Deceased/Not Found CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #53

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Ding-a-ling-a-ling! Another one who wonders about that very theory!
MOO MOO also.

As soon as I saw the contrasting accounts + NP representing AC (I might be wrong or this may no longer be the case?) I immediately got wary. Plus... although yes, there are women who get enamored with guys like Watts, et. al, I view AC as way above average intelligence (southern Ivy academic honors, high-level FA for years), able to evaluate news reports, arrest warrants, etc. — and proceed cautiously — even if there was a long-standing relationship. So I don’t attribute all of this weirdness to love-blindness or naïveté. Something else, I’m not sure what.

She may be of above average intelligence, but she stayed in some sort of relationship with him for years (friends, and then lovers, I assume), and could not see him for what he really was. In dealing with him, “smarts” didn’t matter , IMO.
FD and AC go waaaaay back:

According to her LinkedIn, she worked at Capgemini, a consulting firm in New York, as a senior consultant in weaI lth management strategy for four years from 1999 until 2003

Dulos overlapped with her time at the company when he was a manager at Capgemini for seven years from 1997 until 2004.

Reportedly, AC suspected self-harm and I believe she did not want to contact 911 as she did not want to be identified, recorded, etc., or be on point with LE. Who could blame her? Instead, she reportedly contacted his family.

Fotis Fotis Dulos had glamorous lover before suicide who looked like missing wife
8 lesser-known figures in the Jennifer Dulos case

May 22, 2020

The investigation into the disappearance of Jennifer Dulos involved a predictable array of law enforcement figures, suspects and lawyers - as well as some surprise characters who emerged with twists and turns in the case.


Anna Curry, a North Carolina woman who was described in Fotis Dulos’ bond documents as his “best friend,” was thrust into the spotlight when she was seen at his Farmington home on Jan. 28 — the day of his apparent suicide attempt.

Curry had been staying with Fotis Dulos, whom she met when they worked together in New York nearly 20 years ago. Curry paid $147,000 in cash — and promised to pay an additional $272,000 — to help post the $6 million bond when Fotis Dulos was charged with murder in early January.

A source close to Dulos said Curry remained by his side at a New York hospital until he died on Jan. 30.

The hearing was called when Palmetto Surety Corp., which posted the bond, was concerned about the collateral real estate properties Dulos had put up from his struggling business, Fore Group.
Despite Dulos’ death, Curry is still responsible for the remaining payments. Palmetto has declined to say whether she has been making them.

In a note left in his car, Fotis Dulos apologized to Curry.
“Above all Anna Curry I am sorry for letting you down and not continuing the fight,” he wrote.


While Fotis Dulos felt he was likely going back to jail on Jan. 28, his attorneys say their client was not aware they had secured Ira Judelson to post his new bond.

Judelson, however, never got the chance to pay the bond as Fotis Dulos died two days later. It would not have been the first high-profile case in which he was involved.


A knife found in a Hartford trash can in the days after the disappearance was traded for $5 worth of crack cocaine, a man who was released from prison told the Hartford Courant.
The man, who was charged with misdemeanor failure to appear and trespassing, claimed he found a blood-soaked pillow in a trash can on Albany Avenue near Garden Street sometime on Memorial Day weekend after Jennifer Dulosdisappeared, the Courant reported.


Early on in the investigation, police received key information from the family’s nanny, Lauren Almeida, that led authorities to believe the New Canaan mother was the victim of foul play. But nearly nine years before Jennifer Dulos was reported missing, the family endured tragedy when her mother-in-law was killed in a freak accident involving their former nanny.

Kleopatra Dulos — the 77-year-old mother of Fotis Dulos — died in 2010 after being run over by a Land Rover driven by the former nanny when they were living in Avon. An investigation by the Avon Police Department determined Kleopatra Dulos’ death was not a
“criminal event” and no arrests were made.

As the nanny moved the vehicle, Kleopatria Dulos asked her to turn on the vehicle’s headlights. The nanny looked down to turn on the lights, assuming Kleopatra Dulos had moved away from the vehicle. However, the nanny told police, she must have fallen down next to it and out of sight. The nanny then pulled the car forward before hearing one of the children scream from the back seat, the police report said. When police arrived, they found Kleopatra Dulos alert and conscious, in extreme pain, with tire marks across her lower back and clothing. She later died at Saint Francis Hospital in Hartford.


Additional figures at link...
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Source: Woman who posted Fotis Dulos' bond remained by his side at hospital

Jan 29, 2020


A source close to Fotis Dulos said the 52-year-old went into the garage Tuesday morning after Anna Curry, a North Carolina resident and former colleague of Dulos, left his Jefferson Crossing home to get groceries.

When Curry returned, police and medics were trying to save Dulos, who was
initially considered dead before a weak pulse was detected after 30 minutes of CPR.


Although Curry and Dulos have not been seen together for court appearances, sources said she has supported him for months.

“She is an old and loyal friend, the sort of person content to help when the world turns cold and hostile,” Dulos’ defense attorney Norm Pattis said.

Court records obtained by the Hartford Courant indicated that Curry contributed $147,000 in cash — and promised to pay an additional $272,000 — to help Dulos post his $6 million bond.

In bond documents, the Courant reports, Curry was referred to as Dulos’ “best friend.”


The emergency bond hearing was called Tuesday when Palmetto Surety Corp., which posted the bond, was concerned about the collateral real estate properties Dulos had put up from his struggling business, Fore Group.

In a motion filed Tuesday, Palmetto claimed its risk analyst found “imperfections in the collateral provided” by Dulos. The concerns listed by Palmetto included an inflated valuation of Fotis Dulos’ New Canaan residence by $325,000. The Sturbridge Hill Road home and his Jefferson Crossing property are also under foreclosure.

Dulos’ failure to identify these concerns in his application for bond, Palmetto claims, have caused the company to “exceed the limitations of risk” as set by state statute.
Re BBM paragraphs - Okay so if FD called AC and said he would be late if he didn’t leave right then and so he told her he was going to drive his own car and meet her at court later then why didn’t AC just drive straight from the bank to the hearing instead of going back to the house first? Did the bank errand take longer than expected for some reason? If FD was already going to be late if he didn’t leave immediately then AC would surely be late if she went back home first and then drove to court. Why did AC go back to the house? She wasn’t required to be there on time so maybe she still needed to get ready or something but it doesn’t make sense that they were cutting it that close on time for such an important court hearing on FD’s bond. If AC was already planning to drive FD to his hearing then the most logical thing to do would be to get ready, leave together early enough to run the bank errand on the way and then get to court on time.

Why was AC already receiving a call wondering where FD was before she even got back home? And she goes into the house and sees computer(s) that FD was supposed to take with him and a medicine cap and didn’t think anything of it? Wouldn’t she at least open the interior door to the garage and check to see if FD’s car was gone? I know it’s a huge house but she couldn’t hear a big Suburban engine running in the garage? I wonder where she parked when she got home?

Maybe I’m missing something and it probably doesn’t matter anyway. It just seems fishy the way all that went down.

I wish wfsb would put their drone video from that morning back up. I was watching in real time their drone over his house and that raw footage answers some of these questions. Maybe check youtube. Jmo
Woke up this morning thinking about FD's missing bike...

According to Altimari, it's a black, ten-speed Mercier FD brought with him from Greece. In 2018, PG repaired the bike for FD. MT tells LE the bike's usually kept on a hook at 4 JX, but that she saw it at 80 MS on 5/24/19.

First question: where's the bike? MIRA'd? With the body? Shipped back to Greece? Sold/given away? Could it still be out there somewhere, stripped of its identifying marks, banged up, but the same distinct Rams-horn style?

Second question: where did FD go on this bike?
  • We know he biked from the Lapham Rd turn-off to 69 Welles Lane.
  • I can't remember if it's been confirmed, but I've always assumed he also biked from 4 JX to 80 MS when he went to get PG's Tacoma that morning. If he biked the usual route – JX to Ely to Old Mountain to MS – was he captured on the same Ely Rd surveillance camera that caught his other vehicles on 5/23-5/24? If he wasn't, does that mean he took an alternate route? There are mountain bike trails all over Avon Mountain/WeHa Reservoir, one of which cuts right behind 8 JX and connects to the blue trail – which has an access point on Old Mountain Rd. My partner is very familiar with these trails and thinks it would be really rough on a vintage road bike, but if FD knew this was the bike's final journey, did it really matter if it got banged up in the process?
  • Did he use the bike later in the day, too? We know the bike comes back to 80 MS after he uses it in New Canaan. Since the Tacoma does not leave 80 MS until PG takes it home for the night, the bike either stays at 80 MS overnight, is transported in another vehicle, or biked back at 4 JX. MOO, FD used at the bike at 3:38 pm while MT was out running her sketchy errands in the Jeep. At 3:35 FD calls MT and they talk for 36 seconds. The clipped portion of the SW says FD's phone then leaves 80 MS at 3:38 and doesn't return to 4 JX until 4:17 pm (39 minutes later). I haven't seen any mention of a vehicle leaving 80 MS at 3:38 pm, so that makes me think he was either on foot or on the bike. It's a 5-minute drive to 4 JX (less if you're reckless like FD/MT) and a 10-minute bike ride. Unless he walked from 80 MS to 4 JX – and IMO, he could not afford a leisurely stroll home that afternoon – there's half-an-hour of unaccounted time here. Where did he go on this afternoon bike ride?? It had to be somewhere relatively close. Perhaps some secret spot in the vast, dense, poison-ivy-filled woods off those mountain bike trails? I grew up playing in the Avon Mountain woods and the idea of FD digging a deep hole in some hidden corner keeps me up at night.
  • I also think this bike theory could seriously implicate MT. At 3:55 she returns to 80 MS in the Jeep, calls FD at 3:57, call lasts 2 seconds, and then she gets in the Chevy – with the Thule! – and leaves 80 MS by 4:03 pm. That feels awfully like a premeditated signal. Time to pick up FD/the bike and bring him to 4 JX? Or time to bring the Thule to a predetermined location so FD can transfer materials via the bike? (MOO)
I really hope RC has more incriminating surveillance footage and that LE/people keep searching the many wooded areas between 4 JX and 80 MS. I'm counting the days until I can get back out there.

It has always been my theory that Jennifer's body was transported using the Thule. Jmo
It has always been my theory that Jennifer's body was transported using the Thule. Jmo

Me too. Though not necessarily atop.

Is it possible that an accomplice was parked behind Welles.... claimed the Mercier bike, then met up with FD in Jennifer's Suburban prior to Waveny?

Then FD would've driven to Farmington to return the Tacoma, no one any the wiser (if not for the blood on the seat -- IMO leakage from the clean up trash bags from Welles). And the other Suburban would proceed to 80MS... for the part of this tragic story that necessitated ponchos.

I wish we knew if a Thule went missing.

Is there anything on a Thule that would register as a pipe, under basement cement?

Methinks FD was engaged in the most vile of activities between noon and 4pm that sad, sad day. Sick and twisted ....and sicker still, against the Tacoma.

Does anyone know how much money FD asked AC to withdraw from the bank or what it was for? Was she making a cash withdrawal from his bank account or hers? I assumed this was an errand to get her out of the house so he could kill himself in the garage but I’m just curious if it was a lot of money and what she thought he needed the cash for that day. Wouldn’t AC think it seems a little odd that she would need to go out to the bank by herself and then return with money right before he was to leave for a bond hearing? Wasn’t she planning to drive him to the hearing? They could have gone by the bank on the way. Or was FD not allowed to leave the house to go to the bank? I thought he was just not allowed to leave the state. TIA & sorry if this was already discussed before.

AC had not previously been seen in court with FD and I thought it odd she would tell LE she expected to drive him to court. It was expected that FD was going to be ordered to jail.

Reportedly, AC had also gone to pick up groceries and she probably needed to unload them prior to court if she had planned to be there. I wondered if FD asked AC to stop at the bank to delay her arrival back at his home.


This notification is brought to you by the Connecticut Statewide Automated Victim Information and Notification (SAVIN) Program.

This email is to inform you that MICHELLE TROCONIS, with docket number FST CR190167364T, has an upcoming court event.

A/An Hearing has been scheduled for 05/25/2021. This will take place in Stamford-Norwalk JD Courthouse located at the following address: 123 Hoyt Street, Stamford, CT.

Please be aware that there is often more than one case scheduled for a particular date in this court. Please visit to check for any updates that may be available on this case.

For more information, contact the Office of Victim Services at 1-800-822-8428. For updates about this case or for driving directions to the courthouse, you can visit

This notification is sponsored by the Connecticut SAVIN Program. It is our hope that this information has been helpful to you.

Thank you,

The Connecticut SAVIN Program

This notification is brought to you by the Connecticut Statewide Automated Victim Information and Notification (SAVIN) Program.

This email is to inform you that MICHELLE TROCONIS, with docket number FST CR190167364T, has an upcoming court event.

A/An Hearing has been scheduled for 05/25/2021. This will take place in Stamford-Norwalk JD Courthouse located at the following address: 123 Hoyt Street, Stamford, CT.

Please be aware that there is often more than one case scheduled for a particular date in this court. Please visit to check for any updates that may be available on this case.

For more information, contact the Office of Victim Services at 1-800-822-8428. For updates about this case or for driving directions to the courthouse, you can visit

This notification is sponsored by the Connecticut SAVIN Program. It is our hope that this information has been helpful to you.

Thank you,

The Connecticut SAVIN Program

Thanks Los Angeles, as always. May 25, 2021 takes us to 2 years since JFD disappeared. Really poor timing IMO.
The press and communities will be releasing remembrances around that time, too.

Inquiring minds want to know why:
  • Waiting for Schoenhorn's appeals to be heard?
  • Accommodating Judge White or Judge Blawie's calendars?
  • Accommodating MT's Colorado stay; waiting to end of daughter's school year; waiting until child leaves for Argentina?
  • Waiting for MT's attorney to look at the case files, instead of sending discs of evidence to news media?
  • MT doesn't want to fly with GPS monitoring?
  • Jonny Schoenhorn wants the State of CT to organize all the evidence since the beginning of the investigation. He does not have time to do due dilligence and act as PR manager for the Troconis family?.
  • AS's press releases are more important to him than getting the case on the docket and proving his client's innocence?
  • A sentencing deal has been reached and MT wants to wait until the end of the school year?
  • All of the above?
  • None of the above?
I have followed this case off and on but do not know all of the details. One of the things I’d like to know (if it is known) is it the court ordered no contact that actually caused MT & FD to breakup? How long before FD began dating AC? I’d be surprised if this isn’t the ultimate betrayal to MT if it was FD’s decision to “move on” with their separate lives.
I guess this is why I can't seem to find anything on these questions...maybe it is unknown. I wish I had more time to study the facts in this case. I find it very strange though that MT was so dedicated to FD and in my opinion would do anything for him so what changed? Was it FD that changed and did he just need a 'friend' to post his bail? Were FD and AC an item or just friends? Are these things known but not verified so we can't discuss? I'm sorry I just don't have tons of time and I'm trying to understand. If anyone has a suggestion on where or how to get up to speed I'd be so thankful! I read at least one of the search warrants I think that was for Jennifer's home.
AC had not previously been seen in court with FD and I thought it odd she would tell LE she expected to drive him to court. It was expected that FD was going to be ordered to jail.

Reportedly, AC had also gone to pick up groceries and she probably needed to unload them prior to court if she had planned to be there. I wondered if FD asked AC to stop at the bank to delay her arrival back at his home.


I thought the plan involving AC driving was related to the fact that FD probably would have been taken into custody that day.

I thought the plan involving AC driving was related to the fact that FD probably would have been taken into custody that day.

I think it more that NP was not going to be in court that day (FD usually arrived at court with his counsel -- probably used the car ride as consult time).

AC had never been seen in court and I think FD probably invited her this time knowing all along he'd not be in court himself.
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I guess this is why I can't seem to find anything on these questions...maybe it is unknown. I wish I had more time to study the facts in this case. I find it very strange though that MT was so dedicated to FD and in my opinion would do anything for him so what changed? Was it FD that changed and did he just need a 'friend' to post his bail? Were FD and AC an item or just friends? Are these things known but not verified so we can't discuss? I'm sorry I just don't have tons of time and I'm trying to understand. If anyone has a suggestion on where or how to get up to speed I'd be so thankful! I read at least one of the search warrants I think that was for Jennifer's home.

Defendants are typically ordered to have no contact with one another as a non-financial condition of release. What their personal expectations were regarding their relationship is unknown.

I believe attorneys are able to act as the go-between providing the communication is NOT about the charges or the case. I believe NP went so far as to express publically how much love NP and MT had for each other and missed each other.

MT seemed to have much family at her side when first arrested -- perhaps they encouraged MT to drop her married lover.

I don't believe AC to be FD's "girlfriend" but a long-term friend that he used for 20+ years. Narcs are brilliant at keeping up with such friendships -- never knowing when you might need them.

Friends with benefits? Who knows/cares. FD was done for.


Rule 4.2 Communication With Person Represented By Counsel - Comment
Defendants are typically ordered to have no contact with one another as a non-financial condition of release. What their personal expectations were regarding their relationship is unknown.

I believe attorneys are able to act as the go-between providing the communication is NOT about the charges or the case. I believe NP went so far as to express publically how much love NP and MT had for each other and missed each other.

MT seemed to have much family at her side when first arrested -- perhaps they encouraged MT to drop her married lover.

I don't believe AC to be FD's "girlfriend" but a long-term friend that he used for 20+ years. Narcs are brilliant at keeping up with such friendships -- never knowing when you might need them.

Friends with benefits? Who knows/cares. FD was done for.


Rule 4.2 Communication With Person Represented By Counsel - Comment
Thank you so much. I knew they were ordered to not communicate but I'm sure they managed a way. Surely they thought of that when they were writing up their alibi's that they might be under suspicion and needed to find other non-traceable ways. I was under the impression before I started researching that he had moved on with AC but sounds like the media assumed that.
Thanks for answering.
The State also filed additional charges against MT in August 2020. (August 28th news report)

This was around the the time KM began talking with LE.

Could additional warrants have been used at that time, too?

From the article:
[...]filed charges of second-degree hindering prosecution, tampering with physical evidence, and conspiracy to commit tampering with physical evidence against Troconis..
New Charges Filed Against Michelle Troconis; Will Remain on GPS Monitoring For Now

Just an FYI -- reading the appellate inquiry quoted above also recaps the charges against MT. It was noteworthy to me that there is no mention of the August 2020 Conspiracy to commit tampering with evidence charge -- a charge and filing date that still escapes my memory.

(The prior charges filed 2019, and 2020 conspiracy to commit murder are referenced).


Thanks, @sds71 for MSM below.

Assuming both DA and Defense deemed the same additional counts of tampering with physical evidence insignificant that each omitted the later charges from the appellate filing and recap.
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Just an FYI -- reading the appellate inquiry quoted above also recaps the charges against MT. It was noteworthy to me that there is no mention of the August 2020 Conspiracy to commit tampering with evidence charge -- a charge and filing date that still escapes my memory.

(The prior charges filed 2019, and 2020 conspiracy to commit murder are referenced).

STAMFORD - Connecticut prosecutors filed new evidence tampering charges Friday against a woman accused in connection with the presumed killing of Jennifer Dulos, a mother of five whose disappearance last year spurred interest nationwide.

Michelle Troconis, a dual American and Venezuelan citizen, appeared in a state courtroom in Stamford for a bail hearing as her lawyer asked a judge to ease her release conditions.

Before the hearing, Chief State's Attorney Richard Colangelo Jr. filed two new counts of conspiracy to commit evidence tampering in connection with what authorities allege were efforts to cover up the killing of Dulos. Troconis’ lawyer, Jon Schoenhorn, has denied the allegations against her.
The Bristol Press - New charges filed against Michelle Troconis in Jennifer Dulos case

I think reporters might have tweeted about the new charges hrs after the hearing was over.
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