DC DC - Relisha Tenau Rudd, 8, SE DC, 26 Feb 2014 - #8

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MPD continues to actively search and following up on tips. Tips coming in at a steady rate. They say most likely KT took RR to the park and disposed of her...in a dumpster or somewhere there. (Dumpster is then taken to VA.)


I just knew this case was going to go there. :sigh: :cry:

Now let's focus on just who in this mess was complicit. I think it all happened very much like Cherish Periwinkle's case. So which one of these yahoos was benefiting from this arrangement with Tatum? :maddening:
Take a look at more of the interview with MYT from last month.The reporter says MYT still believes Relisha is still alive, but she told her about a dream MYT had after KLT was found dead. In the interview, MYT starts out by saying that every morning when she wakes up, she talk to Relisha's picture, she kisses Relisha's picture, and she prays with her picture. The night before this interview MYT had a dream and MYT goes on to tell the reporter about the dream she had.


MYT talks about a dream she had of choking and of someone buried alive, hearing them and that she felt herself reaching out, but when she was reaching out, she felt herself choking and she sat staight up. MYT also says in the dream she heard the voices, but didn't see the face, and the voice was the voice of a child. MYT says it was like a black spot over the face, but the voice was a child, she's reaching out, but she's choking at the same time, and she's reaching out for somebody to help her. The reporter, sorry, I forgot her name, said MYT told her she only had this dream after KLT's body was found. MYT had told AY about this dream, and AY had encouraged MYT to tell the reporter about her dream.
The male reporter, Bruce Leshan's (?) police sources told him police believe that KLT likely killed Relisha and put her body in a dumpster and Relisha may never be found.

Also said in the beginning of this video, whether SY, AY and MYT could be indited for hampering the police efforts to find Relisha, investigators are not revealing when a Grand Jury could meet, their focus is on finding Relisha dead or alive.

BBM Several things come to mind.
Due to stress, MYT is experiencing flashbacks in dream form from her own childhood, but has no conscience memories to equate those dreams with, so she equates them to having to do with Relisha.
She is attempting to lay some groundwork for a possibly insanity defense.
She wants more media attention and has come up with a story in which there is nothing that anyone can catch her out on because there are no dates or names to compare with.
They are exactly what she says and they are from either guilt from her part in this, remorse in how she has lived her own life, fear of what will happen to her or a combination of all.

I just knew this case was going to go there. :sigh: :cry:

Now let's focus on just who in this mess was complicit. I think it all happened very much like Cherish Periwinkle's case. So which one of these yahoos was benefiting from this arrangement with Tatum? :maddening:

I think MYT was the one who benefited the most!
MPD continues to actively search and following up on tips. Tips coming in at a steady rate. They say most likely KT took RR to the park and disposed of her...in a dumpster or somewhere there. (Dumpster is then taken to VA.)

Not trying in anyway to give false hope that this poor child may not have ended up in a VA landfill, but...based on these three news articles below:

March 28th
On March 2, Lanier said Tatum, 51, purchased a carton of 43-gallon self-tying black trash bags, and later was in the area of the aquatic gardens in Kenilworth Park for a period of time.
Source: http://www.myfoxdc.com/story/250977...nues-at-dc-park - ixzz2xInD5J8m#axzz2xrDJZXUn
March 28
The next day, Tatum bought contractor-sized trash bags and spent considerable time in Kenilworth Park and Aquatic Gardens, police said. Sources tell News4 Tatum also purchased a shovel and lime, which can be used to speed up the decomposition of bodies.
Source: http://www.nbcwashington.com/news/l...irl-Relisha-Rudd-Criminal-Past-252328821.html
April 9
Lanier still holds out hope that the child is alive but admits getting such a late start on the search frustrates her. And when police determined the timing of the purchase of trash bags by Tatum and the fact that he spent time at Kenilworth Park made them very concerned.
Source: http://www.wusa9.com/story/news/local/dc/2014/04/09/relisha-rudd-mother-interview/7532971/

KLT was said to have spent several hours in Kenilworth Park. It does not take several hours to put a bag in a dumpster. .

I also think that the even though the "shovel and lime" has not been confirmed by LE, they had to have more than just the fact that he purchased self-tying garbage bags and he spent time at the park to start such a massive ground search. The pure fact that LE started that ground search tells me that they didn't think she was put in a dumpster either.

April 9
The U.S. Marshals conducted a walk-through of a D.C. apartment Kahlil Tatum, the now-deceased suspect in the disappearance of Relisha Rudd, sublet to someone else on Wednesday morning. The apartment is located in the 3500 block of Hayes St NE. Marshals eviction detail entered the apartment and found nothing. "He was scheduled for eviction today. We arrived, we went through his house, there was no property in the house so it was an easy walk-through. We found zero," said David Neuman with the U.S. Marshals. "There were a few boxes that had no property in it but other than that it was completely empty. Our understanding is that the police have already searched the facility."
Source: http://www.wusa9.com/story/news/local/2014/04/09/kahlil-tatum-dc-eviction-relisha-rudd/7502837

It could take several hours to empty out an apartment full of bags and dispose of them in a dumpster. The Hayes St address backs up directly with Kenilworth Park.


And is there anywhere that he may have buried her that would be close enough to this apartment location that would still, even if falsely, indicate the park, that has not been searched?

It would be really helpful to know how LE knows he was in the park that day. A Witness(s) would make it certain. Cell phone activity might leave some wiggle room as to exactly where in the park and would that then include the area that backs up to the apartment complex?

The purchase of lime has been discussed in depth way up-thread. It will not speed up the decomp process, but will actually preserve the body. It can help mask the smell of decomp though. I guess in that sense it could have been used even if she was put in a dumpster.

There is also the weather on that day. It was on average only 42 degrees and it had snowed about 0.10 inches. Locals have said that the ground was still really hard (although it may not have been technically fully frozen).

I just really don't want to give up hope in finding her. Upsetting as it is to think that the best we may be able to look forward to is finding a body, it would still be better than not ever finding anything at all and left to wonder.
Dear God, I just can't ....
The littliest hero. I hope that his sister can focus on the love he showed for her. My child works for an agency that works within the school where Marty and his sister are enrolled. Everyone at Redd Elementary is devastated.
I have always wondered if he was actually seen walking into that park with a big contractor bag? I know Relisha is only 8 and she seemed pretty average, if not a bit danty for her age, but don't you think he would of either had to drag the bag or have it slung over his shoulder? (hate writing that) I would think that would draw some attention. I suppose it would also depend on when he went in there if anyone was around to witness this. I just wonder what makes LE so sure he put her in a dumpster as opposed to burying her? I know they searched pretty good, but it could of been missed. :moo:

Still praying for you sweet girl.....come home!! :please:
Not trying in anyway to give false hope that this poor child may not have ended up in a VA landfill, but...based on these three news articles below:

March 28th
On March 2, Lanier said Tatum, 51, purchased a carton of 43-gallon self-tying black trash bags, and later was in the area of the aquatic gardens in Kenilworth Park for a period of time.
Source: http://www.myfoxdc.com/story/250977...nues-at-dc-park - ixzz2xInD5J8m#axzz2xrDJZXUn
March 28
The next day, Tatum bought contractor-sized trash bags and spent considerable time in Kenilworth Park and Aquatic Gardens, police said. Sources tell News4 Tatum also purchased a shovel and lime, which can be used to speed up the decomposition of bodies.
Source: http://www.nbcwashington.com/news/l...irl-Relisha-Rudd-Criminal-Past-252328821.html
April 9
Lanier still holds out hope that the child is alive but admits getting such a late start on the search frustrates her. And when police determined the timing of the purchase of trash bags by Tatum and the fact that he spent time at Kenilworth Park made them very concerned.
Source: http://www.wusa9.com/story/news/local/dc/2014/04/09/relisha-rudd-mother-interview/7532971/

KLT was said to have spent several hours in Kenilworth Park. It does not take several hours to put a bag in a dumpster. .

I also think that the even though the "shovel and lime" has not been confirmed by LE, they had to have more than just the fact that he purchased self-tying garbage bags and he spent time at the park to start such a massive ground search. The pure fact that LE started that ground search tells me that they didn't think she was put in a dumpster either.

April 9
The U.S. Marshals conducted a walk-through of a D.C. apartment Kahlil Tatum, the now-deceased suspect in the disappearance of Relisha Rudd, sublet to someone else on Wednesday morning. The apartment is located in the 3500 block of Hayes St NE. Marshals eviction detail entered the apartment and found nothing. "He was scheduled for eviction today. We arrived, we went through his house, there was no property in the house so it was an easy walk-through. We found zero," said David Neuman with the U.S. Marshals. "There were a few boxes that had no property in it but other than that it was completely empty. Our understanding is that the police have already searched the facility."
Source: http://www.wusa9.com/story/news/local/2014/04/09/kahlil-tatum-dc-eviction-relisha-rudd/7502837

It could take several hours to empty out an apartment full of bags and dispose of them in a dumpster. The Hayes St address backs up directly with Kenilworth Park.


And is there anywhere that he may have buried her that would be close enough to this apartment location that would still, even if falsely, indicate the park, that has not been searched?

It would be really helpful to know how LE knows he was in the park that day. A Witness(s) would make it certain. Cell phone activity might leave some wiggle room as to exactly where in the park and would that then include the area that backs up to the apartment complex?

The purchase of lime has been discussed in depth way up-thread. It will not speed up the decomp process, but will actually preserve the body. It can help mask the smell of decomp though. I guess in that sense it could have been used even if she was put in a dumpster.

There is also the weather on that day. It was on average only 42 degrees and it had snowed about 0.10 inches. Locals have said that the ground was still really hard (although it may not have been technically fully frozen).

I just really don't want to give up hope in finding her. Upsetting as it is to think that the best we may be able to look forward to is finding a body, it would still be better than not ever finding anything at all and left to wonder.

Please use this --> https://www.dccourts.gov/cco/maincase.jsf
and type in Kahlil Tatum, check box then search details..

April 9, was NOT the eviction date for (3500 Hayes) February 4, was. Case from December 18, it does not take 4 months for an eviction. Chief Lanier' and US Marshall's DROPPED the ball on this. I first searched info on Relsiha's case when Relsiha' was never returned I started on March 28, I seen were KT's other residences where searched but NEVER seen where they searched (3500 Hayes) So I contacted the number and spoke to police April 1, and another friend contacted a detective April 2, also...
Please use this --> https://www.dccourts.gov/cco/maincase.jsf
and type in Kahlil Tatum, check box then search details..

April 9, was NOT the eviction date for (3500 Hayes) February 4, was. Case from December 18, it does not take 4 months for an eviction. Chief Lanier' and US Marshall's DROPPED the ball on this. I first searched info on Relsiha's case when Relsiha' was never returned I started on March 28, I seen were KT's other residences where searched but NEVER seen where they searched (3500 Hayes) So I contacted the number and spoke to police April 1, and another friend contacted a detective April 2, also...

Actually, Feb 4 was the date the writ was filed in the Landlords and Tenants Courts. Scheduling of the actual eviction is then done by the Marshals and has to be within 75 days. So if the Marshal’s are saying the eviction date was April 9 that is because that is the day set by them to actually physically show up and remove property.

Writs are filed in Landlord and Tenants Court (L&T). The L&T office then forwards the writ to the U.S. Marshals' office for scheduling of the actual eviction. Issued Writs have a life of 75 calendar days.
Source: http://www.usmarshals.gov/district/dc-sc/general/evictions.htm

Since Tatum did not show up for the hearing on Jan 14 and he obliviously did not do anything to follow steps provided in the Notice to Tenant of Payment Required to avoid eviction sent out on Jan 29, he would have been able to figure on having, at minimum of one week for a writ to be filed from the date of that notice. Then the standard 75 day countdown would start. Tatum would have had to clear anything out within a week, maybe two, if he wanted to make sure that they did not find anything incriminating.
Unless Tatum had knowledge about what dates the Marshals would be in the area of that apartment, since all evictions are scheduled based on grouping writ locations together according to the webpage on evictions, or if they consistently took a certain amount of time to always execute all evictions, then he would have known he had a lot more time.

Good catch that location did not have a search warrant issued on it from DC LE . :clap:

Something we have never heard or seen anything about is the sub-lease detail. The question is open as to whether it was a legitimate sub-let or not.
There is no dumpster in my version of events at this point.
Relisha is alive somewhere waiting to be found until proven otherwise.
The FBI is offering $25,000 for information leading to finding Relisha Rudd

A District of Columbia resident, who asked not to be identified, said many District of Columbia residents are afraid of helping the FBI find Relisha Rudd because they are afraid of being labeled a snitch. When asked why this mentality exists the resident said that there was a history of being afraid of the FBI because of reports of surveillance and probing into the lives of private citizens dating back to the Black Power Movement and the Counter Intelligence program by the FBI.

If you have information that can help the FBI find Relisha Rudd call the FBI at 202-278-2000.

Actually, Feb 4 was the date the writ was filed in the Landlords and Tenants Courts. Scheduling of the actual eviction is then done by the Marshals and has to be within 75 days. So if the Marshal’s are saying the eviction date was April 9 that is because that is the day set by them to actually physically show up and remove property.

Writs are filed in Landlord and Tenants Court (L&T). The L&T office then forwards the writ to the U.S. Marshals' office for scheduling of the actual eviction. Issued Writs have a life of 75 calendar days.
Source: http://www.usmarshals.gov/district/dc-sc/general/evictions.htm

Since Tatum did not show up for the hearing on Jan 14 and he obliviously did not do anything to follow steps provided in the Notice to Tenant of Payment Required to avoid eviction sent out on Jan 29, he would have been able to figure on having, at minimum of one week for a writ to be filed from the date of that notice. Then the standard 75 day countdown would start. Tatum would have had to clear anything out within a week, maybe two, if he wanted to make sure that they did not find anything incriminating.
Unless Tatum had knowledge about what dates the Marshals would be in the area of that apartment, since all evictions are scheduled based on grouping writ locations together according to the webpage on evictions, or if they consistently took a certain amount of time to always execute all evictions, then he would have known he had a lot more time.

Good catch that location did not have a search warrant issued on it from DC LE . :clap:

Something we have never heard or seen anything about is the sub-lease detail. The question is open as to whether it was a legitimate sub-let or not.

In my apt. complex Marshall's car is around at least once a week, if not twice. Management wants tenants in or out, they want that money.

So when The Marshall says on this interview http://www.wusa9.com/story/news/local/2014/04/09/kahlil-tatum-dc-eviction-relisha-rudd/7502837 - he
believes police had checked facility before he is incorrect, correct?

So it's possible that (3500 Hayes) could have been searched while Tatum' was still alive and not 9/10/11 days after his death? These are MPD very own court records.
There is no dumpster in my version of events at this point.
Relisha is alive somewhere waiting to be found until proven otherwise.

I'm with you Schmae! :loveyou:
Can someone remind me of the approximate time KT was seen in the park on March 2? TIA
This also would mean while Police were searching Kenilworth Park across the street from (3500 Hayes) since (scheduled eviction wasn't until April 9,) that KT' could have still had keys too that place and been hiding in there.

Forgive me I not once but twice spelled <3 Relisha's <3 name wrong above, glasses on now :) Sorry ..
Can someone remind me of the approximate time KT was seen in the park on March 2? TIA

iirc the only thing we have heard is that it was sometime after the Home Depot purchases.
Will D.C. justice be served &#8212; or avoided again?

Similarly, why had Kahlil and Andrea Tatum gone to a motel in Oxon Hill, where Andrea&#8217;s body was later discovered? What led D.C. police to that location?

In response to that last question, D.C. police communications director Gwendolyn Crump wrote in an e-mail: &#8220;We were following up on leads in an attempt to locate Kahlil Tatum, during our search for Relisha Rudd.&#8221; We&#8217;re still left in the dark.


This is a WP opinion piece on 2 cases. Thought it was worth noting that MPD doesn't know why TK and party went to the RRI.
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