Darlie Routier asks for DNA testing

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
beesy said:
I don't have diabetes, but I'm sure if I did, I would know how to take care of myself. I am on Lamictal and Ativan for seizure control, Paxil, Labatelol for high BP, and Zetia for high cholesterol. I sustained kidney damage from toximia during my last pregnancy, but it is not diabetes. It is scarring which makes me spill protein, which in turn makes my other organs work too hard and my BP and cholesterol to go up. Doesn't have anything to do with weight or diet. There is a chance I'm overmedicated, but we cannot play with my seizure meds. It took us 5 years to find the right cocktail and I'm not about to mess with it. The other stuff we do play with and are still working out the kinks. My eyes are mainly blurry a few hours after a dose of the seizure meds. I just live with it, just like any other chronically ill person does.

Yeah, that's what I see too on the Find A Grave site that I posted. People were saying there was a large double headstone so I was confused. Just different names in different areas, I suppose. I still think that cross looks the iron cross, not a regular Christian cross.
I think if your bp is high that is also bad for your eyes. Are you near sighted or far sighted. I have worn glasses since 7 first ones were pink cat eyes with the rhinestones in the corners. LOL LOL
G.I.RattlesnakeJane said:
I think if your bp is high that is also bad for your eyes. Are you near sighted or far sighted. I have worn glasses since 7 first ones were pink cat eyes with the rhinestones in the corners. LOL LOL
I am near-sighted. My contact lens Rx is -8.50 on the right and -8.00 on the left. I'm sure you know how bad that is. My BP is in the normal to low range now so it's not that. If you've ever been drunk , it's that blurry vision you get when you are wasted. All 3 of my docs have agreed it is a side effect of the meds, the most likely culprit being the Ativan. So I have a choice of at some points during the day having blurry vision, sleeping it off and still functioning or having seizures which incapacitate me, fry my brain cells and make me dependent on others to drive me to the grocery store. . What would be you choice?
Next time you watch a medical drama and someone seizes listen out and they'll holler for Ativan. Stops a seizure dead in it's tracks, prevents them as well.
Trying to connect some dots...

does anyone know if Darlie is in Dallas now? (perhaps for this hearing??)

txsvicki said:
Being in the Bible belt didn't do Darlie much good.

Yeah, those Bible thumpers don't take too kindly to women who butcher their little boys in their sleep, do they?
gentleheart said:
Trying to connect some dots...

does anyone know if Darlie is in Dallas now? (perhaps for this hearing??)

yes, Darlie is in Dallas. They are waiting for a new hearing date.
beesy said:
I am near-sighted. My contact lens Rx is -8.50 on the right and -8.00 on the left. I'm sure you know how bad that is. My BP is in the normal to low range now so it's not that. If you've ever been drunk [url="http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/10/10_7_6.gif"]http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/10/10_7_6.gif[/url] , it's that blurry vision you get when you are wasted. All 3 of my docs have agreed it is a side effect of the meds, the most likely culprit being the Ativan. So I have a choice of at some points during the day having blurry vision, sleeping it off and still functioning or having seizures which incapacitate me, fry my brain cells and make me dependent on others to drive me to the grocery store. . What would be you choice?
Next time you watch a medical drama and someone seizes listen out and they'll holler for Ativan. Stops a seizure dead in it's tracks, prevents them as well.
Your contact lens Rx is usally lower than your glasses as the contact sits on your eye and the glasses out from the eye. You are blind without your contacts girl. I am not that bad off yet, -3.00 sp and -250 cyl same each eye with an add of +175.
To help prevent cataracts wear 100 % uv, uva, filtered sunglasses whenever you are outside. Excessive exposure to uv's has been shown to speed up the formation of cataracts.
If it helps take out 1 contact to read your near vision is all you have left and without a contact lens your eye will go back to focusing the way it is built to do small stuff up close only. Be careful as some people cannot handle mono vision if it makes you sick in the least don't do it as I don't want you seizing. The actual getting used to doing this happens not in the eye but the cortex of the brain. Thats why If you try this be careful and stop if you feel in the least unwell. Your meds are pretty powerful and you don't have a choice seizing is not to be played with.
G.I.RattlesnakeJane said:
Your contact lens Rx is usally lower than your glasses as the contact sits on your eye and the glasses out from the eye. You are blind without your contacts girl. I am not that bad off yet, -3.00 sp and -250 cyl same each eye with an add of +175.
To help prevent cataracts wear 100 % uv, uva, filtered sunglasses whenever you are outside. Excessive exposure to uv's has been shown to speed up the formation of cataracts.
If it helps take out 1 contact to read your near vision is all you have left and without a contact lens your eye will go back to focusing the way it is built to do small stuff up close only. Be careful as some people cannot handle mono vision if it makes you sick in the least don't do it as I don't want you seizing. The actual getting used to doing this happens not in the eye but the cortex of the brain. Thats why If you try this be careful and stop if you feel in the least unwell. Your meds are pretty powerful and you don't have a choice seizing is not to be played with.
Told ya I have bad eyesight! I hate my glasses because I don't like how I have to turn my head to see, instead of just my eyes. If I had better eyesight, I probably wouldn't mind. I've got all that uv stuff and I can't even go outside without very good UV glasses, i. e. expensive. Kenny laughs because they are as dark as old lady sunglasses. :cool: I could never take one contact out like that. It would just make everything too freaky and make me feel "seizerish"(my own word). Thanks for all your suggestions, but I think it is what it is. Like right now my vision is fine. Once the Ativan kicks in, it will get blurry again.
CJMajor_215 said:
I agree. Darlie is definitely guilty...she should BURN.
Be careful what you wish for ........... to quote another posters sign.

I posted about letting child killers out into bear country where Timothy Treadway the naturalist got eaten. Posters thought it cruel and unusual punishment.

Burning at the stake isn't that kinda medieval, reserved for witches and stuff.
G.I.RattlesnakeJane said:
Be careful what you wish for ........... to quote another posters sign.

I posted about letting child killers out into bear country where Timothy Treadway the naturalist got eaten. Posters thought it cruel and unusual punishment.

Burning at the stake isn't that kinda medieval, reserved for witches and stuff.

Darlin, I don't think we have any of the "cruel and unusual punishment" worry warts posting here, so please feel free to suggest this for child killers. :)
enigma said:
yes, Darlie is in Dallas. They are waiting for a new hearing date.
Thanks for your answer. I've long suspected a particular poster on another site is a penpal who has fallen in love with Darlie and this was another piece of the puzzle. (And, it appears that I'm right...)

Thanks again,

G.I.RattlesnakeJane said:
Be careful what you wish for ........... to quote another posters sign.

I posted about letting child killers out into bear country where Timothy Treadway the naturalist got eaten. Posters thought it cruel and unusual punishment.

Burning at the stake isn't that kinda medieval, reserved for witches and stuff.
I agree with them too.It is cruel and unusual to force bears to dine on such crap.:snooty:
proadvocate said:
I agree with them too.It is cruel and unusual to force bears to dine on such crap.:snooty:
Poor bears they'll get tummy aches!
justice2 said:
Wow, I did not realize that yall were dry. Wow. Where do all the college kids go to drink. Nothing like old TAMU where I think there is the largest consumption of alcohol in the US (don't quote me, but something along that lines)

Like I said familiar but don't live there. Don't worry about different, my town's weirder than yours.
Garland, right outside of Dallas, is dry too. Ain't no dry places in good ol' Virginny!
beesy said:
Garland, right outside of Dallas, is dry too. Ain't no dry places in good ol' Virginny!

We do live in Dry areas, but I can either stop on my way home from work or drive five minutes past my house and buy liquor. HOWEVER, we still can't buy liquor on Sundays. Only beer or wine. :blowkiss:
Goody said:
No, she skipped over that one at the scene when she kept screaming my kids are dying and they are dead. When my son died, I couldn't even say the word "dead". (I was about Darlie's age, btw, and he was Devon's age.) No matter how badly a child is injured, parents don't automatically jump to the conclusion that they are gone. We expect medical people to perform miracles. Sorry, but there is no excuse under the sun that can explain away what she was doing that day or where her head was at

Goody, I was just re-reading some of the posts and wanted to comment here. It didn't even dawn on me until you said it, but I never said "my baby is dead" to 911. I said "my baby's not breathing". I knew he was dead because he had already gone a few mins without breathing, but I did not say that. That's denial, screaming "they're dying, they're dead," is not denial One time she said "they're barely breathing." I wonder what I would have said, god forbid. Moms, what do you think you have said to 911 about Devon and Damon that night? I had forgotten all about this Goody. Even when I got to the hospital, I said "have they called it yet?" I didn't ask if he was dead, I used doctor jargon. The first time I had to say "died" was when I called my mother who was out of town. I said "Danny died". There didn't seem to be any other way to say it. Your boy was hit by a car, right? I'm so sorry love.
What it does show is acceptance, the same acceptance shown on the night of the murders. Acceptance that was much, much too early. And that, my friend, indicates the parent has come to terms with the death BEFORE it happened

Well, she had just won the lottery. She didn't get a bundle of cash all at once, but she got years of not having to buy clothes and food and toys and school books and more water for the hot tub and on and on and on.......She won the freedom of not having to keep up with up 2 little boys.
beesy said:
Goody, I was just re-reading some of the posts and wanted to comment here. It didn't even dawn on me until you said it, but I never said "my baby is dead" to 911. I said "my baby's not breathing". I knew he was dead because he had already gone a few mins without breathing, but I did not say that. That's denial, screaming "they're dying, they're dead," is not denial One time she said "they're barely breathing." I wonder what I would have said, god forbid. Moms, what do you think you have said to 911 about Devon and Damon that night? I had forgotten all about this Goody. Even when I got to the hospital, I said "have they called it yet?" I didn't ask if he was dead, I used doctor jargon. The first time I had to say "died" was when I called my mother who was out of town. I said "Danny died". There didn't seem to be any other way to say it. Your boy was hit by a car, right? I'm so sorry love.
Life happens, beesy, whether we like it or not, and it was a long, long time ago. But thank you for your concerns. I don't have any doubt at all that if I woke to find my children bloody and dying right before my eyes that i would not let them know how badly they were injured. I would be telling them that help was on the way. I'd be down on the floor with at least one of them doing what I could for him if it was only to give him a reason to live. I sure wouldn't be talking about death even if it was my greatest fear. Darlie's generation is more desensitized than mine, but still. I don't think it proves guilt but it sure supports it once the decision is made.
I saw one of mine all bloody and unconscious once. I was down on the ground with her and crying, telling the people who told me that she couldn't hear me to shut up, telling her that it would be okay that God would take care of her, having to be picked up off the ground, then went into sort of a shock and didn't cry any more. She was okay thank goodness.
Once again Darlie has made me see how much I love and cherish my children. To love and hold and cloth and bath and feed them is all a mother could want.... Explains alot for her....
And once again she has made me cry from the depths of my hearts for the 2 little darlings that didnt have mummy there to hold their hands when they most needed it.......
They will come for you , and it wont be pretty................:behindbar :furious: :furious: :furious: :furious: :behindbar :behindbar :behindbar :furious: :furious: :furious: :furious:
Jeana (DP) said:
We do live in Dry areas, but I can either stop on my way home from work or drive five minutes past my house and buy liquor. HOWEVER, we still can't buy liquor on Sundays. Only beer or wine. :blowkiss:
Liquor stores are closed here on Sundays as well. Doesn't make sense to me, but them's the rules.

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