting? One year will be here soon, hope there will be Justice for Jennifer!

Thank you. As you mention there is much that wasn't included as that analysis focused exclusively on vehicle/cellphone activity as LE documented in the SW's and AW's; it didn't include ANY of the very persuasive blood, DNA, swab, and print evidence and very little of the overwhelming evidence of lying to LE and other attempts at concealment.

I've been very impressed with the publicly provided evidence of CT police, detective, and other investigative, evaluation, and analysis work. I hope the continuing investigation, as well as the ultimate prosecution of the charges maintains that level of professionalism and quality to secure convictions. I still continue to maintain the hope that JFD's remains are discovered and her loved ones can put her properly to rest.

As for the news print and other media, I'm just glad Pattis, the king of chaos has finally shut up, even if it means we're hearing less in the press, at least for now.
Thank you. As you mention there is much that wasn't included as that analysis focused exclusively on vehicle/cellphone activity as LE documented in the SW's and AW's; it didn't include ANY of the very persuasive blood, DNA, swab, and print evidence and very little of the overwhelming evidence of lying to LE and other attempts at concealment.

I've been very impressed with the publicly provided evidence of CT police, detective, and other investigative, evaluation, and analysis work. I hope the continuing investigation, as well as the ultimate prosecution of the charges maintains that level of professionalism and quality to secure convictions. I still continue to maintain the hope that JFD's remains are discovered and her loved ones can put her properly to rest.

As for the news print and other media, I'm just glad Pattis, the king of chaos has finally shut up, even if it means we're hearing less in the press, at least for now.

'The State Knows Everywhere We Go': Michelle Troconis' Lawyer Says Prosecutors Have the Upper Hand | Connecticut Law Tribune

MT's lawyer JS kvetches to CT Law Trib.

Thanks for the link. It has a paywall, so I can't read it; I can only see the photo and a short blurb. The photo does raise a question for me though:

When MT, her lawyer, and the interpreter essential to MT's understanding of what is said all meet, does it require an 18' wide conference room, or do they go with triangle shaped social distancing?

(Sorry to be petty, but MT isn't the only one stepping around all the horse manure around this case.)
Thanks for the link. It has a paywall, so I can't read it; I can only see the photo and a short blurb. The photo does raise a question for me though:

When MT, her lawyer, and the interpreter essential to MT's understanding of what is said all meet, does it require an 18' wide conference room, or do they go with triangle shaped social distancing?

(Sorry to be petty, but MT isn't the only one stepping around all the horse manure around this case.)
Try--CT Law Tribune Twitter -- story link is there
Try--CT Law Tribune Twitter -- story link is there

The state says approx. 30 BAGS on Albany Ave, not 30 stops, so that argument is garbage. And as for his complaint that the state knows where his client is at all times, does he fail to realize she is currently out on bail subject to house arrest limitations for Conspiracy to Commit/Murder, among other related charges?

Don't want scrutiny; don't assist a fellow sociopath in the planning, execution, and concealment of a murder.
If KM had a pre-dug grave, I'm more convinced than ever that FD had a disposal site pre-arranged as well. Whatever happened at MS that afternoon, I believe it was to obliterate all bodily evidence prior to that ultimate disposal. Not water, IMO. Too risky for resurfacing. Maybe burial... with the missing lime? Septic? Leach field?

I feel so sad that his children don't have their mother and don't have any answers.

Thank God for JFd's mom -- we know she's loving those children with her daughter's love!

And, tomorrow is Mother's Day here in the US.

Kent Mawhinney's children have their mothers.

Jennifer's children have her Mom.

Michelle Troconis has her Mom!

IMHO, hope young NB is somewhere other than Connecticut. Just sayin'.

Proverbially, that apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

New prosecutor for the case- Paul Ferencek has replaced Colangelo. Hope he will be tough. Ferencek worked under Colangelo previously and Colangelo supported his appointment. He’s been in the CT Criminal Justice dept since 1988.
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