DC - Savvas Savopoulos, family & Veralicia Figueroa murdered; Daron Wint Arrested #14

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They hang on something, they don't just stick to the wall.
Right. Yeah. I knew that. Now what I don't know is how would LE know nothing missing from art collection early on other than the outline of a frame or an empty nail hole or just a nail sticking out of wall where I used to hang my Matisse? (Just kidding)
I'm interested to learn the final count on the large stack of cash found during the arrest. IMO the police do know JWs whereabouts on Wed night. They also know how much cash DW had...and JW has not been arrested. As Ms. Nancy Grace said on 20/20 "the proof is in the pudding"

The pudding is still in the oven (or stove top, depending on the type of pudding...) ;)
Good luck with that. Hope you don't mind if he digs into your background. :)

Ha!! I don't think he'd bother as he won't find anyone interested in it and he won't find anything interesting. And he'd be far from the first media person I have ever written to or the first blog I have ever made a controversial comment on.
I do suggest that a little WSer community perhaps the three who did the fine work do remind him in some form that they did that work.
And I am always on board for letter writing.
How the heck do you think Obama won in 2008? Ha ha.
Good point. And on the cars...and anything in the garage he wants to say he touched.
I do wonder just how much a part of the family he was--I don't mean i challenge that notion at all. I have the same impression you do, yet do not know why I do.
I go by their being FB friends, but I have never been in the houses of 99 percent of my FB friends. I think well, SS let him drive the cars. "Hey Ms. Amy," but he was a familiar type perhaps and that txt could have been a front. He coached his kid. But, I've tutored kids whose houses I have never visited.
I don't know what knowing more about JW's role in the family and degree of closeness to them might tell me.
I just wonder. Thoughts?

I concur with the fact that I have not been in the homes of most of my Facebook friends, but I know many people who are simply used to having people in and out of their homes and don't think twice about it, whether it be friends of their children or people hired to work in and around their house. I can see how JW could quickly be assimilated into their daily routine in and around their house without necessarily being considered "family." In fact, my former partner's parents lived very close to the S family and they rarely had their doors locked. The need for security seems obvious in hindsight, but in reality we're all prone to thinking "that could never happen to me" and remain very comfortable with our surroundings, despite not knowing what those around us are truly capable of.

A family member of mine recently hired a childhood friend's son to work for them and even after many months, he still refers to her as "Ms. *advertiser censored*." I don't think that is a very good indicator of how close he was with the family, as that's heavily dependent on how the person was raised and taught to treat elders or authoritative figures.

Until law enforcement releases more information to the public, everything is so speculative. There's no way of knowing who knew or did what. I would hope that they know more than they have released, based on how much time they spent collecting evidence from the house. DW has absolutely no incentive whatsoever to cooperate or expose any accomplices.
The pudding is still in the oven (or stove top, depending on the type of pudding...) ;)

But oh, pudding, pudding, bread pudding, chocolate, butterscotch, tapioca, vanilla, mousse....
Personally, even if SS told JW the night before, BUT the AIWs pulled out 40k from their pocket, I cannot believe he would have would have snapped a photo. and told LE conflicting stories. But the problem is the timing, possible ties in our retrospect, and the discrepancy between a bag and envelope w/I hours of the murder. Nervous or not. How does one snap a photo with half and then transport to an envelope? As far as I know, DW was not found with 40. Approximation, is glaring.

I honestly am hoping he is not involved. If it walks like a duck...etc. We still do not know where JW was on Wed night. Or., many posts later did I miss it?

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Yes. Sums it up.
Do we know? And if we don't is this for a reason that we don't?
As in, some things will be saved for later.
Did Mrs. NG say she though JW left Dojo about 3:30 pm?
I'll look it up.
I have reviewed everything I can find on the funeral news coverage and cannot answer the following question. Was JW at the funeral or reported to have attended?
Good luck with that. Hope you don't mind if he digs into your background. :)
Having read his comments to those who tried to correct him or ask him to report responsibly, IMO, he was viscious!
I have to go to bed. All of you amazing. WONDERFUL minds, articulate, etc.

What haunts me is this beautiful family were murdered. Brutally. By stupid people. Not that it would be easier if committed by accomplished people. The close proximity to neighborhood patrols. Alarm and cameras. Over 40k which we currently have proof. Not which has been found. We do not yet have proof re the art, foreign bank accounts, cars, etc. I am thinking all this torture and brutal suffering over less than a 100k? 20,000,000 would not be worth it in my mind. It makes me frightened . People are murdered over $20 bucks. I cannot think about it or I would not leave my house nor would let my family. Crazy has been around forever. The real crime is if I start not trusting anyone and they hijack my freedom.

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Having read his comments to those who tried to correct him or ask him to report responsibly, IMO, he was viscious!
Well, not my week to go there. One night when I'm sitting here with a glass of white.
How dare he? How dare he?
I'm not always this nice, ya know. I will make that bully cry.
I'm interested to learn the final count on the large stack of cash found during the arrest. IMO the police do know JWs whereabouts on Wed night. They also know how much cash DW had...and JW has not been arrested. As Ms. Nancy Grace said on 20/20 "the proof is in the pudding"

Just had to tell you -

I'm watching The Staircase documentary and Nancy Grace just said " I've said many, many times - there is no coincidence in criminal law". I'm going to save that to use again later...

Well, not my week to go there. One night when I'm sitting here with a glass of white.
How dare he? How dare he?
I'm not always this nice, ya know. I will make that bully cry.
I made a document last night. It has all the original posts re: the two 85th Ave addresses. Those date back to May 23, 2015. I also have a phone record of a 17 minute call to MPD around noon on May 25, 2015. Our efforts began no less than four days before he "broke this news."

I'd also add, the media released the tidbits about JW being looked at only days after the tip was called in... Mr NT, ugh!
"The Others" could be little green men, ninjas, or brownies and faeries or gang members. They told him it would be safe to go into the house and take whatever he wanted because the house would be empty with no one at home.

"They" set him up.

Tin foil hat. That would be seeing him in a different light. Poor pitiful Wint. Just an unwitting dupe. A babe in the woods who didn't know what was going to happen there.

I'm looking forward to what on earth could possibly be encouraging him about his case.
I'm not sure my curiosity about his firing rises to the level of speculation, but my gut tells me it would have to be pretty serious to fire the longest-serving employee at the franchise - one who had numerous high-profile responsibilities and was a company-sponsored race car/go cart driver. I personally think it could be an accumulation of lies, that made it impossible for management to know what was true/not. But it could have been theft or chronic tardiness (doubt the latter). I would like to know because it will help inform my understanding of JW's behavior and character. I can not stand liars - it's a big issue for me. I find it hard to believe someone conducts himself with integrity in the majority of his life, but the minute his new employer and family are brutally murdered, he can't put the truth together for LE if his life depended on it. I'm still trying to figure him out. If he's not involved, it might be even scarier, because it just shows that non-violent sociopaths are roaming undetected among us. That may be true, regardless, but I like my sociopaths superficially normal and harmless. :)


It's not just that I agree with you.
This whole post is well-composed. It articulates what I think the nagging unease about JW is and the hostility. Blithe lying at such a time!
I think you nutshell what it takes me pages to get at--we know so little, but what we know, at an intuitive level, tells us. As you say, we know people, of basic good character, will behave more consistently. You don't find lying about such an important situation and then going about most of life being a trustworthy good guy. People who have a code of honesty don't make such a big time violation of it.
Except sociopaths, not having a code, have nothing to violate.

Your take on the job, why he might have been fired, rings true for me.

He did not lie because he was nervous. He can't be the flustered type and any kind of a race-car racer.
I can talk all I want. Face to face with one, I will once again fail to spot. If I spot, a week later, face to face, I will fall for the story again. How could so and so have been so awful to poor X's dog? He may well be a tad sociopathic, but he really does love dogs.
Of course I am getting the story of how his room mate is abusing his dog because I really do love dogs.
As it turns out he threatened to have his room mate's dog put down if the roomie didn't
give him 300 dollars. True co-worker story and we all originally liked him so much. He'd been the rock, tireless, a life-saver, and wow, he made you feel good about yourself.

What the snake say? But you knew I was a snake when you picked me up.

In the spirit of teamwork and good sportsmanship:
I wrongly stated that Darrell W and JW were exactly the same age. I was going by info on the Tacoma Park Police website's article saying this brother of DDW was 25 in Dec 2011.... Suggesting his birth year was 1986.
Given the birth year on his court records, it looks like Darrell W is a year and five months older than JW. Based on the police blotter it seemed the difference was only five months.
If there was probable cause he'd be in jail. As for the grand jury sleuthing, they do not do that. Essentially, they do what the prosecutor wants them to do. And there's no reason to question the prosecutor in this case.
Humm, I served in a DC Grand Jury. One of our jobs was questioning witnesses. Some witnesses aren't even there for the GJ to vote on indictments, but only to investigate the crime, we had several of those. I personally asked questions that revealed new leads for the prosecution in a years old murder.

Also, jurors don't just do what the prosecutor wants them to do. Not if they're doing their job. Indicting some one is a really big deal, for the indicted.
I have to go to bed. All of you amazing. WONDERFUL minds, articulate, etc.

What haunts me is this beautiful family were murdered. Brutally. By stupid people. Not that it would be easier if committed by accomplished people. The close proximity to neighborhood patrols. Alarm and cameras. Over 40k which we currently have proof. Not which has been found. We do not yet have proof re the art, foreign bank accounts, cars, etc. I am thinking all this torture and brutal suffering over less than a 100k? 20,000,000 would not be worth it in my mind. It makes me frightened . People are murdered over $20 bucks. I cannot think about it or I would not leave my house nor would let my family. Crazy has been around forever. The real crime is if I start not trusting anyone and they hijack my freedom.

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I hear you Carolyn. Glad you said it. Many of us feeling so sad about the lovely lives and yes, frankly makes us feel less secure. No, we absolutely have to shut our minds off about it at a certain point. We will only be in for more details down the line. Our sleuthing is one way of dealing with these horrors. You are right: crazy has been around forever. And yet something this explosively horrible is still a rarity.
Good night. It's good to share the shock with others, so thanks for yr. post.
Just had to tell you -

I'm watching The Staircase documentary and Nancy Grace just said " I've said many, many times - there is no coincidence in criminal law". I'm going to save that to use again later...


I'm sorry. I love her. She makes me laugh and ya know she's got her moments. "No coincidence in criminal law." Oh, I can hear her saying it.
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