Darlie Innocent? Then how do you explain... ?

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Annkitty, never apologise my friend for going with your gut instinct and what you believe the truth to be. You may change your mind or not, it's your journey. Plan to read in bed tonight on the Julie Rae case ... Bought a notebook and a new air card, hubby thought it was a great idea, he thought what I spent on books at BN should entitle him to stock ownership :crazy:
Annkitty, never apologise my friend for going with your gut instinct and what you believe the truth to be. You may change your mind or not, it's your journey. Plan to read in bed tonight on the Julie Rae case ... Bought a notebook and a new air card, hubby thought it was a great idea, with what I spent on books at BN he thought it should entitle him to stock ownership :crazy:

OMG, Love the response, only because my hubbie to be thinks I am crazy because I am so involved with loving crime stories. So Did you find anything new about Julie Rae??? Thanks for the reinforcement other that the same ole, same ole, from people that don't understand on this site that I am still on the fence!!! Take Care, and good talking to you!!!:crazy::crazy::confused::blowkiss:
The thing that makes this case so clear for me is that people try very, very hard to come up with reasons Darlie might be innocent, while there is so much evidence, blood and otherwise saying that she is guilty.

As people who follow these types of cases closely, we get caught up (and rightfully so) about the legal definitions of guilty vs. not, but most of the pro-Darlie camp seems to be swimming in hypotheticals and could-haves. And sure. You can come up with explanations of varying degrees of credibility and psychological mitigators in terms of her actions after the fact and her varying accounts. But if you look away from the legal system just for a moment, look at this case straight on, and take the evidence piece by piece while fitting them into a Darlie is Innocent scenario--I just don't see it. People can say that the bread knife evidence was the result of cross-contamination and that the blood evidence can be explained and that sock, etc, etc, but to explain all of it away while justifying Darlie's post-murder behavior starts to strain credulity. I have never seen one hard piece of evidence that points to anyone else. We're not even looking for a particular person. It could be the UPS guy or a cashier at the grocery store she frequented. There was one print that could have been the smeared print of one of the known people at the scene. The rest? When you have a large number of finds pointing to ONE person, and not one piece of solid evidence pointing to one of the other six billion people in the world, how do you reconcile that? Not in a legal sense, but with common sense? I'm not sure you can.

We have to find this alleged intruder with no physical evidence, no conceivable motive, and with the only living witness apparently unable to adequately explain away the mountains of evidence point right at her. We're looking for an intruder that cut the screen to force entry, yet never entered. An intruder who absolutely butchered two small boys, but had the etiquette to place the knife, assumingly brought to gain entrence, into a butcher block that not only had a slot empty, but a slot that fit! Convenient, and it'd be incredibly rude to drop a clean knife in a bloodbath. An intruder calm enough to clean up after himself, but too harried to do in the only real threat in that living room. An intruder sick in the head enough to kill two randomly-chosen children, but not sick enough to ever do it again, apparently.

Heck, maybe the killer's in jail. Heh.
Yes as a matter of fact Cami, LE took him very serious, however, when it came to the table of the same old story of the death penalty, he backed out. I did not IN ANY REFERENCE compare the case to Darlie's, KNOX was simply stating that there were no other cases such as someone coming in and killing the children for no apparent reason (which was similar)!!!!!!!! Julie Rae Harper spent time in prison for the murder of her child which she did not commit and it has been proven that Tommy Lynn Sells was in the town the EXACT NIGHT WHICH THIS HAPPENED!!!!!!!!! So sorry to set you straight, and it truly was not a technicality, it was the Illinois LE covering their ASSES as they do very, very often....Many cases I can quote and unless you live here, please don't think you know something when you don't!!!:furious:

Oh baloney. Sells didn't commit this crime or he'd have been charged with it. He got his info from a book author. I don't know if Julia Rhea killed her son or not, but I know TLS didn't do it. Yes, she got a new trial on a technicality. You don't have to live in Illinois to know something about the state, LOL.

And I didn't suggest that you in anyway compared Julia's case to Darlie's. Jeez
I'm sorry some of you posters hate me because I think Darlie is guilty. In fact, she's so guilty it stinks. The ones who are pming me, I can easily turn your pm's over to the owner or moderator, whatever, take your choice. I didn't call anyone here a liar. I don't care that you think Darlie is innocent, that's your choice, you have freedom of choice as I do. I don't know everything, heavens to betsy and I've never claimed to know everything. But I do know this case backwards and forwards and not one of you ever will ever convince me that Darlie did not commit this terrible crime.

Carry on and have fun
I'm sorry some of you posters hate me because I think Darlie is guilty. In fact, she's so guilty it stinks. The ones who are pming me, I can easily turn your pm's over to the owner or moderator, whatever, take your choice. I didn't call anyone here a liar. I don't care that you think Darlie is innocent, that's your choice, you have freedom of choice as I do. I don't know everything, heavens to betsy and I've never claimed to know everything. But I do know this case backwards and forwards and not one of you ever will ever convince me that Darlie did not commit this terrible crime.

Carry on and have fun

I love revisiting this thread, because I also believe Darlie is guilty. Darlie is very, very, vain and selfish. If Darren would have been the one, or even part of the murders, she would have screamed that Darren did it when she was found guilty. Instead, she cried, again.

I don't disagree that the finger was pointed at Darlie early on. The police always rules the parents out before seeking elsewhere.

If she really wanted attention in 2009, she should come out and finally admit it. Tell us WHY she did it! Can you imagine the fame? Can you imagine the makeup she gets to wear on all the interviews she would grant!
I love revisiting this thread, because I also believe Darlie is guilty. Darlie is very, very, vain and selfish. If Darren would have been the one, or even part of the murders, she would have screamed that Darren did it when she was found guilty. Instead, she cried, again.

I don't disagree that the finger was pointed at Darlie early on. The police always rules the parents out before seeking elsewhere.

If she really wanted attention in 2009, she should come out and finally admit it. Tell us WHY she did it! Can you imagine the fame? Can you imagine the makeup she gets to wear on all the interviews she would grant!

LOL, the makeup...she did over do didn't she.
After years of protesting her innocence and blaming everyone else, do you really think that Darlie would risk "her life ending" by admitting the truth at this late date.

Not a chance, because that would make Darlie lose her supporters, her website, her chance of blaming everyone else for her actions, her life, her cult like status.

The delusion of her convincing herself of her own innocence would be shattered by something called reality. It is not like either Darlie and Darin lived in reality before this crime.

I have no doubt and never did that Darlie is guility and is where she belongs.

The evidence does not lie.......
When I read the book (can't remember the name or author) about Darlie many years ago I was absolutely convinced she murdered her boys, as time went on and I heard that the author and some jurors had changed their minds because the pictures of her weren't admitted into evidence of course I started snooping to see what I could read and such. So now I don't know if she did do it or not.
I realize the evidence against her is enormous but why weren't those pictures of her entered into evidence. It makes me wonder if more was withheld. I can see an attacker thinking he had killed her. I haven't refreshed my memory as you can see.
I am also wondering why all of the evidence can't be tested. What would it hurt. She is on deathrow after all and it's a possibility that there is stuff that in that time period couldn't be tested as it can now.
I realize the evidence against her is enormous but why weren't those pictures of her entered into evidence.

It was my understanding that the pictures were indeed entered into evidence, and that the withholding thing is a bit of criminal urban legend. Hopefully someone will either confirm or deny.
When I read the book (can't remember the name or author) about Darlie many years ago I was absolutely convinced she murdered her boys, as time went on and I heard that the author and some jurors had changed their minds because the pictures of her weren't admitted into evidence of course I started snooping to see what I could read and such. So now I don't know if she did do it or not.
I realize the evidence against her is enormous but why weren't those pictures of her entered into evidence. It makes me wonder if more was withheld. I can see an attacker thinking he had killed her. I haven't refreshed my memory as you can see.
I am also wondering why all of the evidence can't be tested. What would it hurt. She is on deathrow after all and it's a possibility that there is stuff that in that time period couldn't be tested as it can now.

Reading the trial transcripts is the only true source..not a book. The trial transcripts prove the photos were entered into evidence and shown to the jury.

All what evidence should be tested? She has been given the right to further dna test some of the evidence. Should we allow dna testing on all murder cases whenever the techniques improve?

She has to now prove to the court that dna testing evidence will prove her innocent. It's unlikely that will happen.
Reading the trial transcripts is the only true source..not a book. The trial transcripts prove the photos were entered into evidence and shown to the jury.

All what evidence should be tested? She has been given the right to further dna test some of the evidence. Should we allow dna testing on all murder cases whenever the techniques improve?She has to now prove to the court that dna testing evidence will prove her innocent. It's unlikely that will happen.

ITA: do you have a link to the trial transcripts?
I reread the thread. My mistake. Excuse me for being stupid.
Yes. I do believe retesting should be done in cases like this where someone is on DR and questions have been swirling around for years. What harm does it cause to any of us other then tax dollars? If she did do this horrible deed then yes by all means put her to death.
I just need to read the trial transcripts before I make up my mind for good on this one.
QUOTE FROM CAMI: "Reading the trial transcripts is the only true source..not a book. The trial transcripts prove the photos were entered into evidence and shown to the jury.

All what evidence should be tested? She has been given the right to further dna test some of the evidence. Should we allow dna testing on all murder cases whenever the techniques improve?

She has to now prove to the court that dna testing evidence will prove her innocent. It's unlikely that will happen."

ITA: do you have a link to the trial transcripts?
I reread the thread. My mistake. Excuse me for being stupid.
Yes. I do believe retesting should be done in cases like this where someone is on DR and questions have been swirling around for years. What harm does it cause to any of us other then tax dollars? If she did do this horrible deed then yes by all means put her to death.
I just need to read the trial transcripts before I make up my mind for good on this one.

:angel::waitasec: Cami, Whether Darlie is innocent or guilty the discussion is supposed to be on what people feel and believe, as well as, be able to freely express their opinions without your condescending rhetoric and know it all attitude. You can say over and over as many times as you like to "Read the Transcipts", however, that is what makes this country so great is being able to freely judge and express.... I take it very personal your attitude towards my posts and your attempt at always swaying people to your beliefs. Lay off and let people make up their own minds on what they believe, however simple minded and petty you may think it is. Have a wonder evening...:twocents::twocents:::waitasec:
QUOTE FROM CAMI: "Reading the trial transcripts is the only true source..not a book. The trial transcripts prove the photos were entered into evidence and shown to the jury.

All what evidence should be tested? She has been given the right to further dna test some of the evidence. Should we allow dna testing on all murder cases whenever the techniques improve?

She has to now prove to the court that dna testing evidence will prove her innocent. It's unlikely that will happen."

ITA: do you have a link to the trial transcripts?
I reread the thread. My mistake. Excuse me for being stupid.
Yes. I do believe retesting should be done in cases like this where someone is on DR and questions have been swirling around for years. What harm does it cause to any of us other then tax dollars? If she did do this horrible deed then yes by all means put her to death.
I just need to read the trial transcripts before I make up my mind for good on this one.

:angel::waitasec: Cami, Whether Darlie is innocent or guilty the discussion is supposed to be on what people feel and believe, as well as, be able to freely express their opinions without your condescending rhetoric and know it all attitude. You can say over and over as many times as you like to "Read the Transcipts", however, that is what makes this country so great is being able to freely judge and express.... I take it very personal your attitude towards my posts and your attempt at always swaying people to your beliefs. Lay off and let people make up their own minds on what they believe, however simple minded and petty you may think it is. Have a wonder evening...:twocents::twocents:::waitasec:

I believe I was responding to Wonders post not yours. If posters are going to post incorrect information such as "why didn't the jury see all the photos of her bruises" so basically blaming the prosecution for an unfair trial, I feel it is incumbent on me to direct them to the trial transcripts where they can verify that what they are posting is a mistake.

I am not trying to sway Wonder to my beliefs just pointing her to the true source material of this case...not a book author, not Darlie Kee not Darin Routier or any of the supporters, not the .org site, not Anne Good, just the trial transcripts. Wouldn't you want to know? I don't think I said anything to force my beliefs down her throat as you are alleging. Yes it is incumbent on all of us to make up our own minds but why would you want to perpetrate misinformation when the transcripts can prove it it incorrect? I guess I don't understand your point.

Anyway, discuss away all the misinformation you want. As you know wild speculation is not allowed in a court room, they stick to facts and evidence.

An old lawman once told me to apply the KISS philosphy, keep it simple, sunny. Basically it's very simple, Darlie killed her boys and then tried to blame it on an intruder, no evidence whatsoever of an intruder...only evidence that points to Darlie.

Sorry if you take things sooooo personally...no offence or sarcasm intended. I love how you can read my posts and get "condescending" out of them, one thing I certainly am not, LOL.
Where is the link to the trial transcripts I asked for yesterday? I really want to read it. I want to know if this women was railroaded.
Where is the link to the trial transcripts I asked for yesterday? I really want to read it. I want to know if this women was railroaded.

Here you go. One thing Wonders, please don`t ever call yourself `stupid.`After all, you couldn`t have known that Darlie`s family is perpetrating a hoax on societly.


LOL, you rated Kitty`s post usefulÉ Don`t you want to know if you are being lied to or notÉ I guess I don`t understand you posters you`d rather believe the lies by Darlie and her family rather than check the veracity of their claims. All you have to do is read the transcripts. They are very daunting Wonders, it`s a lot of reading and it will take months.
ITA: do you have a link to the trial transcripts?
I reread the thread. My mistake. Excuse me for being stupid.
Yes. I do believe retesting should be done in cases like this where someone is on DR and questions have been swirling around for years. What harm does it cause to any of us other then tax dollars? If she did do this horrible deed then yes by all means put her to death.
I just need to read the trial transcripts before I make up my mind for good on this one.

It was tested. Whilst you`re on that site with the transcripts perhaps you`ll read the judge`s decision in granting dna testing. She wants enhanced dna testing on the evidence that has been tested. That`s what I meant by my comment. Should we allow killers to have evidence tested each time there is advancement in dna testingÉ

The partial prints have been sent to the FBI so they can run them through AFIS. They don`t have enough points of comparison and are smudged, partial prints. That I agree with although I am convinced they are Darlie`s prints and not an intruders.

The only questions swirling are those claimed by family and friends. She had a fair trial, she was convicted on massive physical evidence found at the crime scene. Thirteen years of lost appeals prove that.

And remember juror Rina Way stated that none of the jurors wanted to believe she was guilty and tried to find a way but there just wasn`t anything...no way to give her an out.
Here you go. One thing Wonders, please don`t ever call yourself `stupid.`After all, you couldn`t have known that Darlie`s family is perpetrating a hoax on societly.


LOL, you rated Kitty`s post usefulÉ Don`t you want to know if you are being lied to or notÉ I guess I don`t understand you posters you`d rather believe the lies by Darlie and her family rather than check the veracity of their claims. All you have to do is read the transcripts. They are very daunting Wonders, it`s a lot of reading and it will take months.

Thank you for the link. As for the stupid thing you are the one who makes me feel stupid. I feel you could be kinder to people who have their own opinions and ideas. Hoax or not I will make up my own mind.

"LOL, you rated Kitty`s post usefulÉ " Yes I did and your making fun of me. I believe many people have been railroaded throughtout history and I will reserve my right to make up my own mind after I have read everything that I need to in order to make up my own mind
It was tested. Whilst you`re on that site with the transcripts perhaps you`ll read the judge`s decision in granting dna testing. She wants enhanced dna testing on the evidence that has been tested. That`s what I meant by my comment. Should we allow killers to have evidence tested each time there is advancement in dna testingÉ
The partial prints have been sent to the FBI so they can run them through AFIS. They don`t have enough points of comparison and are smudged, partial prints. That I agree with although I am convinced they are Darlie`s prints and not an intruders.

The only questions swirling are those claimed by family and friends. She had a fair trial, she was convicted on massive physical evidence found at the crime scene. Thirteen years of lost appeals prove that.

And remember juror Rina Way stated that none of the jurors wanted to believe she was guilty and tried to find a way but there just wasn`t anything...no way to give her an out.

Absolutely YES test it AGAIN with inhanced DNA testing. Like I've said before if she did this horrible deed than by all means put her to death. I will hopefully be able to make up my mind after I have read all that I can on this case. I just fear that I will not be able to come to a decision after I do read everything.
Thank you for the link. As for the stupid thing you are the one who makes me feel stupid. I feel you could be kinder to people who have their own opinions and ideas. Hoax or not I will make up my own mind.

"LOL, you rated Kitty`s post usefulÉ " Yes I did and your making fun of me. I believe many people have been railroaded throughtout history and I will reserve my right to make up my own mind after I have read everything that I need to in order to make up my own mind

:woohoo::woohoo:Love it Wonders, that was the point I was trying to make in my earlier post to CAMI... This forum is supposed to be about people asking questions and trying to gather information and FORMULATIVEY form their own opinions!!! NOT the bullying by individuals trying to sway and mislead you into only believing that what that say is fact and truth!!! Reading the transcripts is awesome info, however, it is not fact!!! You have to read them openly minded also with the thought of the prosectution always feeding in the character assasination that happens!!! It is up to you only to form your own opinion and live with your own beliefs. I have sat on the fence of this case for many, many years and I personally am still undecided as to whether her guilt or innocence. JMHO!!!! :furious::waitasec:

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