DC - Savvas Savopoulos, family & Veralicia Figueroa murdered; Daron Wint Arrested #10

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Questions I have:

What was JW doing between the time he got the money (9 a.m.?) and when it was delivered (10:30??)
Would it take 90 minutes to drive from the bank to SS's house?
What kind of car did JW drive to deliver the money?
Did he drive that same car to Lowe's and the dojo?

90 minutes seems like a long time, even for DC traffic. Google maps lets you look up typical traffic times for routes, and it says in rush hour leaving the bank at 9am it would take 26-45 minutes to get to the house. Maybe there was an accident or something that slowed it down? IDK. I could see it taking 45-60 minutes though, which isn't that off from 90 minutes, but still leaves a little bit of time unaccounted for. Maybe they didn't leave the bank right at 9, maybe he didn't text right away, etc. etc.
LE didn't put out his name. He is called W1.

Ok, IMO... LE releasing the SW's with JW's name in it is putting his name out there. Yes, Chief Lanier didn't call his name at a press conference but once the SW hit the media, his name is out there. Not just W1. Thanks.
Wow, you raise a very good point. I think he switched cars and was driving the Porsche at some point during the day. If JW's car was parked inside the area that police cordoned off to traffic, that would mean the car was there BEFORE the fire trucks arrived. That could be why they so quickly became suspicious. Hmmmm.....


I've posted this before but I'll repeat. I was there several hours later so I know you could park a block away. The streets were blocked off about a block in each direction but beyond the blockade there was room to park. Especially before the TV vans showed up, and they would not have been there at the time he arrived. I thought it was pretty clear that he got a call about the fire and drove over. Parked a block away and then probably approached a cop or firefighter. Nothing suspicious about that. Any neighbor upon seeing the fire would have called AIW. Everyone knew it was where SS worked. If I saw a neighbor's house on fire in the middle of the day, I would try to reach them at work.

The lie doesn't convince me of JW's involvement. As I wrote before, he might have thought there was something about the way SS used cash that he shouldn't share. Remember, they didn't identify SS as a victim until the next day. I can tell you from my conversations with reporters who were there that there was a lot of confusion about who the victims were. I was told by one that LE told her that SS was not there, that the man who was found was an employee. In retrospect I believe LE knew immediately who the victims were and that this reporter was just wrong, but they were keeping the information very, very close. No family had been notified at that point either. So JW had no reason to assume SS was in there. As far as he knew, he was still SS' employee.

The fact that JW was investigated on that first day, before they had any other suspect, is also not persuasive to me.

The only reason I'm tiptoeing off the fence is the buzz being generated now. Why are they releasing these particular documents? Why is the Post reporting the suspicions? There is more to this and we don't know what that is.
DW worked for AIW in the past.
So unless SS didn't remember him, then SS knew him.
I 'm thinking we can't assume that SS "knew" every single person that worked there? Maybe he did since he was said to be that kind of a boss however it is quite possible, as you mention, that he did NOT remember him and DW may have looked completely different after that period of time. Did DW make sure he DID know who he was at some point? Just a thought.
Even if SS did or not remember him, the crime seems so cruelly ,tauntingly, viciously personal to me; why it might possibly have been so I HAVE NO CLUE. All of it is beyond my comprehension.
I think that is very possible. Permits are needed to park on those streets.

There was room for the firetrucks on the street and no way would they wait for cars to be towed while fighting a fire. I also think they wouldn't care about permits in the aftermath of this crime, they had bigger fish to fry.
So you think the people that were with Wint and who took the blood money have been cleared since they're still walking free?

They have been looking at JW much longer than they have known about these others. JMO They have his cell ping map and the video from the hardware store and the interviews with co workers at the Dojo. So if he was lying about his whereabouts that day, they'd know that already. They searched his car and probably his home and went through all his communications in the previous weeks.

Maybe he is guilty, but if so, he is very good at hiding evidence.
Wolf Blitzer just went over what we already knew. Expert just raised his eyebrows lol on why the car was "found" a few blocks away. Commercial break.
I 'm thinking we can't assume that SS "knew" every single person that worked there? Maybe he did since he was said to be that kind of a boss however it is quite possible, as you mention, that he did NOT remember him and DW may have looked completely different after that period of time. Did DW make sure he DID know who he was at some point? Just a thought.
Even if SS did or not remember him, the crime seems so cruelly ,tauntingly, viciously personal to me; why it might possibly have been so I HAVE NO CLUE. All of it is beyond my comprehension.

I was thinking the same thing but I am not sure how many employees AIW has... I'm just tired of the back and forth so decided against it lol
I realize you eliminated the part where it says they recovered the car on May 14th but I did in fact confirm this with a reporter before this SW was released and we only had the info on it. LE had his car on the 14th.


I see that now. I hadn't read the whole CDoc at that point, but edited my other posts to reflect the additional information.
POST: And, in the Petit case, IIRC, one of the perps followed one of the victims home. Does that make it "random" or "targeted"??

I think the OP, Fred, who stated that perps had no inside info meant that in that case, the perps had no inside link to the household, and did not know anything about its security or routine except what was visible through a brief casing of the outside. I don't think the OP refutes that the family was targeted.

Now we truly do not know if this horrendous crime involves more than superficial casing, whether an hour or two before, a day before, or minutes before. LE originally suggested, as did NG, that the perpetrator/s had "inside" info, that there was a link to someone within the company. We could have been misled. I believe it was a DC prosecutor who stated that there was a "link" and implied a deeper knowledge of the household and the business than would be attained through lusting after and following female members to the house that they had first encountered at a supermarket or mall shopping center and then noticing a window was ajar planned to return that night.
I don't think we will ever know for sure in that case. I believe JMO that the two cretinous perps covered up the fact that they went to the house in part to rape and terrorize the women by saying the plan only included getting money and one or the other of them urged his accomplice on to the mayhem and murder.
I don't think we yet know with any certainty what LE's current theory is about HOW/why SS household targeted or what evidence they have ever had, if any, to suggest "inside" knowledge or a longer-term observation of house routines.

There is planning over the longer term and then there is trolling for victims and following them home, disabling the male in the house and letting things unfold from there.

Neither cases, truly, fit the description of totally random as in a perp is in the hood and tries the doors until he finds someone's unlocked with no prior knowledge of his/her victims. In a random case, any house that potentially offers what the perp fancies will do--could be a single woman, a child, a family with valuables, or just a darkened house that offers "potential." Earlier on in his hideous career, one of the Petit perps liked to enter random houses in the dark when people were preferably home and enjoyed iirc watching them sleep as he burgled them. Forget if he had infar-red or flashlight. But this experience alone thrilled him, not so much the trinkets he would nick.
I see definite similarities between the Petit crime and this one. We tend to assume the main lure here was money. LE said "partly money" or words to that effect. In both cases, fire. In both cases, a child. In the Petit case though the perps were readily apprehended and there was no suspicion of Mr. Petit or his wife's position/company being linked to the crimes.
Mr. Petit though did not have numerous employees, huge wealth, was not a CEO, had never employed a violent criminal and his cousin.
I should add, as well, that in the Petit case, only immediate victims and bank involved--no flurry of phone calls, pick uppers and deliverers, company personnel, house cleaners at the scene, incoming and outgoing phone texts and msgs. JMO this case is more complicated because of its various "players," as well as the fact that one of the suspects has already been linked to the company and been discovered in a convoy with others who at least had knowledge of the money, though perhaps not where it came from.

I just posted about my conversation with a reporter at the scene several hours later that the 4th victim was not SS but an employee. Once SS was identified I just assumed the reporter was wrong, heard wrong, or put too much credit on the information, but maybe they initially did not think SS was the victim. He was probably dressed very casually, had been working on getting the dojo up to speed. I shudder to think how recognizable his face was. In that light, the conversation between LE and JW seems very different. But I do believe they knew it was SS by the time they got those warrants.
The CNN talking heads are pretty positive that JW is going to be arrested soon.
Questions I have:

What was JW doing between the time he got the money (9 a.m.?) and when it was delivered (10:30??)
Would it take 90 minutes to drive from the bank to SS's house?
What kind of car did JW drive to deliver the money?
Did he drive that same car to Lowe's and the dojo?

He received the money shortly after 9am
He took a pic and texted a bit with his gf shortly after that
He drove the hour ish to SS house, calling about 10:15 bcse
At 10:26 he texted SS that the delivery had been completed
Seems he was in his own green BMW
Apparently he drove that car to dojo and Lowes and returned to SS home after learning of the fire, parking a block away bcse of police/fire barricades
The CNN talking heads are pretty positive that JW is going to be arrested soon.

Based on what? I haven't heard anything convincing. there seems to be a feedback loop of the media talking themselves into this.
90 minutes seems like a long time, even for DC traffic. Google maps lets you look up typical traffic times for routes, and it says in rush hour leaving the bank at 9am it would take 26-45 minutes to get to the house. Maybe there was an accident or something that slowed it down? IDK. I could see it taking 45-60 minutes though, which isn't that off from 90 minutes, but still leaves a little bit of time unaccounted for. Maybe they didn't leave the bank right at 9, maybe he didn't text right away, etc. etc.

But it did not take 90 minutes to make the drive. That was the total amount of time between the two texts. The second was made AFTER he completed the drop. That was probably 10 or 15 minutes by itself to do.
Based on what? I haven't heard anything convincing. there seems to be a feedback loop of the media talking themselves into this.

They are two retired detectives. They seem to think that the way the media has been given recent leaks, which look incriminating, were designed by LE to put the pressure on JW, make his nervous. They said that often, Le does not immediately arrrest a prime suspect, because then the interview opportunities would cease. And that they gain more by keeping him free, and bringing him in for more interviews, as the press closes in on him. I think they were saying, essentially, that LE thinks JW gave DW the address and some info, and was involved in the planning, but they have no evidence to prove that yet.
JMO, I think in the first couple of days they were very focused on JW, as would be expected. I think as the investigation went on and they found the DNA on the pizza the focus more than likely changed a little. Everything we have seen the last few day's (the search warrants etc. are all concerning the first few days). We have heard nothing new really about the investigation after that. I would imagine there have been many, many search warrants issued since then that we know nothing about and that have nothing to do with JW. We need to remember that at the time they were questioning JW they probably thought they had their man, as they knew nothing about DW at that time. I am patiently awaiting the rest of the search warrants. It has been 3 weeks or so and the police have not said one thing about JW, not one single thing. Actually they really havent said much about anybody. The last thing I remember them talking about was the people in the cars with DW. Why are we not trying to figure them out. Seems they obviously have alot to do with this. at least after the fact. I'm also wondering why we are not focusing at all on DW's cousin and brother, especially the cousin who also worked for the company. ???

BBM I am waiting patiently with you! I thought that they would be charged with "aiding and abetting" and I would think those people in D.W.'s entourage would have heard from D.W. whether or not he had accomplices - or even if it was them! I am expecting arrests of them and some plea bargaining in exchange for information from them on what actually happened. JMO Also, the girlfriend of D.W. who was initially reported in the media said that he told her that he was turning himself in - if this is in fact true then I would imagine she was told something by D.W.? Would she not have been charged as well with withholding information? Just my thoughts. I certainly want the police to cross every "t" and dot every "i" so that the charges are not dropped due to technicalities. I am hoping (and being patient) that this is the case. JMO
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