Day 5 The John, Patsy and Burke's behavior/ The 12 days of JonBenet

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trolling u tube because i cant sleep lol i enjoy watching the collections people put together of JBR ,never gets old for me beautiful child.
anyway some footage on this clip i have never seen before an odd interaction between JR and PR @3.27
any ideas what this interaction was about ? where i can see more ?
so strange

apologies for bumping my post but can anyone point me to this footage of JR and PR and the extremely awkward misqued high five.i'd like to see this footage in context to what they could possibly be congratulating themselves about.
outside of winning the lottery i just can not fathom what would deserve such a interaction. :thinking:
apologies for bumping my post but can anyone point me to this footage of JR and PR and the extremely awkward misqued high five.i'd like to see this footage in context to what they could possibly be congratulating themselves about.
outside of winning the lottery i just can not fathom what would deserve such a interaction. :thinking:

The high five is about 90% in on that video. I'm not sure when the video was taken but JR is looking rather old.

I found it all a bit cloying though.
This reminds me of Terri Schiavo. There was a lot of confusion about her being brain dead and/or being in a vegetative state. Her parents kept insisting her mind was sharp and she could see (they made a video of her tracking a balloon). At the autopsy however it turned out her brain was actually half the normal size and she was blind. But anyway that sure was interesting (and sad).

I used to know this woman who worked out at the YMCA. We hadn't been really close lately. I sort of lost touch with her. But anyway it turns out she collapsed. I was stunned. She was so healthy. Here is the article:

The brain is so complex! Every day I count my blessings I have my full faculties (I think!) Life is so unpredictable.

PL and Kanzz, my best to you both! :grouphug:
hi miz adventure
thanks for reply
i know when it appears in this clip i put it there lol
its at 3.27 in
yes its extremelyodd.
i want to know where that footage was taken from and what it pertains to.

“Of course, one of the key witnesses, Patsy Ramsey, is gone, having passed away some years ago from ovarian cancer, after the death of her daughter. What would each of you ask her, if you could get one question?” Gionet asked.

“I would ask her for exactly whatever she remembered about the initial moments when she found that letter on the staircase. Those critical initial moments of the investigation that nobody else was around for. She’s the only witness to those moments,” Clemente responded.

There would be no point in asking her anything because she was a pathological liar.

Minute Marker 18:20

Is John mouthing the words "keep your babies close to you"??

Yes, Patsy forgot the script and John had to remind her of her next word.
Yes, Patsy forgot the script and John had to remind her of her next word.

Maybe she thought she was taking vitamins. :dramaqueen:

There would be no point in asking her anything because she was a pathological liar.
Wow.....really? If there would be no point in asking Patsy any questions about this murder then there's no point asking anybody anything about it.

She had many slip ups that deserved to be called out and doing so might have helped solve this case. Patsy was the 'prime mover' that night whether or not she is the one who actually killed her.


Exactly, no one seriously believed she found it on the staircase did they?
Of course not. It would violate the laws of physics for someone who wrote a note to find it anywhere.

On the subject of that interview being discussed, Patsy's so loaded to the gills it is frightening. Each time I see it.... I am amazed she was capable of forming a coherent sentence. Of course she had to be coached.....her mind was in la la land.

JBRs father says he holds himself responsible for his daughter's death, telling Dr. Phil (via E! Online) that he thinks his daughter was murdered to punish him. "I sadly, and regretfully believe that, yes," John said.

Now my question is this: What kind of person would think that God would murder a child simply as a punishment for his own sins? (whatever they may be, and we'll probably never know).

This shows John was an egomaniac - the centre of his own universe. Nobody else mattered. Everything bad was done to punish HIM!

This, remember, was a man supposedly pious and religious, presumably believing God was merciful yet can think this same God was so into revenge and punishment that he would let a man's child be horribly murdered just to teach him, John Ramsey, a lesson!
Do you have the direct quote in full context? I don't think he meant that God was punishing him. He meant that a person who he had somehow "wronged" in the past had taken revenge on him by killing his daughter; i.e. that those past actions (that JR himself had taken) against said person were responsible. Does he actually mention God in the remainder of the quote?

I feel like he and PR did have a hand in this -- so don't get me wrong -- but sometimes I think people exaggerate the things he says.
Do you have the direct quote in full context? I don't think he meant that God was punishing him. He meant that a person who he had somehow "wronged" in the past had taken revenge on him by killing his daughter; i.e. that those past actions (that JR himself had taken) against said person were responsible. Does he actually mention God in the remainder of the quote?

I feel like he and PR did have a hand in this -- so don't get me wrong -- but sometimes I think people exaggerate the things he says.

This isn't the link I was trying to find. I seem to remember watching an interview between Dr. Phil and JR where he stated all the above.

There's probably a link to the YouTube video somewhere online.
Law enforcement did receive writing samples from Patsy and John. The expert said that as the ransom note went on, the writer's true writing showed and that writing closely resembled Patsy's.
One thing that was being discussed in my town was that John may have been molesting his daughter causing Patsy to go into a rage that ultimately ended up with her taking her daughter's life.
One thing that was being discussed in my town was that John may have been molesting his daughter causing Patsy to go into a rage that ultimately ended up with her taking her daughter's life.

Welcome Cait!

Where are you from?

And yes, that theory's been around for a while.
Here is an excerpt from a very interesting article (link at the bottom of the post)

"When Burke was 4 he was the apple of his parents’ eyes. He could do no wrong. He got the full treatment of gifts, clothes and trips and you name it. But then when JonBenet came along, especially as she got older and her destiny was to be in the pageant system, that attention that Burke had switched from him to JonBenet.”

“I think Burke had a bad temper. It’s like he had a chip on his shoulder. He had hit JonBenet. Before the murder, I would have to say, it was probably a year and a half. They were playing in the yard and apparently he hit her with the golf club, right here [points to area under eye].

"She [Patsy] says the kids were playing, Burke lost his temper and hit her with a golf club.”

The Ramseys, however, told police in their interviews that the golf club incident was purely an accident. How many other times had Burke hit JonBenet?"

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