GUILTY CT - Jennifer Hawke-Petit, 48, & 2 daughters killed in home invasion, 23 July 2007

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this case has haunted me since it happened. I don't live that far away, in another small NE town on a rural road and I have two teenage children. It was just so shocking and frightening. That two depraved criminals could destroy your family, torture, rape and kill your children for no reason. Stealing I can understand. If you're that desperate break into my car or house when no one's there and steal if you must. But there is no way for this type of criminal to be allowed in society. The thought of this type of individual ever being released is unthinkable. I'm normally against the DP but in this type of crime I just don't know. I just don't think these criminals are salvageable in any way and I don't trust the system enough to believe there is no way they could ever go free and I just think if they ever did someone else would suffer and we, as a society, have an obligation to make sure that doesn't happen. It's bad enough they weren't stopped before this happened.

beautifully expressed by the preceeding posters!!!!! Two young girls should be safe in their own beds. This case has haunted me----this could be my family. Praise this jury for their efforts.
He was charged as an accomplice in JHP's murder.

Yes he was charged with assisting Hayes in causing Mrs Petit's death - Count 1. I was wondering howso and I think I found my answer: Count 10:

10th Count: Capitol felony: intent to cause the death of Jennifer Hawke-Petit, who he kidnapped, and intentionally aiding Hayes in causing her death during the course of the kidnapping.–-it’s-now-up-to-the-jury/
I continue to pray for Dr Petit and all those who love and miss Jennifer, Hayley and Michaela. What a beautiful family!

No punishment is enough for those committed this horrendous crime.
JK's parents attended portions of the trial, but not the verdict. I wonder if they will attend or testify in the penalty phase. This must be hard for them. I do always feel a bit sorry for the families of these kind of animals.
Good read below. And I think Dr. Petit hit the nail on the head. This whole case was about JK wanting to get access to Michaela and sexually abuse her. And I feel his anguish about his thoughts and wondering what if he had two sons instead of two daughters. That poor man will be haunted all days of his life on Earth.

Also reports interesting things how JK's parents are more concerned for the Petit's than their son.
What do you think the jury will come back for as punishment? Death penalty?

I think they will.

As you can see above, I'm offering far more than my usual 2 cents worth of PERSONAL WS 's MEMBER opinion..........from experiencing it in the courtroom yesterday. The gods of fortune had me in New Haven for another case, actually had me off the stand and dancing down the hallowed halls when a marshal snatched me up and said that no way did I want to return to the office,:waitasec: "HANG AROUND, DOC FOR A FEW MORE SECS":waitasec: and WOW, was he right, 'cause within in minutes Judge Jon Blue made the announcement. I had a brief chat with the Judge....only about a medical issue that he had arranged for EMT coverage in the building & wished that I'd observe the gallery prn (YEAH, like I would NOT do as a JUDGE requested!:rocker:).and that I stay out of sight of the media et al! (NO COMMENT, my dear WS'ers!):innocent:
S I L E N C E was deafening....the foreperson's voice was actually stronger than I thought it would be, not too shaky at the first GUILTY, she stood her ground & even glanced at JK! Actually the entire jury glanced at him in his fancy business suit but JK had eyes ONLY for Judge Blue... Now he did seem a bit bored 'cause he yawned & stretched as he was leaving (okay, I'll be charitable...maybe the court proceedings interrupted his scheduled afternoon nap and those chairs are a bit uncomfortable for long stretches of time!:truce:).
OMG............The family was a paragon of strength and dignity! YES, they were in anguish, silent tears were streaming down many faces BUT NOT William Petit, Jr. M.D.'s! He was struggling mightily, especially whenever Michaela's name was mentioned. (SIDE NOTE: He had once stated that it was his belief that this was far form a home invasion for "just $$$" was a JK fantasy trip to get his girls", my opinion: Dr. P now knows that Michaela was JK's target and it is a direct knife into his heart..."KK" was "his girl"). And the girls' grandparents: WOW...such GRACE & stamina!
The entire audience (I know, poor word but c'est la vie!) took cues from the family and "hung in there" the hallways & ladies rooms (NO...I did not venture into the Mens!) TEARS WERE FLOWING FREELY...and lots of time-out words too!:floorlaugh::floorlaugh:
the link will give you a look at Dr. P and his opinions.
this link gives the amazing sketch artist's insight!

NOW THE JURY RETURNS to determine the punishment.
What do you think the jury will come back for as punishment? Death penalty?

I think they will.

I agree. I think they believe JK was the mastermind, and I doubt pleas regarding his childhood abuse or the newly uncovered SH letters will do much to change their minds. The defense has an impossible battle ahead of them if they are determined to make the case to spare JK's life.
What do you think the jury will come back for as punishment? Death penalty?

I think they will.
I'm not against the death penalty at all. However, I prefer LWOP. General population works for me. I won't go into the details why, but hope posters can follow my train of though. Just keep in mind an 11 year old girl brutally tied up, raped, then set on fire. Too bad our prisons....
I used to think there was this thing called "prison justice" in which attackers of women and kids got dealt with severely by other prisoners, but it turns out, that isn't the case in many situations. Oh it may happen in some prisons and probably does, but it might be the notoriety of a prisoner that garners more of this "justice" than any actual outrage for the victim(s) of a crime. Prisons are all about turf and control and oneupmanship and showing power and gangs. Who to go after and hurt or kill has more to do with those factors than some personal feeling about a someone's crime.

I remember when Scott Peterson was on his way to San Quentin, people were saying he'd be attacked within weeks, if not sooner. Nope. He's with a "compatible" group of death row dudes and appears to be alive and well and thriving (as much as one can thrive while on death row).

The reality is that neither SH or JK will ever be put to death by the state, but I think it's important they get the DP anyway, since their crimes do constitute the "worst of the worst."

thank you so much for your inside view of the courthouse, the proceedings and the things you have shared along the way. I don't recall ever having access to a bonafide pathologist/examiner so that's been an interesting addition as we followed this case. I do hope you'll stick around!
thank you, jury, thank you and I am sorry for my distrust of you, dont take it personally, just blame OCA in orlando, FL for that.

now please, pass down a sentence to execute this person who I dont even feel is human!
I'm anti-DP too. I appreciate and admire your unwavering conviction which is very hard in the face of such horrific cases like this especially when the victims include children.

I also appreciate and admire this stance but I am not so advanced myself. I very rarely support the death penalty but in this case I absolutely do, I cant even bring myself to be ashamed of it.

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