DC DC - Relisha Tenau Rudd, 8, SE DC, 26 Feb 2014 - #8

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I can tell by the number of today's posts, there is something new to discuss.
Find Relisha !!!

Can someone give me the important new info in a link ? :p TIA
Good catch.

I re-watched the videos.

Unfortunately I don't remember the videos as well as what I read. The only video of people from the apartment building I remember is the one with the older man in it. Maybe the news station, since you now have at least one of the correct videos identified would be able to double check for you.

Interesting that she mentioned "the truck". That would provide LE with a starting location that maybe they could find street cameras that they could follow his movements and find other places that he may have gone during that time period. At this point, IMO, anything that would provide information as to his movements would be beneficial. Plus it would be interesting to know if that person changed what she said.

So many of these videos are no longer on the news sites, but seeing that one with AW reminded me of another video I remember seeing.

I have been trying to find one that showed the RRI with the crime scene tape and all of the police cars. AW was in the parking lot and a few LE were basically holding him back from getting closer. I remember seeing it as this story was unfolding, and of course at the time did not know who AW was. I then later saw a picture of AW and realized that was the man I (at least think) saw while they were covering the murder of Tatum's wife.
It seem odd to me as to why he would have been at the RRI when LE was there. How did he get there? And why? Unless LE took him there. I now can't find that video to confirm whether what I remember is actually accurate.

BBM. I remember that video too, shadow. I didn't see it until AFTER I already knew who AW was, and remember thinking, why is HE there? (I have to add IMO here, because the guy looked liked AW to me, but maybe it wasn't ?? But, iirc, didn't he speak to the press that night?)

My initial thought was that LE took him there, but following today's posts, it's possible that SY might have sent him there ?? Wow! I'll have to catch up when I get home.
I remember this. IIRC, AW said on KW radio show that MYT told him Relisha was at the Red Roof Inn, when AKT was found dead, and AW went there to find out what was going on, and AW said something about being told Relisha was taken to a police station to be questioned. I'm not sure who AW said told him Relisha was at police station, LE or MYT, I'm not sure who AW said told him Relisha was being questioned at police station, LE or MYT. I remember being confused as to why LE would tell AW that Relisha was being questioned, wondering if I heard this right, but then I figured that AW was acting like a jerk, and LE told him this just to [modsnip] with him. GT also said something about AW being arrested because of the way he was acting when he showed up at Red Roof Inn.

I think LE was tired of these people, SY, AW, AY, MYT and GT lying. However, If what AW said about MYT is true, then I'd love to know why MYT told AW this, sounds like she was setting AW up, if this is true.

Am I crazy, or does anyone else remember AW and GT saying this on the radio shows??

Just re-read this post...I vaguely remember this..doesn't help that I"m usually doing 5 things at once while listening to the show, lol, I don't remember the exact conversations...

Will need to re-listen to those shows - most are still available on the BTR site, (under "On-Demand Episodes"), about 17 or 18 episodes, going back 3 weeks.
I remember this. IIRC, AW said on KW radio show that MYT told him Relisha was at the Red Roof Inn, when AKT was found dead, and AW went there to find out what was going on, and AW said something about being told Relisha was taken to a police station to be questioned. I'm not sure who AW said told him Relisha was at police station, LE or MYT, I'm not sure who AW said told him Relisha was being questioned at police station, LE or MYT. I remember being confused as to why LE would tell AW that Relisha was being questioned, wondering if I heard this right, but then I figured that AW was acting like a jerk, and LE told him this just to [modsnip] with him. GT also said something about AW being arrested because of the way he was acting when he showed up at Red Roof Inn.

I think LE was tired of these people, SY, AW, AY, MYT and GT lying. However, If what AW said about MYT is true, then I'd love to know why MYT told AW this, sounds like she was setting AW up, if this is true.

Am I crazy, or does anyone else remember AW and GT saying this on the radio shows??

:waitasec: No your not. I also remember GT talking about AW being arrested for how he was acting, but I just don't remember anything else, such as where he was arrested.

:eek:hdear: Just great, now I'm going to have to listen to those dang shows again. :cursing:
Oh my word. I am going to try to find these videos. IMHO this is huge if AW was sent to the RRI by MYT.

From the beginning, when I saw AW crying on the videos I had a gut feeling he was actually concerned for Relisha and actually cared about her. I got a little flack for it, someone claimed it was crocodile tears but hey...I can't ignore my gut.

ETA: I searched high and low and cannot find the interviews with the neighbor or any footage of AW near the RRI. Stumped.[/QUOTE]

Neither can I. And it driving me :nuts: I know that I saw them.
Coffee's rolling and I'm listening away... gonna be a long night!
I have asked if there is a show tonight and my post is pending approval.

Well, it got posted 24 minutes ago with no response.
He just posted, below yours... a special night starting at 8pm, celebrating 6 years on Blogtalk, it says they are talking about Relisha.
What was the group that searched the park in the beginning that had the dogs? Or was there an actual group there with official dogs?
What was the group that searched the park in the beginning that had the dogs? Or was there an actual group there with official dogs?

I recall seeing videos of the initial search in MSM in which it looked like police dogs were used.
What was the group that searched the park in the beginning that had the dogs? Or was there an actual group there with official dogs?

I believe that was the actual LE search which included MPD, FBI, and a couple of other local law enforcement agencies.
I recall seeing videos of the initial search in MSM in which it looked like police dogs were used.

I do believe they were police dogs. I remember Chief Lanier stating they had dogs out... including Sam the smelly bloodhound (her words).
Ugh, going back to the maps and looking at the dates just make me bring up more questions.

I need wine and Excedrin for this. Since I am out of both, I am going to call it a night and head to bed. Going to make some time this weekend to really look at all of the videos and interviews again.

Night all! :eek:fftobed:
***shiny bracelets***
***shiny bracelets***

Bring out the....
***shiny bracelets***
I have a question that may be upsetting for some (heck, it upsets me to think about it, too): Chief Lanier mentioned at one point that if Relisha had been killed and disposed of such that her body went to a landfill there would be no way to locate her body. Isn't there ANY technology other than dogs (whose noses I imagine would be overwhelmed with so many conflicting scents) to detect human remains in a landfill?

I know that if LE is able to narrow the likely disposal dumpster to a few different locations they can sometimes focus in on a given site at a landfill but otherwise....??

I apologize for the graphic nature of this question, I am just hoping that if the worst has come to pass poor little Relisha has a chance of being found a laid to rest.
I have a question that may be upsetting for some (heck, it upsets me to think about it, too): Chief Lanier mentioned at one point that if Relisha had been killed and disposed of such that her body went to a landfill there would be no way to locate her body. Isn't there ANY technology other than dogs (whose noses I imagine would be overwhelmed with so many conflicting scents) to detect human remains in a landfill?

I know that if LE is able to narrow the likely disposal dumpster to a few different locations they can sometimes focus in on a given site at a landfill but otherwise....??

I apologize for the graphic nature of this question, I am just hoping that if the worst has come to pass poor little Relisha has a chance of being found a laid to rest.

I was curious about this as well.

The consensus seems to be that a very well trained dog could detect it but that there are many problems associated with landfills. The safety of the dog and handler for one. The frustration from the kinds of distracting scents that such a site would have for another. Comments from handlers indicate that the possibility of success is minimal while the possibility of problems arising is much higher. Although the "articles" were really interesting, I found the anecdotal comments really caught my attention, so I may well have missed important points as I skimmed through.




I believe that there are posters who handle these amazing dogs, and hope that some of them will respond to your questions.
I was curious about this as well.

The consensus seems to be that a very well trained dog could detect it but that there are many problems associated with landfills. The safety of the dog and handler for one. The frustration from the kinds of distracting scents that such a site would have for another. Comments from handlers indicate that the possibility of success is minimal while the possibility of problems arising is much higher. Although the "articles" were really interesting, I found the anecdotal comments really caught my attention, so I may well have missed important points as I skimmed through.




I believe that there are posters who handle these amazing dogs, and hope that some of them will respond to your questions.

Dear wendiesan, I do know there are some amazing SRD and HRD handlers here on WS (I first encountered them when I came to WS for the Lisa Irwin case)!

I guess in this case, in which Relisha wasn't even reported missing for so long after she actually was, I wondered how, if there was no way to pinpoint the dump site/date for a potential disposal site if there is any technology other than dogs that could be brought to bear.

I may be silly, but I wouldn't want to put a dog into a position of going into a landfill for a huge metro area like DC and saying, 'find the human remains!' I do realize of course that it wouldn't be done like that, but it seems to me that it would be overwhelming for a dog, all those conflicting scents and no specific place to start.
Yes, I see what you're saying. In fact, we are only guessing that she's in DC still. My first thoughts were that she had been trafficked, and so could be long gone from the state.

If she had been reported missing sooner, there'd be a better chance at narrowing the sections of landfill in which her body (if she was killed) might have arrived. I can only imagine how much garbage is dumped in a landfill every 24 hours. It would be a Herculean task for a dog and a handler to try to find her under such a crush of debris. However, if she was buried in the park, from what I've read, chances are that a dog could find her.

Obviously I'm tired because now I keep thinking of the dogs that were trying so hard to rescue people after 9/11. Since I'm digressing, and crying about both Relisha and the dogs, I think I'd better call it a night.
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