Darlie's injuries

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
G.I.RattlesnakeJane said:
science wins again. No chipped edge no cut from table- not to mention lack of blood on the table edges only blood can be seen on top of table.

The glass top table was put upright but the direction the blood ran is obvious.

The edges should be smooth where it hit the table first. This I learned from reading that Blood Splatter site. No spikes around the drop.

I'm not thick headed ,I'm dumb-(lacking the knowledge) as a box of rocks on this subject ( how to interrept blood splatter evidence). Thank You for posting the links the have been very educational.
The blood on the table is Darlie's. Wonder what she was doing standing over it long enough to bleed on it like that???
I would so love to jump in this thread but i have not read much to form a opinion, i am still up in the air about if she killed them. I just dont understand what would be the reason? Also the fingerprints they found, whose are they? And the blood on the sock? Correct me if i am wrong, like i said i dont know a huge amount about the case....
Goody said:
The blood on the table is Darlie's. Wonder what she was doing standing over it long enough to bleed on it like that???
It was on the side away from the couch, the side that faced the tv best i can tell ,correct me if in error.

Oh my God...... the transcipts are putting me to sleep there is so many pages and pages of legaleze and objections, So many of them to read and so little time. Like Arnold said............. I'll be back
G.I.RattlesnakeJane said:
It was on the side away from the couch, the side that faced the tv best i can tell ,correct me if in error.

Oh my God...... the transcipts are putting me to sleep there is so many pages and pages of legaleze and objections, So many of them to read and so little time. Like Arnold said............. I'll be back
Welcome to the world of law studies. hahahahah. You gotta wade thru the boring to get to the interesting. Tedious but fun in an armchair sort of way.
michelle said:
I would so love to jump in this thread but i have not read much to form a opinion, i am still up in the air about if she killed them. I just dont understand what would be the reason?
Money, of course. Not necessarily the money from the insurance, although it had its place in the mix. But money in general. Their whole lives were wrapped around money in one form or another. Greed was like a runaway train. They just couldn't stop. At least that is my opinion.

michelle said:
Also the fingerprints they found, whose are they? And the blood on the sock? Correct me if i am wrong, like i said i dont know a huge amount about the case....
The fingerprints cannot be identified because they are partials and don't have enough points to run in the national database. The bloody fingerprint on the coffee table could be Darlie's. She has a similar pattern to it on her ring finger per her expert Jantz. I don't know about the other prints. I haven't spent much time on them.

The blood on the sock belonged to the boys, each in different spots or areas of the sock. Darlie's DNA was also found on the sock but it was not in the form of blood. Skin cells were most likely the source, although supporters would like us to believe it was saliva from the sock being jammed in her mouth. I would need more evidence to convince me though. For all we know she wore that sock that day and dumped it because she didn't want it found by police. There was sewer just inches from where it was found. Police looked into the sewer from the curbing but never got the key to open it up and look down the main pipe there. I suspect that more than just the sock was thrown out there and that the sock just missed its target.
SnootyVixen said:
Oh, don't let that stop you. Goody knows more about me than I do, apparantly.
No, just more than you are willing to admit to. No sense in denying it, jeffieboy. You are a distinctive poster. Anyone who has ever posted with you would recognize your insults....er...style, I mean.
SnootyVixen said:
Yes Goody. I am telling you I have never laid eyes on Darlie or any member of her family. Whatcha gonna do with that now?
Laugh my behind off and watch your nose grow:liar: .
So the sock was found by gutter. And the police could not get the key to open it to look for more potential evidence? Thats a shame!
michelle said:
So the sock was found by gutter. And the police could not get the key to open it to look for more potential evidence? Thats a shame!
They could have gotten it but didn't. I guess it got overlooked. One of those crime scene errors that pop up all the time. The state has to live without it now.

Another thing you might find interesting is that Darin was very angry that the police did not tell him and Darlie right away that they had found the sock. He openly criticized them for it. I always wondered why they would get so upset about something like that since they must have known that the police would not tell them everything during the investigation. They never do. I wonder if it was because they were worried that their stories might be wrong if the police had evidence they kept secret. Anyway, it struck me as odd.
so if darlie killed the kids did darin stay in the room upstairs till she was done? Or did he help too?
SnootyVixen said:
As far as any serious discussions went JG was gone long before Mary showed up. Mary is a relative newcomer. As is nearly everyone else here.

Well, Snooty, I will say this. It isn't necessarily how long you've been around. It's about how much research you've done, how many times you've read the trial transcript, and how many notes you've taken...stacks and stacks of them. If they fell over, they'd crush me and that would make your day.

Then, I wouldn't be a newcomer anymore. I'd be dead, which would also make your day :)
Mary456 said:
Well, Snooty, I will say this. It isn't necessarily how long you've been around. It's about how much research you've done, how many times you've read the trial transcript, and how many notes you've taken...stacks and stacks of them. If they fell over, they'd crush me and that would make your day.

Then, I wouldn't be a newcomer anymore. I'd be dead, which would also make your day :)
awww.......Wouldnt make my day.....Where can i find the transcripsts? Someone gave me the link before but i lost it :doh: ....
michelle said:
so if darlie killed the kids did darin stay in the room upstairs till she was done? Or did he help too?
I guess only he and Darlie know that. The only thing that is clear is that there is no crime scene evidence linking him to the actual murders. So was he in another room when it happened? Standing off to the side too weak to participate himself? Or did they each kill one child as some have suggested? Or did he just stumble into a nightmare and do nothing but try to protect his guilty wife? I sure don't know. I have a hard time accepting him as innocent though. Maybe Darlie did it all herself and maybe she lied even to him to cover it up, but I just can't wrap my mind around it. He seemed as accepting of the boys' deaths as Darlie was, but I do think he was more traumatized by it than Darlie was. I think once it was done, he was scared to death and that might have been why he rattled on so at the hospital, talking about how beautiful she was, never asking police about the boys but asking them if they had seen her breasts.
Mary456 said:
Well, Snooty, I will say this. It isn't necessarily how long you've been around. It's about how much research you've done, how many times you've read the trial transcript, and how many notes you've taken...stacks and stacks of them. If they fell over, they'd crush me and that would make your day.

Then, I wouldn't be a newcomer anymore. I'd be dead, which would also make your day :)
Nice to see you, Mare. Isn't he a gem? Still hasn't lost his touch,eh?
Goody said:
I guess only he and Darlie know that. The only thing that is clear is that there is no crime scene evidence linking him to the actual murders. So was he in another room when it happened? Standing off to the side too weak to participate himself? Or did they each kill one child as some have suggested? Or did he just stumble into a nightmare and do nothing but try to protect his guilty wife? I sure don't know. I have a hard time accepting him as innocent though. Maybe Darlie did it all herself and maybe she lied even to him to cover it up, but I just can't wrap my mind around it. He seemed as accepting of the boys' deaths as Darlie was, but I do think he was more traumatized by it than Darlie was. I think once it was done, he was scared to death and that might have been why he rattled on so at the hospital, talking about how beautiful she was, never asking police about the boys but asking them if they had seen her breasts.
He seems like he was obsessed with darlie, do they still communicate?
michelle said:
He seems like he was obsessed with darlie, do they still communicate?
I don't know. He's been keeping a low profile lately. One of our posters went to a hearing the other day about testing new evidence and he was not there, she said. Nor was his mother or other Routier representatives so maybe the lines have finally been drawn between the two camps.
Goody said:
I don't know. He's been keeping a low profile lately. One of our posters went to a hearing the other day about testing new evidence and he was not there, she said. Nor was his mother or other Routier representatives so maybe the lines have finally been drawn between the two camps.
Maybe someone will start talking now?
Goody said:
Mary was there when you came though, wasn't she? You are a newcomer as well. Not as new as me but newer than Mary and JR, aren't you?

I think she might have been there when Jeff came but I've told you and told you and told you that I am not Jeff. What does it take Goody? Dynamite?
Mary456 said:
Well, Snooty, I will say this. It isn't necessarily how long you've been around. It's about how much research you've done, how many times you've read the trial transcript, and how many notes you've taken...stacks and stacks of them. If they fell over, they'd crush me and that would make your day.

Then, I wouldn't be a newcomer anymore. I'd be dead, which would also make your day :)

Wouldn't make my day. I've got nothing against you. So what is it exactly that you are saying here? That even though you are a relative newcomer to this case you consider yourself an expert?

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