Still Missing CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #58

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Started out well then petered out today.
What stood out to me was that FD was a busy boy. Up early. Leaves the truck then bikes to the crime scene. Rushes back to Farmington. Running back and forth between Mountain Spring and J4 Crossing. The frantic trek into Hartford. No wonder he needed to hit Starbucks. I wonder if he had wine and a nice meal with Michi before they showered and retired for the night?
Based on the snails pace, long and frequent breaks, late starts every day, early dismissal most days and endless objections, I don't think 12+ weeks would be a bad estimate at this point for trial?

Any other guesses?
That's most of the state, but I think the shoreline is just supposed to get a coating.
So funny, the weather estimates keep changing! They just changed it to freezing rain in the afternoon tomorrow. Who knows what will happen tomorrow or even 15 min from now! But it doesn't look like an am event so that is good. IDK why Court cannot start at 9 or even 9:30?
Shoehorn gets all his bloviating done before the jury is even present today. Wasting the courts time, allowing testimony to be delayed. Then, when it's time for him to do an effective cross, he comes across quick and flat. The state was possibly prepared for "His Bloviatness " to go on and on, so therefore they did not have witnesses lined up in advance. This is JS's game, play the court, play the clock, while creating chaos to the state's case.

Whose Court is this ?????
I think JS knows his situation.

He was hoping to get the trial moved to Hartford and judge shop but that did not pan out.
Here in Stamford court, I think he was hoping to be dealt a judge he was smarter than, bc of course he thinks he is the smartest person in the room ( much like Norm P thought he was the smartest in the room - but Norm was actually smart - deplorable but smart imo).
JS has found out he cannot bamboozle the judge nor the prosecution. He is not winning points and looks foolish to the jury IMO.
I believe JS' knows he has only two plays - mistrial and appeal.
I think the judge and the P also know this.
Altho JS is annoying he has not stepped out of legal bounds IMO. There is not a set amount of objections JS is allocated. To his credit IMO this judge stays even keel and does not bite nor overreact to JS' objections. He listens measuredly/respectfully and approropriatly responds. I am in the minority perhaps, as I believe this judge has the perfect temperment for this trial.

JS cannot say this judge treated him unfairly and therefore prejudiced the jurors against him and by extension, prejudiced the jurors against his client.

JS is showing his desperation and true colors to the jury daily - if he wasn't such a shameless insufferable *advertiser censored* I would be embarrassed for him.

Yes, the flow of the States case is interrupted, but the information coming in does not change and the evidence is impactful. As more of the puzzle pieces are put on the table by the state the picture becomes clearer.
The pace of the trial does not impact those puzzle pieces. I have faith that the jury can follow the evidence and ignore the noise.

Why plates get the sewer on a busy road, and the blood soaked items just a municipal garbage can? People are idiots. They thought the poor neighborhood would make everything disappear … there are so many woods and secluded areas around CT and they chose a heavily watched & recorded road.
I think once the murder was done and they had everything bagged etc - they were giddy and running on adrenaline thinking they were essentially home free. Who would think to look in an area they never went? If anything was found it might be attributed to a day laborer who was doing rooofing down in the NC area etc. and they had Pawel G set up too.

Fotis giving the phone to LE in New Canaan was the fatal blow-without that ridiculously stupid move on his part, all the evidence we see today might never have been collected and we might have seen a very different outcome.
I am impressed at how quickly LE was able to respond and track down what they did.

Contrasting this to the Morphew case - as some have mentioned - simply night and day. Professional/ savy/lots of well executed resources etc in CT.

To be fair - CT /NC threw a lot more money at this case IIRC, 600k in overtime alone est in 2019 with numbers that I am sure are much higher at his point. ( I am sure we will find out an updated $ along the way from JS just how much, as part of his argument I believe, is that the state is going after his client to justify all the money spent..

In contrast Colorado spent an estimated 250k on the Morphew case.


Do we think JS called an audible today, pivoting and then essentially testifying on behalf of his client, that she and FD are the female and make figures in the Raptor?

Odd after all his objections minutes beforehand.

What exactly was the point of his objections today?

Loop de loop.

Can't tell what the rolled up thing is. But... can you tell if it's westhertek or maybe another brand?

So it is a vehicle liner.

He mostly did a stellar job of calling attention to what was key.

Not sure that was what he was hoping for

Based on the snails pace, long and frequent breaks, late starts every day, early dismissal most days and endless objections, I don't think 12+ weeks would be a bad estimate at this point for trial?

Any other guesses?
I have to agree. To me, this judge showed so much promise in the beginning. Smart, measured and patient.
Is he trying to avoid appeals?
I would have liked for P to ask the witness to turn over the license plates - isn’t the metal “stamped” so the reverse is seen on the opposite side? Why, when asked if the plates and envelope were the only things he saw in the manilla envelope - the witness said “yes”? There were 7 smaller envelopes in there! (Did he not see them because they blended in with the large envelope? Did JS help P because since they are introducing those smaller envelopes later - JS could have objected because witness agreed there was nothing else in that envelope?
I think JS knows his situation.

He was hoping to get the trial moved to Hartford and judge shop but that did not pan out.
Here in Stamford court, I think he was hoping to be dealt a judge he was smarter than, bc of course he thinks he is the smartest person in the room ( much like Norm P thought he was the smartest in the room - but Norm was actually smart - deplorable but smart imo).
JS has found out he cannot bamboozle the judge nor the prosecution. He is not winning points and looks foolish to the jury IMO.
I believe JS' knows he has only two plays - mistrial and appeal.
I think the judge and the P also know this.
Altho JS is annoying he has not stepped out of legal bounds IMO. There is not a set amount of objections JS is allocated. To his credit IMO this judge stays even keel and does not bite nor overreact to JS' objections. He listens measuredly/respectfully and approropriatly responds. I am in the minority perhaps, as I believe this judge has the perfect temperment for this trial.

JS cannot say this judge treated him unfairly and therefore prejudiced the jurors against him and by extension, prejudiced the jurors against his client.

JS is showing his desperation and true colors to the jury daily - if he wasn't such a shameless insufferable *advertiser censored* I would be embarrassed for him.

Yes, the flow of the States case is interrupted, but the information coming in does not change and the evidence is impactful. As more of the puzzle pieces are put on the table by the state the picture becomes clearer.
The pace of the trial does not impact those puzzle pieces. I have faith that the jury can follow the evidence and ignore the noise.

This is so good. I would also add that we/ (maybe just me) need to remember that this is the first time the jury is viewing these tapes. Seems repetitious to me but the P's are driving it home to the jury. Helping them understand and get the full picture. The more J.S runs interference, IMO, is not lost on them. Can't help but not think it's not lost her family, as well.
I have to agree. To me, this judge showed so much promise in the beginning. Smart, measured and patient.
Is he trying to avoid appeals?
I think actually he is a studied proponent of two key aspects of a fair trial. A public trial and an impartial jury of one's peers.

He doesn't do sidebars. With few exceptions. It's all on the record. What's unstated, he states. He referees as court. He IMO stands consistent -- the jury will listen, discern, hear what they're allowed to hear, and in time, deliberate.

He said it today -- never tires of objections. Trusts the system. Trusts counsel. On both sides to raise objections as they deem necessary based on their knowledge and skill.

It may be tedious and often annoying but it's also fascinating -- to see the workings and inner workings play out in open court.

Even last week's juror situation -- he turned off video and audio, with consideration but vowed to release the transcript. I think we can be assured, nothing happens in his courtroom in secret.

I don't know that we really could ask for more.

If anything, he's fair, measured, maybe overly fair. I don't know that I've ever watched a trial where the Judge himself thinks through an objection methodically and out loud like we're seeing here. Remarkably neutral.

I wondered where we're headed tomorrow. Evidence recovered from trash cans I presume. It's going to get very real.

The sight of Jen Dulos' recovered t-shirt might break me. If the Prosecution pairs it with stills from her morning drive to drop off the children, the sight of life and the violence of death will probably just about stop time.

I would have liked for P to ask the witness to turn over the license plates - isn’t the metal “stamped” so the reverse is seen on the opposite side? Why, when asked if the plates and envelope were the only things he saw in the manilla envelope - the witness said “yes”? There were 7 smaller envelopes in there! (Did he not see them because they blended in with the large envelope? Did JS help P because since they are introducing those smaller envelopes later - JS could have objected because witness agreed there was nothing else in that envelope?
IIRC he then cut the envelope open further and at that point JS, in dramatic fashion, felt compelled to dramatize his own look-see.

This witness IMO was not the individual who peeled off the tape so I suspect will hear more about those smaller envelopes from the appropriate witness.

Do we think JS called an audible today, pivoting and then essentially testifying on behalf of his client, that she and FD are the female and make figures in the Raptor?

Odd after all his objections minutes beforehand.

What exactly was the point of his objections today?

Loop de loop.

Can't tell what the rolled up thing is. But... can you tell if it's westhertek or maybe another brand?

So it is a vehicle liner.

He mostly did a stellar job of calling attention to what was key.

Not sure that was what he was hoping for

I was waiting for him to say , and yes she turned around and scooped that fed ex letter from the back seat.MOO.
So funny, the weather estimates keep changing! They just changed it to freezing rain in the afternoon tomorrow. Who knows what will happen tomorrow or even 15 min from now! But it doesn't look like an am event so that is good. IDK why Court cannot start at 9 or even 9:30?
You're right! I'm showing 1"-3" up here near Hartford, but it changed to rain near Stamford, so who knows! And I don't mind the 10am start time since it gives me time to get settled and ready to work before I start listening for the day. I'm selfish like that! ;)
I would have liked for P to ask the witness to turn over the license plates - isn’t the metal “stamped” so the reverse is seen on the opposite side? Why, when asked if the plates and envelope were the only things he saw in the manilla envelope - the witness said “yes”? There were 7 smaller envelopes in there! (Did he not see them because they blended in with the large envelope? Did JS help P because since they are introducing those smaller envelopes later - JS could have objected because witness agreed there was nothing else in that envelope?
The smaller envelopes are prob the tape that was removed for analysis. Gloves & not handling - They are preserving the integrity of the evidence and chain of custody in case it gets analysed again in future. JS looking closely in the envelope because he needs a problem to make a stink about. Desperate to find a fault.
I have to agree. To me, this judge showed so much promise in the beginning. Smart, measured and patient.
Is he trying to avoid appeals?
Yes honestly, that's what I think. I think he is letting JS bluster but being extremely measured in his responses to make sure there is no chance of JS (and MT) getting off on a technicality.
I think actually he is a studied proponent of two key aspects of a fair trial. A public trial and an impartial jury of one's peers.

He doesn't do sidebars. With few exceptions. It's all on the record. What's unstated, he states. He referees as court. He IMO stands consistent -- the jury will listen, discern, hear what they're allowed to hear, and in time, deliberate.

He said it today -- never tires of objections. Trusts the system. Trusts counsel. On both sides to raise objections as they deem necessary based on their knowledge and skill.

It may be tedious and often annoying but it's also fascinating -- to see the workings and inner workings play out in open court.

Even last week's juror situation -- he turned off video and audio, with consideration but vowed to release the transcript. I think we can be assured, nothing happens in his courtroom in secret.

I don't know that we really could ask for more.

If anything, he's fair, measured, maybe overly fair. I don't know that I've ever watched a trial where the Judge himself thinks through an objection methodically and out loud like we're seeing here. Remarkably neutral.

I wondered where we're headed tomorrow. Evidence recovered from trash cans I presume. It's going to get very real.

The sight of Jen Dulos' recovered t-shirt might break me. If the Prosecution pairs it with stills from her morning drive to drop off the children, the sight of life and the violence of death will probably just about stop time.

Beautifully said.
IIRC he then cut the envelope open further and at that point JS, in dramatic fashion, felt compelled to dramatize his own look-see.

This witness IMO was not the individual who peeled off the tape so I suspect will hear more about those smaller envelopes from the appropriate witness.

Dramatized being the operative word.
I think actually he is a studied proponent of two key aspects of a fair trial. A public trial and an impartial jury of one's peers.

He doesn't do sidebars. With few exceptions. It's all on the record. What's unstated, he states. He referees as court. He IMO stands consistent -- the jury will listen, discern, hear what they're allowed to hear, and in time, deliberate.

He said it today -- never tires of objections. Trusts the system. Trusts counsel. On both sides to raise objections as they deem necessary based on their knowledge and skill.

It may be tedious and often annoying but it's also fascinating -- to see the workings and inner workings play out in open court.

Even last week's juror situation -- he turned off video and audio, with consideration but vowed to release the transcript. I think we can be assured, nothing happens in his courtroom in secret.

I don't know that we really could ask for more.

If anything, he's fair, measured, maybe overly fair. I don't know that I've ever watched a trial where the Judge himself thinks through an objection methodically and out loud like we're seeing here. Remarkably neutral.

I wondered where we're headed tomorrow. Evidence recovered from trash cans I presume. It's going to get very real.

The sight of Jen Dulos' recovered t-shirt might break me. If the Prosecution pairs it with stills from her morning drive to drop off the children, the sight of life and the violence of death will probably just about stop time.

I spied a vineyard vines shopping bag on the floor in Jennifer’s room when last week they showed the video taken by the officer. Clear as day.
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