Still Missing CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #57

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Jury leaves the Courtroom around 7:02:05. Immediately after, MT's expression changes to one of hate/anger as she watches LA step down from the witness box, cross between the defense and prosecution tables, and walk through back of Courtroom (through about 7:02:35).

[Now I think we know how she was declared dead. If that was brain matter..... oh, Jennifer, I am so sorry. He was a maniac.]
Oh jeez, this didn't even occur to me while listening earlier, I just thought the ME always relied on the signs of massive blood loss... Are the trial photos available online anywhere currently?
After LA leaves the witness chair for the day, MT keeps her eyes on her for an extended time, watching LA step down, walk between the defense and prosecution tables, and continue on through the back of the courtroom.

She IS NOT happy that LA is testifying.
I noticed this as well... I even went back to make sure that's exactly what I saw. She was shooting her daggers. Good on LA for her bravery in standing up for her friend.
I am also impressed that the prosecution seemed to wake up a bit today. Their presentation/questioning was a bit more passionate. The somewhat snarky but oh so on point dig regarding the defenses 'Look...squirrel ! ' direction was priceless. Too bad the jury didn't hear that one.

They got through all the blood spatter evidence.
An attempt to get the mysterious walking/ wandering paper towel roll placement fell flat.

And, whalla! We get blessed with a heroine in the story.
Lauren came across poised, not vindictive, and definitely was able to raise the hackles on the skin of MT.

It was a good day for Jennifer today
Seeing that 5 around LA's neck tugged at my heart strings to say the least. My daughter is familiar with the case so I showed her, and she gave a sad face. I was so happy to hear the LA lives with the children. I suspected but was not sure. The fact that LA has to live this nightmare after 4 years makes me so angry. I can't imagine the tears she endured from the children early on and possibly still. The look of disgust when she pointed MT out was very telling because I don't think she even wanted to look at her. I hope to God she is held accountable for her role.
The root of conspiracy charges is that the participation of others provides a community that supports and enables criminal acts - thus the failure of multiple consciences which might have otherwise been a barrier to criminal acts, and providing more intelligence for planning and more cover than one criminal can provide for himself.

Conspiracy is WORSE than a single criminal committing the act alone.
Yes conspiracy in the eyes of the law is WORSE than a single criminal committing the act alone as you brilliantly point out and its why its punished so harshly. Still so much evidence to slog through here but the States case is coming into a bit more focus as the player to be named later KM could potentially put a bow on the conspiracy case.

It seems the only strategy in play for the defense is to deny conspiracy exists because the foundational aspects of the murder case that relate to the existence of conspiracy don't exist - aka total denial. So, we see ongoing denial and questioning by the defence of anything in the case having to do with FD murder of JF etc. to the point where the State was talking about the squirrel in Welles garage eating a hamburger as being responsible for the blood evidence in the garage! Right.....

Oh my, its all quite stunning even with the limited evidence provided so far imo that this is the strategy being undertaken but its not like JS can present an alternative theory of the case given the video footage and evidence seen so far as this has just been the beginning. Is this denial the 'best' he can come up with to defend MT? Seems its like the 'catch me if you can' defense and everything will be denied until the jury can no longer deny the reality that JS/MT claim exists regarding the facts of the case and then a conviction occurs and then the yellow bird suit is given to MT as she is taken away local jail. MT is going to wish she had stayed in jail to at least get credit for time served when this is all over. Amen.

As the State has poined out JS continues to deny JF is deceased (she hopped on a Metro North train to escape her life), that there is clear blood evidence present in multiple locations belonging to the various parties including FD, JF and MT (hamburger and squirrel in the garage and radishes in the back of the Suburban), that Fd was the better parent (the disgraced Dr. Herman report paid for by the corrupt GAL Atty Meehan using Fd money), that Fd was not 'violent' despite having his gun removed by local law enforcement (the gun was never returned to Fd so I guess it never existed) and that his client had no idea what was going on on Albany Avenue (she was talking to Petu and just was there for a latte) or MS Road as they were 'cleaning up' the murder (house was cleaned so it could be shown when none of Fd had sold in over a year).

It all seems totally ludacris as point by point the State is patiently establishing that each of the JS 'beliefs' is untrue to say nothing of being absolutely implausible. Hamburger in the garage INDEED!
Thank you.

From the above article:
"Schoenhorn contends that a court-ordered independent evaluator had suggested joint custody since he considered Fotis Dulos "the better parent."

"Schoenhorn pointed out that the divorce proceedings were never concluded because Jennifer Dulos died and that the evaluator's recommendations were never followed because Jennifer Dulos didn't want joint custody. Schoenhorn also contended that there was a "party" to which Fotis Dulos was invited two days before Jennifer Dulos disappeared where he and Jennifer Dulos shared food".

Honestly, Lisa Backus knows the back story on the Herman report as well as many details about the Family Court case and thinks its ok to print either of the above quoted paragraphs? The paragraphs accurately describe what played out in Court today (wrongly imo and should have been stopped by the Judge who knows about the Herman report and ditto for the State) but the bigger issue is that what was said in Court WAS NOT TRUE because the report was toseds by the Family Court. I now feel that Fd has reincarnated himself into the body of JS and JS simply reported what FD and NP had tried to say over and over to anybody who would listen years ago. Now its happening again and the Judge did nothing. This stunt was worthy of NP and does anyone wonder if he is on retainer with Mama Troconis?

I'm sorry but does anyone have an answer as to HOW JS can bring the tossed Dr Herman report into the Courtroom in this proceeding WITHOUT an objection by either the Judge or the Prosecution? The second paragraph shown in quotes above describing the statement of JS is factually false. The evaluators recommendations were not followed because they were never submitted in their entirety to the Court (and JF disagreed absolutely with the report) and so the partially completed report was TOSSED by if I recall the horrifically incompetent imo Judge Heller. Yes, joint custody was an issue but to tie it to the issue of the report that I am still convinced should NOT be in JS possession as its a sealed document makes no sense. JS makes these patently false imo statements because he is getting away with it. So, they got in the mention of the discredited Dr Herman report which was never accepted by the Court that MT tried to introduce all those years ago in her interview before Atty Bowman shut her down because Atty Bowman plays by the rules in contrast to the King of the Clowns who does what we all saw today. Yes, there was a party (birthday if I recall) at the house as we all know but it was attended and supervised by a Court Appointed Minder (FD complained bitterly about the price of the Minder even though he never paid any child support during the 2 years of the divorce proceedings) who was present and FD didn't go into the Welles house. Lauren Alemaida brought the food outside to the children and Fd but I seem to recall that JF remained inside the house.

Stunning stuff.
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Thank you for the article. What kind of a father takes their children to an "adult" club? What the heck? That speaks volumns. Although, remember the neighbor said Fotis allowed his small unlicensed children to drive his porsche throughout the neighborhood and everyone was completely shocked? Completely reckless and beyond comprehension.
Seeing that 5 around LA's neck tugged at my heart strings to say the least. My daughter is familiar with the case so I showed her, and she gave a sad face. I was so happy to hear the LA lives with the children. I suspected but was not sure. The fact that LA has to live this nightmare after 4 years makes me so angry. I can't imagine the tears she endured from the children early on and possibly still. The look of disgust when she pointed MT out was very telling because I don't think she even wanted to look at her. I hope to God she is held accountable for her role.
Her look was a home run. Spoke volumes, IMO.
You are SO right. AT LAST the Jury got to see the real MT. The pathetic person full of jealousy, anger and great hate who was eventually dumped by Fd and replaced by Anna Curry who had the money he needed at the time. What a story.
I was referring to Lauren when she identified MT.
Also, JFD has been declared dead. Is this not allowed to come in? Confused about that.
I was referring to Lauren when she identified MT.
Also, JFD has been declared dead. Is this not allowed to come in? Confused about that.
Thanks for clarification....I thought you were referring to the complete head turn by MT!

I am just as mystified as you about the JF being declared dead issue coming into this case. My guess (pure speculation) is that because the state effectively has to prove the JF murder happened at the hands of FD that JF can't be anything other than an 'alleged victim' until a conviction for conspiracy to murder occurs. This is pure guess on my part as even the Judge so far as I've heard hasn't mentioned that JF was declared dead. I'm waiting for one of the atty's on the thread here to step in and clarify as I agree with you that is a somewhat confusing point. In terms of trial testimony though the ME is coming and my guess is that once that happens there should be no doubt in jurors minds. But, you never know what the jury might think!
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I was referring to Lauren when she identified MT.
Also, JFD has been declared dead. Is this not allowed to come in? Confused about that.
Also, JFD has been declared dead. Is this not allowed to come in? Confused about that.

JMO but yes that will definitely be presented by the P when the time is right.
P is still laying out their narrative now.
To me they have established what looks like a significant struggle taking place in JFD "the missing woman's" garage. And a clean up attempt. Plus the blood on the cars and one car being left at Waveny.
We have not heard what the actual results were yet from all items sent for testing we heard about from Detective Reilly.
The P mentioned they have someone coming in to talk about dna tomorrow.
I think they want to establish that Fotis was in the garage. That he was the one who attacked JFD. That he was the one who tried to clean up. Then she disappears with no contact to anyone etc ( just like Suzanne Morphew but thankfully they found SM's remains ).

We have the nanny on the stand now. Maybe she will add a lot of the missing pieces of the puzzle. But those puzzle pieces are coming imo on way or another.

Make no mistake IMO the P will definitely introduce the fact that JFD has been declared dead by the court
they just need to weave it into their narrative at the appropriate time.

(As an aside I liked the way they introduced Pawel quickly into the narrative today via the Nanny - get a jump on the D's false story that we know is coming)

Just my view
Was this "spat" caught on camera?
Schoenhorn left the courthouse Tuesday with Troconis and her family, who were escorted out of the courthouse by court marshals following a brief spat between a member of Troconis’ family and a photographer when they left Friday.

@Cloudydiamond Posting the Above from the msm article just to clarify what the spat was - hopefully another photog caught it last Friday/
Also, JFD has been declared dead. Is this not allowed to come in? Confused about that.

JMO but yes that will definitely be presented by the P when the time is right.
P is still laying out their narrative now.
To me they have established what looks like a significant struggle taking place in JFD "the missing woman's" garage. And a clean up attempt. Plus the blood on the cars and one car being left at Waveny.
We have not heard what the actual results were yet from all items sent for testing we heard about from Detective Reilly.
The P mentioned they have someone coming in to talk about dna tomorrow.
I think they want to establish that Fotis was in the garage. That he was the one who attacked JFD. That he was the one who tried to clean up. Then she disappears with no contact to anyone etc ( just like Suzanne Morphew but thankfully they found SM's remains ).

We have the nanny on the stand now. Maybe she will add a lot of the missing pieces of the puzzle. But those puzzle pieces are coming imo on way or another.

Make no mistake IMO the P will definitely introduce the fact that JFD has been declared dead by the court
they just need to weave it into their narrative at the appropriate time.

(As an aside I liked the way they introduced Pawel quickly into the narrative today via the Nanny - get a jump on the D's false story that we know is coming)

Just my view
I like it. Thanks.
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