Dan Abrams ABC to Interview Lisa's parents 10/17/2011 & Today Show

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Well...... IF there was an intruder, he is the luckiest one in the World, possibly in all of History.

1. Dad's first night to work the overnight shift
2. Mom left front door unlocked
3. Window was left open and screen was bent (?)
4. Black Lab outside in backyard and Dog did not bark.
5. Baby monitor is always on, yet mom did not hear anything
6. Little Lisa's bedroom door is closed
7. Various room doors are closed
8. various Lights are turned on
9. "Intruder" stumbles on 3 cell phones in the kitchen
10. "Intruder" takes Little Lisa and Mom does not wake up.
11. "Mother" gets drunk

Intruder, my *advertiser censored*

But here's the thing. There always has to be a series of coincidences for tragedy to happen. In Danielle Van Dam's case, mom too, had been partying. There was so much suspicion about the parents - their sex life, their drug and alcohol use - it all came into play. But they didn't make their daughter disappear. The monster Westerfield did.

Same thing with Elizabeth Smart's case. They just happened not to set the house alarm that night. Tons of suspicion fell on them as well. Mostly the dad because he set off people's "hinky meters" with the way he spoke.

Again, there needs to be a series of coincidences when something like this happens. That's why later, there are always so many "if onlys".

I'm still on the fence. I don't like a lot of what is coming out - some things do feel very hinky to me. But sometimes shady people are innocent. Sometimes young moms do the wrong thing and get wasted in the house with young children who need care. Sometimes they do worse than that but sometimes their stupid actions merely help create the perfect storm necessary for someone else to commit an act of horror.

I'm still waiting, for now, to see what else comes out. Baby Christopher Abeyta's case really had an impact on me about jumping to conclusions. :twocents:
Zero surpise, but immense sadness and disappointment. Standing by my previous post; I don't believe this is the last (or worst) of the unflattering details about that night and this mother that will ultimately be revealed in the search to find sweet Lisa. In this case, I believe the media/tweet is correct and that Debbi admitted to being drunk. It was bound to come out; she is getting in front of it with her spin, just like the poly results. I've been waiting for this admission since the wine purchase was announced. Will watch the interview tomorrow to hear what she actually says and the context; expecting lots of tears, an excuse (possibly family history with alcohol) and a claim of no memory. JMO...

I do believe her family is enabling. Remember the family statement that the wine was purchased for a family event? A little more than misleading and covering, imo. Remember her father minimizing her gaps and inconsistencies in the time line, calling them "itty bitty". I hope Jeremy isn't an enabler and is seeing some things clearly (if he isn't involved). Someone needs to motivate Debbi to tell everything she knows all at one time; not in little pieces served up when it best suits her. I don't think she will do so on her own.

Where is sweet Lisa?


Sadly, I think the "best" (which is really the worst) is yet to come and will be revealed in the coming days. jmo
Someone was drinking with her, no fun to drink alone! Moo
Judge J said last night that the neighbor lady that came over with her 4 yr old was. It was said that while the kids were watching a movie, DB and the neighbor sat outside and had some wine. So, there's one.

Wonder if DB confided in the neighbor what the rest of her plans for that night were?
You're right. But in this case we haven't found Baby Lisa yet. So we really don't even know if she is still alive.

As for KC's case - I don't see much comparison at all.

But when you look at Haleigh Cummings case - its almost word for word. There was no real, consistent, drinking or drug use by KC. The Cummings - well that's what got them behind bars for 25 years. Misty being left alone with 2 minor children. First time daddy was working night shift. Here - front door unlocked - Cummings - door propped open with a "bricko block". And I could keep going. We have never found Haleigh. The only difference in the two is that Lisa couldn't have wandered off by herself.

As for the boys. LE interviewed them once - probably very soon after arriving on the scene. Would love to know what they told LE. And now, obviously LE has a lot more info which include things they would like to "run by" the boys and now parents are saying "nope - sorry". That speaks volumes!!!


I agree, WOO - I don't see any comparison at all between this case & Caylee's case, and I never have.

I also agree with you about some of the similarities with Haleigh's case.
Someone was drinking with her, no fun to drink alone! Moo

I know quite a few women who drink alone............especially if they are lonely or bored....in fact I've been known to do it on quite a few occassions (before kids I must admit)
I'm confused.

When KC was on trial & her attorney tried to float the preposterous & unbelievable scenario of an accidental death covered up to appear as a kidnapping, NO ONE bought it (at least no one with any common sense).

I don't understand why that same preposterous & unbelievable scenario is now being proposed over & over again in these threads regarding baby Lisa's disappearance.

If it wasn't plausible in Caylee's disappearance, why is it plausible now?
If your saying that the two cases have scenario's presented that either don't fit the evidence available, or no evidence at all to support the scenario, I could agree with that.
@ Sorrel Skye

(I miss Kermit!)

Briefly.....I believe that Lisa possibly died accidentally and Caylee did not die accidentally because Deborah might be grieving and KC never grieved.

There was a lot of evidence pointing towards KC not wanting to be a mother, but a party girl. Deborah, on the other hand, was already a mother when she conceived Lisa. KC never wanted Caylee. Deborah might have wanted Lisa. Lisa was the "tie that kept their family together" according to Deborah.

I think some do believe that both KC's and Deborah's stories about the accidental deaths and the kidnappings are both bs.
Judge J said last night that the neighbor lady that came over with her 4 yr old was. It was said that while the kids were watching a movie, DB and the neighbor sat outside and had some wine. So, there's one.

Wonder if DB confided in the neighbor what the rest of her plans for that night were?

That neighbor knows a lot, IMO. The person is sure laying low. Maybe who ever it is, is afraid of being accused of doing something to Lisa too.
While I agree with part of what you said, I feel it's wrong for any of us to consider DBs life "immoral." Every human being lives their lives in whatever way they live them. Considering immorality is subjective at best when looking at anyone or any case.

Actually, immorality is not subjective. this is because our country was founded upon Judeo Christian values, which defines in generalities and to some degree, specifics, what immorality is and is not. It is based upon our cultural biblical and societal values. Without any defined values or morals, if everyone just chose their own moral code, what does that leave us. I guess we could decide it was ok to commit any act we wanted upon anyone we chose, abuse, rape, murder..... we would just be a society run amok. JMO
I try to chill my good wine but the ice cubes keep melting through the paper bag. I just swirl it around in my styrofoam cup to lower the temp.:rocker:

:floorlaugh: Whatever works!
My officer was on a routine patrol there and saw the cleaner outside near the dumpster at 6:45, I reviewed all tapes and she was out there for 10 minutes to throw one bag of trash away. She then returned at 7:50 and opened the door to toss another bag out and that's when she saw the fire, she attempted to put the fire out with buckets of water...while lighting up another cigarette. She doesn't speak very good english so she wasn't much help when we questioned her.

You could go south on Brighton as far as it can go, also south on Chouteau you will reach the river area, train tracks and an asphalt plant. Then if you go left on Birmingham, you will reach one of my buildings and direct river access.

Thank you. So no footage of what started this fire and no confession from the cleaner = I am still curious about this fire.

I looked on google and am curious if this is the casino and parking lot here:


Is where I marked in orange where the fire was approximately? Also, the area I have in yellow, do you know roughly how deep that water is, and does it remain relatively calm waters? It looks like a good place to weigh down a body, IMO. Has it been checked to your knowledge? Was there anything suspicious in that dumpster that looked out of the ordinary? Thanks again.
I will add that it is not enough, IMO, to hide the accidental death of a baby by a parent or a sibling due to fear of losing custody of the other children.

Again, I call BULL. A loving parent is willing to lose custody of the live children to have the kidnapped/endangered baby found alive even though custody may be lost temporarily or permanently.
But here's the thing. There always has to be a series of coincidences for tragedy to happen. In Danielle Van Dam's case, mom too, had been partying. There was so much suspicion about the parents - their sex life, their drug and alcohol use - it all came into play. But they didn't make their daughter disappear. The monster Westerfield did.

Same thing with Elizabeth Smart's case. They just happened not to set the house alarm that night. Tons of suspicion fell on them as well. Mostly the dad because he set off people's "hinky meters" with the way he spoke.

Again, there needs to be a series of coincidences when something like this happens. That's why later, there are always so many "if onlys".

I'm still on the fence. I don't like a lot of what is coming out - some things do feel very hinky to me. But sometimes shady people are innocent. Sometimes young moms do the wrong thing and get wasted in the house with young children who need care. Sometimes they do worse than that but sometimes their stupid actions merely help create the perfect storm necessary for someone else to commit an act of horror.

I'm still waiting, for now, to see what else comes out. Baby Christopher Abeyta's case really had an impact on me about jumping to conclusions. :twocents:

Awesome post. Thanks from me to you.
31 day difference.

In my mind, it's the preposterous idea that a parent would try to cover up the accidental death of their child by claiming it was a kidnapping (as has been recently proposed in these threads over & over).

I think this is the same point Dr. Garavaglia made when she testified that no parent would do such a thing.

I'm seeing that same unbelievable scenario continuously floated in these threads: "maybe the baby died accidentally & ..."

IMO, it wasn't plausible in Caylee's death, and it's not any more plausible now in baby Lisa's disappearance.

At this point, we don't even know if baby Lisa is alive or not. All we know is that she's missing under very questionable circumstances.
I agree, IDM.

IMO, the window is a red herring. I think the window was tampered with (i.e staged) to make it appear that someone broke into the house, which is why the screen was bent inward (according to JI's statements), rather than outward.

If someone was trying to break in, that person would have most likely pulled the screen out in an effort to remove the screen from the window (thereby bending the screen outward, rather than inward).

Pushing the screen inward serves no purpose whatsoever, except to stage a crime scene, IMO.

That screen moved up & down with ease when the officers were doing their reenactment. Seems like anyone would try pushing it up before they thought about pushing it in. Most likely it was just part of the whole staging event.
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