DC - Savvas Savopoulos, family & Veralicia Figueroa murdered; Daron Wint Arrested #12

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:) What I really suspect is he had/has a personality disorder. I say that because it appears to be his history. AIW he was fired because he couldn't get along with others. His own father took out a restraining order against him. Who was it said "he just doesn't listen."

You're right, he couldn't cut it and others are right he should have been deported long ago. I'll have to sit on my fingers for now about immigration policy's before I get silenced.


His step-mother said he wouldn't listen. A news story reported an AIW co-worker as saying he couldn't get along with anyone at work. As to immigration policy, I have always understood that a non-citizen charged with any violent offense, even if not convicted, and I mean threatening folks alone, would have to attend a hearing and be subject to deportation. He more than fit the bill. but I feel it important not to use DW as a poster-boy for the majority of immigrants, documented or undocumented. In his case, the justice system and immigration gave the man a pass way too many times. The laws are on the books. They were not applied as they should have been to him. JMO and no expert on immigration policy. Pretty sure green cards can be revoked.
However, JMO, we will find an American citizen in the mix, at least one.
Immigration status, gender, race, nationality, religious persuasion do not determine one's proclivity for criminal evil.
I am reminded of The Bad Seed.
Perhaps the others were in a different vehicle and the clean cut guy was chosen to destroy the Porsche since it was directly linked to the family. Maybe they were cocky enough to think the other vehicle would not be in the chain of discovery. No idea. Given the blood evidence, accerlerant used to ignite the fire, I feel more than one vehicle or mode of transportation was utilized IMO.
My bold. Yes!!! Why have the messy, dread-locked guy driving the Porsche? "Chosen." Good one. Means more than one to choose from. JMO
I'm hoping this will be like one of those gangland DEA drug raids--the gun tower and megaphone and door-busters; one fell swoop sees all the bad guys (and gals) frog-marched, coats over their misbegotten heads, never again to know the warmth of sunlight or any gentle touch. No more pizza parties unless it's last supper time.
Could the perp(s) enter the home through the doggie door?

When I was a young babysitter YEARS ago, I entered the house through a doggy door. I forget why. I was small at the time. Maybe the key did not work. I was with the kids. I definitely was not sneaking in the house! There was a legitimate reason. My point is I did fit through the doggy door. No doubt they have advanced in forty years. But, I do not have one despite having two 4 legged children. And two legged kids as well.
I know it's paranoid of me, but I'd close and lock those things at night.
Respectfully, the home at 3201 Woodland, is not located in Mass Heights, it is several blocks to the east in what the media has reported to be Woodley Park.



The neighborhood is actually called Woodland-Normanstone, but Woodley Park is a larger residential (and commercial) neighborhood nearby.
The house is absolutely 100% in Mass Ave Heights. I realize the media has been reporting it as Woodley Park but they are wrong. I think Woodley Park sounds better and oddly people haven't heard of Mass Ave Heights. I can't see the map you posted clearly but if you pull up a map of DC neighborhoods it will be clear. They lived in Mass Ave Heights. Period.

According to Wikipedia and others in the know:

Massachusetts Heights is a small neighborhood in Northwest Washington, DC, dominated by the grounds of the Washington National Cathedral.

The neighborhood is bounded to the north by Woodley Road, to the southwest by Massachusetts Avenue, to the east by 34th Street NW, and to the west by Wisconsin Avenue.

The only residential section of Massachusetts Heights is a small triangular wedge between Massachusetts Avenue and Garfield Street, just adjacent to Observatory Circle and the grounds of the Vice President's Residence. The remainder of the neighborhood is entirely occupied by the Cathedral and its affiliated properties, including St. Albans School.

Interesting that he is described as African American when he is neither from Africa or America.


He is not from the United States of America, but America can include North America, Central America and South America. I had a friend from central America when we were kids, and this used to drive her CRAZY! :)
BBM. Woodley Park is also where the train is located. Mass transit is often used by perps. Crime is the reason my village south of Chicago has refused to have a train station.


That's the same reason Georgetown blocked a metro station and it really hasn't helped them...
Okay, I know it's probably been theorized before on here but I can't find it. So, if there were others with DW that did this and the clean cut guy took the Porsche and burned it......why weren't there 2 people in the car? I mean, how did DW get out of there once the fire started? Did they take the Porsche because they were ultimately without a ride in the end? If you've never been in the Porsche, there's not a reason to burn it. It seems the only reason the Porsche was torched was because there was evidence in it. The only way there would be would be if SS was actually encountered at the dojo and someone was with him in the Porsche, right?

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Excellent questions. IIRC investigators thought the Porsche might have been driven Wednesday too. Would the Porsche have been used to haul away "stuff" and offloaded during the time seen on the road on Thurs. and found burning? Starting on Wed.? Either some valuables hauled or evidence they didn't think would burn? How DID DW get away if he was not driving the Porsche a great one.
The only way there would be would be if SS was actually encountered at the dojo and someone was with him in the Porsche, right?
My bold.
Not the only way but one way Porsche could contain serious evidence.
Who might have surprised him at dojo and driven him (in trunk?) to house? Or just driven him because that was his ride home, in which case some one already (at dojo, near, on road home) knows who.
Why has it never been mentioned how SS got home from dojo?
The legal subdivision per the DC tax record is Mass Ave Heights - partial view below. And ppl who live here in DC refer to it as Mass Ave Heights. No one who knows the neighborhood would ever refer to it as Woodley.
3201 WOODLAND DR NW, WASHINGTON, DC 20008-3548 Public Record
Legal Subdivision: Massachusetts Avenue Hei
Incorporated City:WASHINGTON DC

I'm not sure why it matters, but only 72 neighborhoods are listed in the tax records. Any smaller enclaves/neighborhoods like Woodland-Normanstone aren't available options. So, while it may be Mass Ave. Heights in tax records, it has its own neighborhood association.

Again from Wikipedia (BBM):

Woodland Normanstone

Neighborhood of Washington, D.C.
Land 0.331 sq mi (0.86 km2)

Woodland Normanstone is a small residential neighborhood in Northwest Washington, D.C., adjoining the larger neighborhoods of Woodley Park, Massachusetts Avenue Heights, and Observatory Circle.

The Woodland Normanstone neighborhood is bounded on by Garfield Street to the north, Cleveland Avenue and Calvert Street to the northeast, 28th Street to the east, Rock Creek Park to the southeast, Massachusetts Avenue to the southwest, and 34th Street to the west.[1] It is served by the Woodley Park Metro station on the Washington Metro Red Line.

Woodland Normanstone Neighborhood Association, established in 1989, represents the neighborhood.[2] There are no commercial businesses. It is a neighborhood of detached single-family homes.

Of the 160 houses in the neighborhood, 24 are residences for embassies.[1]
I am surprised by how often people mistake dreadlocks pulled back for short hair. I wouldn't have thought it possible without seeing photos of DW with his hair back and without knowing how confused the witness in the HG case was about the suspect's hair, but there it is. It is apparently easy to mistake pulled-back dreads for short hair. As to "well-groomed," that's subjective, so IDK.

I think the type of 'do to begin with makes a difference. Dreads like Marley could never be confused with well groomed when pulled back. No disrespect intended, love BM! But DW's style of cornrowed or braided against the scalp and long braids or dreads at the back and bottom could easily be mistaken when pulled back.

A variation of the Mullett. :D
BBM. He's not? How would he be able to work and apply for the Marines if he wasn't an American citizen?

You don't have to be an American citizen to work in the US or enlist in the Marines. You do have to be a citizen to be an officer. African-American does not have to mean African-United States of America or even African-North American. It can cover people of African descent in any of the Americas.
The color of his skin makes him AA. That's just like if a person has a "drop" of AA blood they are considered "black"/AA in the United States.

Well, hello 1924.

That statement is simply not true. People self-identify as African-American. I have friends whose kids are fairer than mine, descended from Thomas Jefferson and Sally Hemings who identify as African-American. And JW (whose father self-identifies as African American and mother self-identifies as white) identifies himself as white. Race is a cultural construct. It is not determined by pigment, hair texture or facial characteristics, although some people like to categorize others using these physical attributes.

I wish everyone in America could take a "23 and Me" or similar genetic test so they could see how appearance is a crap-shoot played in a high speed blender, not a definitive expression of peoples' genetic backgrounds. We all descended from the same corner of the Earth, and differences in the physical expression of genes is the result of various paths taken from our original home, over thousands of years. The benefits of certain traits in various environments, which spread throughout local populations as long as they made survival more likely, gave rise to the spectacular array of skin tones, hair colors and bone structures we enjoy today. But due to the unpredictability of recessive and dominant genes and how they interact with one another, it is not possible to determine a person's genealogy from the color of his/her skin.
Signed up before 9/11/01 and left sometime in Sept. makes me wonder what made him just drop out. I'm sure they didn't go easy on him at that time, he looked fit to serve. You just don't drop out easily, it's a process.

I could never do it, but my sister is a Marine. She says it's the mental stamina that is most important (although I could also never carry a man on my back down an obstacle course - or at all.) Also, attitude is important. I don't think it's that hard to get dumped out of boot camp. Tons of people were released from my sister's class. The Marines don't want to waste time on people that they don't see making the grade, so they try to weed them out often and early. That's not to say that a few bad apples don't get through - they do. But I am not at all surprised that he didn't make it through Parris Island. JMO
I agree w/ you. I think there may be some off chance, though, that one of the people he was with when he was arrested was working with the police to turn him in? I mean possibly one of the people contacted police and tipped them off to where they were or where they'd be going...so DW wouldn't know that the person was turning him in...just a possibility, although I think pretty unlikely. Seems that the police tracked him through his phone. Although I can see why the police would cover up for a person who was cooperating to turn him in as that person might fear their safety when talking to police about a quadruple homicide suspect.

I think you're spot on! In fact, the police were awfully kind and gentle with one of the people they took into custody on the videos. I felt like they had to put him in cuffs (like an informant or undercover agent during a drug bust) but they were quite friendly with someone picked up with a quadruple torture-murderer.
Well, hello 1924.

That statement is simply not true. People self-identify as African-American. I have friends whose kids are fairer than mine, descended from Thomas Jefferson and Sally Hemings who identify as African-American. And JW (whose father self-identifies as African American and mother self-identifies as white) identifies himself as white. Race is a cultural construct. It is not determined by pigment, hair texture or facial characteristics, although some people like to categorize others using these physical attributes.

I wish everyone in America could take a "23 and Me" or similar genetic test so they could see how appearance is a crap-shoot played in a high speed blender, not a definitive expression of peoples' genetic backgrounds. We all descended from the same corner of the Earth, and differences in the physical expression of genes is the result of various paths taken from our original home, over thousands of years. The benefits of certain traits in various environments, which spread throughout local populations as long as they made survival more likely, gave rise to the spectacular array of skin tones, hair colors and bone structures we enjoy today. But due to the unpredictability of recessive and dominant genes and how they interact with one another, it is not possible to determine a person's genealogy from the color of his/her skin.

What you said. My husband is black, my son is mixed. My husband refers to himself as black.....not African American. His view is he's never been to Africa, was born here, served our country here and he's American. My son (at 14) really never talks about it ( but I will tomorrow...good discussions) and me.....I refer to them as my husband and my son. lol........

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I agree. I don't think this is something that anyone "missed". That neighbors, or employees, or friends/family or anyone else needs to have any weight on their shoulders that they could have done something to prevent this...or save the family. I hope none of them are holding onto any of that!!

This type of horrific, evil crime is just not...thank God!!...something that is forefront in anyone's mind. That being said, home invasions seem to be on the rise (and I don't know why?)

We can put all sorts of security measures in place, have plans (code words, etc) but sadly, bad things happen to good people. No one deserves to have this type of thing happen to them...but life needs to be lived. We don't live in bubbles - and I don't think most people, including this family, want to.

As with any other field, we see trends, advances as criminals try to lower risk of discovery and maximize rewards. Once they see how easy it is that a masked and armed group can enter a residence, one with several young and able men, and get them to comply while they make off with valuables, electronics, maybe drugs, they adopt the trend. No hassle with customers, better to follow restaurant owner home and then steal the take, no witnesses in a parking lot to call LE, and they have isolated the victims effectively. Works best if they know their targets so they can plan or have enough time to observe them. Recently, an armed group pushed into a college residence with six guys they forced to lie down on the floor. Six guys were not afraid to open the door even at 1 a.m. and six guys had plenty of toys, cash, credit cards.
I think in response to this trend, there will be a rush on alarm systems, loaded and easy to access guns, dogs trained as guard dogs, code words, panic rooms, and consultation with security companies to assess risk and advise on prevention.
But how to balance freedom, the need for a "normal life" with preparedness? Make it tougher on potential criminals to invade your kingdom, but have a plan in place for such an event and run some drills just like you would for a fire or an earthquake. JMO Life alert bracelets and pendants not a bad idea.
Question... do you all think that DW had done anything to the S's before the phone calls? The last time someone physically spoke to SS was Thursday morning. I'm guessing if DW hit him with a bat before then, he could not speak so clearly? Head wounds bleed ALOT. He would have been disoriented IMO. I think those poor people were alive until right before the fire.

I wonder what phone call was the last that was definitely SS. I'm not sure if Mrs. F's husband would know SS' voice, so it could have been someone else in the house.
I doubt there will be defensive wounds. Weren't they bound with duct tape to chairs?
Just hoping they struggled with him or them at some point and that some sweat or touch DNA was transferred to either their hands or their clothing.
If thats the case he wasn't carrying anything noticeable with him. I wonder if he arrived with others and left separately. And I continue to think the person in the video looks taller and lankier than DW.

Yes, the tall guy in the video is his brother. MOO is he was dropped off by an accomplice who came back later.
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