Day 5 The John, Patsy and Burke's behavior/ The 12 days of JonBenet

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
But her paint tray wasn't in the craft room. It was just outside of the WR.

Look at the picture up against the wall beside the paint tote in the first picture. I think it is the same one as in the second picture at the arrow.


Nice catch! I agree possibly same painting!
Dang you would think the investigators could catch these things that us "bored housewives as JR says" catch all the time.
The devil is in the details. I say that a lot in this case because it is the details that make this case a slam dunk.
Any good prosecutor worth a damn could make this case and find JR guilty. Of first Degree murder! JMOO
I do feel that when the final ligature was applied, that was when she passed away.

Some are wondering how she was still breathing and her heart was still beating when she was brain dead.... read this article to understand.
Your respiration and heart beat are controlled by your brain stem area. It's the closest to the spine.
It can sometimes continue functioning when the rest of the brain isn't.
But they may not have realized she was still alive when the final ligature was applied. Her respirations and heartbeat may have been very shallow and weak. The brain stem is usually the last to die IIRC in a situation like this. Each head wound is different though and possibly the swelling and pressure from the swelling hadn't reached the brain stem area yet. Just because your brain stem is still functioning you can be clinically brain dead. The brain stem basically controls the basic needs of life.
Nice catch! I agree possibly same painting!
Dang you would think the investigators could catch these things that us "bored housewives as JR says" catch all the time.
The devil is in the details. I say that a lot in this case because it is the details that make this case a slam dunk.
Any good prosecutor worth a damn could make this case and find JR guilty. Of first Degree murder! JMOO
I do feel that when the final ligature was applied, that was when she passed away.

Some are wondering how she was still breathing and her heart was still beating when she was brain dead.... read this article to understand.
Your respiration and heart beat are controlled by your brain stem area. It's the closest to the spine.
It can sometimes continue functioning when the rest of the brain isn't.
But they may not have realized she was still alive when the final ligature was applied. Her respirations and heartbeat may have been very shallow and weak. The brain stem is usually the last to die IIRC in a situation like this. Each head wound is different though and possibly the swelling and pressure from the swelling hadn't reached the brain stem area yet. Just because your brain stem is still functioning you can be clinically brain dead. The brain stem basically controls the basic needs of life.

RE: making the case against JR for murder. How? The GJ didn't see it that way, and at this point, I don't either.
RE: "when she was brain dead" - respectfully, PL, she wasn't "brain dead" prior to her actual death. As I've stated before, "brain dead" is a medical-legal definition. It isn't the same thing as a vegetative state.
From NIH: "Brain death is defined as the irreversible loss of all functions of the brain, including the brainstem. The three essential findings in brain death are coma, absence of brainstem reflexes, and apnea... A patient determined to be brain dead is legally and clinically dead."

JBR was not "brain dead" prior to her death.
Have we ever considered that everyone was awake that night when they got home and Burke actually hit her in the head IN FRONT of his parents? maybe in the kitchen and they tried to comfort her with the pillow? Things went downhill quickly and he was sent to his room so they could stage the scene?
It could have happened not long after arriving home. He could have used the flashlight possibly. Maybe it was on the kitchen table due to the parents getting presents out the night before. It was just handy atm.
Maybe the big fight happened while the parents were in the room with them or nearby and didn't think it was anything more than a squabble until they heard him hit her.
JMOO and thinking outloud.
I've never looked at this possibility. But it seems a pretty good and simple theory. Anything done between the head wound and the final ligature could vary. But the final ligature applied outside the WC is what actually killed her. They may have thought she WAS dead already. Never knowing they actually caused her death.
Just a thought to bounce around.
I just don't see them going to bed immediately and I'm sure they wanted the kids to play with toys while PR was packing.
The vaginal trauma was done prior to the ligature to try and cover for previous sexual abuse.
People can and will do things, terrible things, to cover up crimes.
That we should all know by now. Look on any thread on the forum. It's full of people doing hideous things to people. The Ramsey's shouldn't be looked at any different.
By trying to make what they did seem less than horrid because they did it to cover for BR is actually not fair to JonBenet.
There WAS previous abuse and trauma. There was previous injuries caused by BR. There were all the signs there that they needed to protect JonBenet and they didn't.
They were selfish and didn't want to loose their standing in society.
They didn't want their image tarnished.
They... all 3..... are guilty of what occurred that night. JMOO
I have absolutely NO sympathy for any of them. JonBenet was the innocent victim here. Not the living Ramsey's.
This may also sound terrible too but I don't feel sorry for PR or that she passed away.
She let her child die and hastened her death too.
She covered for BR.
Justice was served by God.
I've always said that God will serve justice on the guilty. But in his time not ours.
In her words the first time she had cancer, God miraculously cured her.
Well then maybe God decided to give it back?
I know that is cruel but I don't think God looks kindly on those who hurt the most innocent. :notgood:

RE: making the case against JR for murder. How? The GJ didn't see it that way, and at this point, I don't either.
RE: "when she was brain dead" - respectfully, PL, she wasn't "brain dead" prior to her actual death. As I've stated before, "brain dead" is a medical-legal definition. It isn't the same thing as a vegetative state.
From NIH: "Brain death is defined as the irreversible loss of all functions of the brain, including the brainstem. The three essential findings in brain death are coma, absence of brainstem reflexes, and apnea... A patient determined to be brain dead is legally and clinically dead."

JBR was not "brain dead" prior to her death.

WellI feel a damn good prosecutor could do it.
The DNA evidence is gone basically. They need to do new testing on all of the items. The evidence is there.
Him and PR fibers were found on her body.
How did his fibers get into the crotch area of those brand new panties?
THAT in itself is very suspicious.
They need to exhume her body. I have a feeling there are things in that casket that they don't want found.
That's how they can pin it on JR.
It's just like in a murder case where two people were present and active in the crime, both will be charged with murder. PR is in the grave and can't be charged. JR is still alive and JonBenet deserves justice.
Plus the grand jury might have not seen the new evidence and DNA findings. That may change their opinion now.
ALL of the evidence needs to be retested and done by the FBI.

In Regards to the brain dead comment, I was trying to explain that even though she wasn't responding to them and was thought to be dead doesn't mean she actually WAS brain dead. Her brain stem AT LEAST was still functioning at the time of death. Meaning she was still breathing and her heart was still beating. Which means whomever applied the final ligature was her KILLER. First degree murder. It was premeditated even if that means 30 min in advance. It was intentional and no matter if they did it as a mercy was STILL a murder.
WellI feel a damn good prosecutor could do it.
The DNA evidence is gone basically. They need to do new testing on all of the items. The evidence is there.
Him and PR fibers were found on her body.
How did his fibers get into the crotch area of those brand new panties?
THAT in itself is very suspicious.
They need to exhume her body. I have a feeling there are things in that casket that they don't want found.
That's how they can pin it on JR.
It's just like in a murder case where two people were present and active in the crime, both will be charged with murder. PR is in the grave and can't be charged. JR is still alive and JonBenet deserves justice.
Plus the grand jury might have not seen the new evidence and DNA findings. That may change their opinion now.
ALL of the evidence needs to be retested and done by the FBI.

In Regards to the brain dead comment, I was trying to explain that even though she wasn't responding to them and was thought to be dead doesn't mean she actually WAS brain dead. Her brain stem AT LEAST was still functioning at the time of death. Meaning she was still breathing and her heart was still beating. Which means whomever applied the final ligature was her KILLER. First degree murder. It was premeditated even if that means 30 min in advance. It was intentional and no matter if they did it as a mercy was STILL a murder.
I do agree that intent can be formed in the blink of an eye - making it first degree.

I just wanted to clarify, PL, because at the bottom of your post, you said:
Each head wound is different though and possibly the swelling and pressure from the swelling hadn't reached the brain stem area yet. Just because your brain stem is still functioning you can be clinically brain dead. BBM

That part is not accurate (see the NIH definition), and I'm concerned that this can confuse lay people.
From NIH: "Brain death is defined as the irreversible loss of all functions of the brain, including the brainstem. The three essential findings in brain death are coma, absence of brainstem reflexes, and apnea... A patient determined to be brain dead is legally and clinically dead." BBM
I just want to repeat: JBR was not "brain dead" prior to her death.
I do agree that intent can be formed in the blink of an eye - making it first degree.

I just wanted to clarify, PL, because at the bottom of your post, you said:

That part is not accurate (see the NIH definition), and I'm concerned that this can confuse lay people.

I just want to repeat: JBR was not "brain dead" prior to her death.
I did say "can be".
But here's the catch.
THEY didn't take her to the hospital so there really is no way for any of us to be able to prove whether she was clinically brain dead or not. She wasn't hooked to machines to test for it. So we really do not know.
My aunt was in a horrible car accident and was brain dead for days. She was on a vent and hooked to everything to keep her body alive. Her husband had died the following day from brain death from the car accident and they pulled the plug.
My aunt was left on the vent and life support and the daughters weren't quite ready to give up on her yet so they had decided to wait a few more days to give her a chance. The doctors told all of us there was NO chance of recovery.
While my uncle was being buried my mama stayed by her side and kept whispering to her to show some signs of life or they are going to have to pull the plug.
My aunt started throwing up her arm over and over (the only body part not completely ravaged by the wreck) to the point they had to restrain her arm!
They immediately checked for brain activity and she had brain activity! So people can survive against all odds. They were pinned between two transfer trucks. So you can imagine the damage.
She now lives alone but next door to her daughter and still the sweet person she always was. The opposite arm however never fully recovered so she has trouble with it.
BUT my whole point is that no one can be certain that if she had received medical attention she wouldn't have survived. She very well COULD have. Kids can bounce back quicker than adults.
A local teenager was hit by a train and had severe brain damage and wasn't expected to survive. She is slowly coming around now and making progress. She's storming a lot due to her nerves in the brain trying to heal but every day she makes progress.
So JonBenet could have survived if they had called 911. COULD have. I'm not saying she WOULD have.
But the minute that final ligature was applied, it became first degree murder.
I did say "can be".
But here's the catch.
THEY didn't take her to the hospital so there really is no way for any of us to be able to prove whether she was clinically brain dead or not. She wasn't hooked to machines to test for it. So we really do not know.
My aunt was in a horrible car accident and was brain dead for days. She was on a vent and hooked to everything to keep her body alive. Her husband had died the following day from brain death from the car accident and they pulled the plug.
My aunt was left on the vent and life support and the daughters weren't quite ready to give up on her yet so they had decided to wait a few more days to give her a chance. The doctors told all of us there was NO chance of recovery.
While my uncle was being buried my mama stayed by her side and kept whispering to her to show some signs of life or they are going to have to pull the plug.
My aunt started throwing up her arm over and over (the only body part not completely ravaged by the wreck) to the point they had to restrain her arm!
They immediately checked for brain activity and she had brain activity! So people can survive against all odds. They were pinned between two transfer trucks. So you can imagine the damage.
She now lives alone but next door to her daughter and still the sweet person she always was. The opposite arm however never fully recovered so she has trouble with it.
BUT my whole point is that no one can be certain that if she had received medical attention she wouldn't have survived. She very well COULD have. Kids can bounce back quicker than adults.
A local teenager was hit by a train and had severe brain damage and wasn't expected to survive. She is slowly coming around now and making progress. She's storming a lot due to her nerves in the brain trying to heal but every day she makes progress.
So JonBenet could have survived if they had called 911. COULD have. I'm not saying she WOULD have.
But the minute that final ligature was applied, it became first degree murder.

PositiveLight, I'm sorry for your family having to go through this.
What a story. Thank you for sharing such a sad but amazing story.
I agree with intent being formed in the blink of an eye, a split second, and so on.
Why wasn't JBR taken to hospital? If they thought she was dead, why the garrote?

Sorry, I'm real late to this particular thread, but have been following the case for 20 years and watched all the shows but the Dr Phil interview.

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I did say "can be".
But here's the catch.
THEY didn't take her to the hospital so there really is no way for any of us to be able to prove whether she was clinically brain dead or not. She wasn't hooked to machines to test for it. So we really do not know.
My aunt was in a horrible car accident and was brain dead for days. She was on a vent and hooked to everything to keep her body alive. Her husband had died the following day from brain death from the car accident and they pulled the plug.
My aunt was left on the vent and life support and the daughters weren't quite ready to give up on her yet so they had decided to wait a few more days to give her a chance. The doctors told all of us there was NO chance of recovery.
While my uncle was being buried my mama stayed by her side and kept whispering to her to show some signs of life or they are going to have to pull the plug.
My aunt started throwing up her arm over and over (the only body part not completely ravaged by the wreck) to the point they had to restrain her arm!
They immediately checked for brain activity and she had brain activity! So people can survive against all odds. They were pinned between two transfer trucks. So you can imagine the damage.
She now lives alone but next door to her daughter and still the sweet person she always was. The opposite arm however never fully recovered so she has trouble with it.
BUT my whole point is that no one can be certain that if she had received medical attention she wouldn't have survived. She very well COULD have. Kids can bounce back quicker than adults.
A local teenager was hit by a train and had severe brain damage and wasn't expected to survive. She is slowly coming around now and making progress. She's storming a lot due to her nerves in the brain trying to heal but every day she makes progress.
So JonBenet could have survived if they had called 911. COULD have. I'm not saying she WOULD have.
But the minute that final ligature was applied, it became first degree murder.
I'm truly sorry about your aunt's ordeal. That must have been very difficult for everyone in your family. I question the validity of her being declared brain dead as well as the credentials of anyone who made that erroneous statement. i.e. Some quack lead you wrong. People do not come back from that diagnosis. It is irreversible (permanent), as stated in the NIH article. Since she had spontaneous arm movement, she was obviously not brain dead.
Once again, for posterity:
From NIH: "Brain death is defined as the irreversible loss of all functions of the brain, including the brainstem. The three essential findings in brain death are coma, absence of brainstem reflexes, and apnea... A patient determined to be brain dead is legally and clinically dead."
I did say "can be".
But here's the catch.
THEY didn't take her to the hospital so there really is no way for any of us to be able to prove whether she was clinically brain dead or not. She wasn't hooked to machines to test for it. So we really do not know.
My aunt was in a horrible car accident and was brain dead for days. She was on a vent and hooked to everything to keep her body alive. Her husband had died the following day from brain death from the car accident and they pulled the plug.
My aunt was left on the vent and life support and the daughters weren't quite ready to give up on her yet so they had decided to wait a few more days to give her a chance. The doctors told all of us there was NO chance of recovery.
While my uncle was being buried my mama stayed by her side and kept whispering to her to show some signs of life or they are going to have to pull the plug.
My aunt started throwing up her arm over and over (the only body part not completely ravaged by the wreck) to the point they had to restrain her arm!
They immediately checked for brain activity and she had brain activity! So people can survive against all odds. They were pinned between two transfer trucks. So you can imagine the damage.
She now lives alone but next door to her daughter and still the sweet person she always was. The opposite arm however never fully recovered so she has trouble with it.
BUT my whole point is that no one can be certain that if she had received medical attention she wouldn't have survived. She very well COULD have. Kids can bounce back quicker than adults.
A local teenager was hit by a train and had severe brain damage and wasn't expected to survive. She is slowly coming around now and making progress. She's storming a lot due to her nerves in the brain trying to heal but every day she makes progress.
So JonBenet could have survived if they had called 911. COULD have. I'm not saying she WOULD have.
But the minute that final ligature was applied, it became first degree murder.

Thank you for sharing your story, PL. And thank you for being such a dedicated contributor to WS. I am more of a reader here, as it's not usually easy for me to articulate my thoughts into coherent posts. But I have so much respect for you and others here who have so much knowledge and the patience to share your wisdom with the rest of us. :tyou:
Have we ever considered that everyone was awake that night when they got home and Burke actually hit her in the head IN FRONT of his parents? maybe in the kitchen and they tried to comfort her with the pillow? Things went downhill quickly and he was sent to his room so they could stage the scene?
It could have happened not long after arriving home. He could have used the flashlight possibly. Maybe it was on the kitchen table due to the parents getting presents out the night before. It was just handy atm.
Maybe the big fight happened while the parents were in the room with them or nearby and didn't think it was anything more than a squabble until they heard him hit her.
JMOO and thinking outloud.
I've never looked at this possibility. But it seems a pretty good and simple theory. Anything done between the head wound and the final ligature could vary. But the final ligature applied outside the WC is what actually killed her. They may have thought she WAS dead already. Never knowing they actually caused her death.
Just a thought to bounce around.
I just don't see them going to bed immediately and I'm sure they wanted the kids to play with toys while PR was packing.
The vaginal trauma was done prior to the ligature to try and cover for previous sexual abuse.
People can and will do things, terrible things, to cover up crimes.
That we should all know by now. Look on any thread on the forum. It's full of people doing hideous things to people. The Ramsey's shouldn't be looked at any different.
By trying to make what they did seem less than horrid because they did it to cover for BR is actually not fair to JonBenet.
There WAS previous abuse and trauma. There was previous injuries caused by BR. There were all the signs there that they needed to protect JonBenet and they didn't.
They were selfish and didn't want to loose their standing in society.
They didn't want their image tarnished.
They... all 3..... are guilty of what occurred that night. JMOO
I have absolutely NO sympathy for any of them. JonBenet was the innocent victim here. Not the living Ramsey's.
This may also sound terrible too but I don't feel sorry for PR or that she passed away.
She let her child die and hastened her death too.
She covered for BR.
Justice was served by God.
I've always said that God will serve justice on the guilty. But in his time not ours.
In her words the first time she had cancer, God miraculously cured her.
Well then maybe God decided to give it back?
I know that is cruel but I don't think God looks kindly on those who hurt the most innocent. :notgood:

As to that last part, PL, were I to recall my Sunday learning, I seem to remember Jesus saying something about how it would be better to tie a millstone around your neck and jump into the sea than lead a little one to sin.
PositiveLight, I'm sorry for your family having to go through this.
What a story. Thank you for sharing such a sad but amazing story.
I agree with intent being formed in the blink of an eye, a split second, and so on.
Why wasn't JBR taken to hospital? If they thought she was dead, why the garrote?

Sorry, I'm real late to this particular thread, but have been following the case for 20 years and watched all the shows but the Dr Phil interview.

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The ligature was to make it look like something it wasn't. That only an intruder could do such horrible things. My theory changes here and there as I look at different evidence. But all the theories point inside the home. Something happened to JonBenet at the hands of one or all three of her family members. Someone needs to be held accountable. She deserves justice.

Sent from my XT1254 using Tapatalk
I'm truly sorry about your aunt's ordeal. That must have been very difficult for everyone in your family. I question the validity of her being declared brain dead as well as the credentials of anyone who made that erroneous statement. i.e. Some quack lead you wrong. People do not come back from that diagnosis. It is irreversible (permanent), as stated in the NIH article. Since she had spontaneous arm movement, she was obviously not brain dead.
Once again, for posterity:
From NIH: "Brain death is defined as the irreversible loss of all functions of the brain, including the brainstem. The three essential findings in brain death are coma, absence of brainstem reflexes, and apnea... A patient determined to be brain dead is legally and clinically dead."
I honestly don't have to make you believe anything. I'm telling you what I witnessed and it was a miracle. Even the doctors said so. She was flown to a specialty hospital from the crash site. There were no quack doctors. I saw the reports myself. I saw the x-rays. She shouldn't be here today but she is. It wasn't ONE doctor either. It was a TEAM of doctors. I spent days picking glass out of her head and body. Sleeping on the floor of the ICU waiting room. You can believe me or not I really do not care. I'm a nurse btw. I'm not an idiot. Don't you think I questioned the doctors about it repeatedly? I don't care what that link says. I know what I witnessed. They wanted to pull the plug the same day as my uncle. Do you think they would do that if she was showing signs? You don't have to answer that.

Sent from my XT1254 using Tapatalk
The ligature was to make it look like something it wasn't. That only an intruder could do such horrible things. My theory changes here and there as I look at different evidence. But all the theories point inside the home. Something happened to JonBenet at the hands of one or all three of her family members. Someone needs to be held accountable. She deserves justice.

Sent from my XT1254 using Tapatalk

Once again, justice denied.

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I honestly don't have to make you believe anything. I'm telling you what I witnessed and it was a miracle. Even the doctors said so. She was flown to a specialty hospital from the crash site. There were no quack doctors. I saw the reports myself. I saw the x-rays. She shouldn't be here today but she is. It wasn't ONE doctor either. It was a TEAM of doctors. I spent days picking glass out of her head and body. Sleeping on the floor of the ICU waiting room. You can believe me or not I really do not care. I'm a nurse btw. I'm not an idiot. Don't you think I questioned the doctors about it repeatedly? I don't care what that link says. I know what I witnessed. They wanted to pull the plug the same day as my uncle. Do you think they would do that if she was showing signs? You don't have to answer that.

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Whoa! I am certainly not calling you an idiot. I would never ever do that. Your aunt's case is extremely unique. Not something that would probably happen in 1 in a million cases, since the docs referred to it as a "miracle".. (or maybe even fewer that that). FWIW - The docs said it was just short of a "miracle" when my father came off a vent after a week or so back in '82.. I get it. He lived another 9 crappy years. Those were hellish times.
The reason I was posting the NIH article is because I think it's especially important for lay people who read on this form - now and in the future - to have it as a reference. Sometimes, I just feel it's my due diligence as an RN to cite a scientifice resource to back up what I'm saying.
peace & love
Whoa! I am certainly not calling you an idiot. I would never ever do that. Your aunt's case is extremely unique. Not something that would probably happen in 1 in a million cases, since the docs referred to it as a "miracle".. (or maybe even fewer that that). FWIW - The docs said it was just short of a "miracle" when my father came off a vent after a week or so back in '82.. I get it. He lived another 9 crappy years. Those were hellish times.
The reason I was posting the NIH article is because I think it's especially important for lay people who read on this form - now and in the future - to have it as a reference. Sometimes, I just feel it's my due diligence as an RN to cite a scientifice resource to back up what I'm saying.
peace & love

Her case was very unique to say the least. She was VERY lucky and God's hands had to have been on her the whole time. I've honestly never seen a case that bad and the person live. But she did live.
My point was that unless she was hooked up and tested, there was no way to know if she was dead or brain dead. Had she received help immediately maybe she could have stood a chance.
That is where I think they step over the line into first degree murder. Until that point, they had a chance to do the right thing and they didn't. Instead they staged the scene. Applied a ligature that ended her life and was so impacted into her neck, you couldn't see it easily. rammed an object into her to cover the previous sexual abuse. I wonder sometimes if JR did this part without PR's knowledge to cover his or BR's previous abuse. Placed her in a cold dark wine cellar for 12 hours alone.
Somewhere she was frightened of. It's not fair that they have had 20 years to walk free. Throwing dear friends under the bus who loved JonBenet and just wanted justice for her. It's heartbreaking.
It's all cool Kanzz! I'm so sorry for your daddy's suffering. I lost my daddy just a little over two years ago and it sure is tough living without your hero. His last years were hell too. It's tough to witness it and not be able to make it better. Especially being nurses it makes it even tougher I think. Hugs! No hard feelings I promise! I've been really sick for a while and new meds have me tender hearted and thin skinned. So I'm sorry I took your comments wrong! <3

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Now I'm brain dead. Slick web site, but the article is a too elementary. The article ended before it ever got started.
Well lol Simplicity is what I was aiming for!:laughing:
Simple explanation and easily understood for lay people not in the medical field.
Sometimes it's hard for people who aren't familiar with anatomy to understand some of the more detailed links.
I purposefully chose an easy to understand explanation. lol

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