Dan Abrams ABC to Interview Lisa's parents 10/17/2011 & Today Show

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I still do not know what to think.

I really can't picture DB smart enough to pull this off without leaving some sort of evidence.

As far as the drinking goes, I do not agree that she should have while alone with her kids but still on the fence until we have actual proof she was drunk.

I'm torn on the text. Do we know if she received it or sent it? Because, recently I was receiving texts from someone who had a wrong number, and had a hard time convincing the person I was not who they thought I was.

If it was to the correct number; my thoughts are "Ok, I'm here in my bed waiting for you" type scenario.

As far as Lisa's bedtime, both my kids slept 12 hours at that age so I can't be critical of that.

DB stated in her early interviews that she gave the baby a bottle & put her to bed (or to sleep, depending on the interview). Since she put the baby to bed with a bottle, I'm doubting Lisa was breast-fed.

ETA: Even if a baby is breast-fed, and the mom becomes intoxicated & then breast feeds the baby, AFAIK the baby will not suffer any fatal effects from ingesting the breast milk. I've never heard of a baby dying from breastfeeding after the mother has consumed alcohol.

I breastfed my son for 3 years. My doctor suggested that I drink a glass of wine in the evenings to help relax me so that I could sleep better, and told me that it would not harm the baby at all. Since I do not like wine, I did not do this.

In fact, I seem to recall that La Leche League also (at that time) advocated a mother drinking a glass of wine or a beer when nursing in the evenings. La Leche League is a national organization dedicated to supporting breastfeeding mothers.
I breastfed my son for 3 years. My doctor suggested that I drink a glass of wine in the evenings to help relax me so that I could sleep better, and told me that it would not harm the baby at all. Since I do not like wine, I did not do this.

In fact, I seem to recall that La Leche League also (at that time) advocated a mother drinking a glass of wine or a beer when nursing in the evenings. La Leche League is a national organization dedicated to supporting breastfeeding mothers.

The night of my mother's wake, I drank a couple of glasses of wine then fed my 2 week old daughter and put her to bed. I know I shouldn't have done that, but grief does things to you sometimes. The only thing that happened is she didn't wake up for her 4am feeding. Slept through the night while I was miserable!
I breastfed my son for 3 years. My doctor suggested that I drink a glass of wine in the evenings to help relax me so that I could sleep better, and told me that it would not harm the baby at all. Since I do not like wine, I did not do this.

In fact, I seem to recall that La Leche League also (at that time) advocated a mother drinking a glass of wine or a beer when nursing in the evenings. La Leche League is a national organization dedicated to supporting breastfeeding mothers.

I was also told to drink a beer, something about hops and how it helps with milk production. I hate beer so I never did that.
Drunks are very usually sloppy. If she was drunk - how did she pull this off with no trace of anything? I think her admitting she was drunk is also "alluding" to an accomplice.

How did Lisa get away from the house? Well, she obviously had to be transported in a vehicle as I doubt anyone left with her on a bicycle. That's what gets me - the dogs got no scent of her outside the house. Makes no sense. Of course the family vehicles would have all held her scent as she probably rode in them regularly. Which vehicle had her car seat? The vehicle with the car seat would be the one she rode in most.

I don't think DB rode her away. Nope, the accomplice did that - now, just who was that and at what time? I wonder if any neighbors had surveillance cameras for their property and has LE asked to see the footage? Also wonder if any neighbors that were interviewed remembered seeing any vehicles coming or going from that house that night?
That screen moved up & down with ease when the officers were doing their reenactment. Seems like anyone would try pushing it up before they thought about pushing it in. Most likely it was just part of the whole staging event.

I agree, Just K.

Why push a screen in when it could be easily moved up & out of the way?

I think the mention of the computer room window & the condition of the screen was intended to direct attention toward a specific scenario - burglary & kidnapping.

DB remembers turning off the lights, and she remembers leaving the computer room window open, and she remembers closing the bedroom door to Baby Lisa's room, and she remembers leaving the 3 cell phones on the kitchen counter.

But she says she can't remember whether or not she locked the front door.
Her being drunk at the time of the accident and therefore culpable to a degree, thus putting herself in danger of losing custody of her surviving child and losing the love and respect of Lisa's father, friends and family might do it.

I totally agree with this scenario. In fact we have seen it on here a couple of times, a story is made up to cover up what in fact did happen, unintentional deaths....what I mean by that is someone gave a child a hard slap, not meaning to kill them, but they hit their head etc.

So I can definitely understand covering up an accidental death of a child while drunk, for the very reasons above.

p.s the above quote was in fact a response to a thread that asked why she would make up a kidnapping story and dispose of her childs body if it was an accident.
I'm sorry to hear it was, as many of us suspected, the box of wine. DB did drink the wine. What that means to me is there's a deceased Lisa someplace close to the home. Will they eventually offer her a deal to tell us where her daughter is? FGS, don't let this go on another minute. It's like a hoax on top of an accident. The only trouble is it isn't quite a hoax because most likely little Lisa's gone.
I am sorry, I could be wrong about "lost her license"- just remember reading she doesn't have one and thought I read that it was suspended but perhaps not. Hard to think a mom with little ones would not have a license at some point though.

I'm a mum with two little ones that has never had a license. Was too scared to ever drive after a BF of mine killed his BFF when he fell asleep at the wheel. It scarred him for life and me, even though I wasn't even in the accident.
Besides, we're close enough to everything that we can either walk or get public transport when it's just me and the kiddies. Hubby has a license though.
Unfortunately, life has been screaming for me on speakerphone/subwoofers so I haven't been able to watch much TV/read about this case in the last day or two. I admit, I've only read this first page, and I'm sure someone else has mentioned in previous posts before mine.... But, to answer the 'Why are we just hearing this now?' question: it's possible that we & media are just hearing this now. Most likely, LE has known this tidbit from day one, but haven't released it for this reason. We will all jump on it and eat it up. They want us to stay focused on baby Lisa, not the family dysfunction. This wouldn't be pertinent info for LE to share with the GP... regardless of their guilt/innocence.
Everyone may make mistakes but I don't like the way these mistakes are coming out gradually in morning shows. I could be wrong and maybe she told LE everything straight away but from the way these revelations come bit by bit it feels like strategy rather than confessing your mistakes in a straightforward manner. Sometimes people tell the truth because it's the right thing to do. Other times they tell the truth because they have no choice since it already came out, and in other cases they tell the parts of the truth that they think they can get away with.
Is this a supposition or do we have info that Debra had an alcohol problem of some kind (besides possibly getting drunk when she is caring for three young kids)?

I think it's crazy and wrong to get drunk when you're the only one there to care for your kids. And it looks like she planned to "party" that night as she bought boxed wine that afternoon. But it happens all the time with young parents, unfortunately. And it may not be due to an alcohol problem. Instead, it may be due to stupidity, immaturity, lack of parenting skills, etc.

I just don't want to get confused as to what is a possibility and what is a probability based on facts we know. It gets confusing when I've been away from the thread!

Totally agree with the sentence I've underlined.
But regarding the BBM- I wouldn't consider 25 a young parent. And i think the 'it happens all the time with young parents' is a bit dramatic and misleading

And stupidity, immaturity and lack of parenting skills can occur at any age. Trust me. My sister is 40 and is all of the above and then some.

OT: I'm calling out DD's spelling words for her to write as I type this , and the word was win. She spelled it wine. :floorlaugh:
There's no telling what went on that night until we know more, but my mind is on fire over the news DB said she was drunk. Game changer news, IMO.

If there was an accomplice, why would they choose to help cover-up?
I mean, what would possess the accomplice to be part of such action, to hide a dead baby for you? It's too much to ask of anybody, isn't it?

I don't think I'll sleep, but :eek:fftobed:
She had her brother drive her to the grocery store. Maybe she had him drive her somewhere else. But like someone here said a day or so ago, how do you ask your brother, or anyone else, to help you get rid of a body?

I asked the same question, then saw your post further back. Must be people with curiosity wonder the same things. :seeya:

Really going to do it this time. :eek:fftobed:
Hmm, did she only have 2 glasses of wine, after the little ones were tucked in, and got tipsy? Did she get plastered? Either way, I will not judge her for that as I have seen much, much worse and the families think it is all okay.

As far as this coming out now, well, just remember missing children is now a big money maker for the big news stations. They will release little tidbits here and there to peak curiosity and keep ratings up. Was she misquoted? I don't know, did she say this in the beginning, I don't know.

I do know if she went to bed tipsy or plastered, either way she probably didn't hear anything, which would scare me with little ones, but they are not mine, and she may have done so to sleep herself. Maybe she was scared to be alone in the house at night. Maybe she didn't think the wine would get her that messed up, maybe lots of things.
Hmm, did she only had 2 glasses of wine, after the little ones were tucked in, and got tipsy? Did she get plastered? Either way, I will not judge her for that as I have seen much, much worse and the families think it is all okay.

As far as this coming out now, well, just remember missing children is now a big money maker for the big news stations. They will release little tidbits here and there to peak curiosity and keep ratings up. Was she misquoted? I don't know, did she say this in the beginning, I don't know.

I do know if she went to bed tipsy or plastered, either way she probably didn't hear anything, which would scare me with little ones, but they are not mine, and she may have done so to sleep herself. Maybe she was scared to be alone in the house at night. Maybe she didn't think the wine would get her that messed up, maybe lots of things.

If she didn't hear a thing, I'm guessing she was passed out drunk. Her little boy may have heard something and went to try to wake mommy and that's how he ended up in her bed. I want to give her the benefit of the doubt that she is not directly involved in harming Lisa but if she was drunk, left both the door and window unlocked, her carlessness may have caused her child to go missing or worse. There is no excuse for this kind of behaviour when you have 3 little ones in your care. Lisa was sick! A mom needs to be attentive when their child is sick not passed out drunk.

If she was afraid, why didn't she ask someone to sleep over instead? Her dad may have.
The early morning news programs are advertising for the TODAY Show in regards to big news about Baby Lisa's case and the Irwins interview.
I just set my DVR for Today show.

Wow! I've missed alot this weekend. Trying to catch up.

Prayers that Lisa is found.

If she didn't hear a thing, I'm guessing she was passed out drunk. Her little boy may have heard something and went to try to wake mommy and that's how he ended up in her bed. I want to give her the benefit of the doubt that she is not directly involved in harming Lisa but if she was drunk, left both the door and window unlocked, her carlessness may have caused her child to go missing or worse. There is no excuse for this kind of behaviour when you have 3 little ones in your care. Lisa was sick! A mom needs to be attentive when their child is sick not passed out drunk.

If she was afraid, why didn't she ask someone to sleep over instead? Her dad may have.

I hear ya - it's one thing to have a glass of wine and relax, but my gawd, not when you have a sick child. You have to be spot on!! heck you have to be spot on 24/7 with a little one! I don't sleep when my son is sick - still don't (and he's a teen). It's just the way I am.

I don't know what mom was doing that night, but she sure seemed to have slept through quite a cluster-cluck-cluck.


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