DC - Savvas Savopoulos, family & Veralicia Figueroa murdered; Daron Wint Arrested #16

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This is not a challenge by any means, but was it ever stated by anyone that SS knew that JW was fired? For some reason I would have assumed that JW would have fudged a little and told SS he left by his own choice (or by mutual decision with his boss at the autobahn ). And it seems like it's in the best interest of companies to keep things neutral when someone high-profije to the customers is not working out--like, you, know, when high-level executives leave top jobs to "explore other opportunities" or "to spend more time with their families." They don't want to expose themselves for having made a poor hiring decision and it is a little unprofessional to openly speak negatively about former employees unless there is really important reason to do so.

Would JW offered up that he got fired? Since SS already knew JW from the Autobahn and it seems like JW had formerly done some coaching of PS, would SS really spend time digging into JW's life and get references from the Autobahn in order to allow the young guy to do some odd jobs for him and drive him to events on occasion?

Anyway, long way of asking, is it for sure that SS knew that JW got fired?

That might lead to some tension if SS thought JW had left the Autobahn, then found out after the fact he was fired--or why he was fired.

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That is an excellent thought! If JW was only working Tuesdays and Fridays (when the car photos were taken) or part-time, whatever his schedule, SS could have thought JW was still working at Autobahn and working for him for extra money...
You raise a very good point. I remember reading that someone said JW wasn't really fired and left because he wasn't getting enough hours. That may well have been what he told SS. He may have asked for something to help him through until he obtained other employment. If JW was fired, he could collect unemployment and also earn money part-time as long as it didn't affect his unemployment. If SS paid him "off the books" that would be even better.


IMHO and I do not claim to have known them, but in all the things written about AS and SS is that the they were long time philanthropists.

As mentioned in this article :

Savvas and Amy Savopoulos actively participated in establishing American Institute of Welding, an*organization*offering a fresh start to people who have lost their jobs. The Greek-American philanthropist was always trying to help others and his charity work was mostly concentrated in Greece and the United States. - See more at: http://usa.greekreporter.com/2015/05/25/savvas-savopoulos-from-greece-to-d-c/#.dpuf

For instance ....they started the welding school to help those who did not have a.job learn a trade and get employment.

SS was above board and would not pay someone illegally which is what "off the books" means.

Respectfully my opinion.

All "off the books" means is that they were paid in cash. Without knowing the amount or frequency JW had been paid in that less than two months, it is impossible to say it was illegal. Even if it was illegal, I doubt the IRS will come after SS' estate.

I live in DC and this site has the most info, so unfortunately there isn't more info "on the ground".

Me too...I do wonder if the release of info, or 'tightness of letting go of info' is related to the SService, FBI, & DC involvement...and often wonder if the press has been told to back off...press has come off as slackers on this one, from My Point Of View. No reporter seems to have sunk his/her teeth into this murder case...
Nothing to prove that JW did or did not live with his dad full-time, part-time, visited at his dad's residence or never visited..

But if his parents lived within driving distance from each other and if JW and his dad weren't estranged, then it would seem likely that he at least went there on occasion. It could be the most bizarre coincidence of bizarre coincidences, but I also have to think it COULD mean that there is a POSSIBILITY that the young men crossed paths because their families lived next to each other. That certainly would not be bizarre or a stretch.

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What years are we talking about?
It seems that SS was in the same social circles as the CEO of the Autobahn. I would think they knew each other. SS had his own son preparing to be a go kart racer and SS was on the board of some racing federations. I would think that if JW had been fired for something criminal, the higher ups at the Autobahn would have warned SS when they saw he was bringing him into his personal space. That is just what I see from businesses I have been involved in.

Maybe, per Kammiemc, that's when SS found out JW had been fired.
Me too...I do wonder if the release of info, or 'tightness of letting go of info' is related to the SService, FBI, & DC involvement...and often wonder if the press has been told to back off...press has come off as slackers on this one, from My Point Of View. No reporter seems to have sunk his/her teeth into this murder case...

I do know from my own personal interaction with an Assistant U.S. Attorney that the Justice Department forbids even a public acknowledgement of a criminal investigation until the investigation is complete. He said, "I can't tell you what I know but I sure am a good listener." And he was. I think this is the reason the D.C. police chief took the lead in the early press conferences.

Is it your opinion JW is in jail?

IDK. He appears to be very impulsive and immature, so I find it unlikely that he would be able to go "cold turkey" on social media. Someone else suggested that he may be posting under a different profile. I keep meaning to check his known friends for "new friends" on FB... It's been two months and we've heard zip from JW. If he is uninvolved, LE should have gotten everything they need from him by now. Why hasn't he reappeared? This is a guy who needs a lot of attention.
Why would they seal it? They made a big deal about his lies and made that very public. Why do that and then arrest him secretly? IDK

IDK. I think they plan to release all the information that they're going to release, all at one time. We are pretty sure that someone we can't discuss is in custody, yet this information has not been released and is not available in the data base. Even if it's on another charge, we would usually be able to find info about it. If they'll keep this person's arrest warrant sealed, why not another person's?

Yikes, please, do you have a link to support that legal advice? I'm pretty sure it is illegal to pay someone "off the books" hence the description. It's been many years, but I worked for a CPA and this was an issue back in the mid '80s, and I'd bet it's the same today.

There are laws regarding taxes to be paid. Under $1,900 per year, it can be considered a contract worker vs employee and paid via 1099, but taxes are to be paid on that and the recipient is responsible for the employers' portion of taxes.

People do it all the time (not report income or paying someone cash) but that doesn't make it legal.

Oh my. I'm glad I am no longer in the US.

When I initially hired my wonderful housekeeper, I looked into what the record keeping requirements were and was absolutely in compliance for a casual housekeeper working very little. But I was quite young, single, and only needed someone to come in to dust and sweep while I travelled for work so that I didn't face a dusty home when I returned. Over time, I added a transportation stipend, and then if there were extra "if you have time" tasks, I'd tip her the next week if she'd found time. Her work may have evolved over the years in ways I possibly should give more consideration.

I find it much easier to keep track of these things here in Lilliputia where household workers are far more commonplace so there's a support infrastructure for their employ, and because now I look after Mr. Abroad's tidiness as well, and that's almost a full time job.
The property records say the SS house is 7828 sq. ft. If that's a mansion, then I live in a mansion (and I don't live in a mansion. I live in a 5-story townhouse). I think of a mansion as being the home on an estate. The S house is much bigger than the average DC home, but it's not even the biggest home in the neighborhood. This is their neighbor - I would consider this a mansion, but I don't know the square footage. https://www.facebook.com/pages/Aust...d-Avenue/461193620630887?sk=info&tab=overview

I think the point is not that it is the smallest but that the entire neighborhood is filled with mansions owned by the wealthy and the the rest of us reside in the next 'hood over. LOL
I never said he was truthful. I think he lies and exaggerates. Absolutely. I am just saying he is not at that same level as Mark Hacking, who lived a totally fraudulent life and told his pregnant wife he was accepted to medical school when he had not even graduated from college.

As for taking down the SM--that was a great idea imo. By keeping it up it just keeps up the interest in him. I think he knew his 'brand' was already demolished once the detectives called him a liar in the SWs. He is done as a racer and as a 'brand.' I think he knows that and is just trying to stay out of jail now, imo. And to stay out of the public eye which does not see him in a good light.

How does taking down his SM help him stay out of jail? Fortunately for him, the public doesn't get to decide who gets arrested. LE has to have evidence.

I think people have different thresholds that cause them to "break". For Hacking, it was his wife finding out he wasn't enrolled in med school. IF JW is involved, maybe his threshold is lower - losing the backing of Autobahn, not having money to participate in races he was excited about, finding out that SS wasn't going to be his fairy godmother, etc., etc. Also, IF JW was involved, he could have thought he was in for a burglary, not 4 torture murders.

Did he really think he could lie to LE and they would just let it slide? IF JW is not involved, it was his decision to give LE different stories that will cause the most long-lasting damage to his reputation. I can't wrap my head around it.
There are good cops and bad cops. We know nothing about JW's family so we can't make assumptions.

It's like making assumptions about PKs (preacher's kids). Always makes me think of "The shoemaker's children have no shoes." I'm not saying this is the case here, just that someone's parent's occupation does not necessarily define them. JMO
I agree. My credit reports show diff addresses for me. I don't want to go too much into it for fear of breaking TOS rules, but DW's dad DID say that DW lived with him. Dates make sense for the time that DW listed his residence to be his dad's. Could be a crazy coincidence. For me, I can't just assume it to be a crazy coincidence anymore than I can assume it to be proof that the two men were best friends.

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Wait! I missed that! When did JW's dad say JW lived with him? Do you have a link? TIA!
IDK. He appears to be very impulsive and immature, so I find it unlikely that he would be able to go "cold turkey" on social media. Someone else suggested that he may be posting under a different profile. I keep meaning to check his known friends for "new friends" on FB... It's been two months and we've heard zip from JW. If he is uninvolved, LE should have gotten everything they need from him by now. Why hasn't he reappeared? This is a guy who needs a lot of attention.

Early on I saw what I was certain was his new SM account. It had just been created and had only a few friends. It looked like his handiwork, for sure, and matched up with his interests. I got there on FB by looking at people who'd "liked" a profile that was discussed here on WS.
If there are others involved and in custody, wouldn't LE want to put the public at ease by announcing they have more killers or all of them in custody? They could do that without naming names.

Or make the announcement they now know DW acted alone and people don't have to worry that there are more animals roaming free that were related to this specific murder.

Anything either way. As far as I know, LE hasn't said anything recently that they're actively searching for others involved for this.

LE hasn't said ANYTHING (and it's making me crazy!!!) They haven't said they're looking for other perps. And they haven't said they have changed their mind, and they no longer think others were involved. AARRGGHHHH!!!

So, assuming your knowledge is correct that DW acted totally alone. Only DW was involved in the planning and execution of this crime. In terms of JW, just another victim who for some reason got flustered and lied about his actions, what happens to him if he is a witness? Does he have to do anything else? Does LE say, looks like all of your stories check out, so feel free to leave the country for a while? Do they ask him to stay put? Do they clear him publicly, even though they are under no obligation to? Do they protect him because they fear some of DW's friends who aren't in jail might want to make sure JW doesn't give any info on the events of that day?

Who takes care of JW after LE basically ruined his foreseeable future?

What happens to him?

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What information would DW's friends want JW to keep quiet, if JW isn't involved? I don't see how JW is in danger from anyone if he wasn't involved.

I don't believe LE ruined JW's reputation by reporting he had lied (more than once) in interviews. That's like saying it's Jill's fault that Bob got fired, because she reported him to HR for sexual harassment. Bob's actions got Bob fired. JMO
I know what you're saying and agree, but I was speaking specifically of this crime, that's why I added the qualifier. :)
But, people really do want to know if anybody involved in this crime exist, are they in custody, is the public safe from these people?
People always want to know the bad guys get caught. Nobody relaxes completely after something like this even if everybody gets caught or killed because we know it can happen again. There are no isolated crimes. If it happens once, it will happen again.
Curiosity, satisfaction that the bad guys are taken care of, one less evil piece of crap off the streets....
DW is in custody, but until we learn either way, people want to know.

Yes, absolutely the public wants to know about others involved in this crime.

If LE says: we think nobody else involved in this, and 6 mo or 2 yrs from now, turns out there were 2, 3, or + ppl involved & chg'ed, reflects negatively on LE.
? def atty pre-trial comments: "July 2015, LE said 'this' but now others involved."
If LE says: we've arrested 3 others, will public feel safer? Maybe, if arrested & in jail until trial.

I doubt LE is frequently in a win-in situation, whether making announcements or keeping mum. JM2cts, could be all wrong.
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