Dan Abrams ABC to Interview Lisa's parents 10/17/2011 & Today Show

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These boys did NADA. Nothing. No accident by any sibling. No taking Baby Lisa out of the crib---dropping her, administering medicine to sibling. Mommy's first thought (per her interview on Justice Jeanine P Show)-perhaps, one of her brothers took her out of the crib.

I'm open to accident. Absolutely. Sure---If there was an accident, Mommy caused the accident.

Thank you -- me too. I'm done with the maybe, maybe not. Mommy needs to fess up and say what she did to baby Lisa.

The lights were on because she was passed out and didn't turn them off.

The door was left open because she was too snockered to remember to lock it.

Baby lisa was in bed at 7:30 because mommy was in no condition to care for her.

That's what I think. This is my opinion. This is how I feel. Please don't respond with but, but, but --- please :)


There is another female with the same name and middle initial as Deborah. You have to check the birth dates. I made a mistake last week r/t this name.

Where do I find the birth dates? thanks.
And I wonder why that person hasn't come out swinging in the press defending her friend. :waitasec:

Honestly, I don't think I would talk to the press unless it was a VERY close friend. I just think that the media can twist anything that you say and I would not want to drag myself (and/or my family) into this. JMO
I respectfully disagree.

I'm still old school.

I believe that morals are politically correct, and the lack of morals have a huge impact on crime.


There is some political correctness involved, IMO, as well as more knowledge; for instance, how many adults had pretty active cocktail parties going on back in the 50's and 60's with kids sleeping upstairs? Lots and lots, and most of them drove home afterward. And nobody really thought much of it, even the pregnant women drank. It wasn't a question of morals at the time, IMO, just ignorance of certain things.
We don't. I was just speaking in general terms. It's something I've questioned with all the cases I've followed. I don't recall a single case where they have spoken of testing the people present.
If it's SOP to be breathalized/drug tested after a car accident, why not in these cases too?

It's not to say they don't, just that I've never heard it mentioned.

I would imagine that LE needs probable cause before drug testing people that were present when a child goes missing. I guess that they could ask for permission to test from the individuals , like they do with a LDT, or get a warrant.

ETA: In the USA you give permission to LE to test you as part of being a licensed driver if asked by LE. If you refuse, no more DL.
I am very confused as to what do you think the difference is between having too much to drink and being drunk?

The difference usually falls somewhere between too drunk to drive and too drunk to walk.
Where do I find the birth dates? thanks.
One of the Deborah Bradley females was born around 1957 and the other is about 25 years old. You have to click all those little yellow tabs related different aspects of the infraction and read them until you find the birthdate.
I am not happy to hear this new information. It's making me slip off of the fence. I just wish there was total honesty from the parents, especially the mother. This feels like an arranged circus, where we're getting little bits of info at at time, be sure to tune in for the next bit! I don't like it.

Someone needs to have a Come To Jesus meeting with Debbie ASAP. This charade just has to end. She just needs to lay it all out on the table no matter what the truth is. There is no excuse for letting this continue. Baby Lisa deserves so much better than this!

If she wants to convince people she's innocent, she's not doing a very good job of it. Not at all. I want to keep an open mind, but this new info is just inexcusable to me. Not good, Debbie, not good at all!

I agree. I just don't understand how a mother could possibly care more about saving her own - A double S - than about her precious baby...no matter what happened...wouldn't you just want at least the memories of the good times with Lisa? If it was an accident, why not report it right away, accept responsibility and mourn? The mother was not alone in her cover up. MOO JMO MOO
Honestly, I don't think I would talk to the press unless it was a VERY close friend. I just think that the media can twist anything that you say and I would not want to drag myself (and/or my family) into this. JMO

I agree. I think I would feel obligated to talk to LE. But reluctant to talk to media.
I am very confused as to what do you think the difference is between having too much to drink and being drunk?

Personally I know if I have had too much to drink and I stop so I don't become drunk. Drunk to me is quite different. Some people can drink lots and never become drunk or inebriated.

This says it better than I can.

'being in a temporary state in which one's physical and mental faculties are impaired by an excess of alcoholic drink;' To me there is a definite difference. But that is for me personally, it may be different for you. jmo
Imagine the questioning by LE the person who she was drinking with her has had to go through.

That's kind of why I wondered if this is the "teenager" who had to give a DNA swab. She has a 4 year old daughter, so "teenager" would be a stretch (hopefully!), but...the only thing I heard about this teenager is that they were at the house that day and had access to the garage code. Is that reason enough for LE to seek them out and ask for DNA? I wouldn't THINK so. At least, not the way I'm understanding this story. Or is it possible this teenage neighbor might be little brother? I dunno. Something's not adding up. :waitasec:
Can you walk or drive right up to the river's edge? Are there parks or cleared areas around it? If someone went to the river would there be tracks and maybe muddy shoes or tires? tia

There are lots of spots nearby that you can walk right up to the river. We have to run people off all the time who are fishing, partying, or partaking in some illegal activities. The river parks are down river a bit, closer to the east side of Independence.
Anxious to hear mom's reasoning for not letting the other children be interviewed. Under other circumstances, I would resist this myself. If my baby was missing and in danger, I would do ANYTHING and EVERYTHING the professionals asked of me in order to get my baby back! If she says she doesn't want her children scarred by an interview with LE, I will feel 100% sure she is guilty the second the words leave her mouth. I don't buy that excuse under these circumstances.
I agree. I just don't understand how a mother could possibly care more about saving her own - A double S - than about her precious baby...no matter what happened...wouldn't you just want at least the memories of the good times with Lisa? If it was an accident, why not report it right away, accept responsibility and mourn? The mother was not alone in her cover up. MOO JMO MOO
If the accident was her fault and there was a possibility that she might be prosecuted for her baby's accidental death, she might have chosen to save her own hide. She might also be a narcissist and just refuses to accept the blame.
Personally I know if I have had too much to drink and I stop so I don't become drunk. Drunk to me is quite different. Some people can drink lots and never become drunk or inebriated.

This says it better than I can.

'being in a temporary state in which one's physical and mental faculties are impaired by an excess of alcoholic drink;' To me there is a definite difference. But that is for me personally, it may be different for you. jmo

excess of alcoholic drink = too much to drink. It's one and the same, by definition.
The woman has no conscience. She is manipulative. She lies. She makes up stories to deceive, to give false confidence, to rip your heart out and cause you to question your faith in the human race.

Remind you of anyone?

Where is Lisa?

Prayers and blessings to her and all that love her... :heart:
Things are just getting messier and messier. Poor little Lisa.
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