Darlie Supporters and Darin Routier

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Somewhere I read a post where you said that you had spoken to Darlie's mom (I can't find it now)...How do you know her? How much did you discuss? Give us the dirt...

My problem with this case has always been the motive...there is no motive that most people can identify with (money, postpartum psychosis, discipline/abuse that got out of hand, whatever). So, it seems to me, the prosecutors just resorted to character assassination...we were told that Darlie was shallow, self-absorbed, vain, materialistic, ugly to the point of putting her lifestyle above the lives of her children. And, as evidence of such, we were told that she liked having a nice home, she liked having nice furniture, she was picky in the way she kept her home, she liked to wear make-up and jewelry and she liked to shop. Well, that's all well and good, except YOU JUST DESCRIBED ME!!!! And, probably half the other women in this country...

Nothing I have read about Darlie leads me to believe that she was so obsessed with appearances and lifestyle she would butcher her children. Nothing. And, in fact, in every interview I've ever seen with her, she seems like a normal woman (given her circumstances). Both in her diary writings and in her interviews she comes across as introspective, thoughtful and kind - not at all as she was described at trial. Granted, this woman is not exactly a rocket scientist, but I just have not seen anything that supports the party-girl narcissist image you so often read about.

Tell me what you know about her first-hand...Also, what is this rape story I keep reading about?

Re: the gate...I haven't gotten all through Darrin's testimony; I know that Darlie said he fixed it. What is Darrin's story?
Fritzy's Mom said:

Somewhere I read a post where you said that you had spoken to Darlie's mom (I can't find it now)...How do you know her? How much did you discuss? Give us the dirt...
No, I don't know her. We emailed each other in the past. I don't have any "dirt." She's a mother fighting for the life of her child. I don't fault her for that.
LOL...Okaaaaaaaaaaaay...let me try this again...

Just general comments/questions for anyone who may have a thought...

1. I have not seen much of Darlie's mom; she's done a couple of talk shows where she pretty much sticks by Darlie's story, but that's about it. Apparently, she has corresponded with people via e-mail in the past. On one occassion, she indicated to someone that, contrary to trial testimony, Darlie actually asked Darrin for a seperation the night of the attacks. Has anyone else heard this? Do we know why Darlie wanted to seperate? Does anyone have a link to Darrin's affidavit re: same? Has anyone else corresponded with Darlie's mom and had a similar experience, whereby she indicated something contrary to trial testimony?

2. At trial, the nurses had some unkind things to say about Darlie. Also, Barbara Jovell, I think, indicated that Darlie and Dana may have been making fun of her mother. Aside from that testimony, I don't recall anything that was terribly damaging to Darlie's character... I have read on this board that Darlie put on a scene at a daycare center one day and that she was rumored to have gone to garage sales in a thong...Does anyone have any personal knowledge of her - either from first-hand experience or from correspondence with her mother? Like I said, she comes across well when interviewed, so I'm wondering if that's all just an act...

3. Another poster said something about Darlie making a false rape claim. I have not been able to find any mention of this anywhere...Does anyone know anything about it?
Fritzy's Mom said:
LOL...Okaaaaaaaaaaaay...let me try this again...

Just general comments/questions for anyone who may have a thought...

1. I have not seen much of Darlie's mom; she's done a couple of talk shows where she pretty much sticks by Darlie's story, but that's about it. Apparently, she has corresponded with people via e-mail in the past. On one occassion, she indicated to someone that, contrary to trial testimony, Darlie actually asked Darrin for a seperation the night of the attacks. Has anyone else heard this? Do we know why Darlie wanted to seperate? Does anyone have a link to Darrin's affidavit re: same? Has anyone else corresponded with Darlie's mom and had a similar experience, whereby she indicated something contrary to trial testimony?

2. At trial, the nurses had some unkind things to say about Darlie. Also, Barbara Jovell, I think, indicated that Darlie and Dana may have been making fun of her mother. Aside from that testimony, I don't recall anything that was terribly damaging to Darlie's character... I have read on this board that Darlie put on a scene at a daycare center one day and that she was rumored to have gone to garage sales in a thong...Does anyone have any personal knowledge of her - either from first-hand experience or from correspondence with her mother? Like I said, she comes across well when interviewed, so I'm wondering if that's all just an act...

3. Another poster said something about Darlie making a false rape claim. I have not been able to find any mention of this anywhere...Does anyone know anything about it?
You need to read some of the books written about this case. There are three in addition to MTJD. Precious Angels by Barbara Davis, Flesh and Blood by Patricia Springer, and Hush Little Babies by Don Davis. Two of them are out of print but you might be able to buy a used copy. All three of these authors went to the trial everyday and got close to various friends, family members, and police, etc.
Goody said:
You need to read some of the books written about this case. There are three in addition to MTJD. Precious Angels by Barbara Davis, Flesh and Blood by Patricia Springer, and Hush Little Babies by Don Davis. Two of them are out of print but you might be able to buy a used copy. All three of these authors went to the trial everyday and got close to various friends, family members, and police, etc.
Which one would you pick for me to start? I have only read the papers, watched the tv reports when it was going on and now, luckily, found this forum. I have the summer---would you choose one for me, Goody?
"Please answer this question: Why and to what benefit would an "intruder" stay and clean up the crime scene?"

He was a neat freak like Darlie. There's nothing worse than facing a bloody sink in the morning.

"What benefit would it have to anyone except Darlie.???"

The intruder felt bad enough about slaughtering her children; the least he could do was clean up some of the mess. Kitchens should be clean places.

"A person who commits a crime, cleans up the scene and it sure is not "an unknown intruder".

It sounds like you have some unresolved issues with cleanliness, perhaps dating back to your childhood. Intruders don't have a manual that tells them how to act after killing two children. They're all different, CyberLaw. Some run away after dropping the knife, while others hang around to tidy up.

I hope you know I'm just kidding around. Actually, I felt bad that no one has answered your posts, because they're right on the mark (or maybe someone did, and I just missed it). Anyway, I enjoy reading your messages :woohoo:
Goody said:
You need to read some of the books written about this case. There are three in addition to MTJD. Precious Angels by Barbara Davis, Flesh and Blood by Patricia Springer, and Hush Little Babies by Don Davis. Two of them are out of print but you might be able to buy a used copy. All three of these authors went to the trial everyday and got close to various friends, family members, and police, etc.
Yeah, you're right...I would like to read them, but from what I've seen on this board, most of them are pretty hard to come by (especially MTJD)...

No matter what is in the books, though, testimony at trial re: Darlie's character was just not, IMO, damaging enough to support the prosection's theory of why she did it. I know, I know - the prosecution doesn't have to prove motive - but Greg Davis described Darlie as a pretty ugly person in his opening remarks ("cold," "materialistic," "self-centered," etc.), so I think the jury had a duty to ask itself whether or not he provided evidence to support his statements...

Greg Davis suggested a motive, so as far as I'm concerned, it was fair territory for the jury to consider.
accordn2me said:
Dani, (or anyone who could help me with this one)

In your last post on this thread you wrote something about the knife imprint on the carpet being from someone who was bleeding so badly the blood was running down their arm and dripping off the end of the knife. Did I get that right?

Was that blood (knife imprint) tested?

Darlie is the only person with cut forearms so I'll take a leap and say it's her blood. If it was from an alleged intruder, how did he get out of the house without leaving his blood on the exits/entrances, fence, etc. Darin has/had no cuts to his forearms.
And how could he have slit her throat and then, thinking she was dead, moved on to stab the children? Remember Darlie had bruises on her that "suggests" she put up a fight. If this was, in fact the case then where did her bruises come from? If he just sliced her neck in her sleep then how are you suggesting she got the bruises?

And the slices to her forearms. When would Darin have inflicted those two wounds? As she lay there asleep? Was he trying to give her defense wounds before the fact?
KatherineQ said:
From CourtTV's crime library (which I don't believe is a pro-Darlie site), Darren's account of Darlie running around hysterically, applying wet towels to one of the boy's chests trying to keep it (the chest) together. While the first officer on the scene, David Waddell, who was the one who requested she get towels, was there.

There it is. She's applying soaked towels to the boy, after Waddell requested she get towels for him. Seems to me that's how the blood and footprints could have been in the kitchen sink. Because she was told to do it, by David Waddell.

It seems by David Waddell's own statements, he was in shock. And who blames him - but the thing is, if he orders her to go get wet towels, and she does, that could leave those ominous bloody footprints in front of the sink that have been used as evidence she cleaned up the crime scene.


OMG, the CL is the least accurate source of information. We've all got our info from reading the trial transcripts, not the CL. There were no wet towels, there were no towels on the boys. Darlie ignored Waddell when he asked her to get a towel and place it on Damon.
KatherineQ said:
Darin said she had wet towels, and so did David Waddell but I can't find it this instant. She had wet towels.

And I saw some forensic show, the point of the show was to prove conclusively that Darlie was a murderer, and they showed that luminol outprint of her feet, at the kitchen sink. That was a big HUGE thing, because she had denied cleaning the crime scene and yet, here were her feet with an outline of blood at the kitchen sink. The photo was entered into evidence at the trial, her feet at the sink.

She may have been getting wet towels for David Waddell.

Maybe you should look at the CS photos of the blood on the floor in front of the sink. Doesn't appear to be diluted by water. It appears as if someone bleeding stood there not moving around for a time.
Jeana (DP) said:
Everyone said she wet towels. No one is disputing the fact that she wet some towels. However, running water for wetting a towel that she THREW to Darin as he helped the boys is NOT the same thing as helping her children. Waddell acknowledged that the towel he saw her with was being held to her own neck. I'll be happy to stipulate that when Darin was doing CPR on the child, she threw him a wet towel. Doesn't mean the sink should have been "cleaned" by her standing there wetting a towel.

and I believe it required Darlie to grow another arm. She's holding a towel to her neck, on the phone with 911 and wetting towels and wringing them out so they aren't dripping at the kitchen sink all at the same time. Now that's how you multi-task eh.
cami said:
Darlie is the only person with cut forearms so I'll take a leap and say it's her blood. If it was from an alleged intruder, how did he get out of the house without leaving his blood on the exits/entrances, fence, etc. Darin has/had no cuts to his forearms.
Did the prosecution take a leap and say the blood on the carpet was Darlie's, or did they test it?

If an alleged intruder didn't drop the sock on his way to the dark car, are you implying that Darin planted it?

Edited to add:

There was blood (and some undetermined prints) on the door from the kitchen to the garage. Whose blood was on that door?

Whose blood was the bloody print on the sofa table imprinted in?
cami said:
And how could he have slit her throat and then, thinking she was dead, moved on to stab the children? Remember Darlie had bruises on her that "suggests" she put up a fight. If this was, in fact the case then where did her bruises come from? If he just sliced her neck in her sleep then how are you suggesting she got the bruises?
Maybe she was "frightening" so passionately that her mind put them there.:slap:

cami said:
And the slices to her forearms. When would Darin have inflicted those two wounds? As she lay there asleep? Was he trying to give her defense wounds before the fact?
What slices? Sorry, hard week at work - brain overload. I can only think of the one cut - that some say penetrated bone - that does not look like a "slice" 2me.
cami said:
OMG, the CL is the least accurate source of information. We've all got our info from reading the trial transcripts, not the CL. There were no wet towels, there were no towels on the boys. Darlie ignored Waddell when he asked her to get a towel and place it on Damon.
NO towels? Once again, it's been a long time since I read it, but I thought I remember a figure like twenty or more towels were bloody. Could have been a dream though. :waitasec:
cami said:
Maybe you should look at the CS photos of the blood on the floor in front of the sink. Doesn't appear to be diluted by water. It appears as if someone bleeding stood there not moving around for a time.
What about the blood on the part of the counter directly in front of the sink - diluted, or not?
Originally Posted by Jeana (DP)
Everyone said she wet towels. No one is disputing the fact that she wet some towels. However, running water for wetting a towel that she THREW to Darin as he helped the boys is NOT the same thing as helping her children. Waddell acknowledged that the towel he saw her with was being held to her own neck. I'll be happy to stipulate that when Darin was doing CPR on the child, she threw him a wet towel. Doesn't mean the sink should have been "cleaned" by her standing there wetting a towel.

So which claim is it:

Darlie cleaned the sink?

Or Darlie merely washed some blood down the sink as she was wetting a towel?

Or was it, Darlie cleaned the sink while she was wetting some towels?

Maybe she stood at the sink while wetting one towel at a time and throwing each one to Darin?

But then, how to explain Darlie's bloody foot prints.....
Jeana (DP) said:
Sweetie, there's no such thing as "interpretations" of the truth. :)
Oh, Jeana, but there most certainly are different interpretations of the truth. For the sake of discussion, let's pretend you and I go to the same place at the same time and experience the same event. Your reality, or interpretation, may not be my take on it at all.

My family and I have heated discussions about this all the time. Don't ask me for a specific example tonight :angel:, but they often say, "Well that's not in the Bible." Well, there are a lot of things that the Bible left out. That doesn't mean they are not true!

The same goes for "facts" that were not verified in Darlie's trial. Just because they were not verified, does not mean they didn't happen.
accordn2me said:
NO towels? Once again, it's been a long time since I read it, but I thought I remember a figure like twenty or more towels were bloody. Could have been a dream though. :waitasec:

Cami said there is no testimony about there being wet towels at the scene or towels on the boys (though there were some around Devon)
Dani_T said:
Cami said there is no testimony about there being wet towels at the scene or towels on the boys (though there were some around Devon)
Just because there was no testimony about wet towels, does not make it true that there were no wet towels.

Do you think maybe the EMT may have taken towels off the boys so they could check them out?

It's probably not possible that the police moved the towels - they were so careful not to compromise the scene.

I wonder whose blood was all over those dry towels?
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