Darlie Routier asks for DNA testing

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
AussieLela said:
Once again Darlie has made me see how much I love and cherish my children. To love and hold and cloth and bath and feed them is all a mother could want.... Explains alot for her....
And once again she has made me cry from the depths of my hearts for the 2 little darlings that didnt have mummy there to hold their hands when they most needed it.......
They will come for you , and it wont be pretty................:behindbar :furious: :furious: :furious: :furious: :behindbar :behindbar :behindbar :furious: :furious: :furious: :furious:
I fussed at my 6 yr old this morning because she was taking forever to get ready and I didn't want her to miss the bus. Then I thought "what am I doing? Who cares if I have to drive them in?" We made up before she left and I even sent a little love note in her lunchbox.
I don't think those boys ever had an unselfish loving mother. She'll get hers, don't worry.
txsvicki said:
I saw one of mine all bloody and unconscious once. I was down on the ground with her and crying, telling the people who told me that she couldn't hear me to shut up, telling her that it would be okay that God would take care of her, having to be picked up off the ground, then went into sort of a shock and didn't cry any more. She was okay thank goodness.
That's all I ask of Darlie. Not to render first aid, but to get down on the floor and say "help is coming, I love you".
What happened to your daughter, if you don't mind saying? I stopped crying at some point too. By the time we got to the hospital, I think. I remember having to be supported and staggering around. It was weird, my husband and I didn't comfort each other. He had his circle of friends hovering over him and I had mine. Later, I realized we were of no comfort to one another at that time.
Darlie was able to get up off the steps where she was sitting and get onto the stretcher by herself. She certainly had enough strength to get down on the floor with Damon.
beesy said:
I am near-sighted. My contact lens Rx is -8.50 on the right and -8.00 on the left. I'm sure you know how bad that is. My BP is in the normal to low range now so it's not that. If you've ever been drunk [url="http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/10/10_7_6.gif"]http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/10/10_7_6.gif[/url] , it's that blurry vision you get when you are wasted. All 3 of my docs have agreed it is a side effect of the meds, the most likely culprit being the Ativan. So I have a choice of at some points during the day having blurry vision, sleeping it off and still functioning or having seizures which incapacitate me, fry my brain cells and make me dependent on others to drive me to the grocery store. . What would be you choice?
Next time you watch a medical drama and someone seizes listen out and they'll holler for Ativan. Stops a seizure dead in it's tracks, prevents them as well.
Girlfriend.....you are blind. :eek: My daughter is bad too. Can't find the toilet without her glasses or contacts. :eek:
beesy said:
That's all I ask of Darlie. Not to render first aid, but to get down on the floor and say "help is coming, I love you".
What happened to your daughter, if you don't mind saying? I stopped crying at some point too. By the time we got to the hospital, I think. I remember having to be supported and staggering around. It was weird, my husband and I didn't comfort each other. He had his circle of friends hovering over him and I had mine. Later, I realized we were of no comfort to one another at that time.
Darlie was able to get up off the steps where she was sitting and get onto the stretcher by herself. She certainly had enough strength to get down on the floor with Damon.

My daughter was hit by a car while visiting her friend. The other girl called me and I was able to get there. I ran out like a wild woman barefooted and got to the scene, left my car there and ended up in some little tiny room off the waiting room. At the end before leaving in the ambulance, my friend who showed up was really hysterical and I was just in a daze like a zombie.
Ok, I popped in here and saw there was a hearing, and was interested in what the latest scoop was.....What I find in the multi page thread is:
1. General Descriptions of people in the courtroom and guesses as to who they are
2. An argument about who is good looking and who isn't
3. An argument about the Space Shuttle
4. An argument about whether Snooty Vixen is or isn't Jeff.... and I pretty much said "screw it" after that.....

So....does anyone have any info? Why would there be any hesitations about a DNA test on Darin's jeans? I can't see why either side wouldn't want to know the results of that.
Hey woman! Just been shooting like a madman. I'm seeing Toby signs all over town!:dance: Everytime I see one, I think about ya.

So, what is the scoop on this hearing thing? I'm just baffled about why there would be any reluctance to test Darin's jeans. What is your opinion on why there is a conflict? Am I missing something?
Yeah!!! WAY TO GO TOBY!!! I can't wait for him to win. :woohoo:

I can't answer your questions about the hearing. I can see why the state would just be sick and tired of this entire bunch of crap and I can also see why the defendant would want to pursue everything available to her. My memory is horrible about when the evidence was presented to her before for testing and she didn't take them up on it, so I'm thinking that's the question. She can't ask the court for relief for something she turned down before. I guess they'll have to show the court some good reason why she didn't test when she had the opportunity and that there is a possibilty that the evidence could actually make any sort of a difference to her appeal.
Well here is my take on it, and correct me if I'm wrong.........

There has always been a mode of presumtion on the part of law enforcement that the two of them were in this together to some extreme or another. If one of the possible perps is walking around free and clear, wouldn't law enforcement be tickled to know that?
On the other hand, if it's a desperate move by Darlie to deflect suspicion, wouldn't that further break bonds with Darin, possibly forcing him to finally come clean on what he does and doesn't know? We all know that there are several puzzle peices missing when it comes to him in relation to the crime.
To me it's a win/win situation.
I can hazzard a guess.......

A good point was made, that if evidence was available at trial for testing and the defence did not partake of that evidence they cannot introduce it now as they had the opportunity to do so at the orginal trial. No Mulligans in court........

LE has convicted Darlie and she is behind bars, if LE had compelling evidence at the trial, then they would have "charged" Darin also.

So as far as LE is concerned, they may have suspicions that Darin may be involved, but of course they don't know in what capacity or to what extent. They had no evidence against him and plenty against Darlie.

So it is not in the State's interest to "muddy" the waters and allow the defence to test Darin's jeans. Even if the blood on Darin's jeans was the boys, then when and how did it get there. Was the evidence in "custody" all of these years(probably so, just in case, there was any new "evidence" or development that LE could charge Darin.

Even if Darlie decides at the last moment to implicate Darin, it would be seen as a "ploy" to avoid the "inevitble" and a ploy to avoid the "consequences of her actions.

An appeal court is the court to bring in "new" evidence that could not be ascertained at trial, newly discovered etc. Not a second chance at what you decided not to persue.
txsvicki said:
My daughter was hit by a car while visiting her friend. The other girl called me and I was able to get there. I ran out like a wild woman barefooted and got to the scene, left my car there and ended up in some little tiny room off the waiting room. At the end before leaving in the ambulance, my friend who showed up was really hysterical and I was just in a daze like a zombie.
That would be shock. Not the physical kind, but the emotional kind. Been there, done that, too. But Darlie was hardly a zombie. Being detached or indifferent is not the same thing as going into some kind of emotional shock.

Sorry to hear about your daughter's accident but glad that she is okay now. My son was hit by a car at age 6 but he did not survive.
Good Morning,
Cyber, that does make some sense to me. I had not thought about the "muddying" of the water. Still, I would like to know his level of involvement, if any.

Hi Goody! I don't hear anything these days except what I read here.....and I rarely get a chance to visit much these days. Thanks for the info. It's suprising that the Routier side wouldn't attend as it appears that Darlie and group is trying to deflect blame from her to Darin, but then again, I don't know if it would have done him or his family any good to go.......prolly turn into a circus, ya know?

Thanks guys!
dasgal said:
Good Morning,

Hi Goody! I don't hear anything these days except what I read here.....and I rarely get a chance to visit much these days. Thanks for the info. It's suprising that the Routier side wouldn't attend as it appears that Darlie and group is trying to deflect blame from her to Darin, but then again, I don't know if it would have done him or his family any good to go.......prolly turn into a circus, ya know?

Thanks guys!
Most of us are slowing down a bit, too. Mary hardly ever drops by anymore either. Never hear from CJ.

I don't know what is going on in the Darlie camp, but I suspect there is a split behind the scenes. I think this fed appeal is going to be the most important one. If she gets a new trial, it is every man for himself. If not, it is a waiting game .....for the execution and the tell all book to follow. I guess the one who lives will do the telling. It may be the only way he can ever try to clear his name.
dasgal said:
Ok, I popped in here and saw there was a hearing, and was interested in what the latest scoop was.....What I find in the multi page thread is:
1. General Descriptions of people in the courtroom and guesses as to who they are
2. An argument about who is good looking and who isn't
3. An argument about the Space Shuttle
4. An argument about whether Snooty Vixen is or isn't Jeff.... and I pretty much said "screw it" after that.....

So....does anyone have any info? Why would there be any hesitations about a DNA test on Darin's jeans? I can't see why either side wouldn't want to know the results of that.

Nothing on the justice site except notification there was a hearing so who knows what happened. Hey JG, how are ya?
So how much more time are we looking at here? I am one to think that the ruling for a new trial is somewhere near "not gonna happen" and "not gonna happen".......so given that, where does she stand on that last Fed. appeal......there are several levels within the last one and then she should have another shot at the 6? circuit? What circuit court of appeals oversee's TX anyhow? From what I've read, she's running out of time and options.

Am I wrong?
cami said:
Nothing on the justice site except notification there was a hearing so who knows what happened. Hey JG, how are ya?
Hi Cami,
Yeah, I went by the site yesterday after I saw the hearing post here. Pretty much mum's the word so far. Makes me all the more curious.
I'm doing great, just working alot. I hope you are doing well!
SanQuentinvisitor said:
So how much more time are we looking at here? I am one to think that the ruling for a new trial is somewhere near "not gonna happen" and "not gonna happen".......so given that, where does she stand on that last Fed. appeal......there are several levels within the last one and then she should have another shot at the 6? circuit? What circuit court of appeals oversee's TX anyhow? From what I've read, she's running out of time and options.

Am I wrong?
I wish I knew. Jeana has a much better handle on that than I do.
SanQuentinvisitor said:
So how much more time are we looking at here? I am one to think that the ruling for a new trial is somewhere near "not gonna happen" and "not gonna happen".......so given that, where does she stand on that last Fed. appeal......there are several levels within the last one and then she should have another shot at the 6? circuit? What circuit court of appeals oversee's TX anyhow? From what I've read, she's running out of time and options.

Am I wrong?

Fifth Circuit is where she's headed next. I don't know how much longer she's got. We're dealing with padding because of the problems they experienced with the transcipts in this case. That gave her some extra time (and rightly so).
Jeana (DP) said:
Fifth Circuit is where she's headed next. I don't know how much longer she's got. We're dealing with padding because of the problems they experienced with the transcipts in this case. That gave her some extra time (and rightly so).
Fifth Circuit? Is that the US Supreme Court? They don't have to hear it, do they? One has to apply first and if their issues fit into the areas the court will hear, they agree to hear the appeal and then the actual appeal is filed at a later date???

I get confused once it goes past the state courts and maybe first level of the federal appeals.

My guess is that this current appeal will take a year to 18 months to finalize in the court it is currently in. I don't have a clue what follows though.
SanQuentinvisitor said:
So how much more time are we looking at here? I am one to think that the ruling for a new trial is somewhere near "not gonna happen" and "not gonna happen".......so given that, where does she stand on that last Fed. appeal......there are several levels within the last one and then she should have another shot at the 6? circuit? What circuit court of appeals oversee's TX anyhow? From what I've read, she's running out of time and options.

Am I wrong?
Don't know but she still has a thing going in the state courts regarding the testing of new evidence and retesting of old (some new test that was not available in 1997) That decision is seriously dragging. I would think it could slow things down considerably either way it goes.
Goody said:
Fifth Circuit? Is that the US Supreme Court? They don't have to hear it, do they? One has to apply first and if their issues fit into the areas the court will hear, they agree to hear the appeal and then the actual appeal is filed at a later date???

I get confused once it goes past the state courts and maybe first level of the federal appeals.

My guess is that this current appeal will take a year to 18 months to finalize in the court it is currently in. I don't have a clue what follows though.

No, the fifth circuit is not the supreme court. You're right that the Supreme Court doesn't need to hear the case.

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