DC - Savvas Savopoulos, family & Veralicia Figueroa murdered; Daron Wint Arrested #16

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The fact that JW admitted he lied is no doubt recorded as part of his interrogation. He painted himself a liar and LE is not going to cut him any slack or use him as a witness because he has no credibility. He's done. He can stick a fork in it.


Some posters don't believe the basic premise that JW actually admitted lying to LE. Instead, they believe it could that that was just LE's inaccurate impression. I am not one of those posters, FYI!

I was just trying to step into the shoes of others and ask myself what I'd be wondering about JW now if I dismissed his lying and believed he didn't know anything and was 1000% uninvolved.
I don't recall the source of the claim but a media relations position is usually held by a college graduate in either marking communications or journalism and JW was neither. Doesn't sound like it worked out if he was let go after only a year, which probably has to do with the fact he wasn't qualified for the position in the first place.


JW was the first employee hired at Autobahn when it opened in 2013. I don't think the local franchise could afford to hire a media relations person with a degree in communications/journalism. JW was a good talker, so he was the person who talked to press when there was an Autobahn story. He also did public TV and radio interviews.

I believe it was Mike Weddell, a driver JW admired and talks to in one of his MOJO videos, who said JW left because he couldn't get enough hours.
I feel strongly about tips being tips and I don't think they should be taxed. I think they're like gifts and I'll continue to say thank you with cash. Shhh...don't tell the IRS. :D

Yes, in the U.S. the IRS wants its cut of everything, coming and going and in between with sales tax in most states. :(

The up side of this is that employees are better protected by being on the books. "Off the Books" doesn't mean being paid in cash, it means off the books as in the person being paid doesn't exist because there are no records of a person's existence or payment. The link below shows the much larger impact of someone being paid "off the books" and I just don't believe Savvos Savoupolos would do that to another human being, let alone risking himself or business. There are many excellent reasons for not going for the convenience and immediate gratification of cash under the table; in the long run it can hurt you.

I was wrong when I stated $1900/yr, it can be much higher, but it's broken down into quarters. It's possible JW qualified for 1099.


You were right the first time. In DC, if a household employee (not a contractor) makes $1900/year, the employer has to withhold social security and Medicare. If s/he makes over $1000 in any quarter, the employer has to pay federal unemployment tax.
Imo, SS would absolutely know that JW didn't work there anymore. Phillip was a big fan of the autobahn and was involved in kart racing. SS and PS would know if JW was not there.

Maybe, but PS and his family were spending a lot of time traveling to races all over the country this Spring. Given that Autobahn is a good drive from DC, it's unlikely PS was racing after school on weekdays. Might be impossible, but if PS was spending his weekends racing out of town, the S family could have gone six weeks without making it to Jessup MD - about the time between JW's firing and the murders.
JW's racing buddy, "Weedy" was the one reported by Nate Thayer as saying he understood that JW wasn't getting enough hours. I recall thinking it was interesting that a guy was nicknamed Weedy. I guess they don't drug test race car drivers?

LOL. I thought he was called that because he's tall and skinny like a weed. Shows where my head is. One time I visited one of my sons in his apartment. I kept going on and on about how great it was that they were marinating something in the fridge to grill later. Finally my son said "Mom, that's boxed wine taken out of the box." I am an idiot.

I try to respect all sides, since I am sure some people think I am crazy for speculating that he knew something at least about the theft.
I try to respect all sides, since I am sure some people think I am crazy for speculating that he knew something at least about the theft.

Maybe he did, maybe he did not but I'm still looking for actual evidence.
Anybody can be placed on the no fly list. I posted the link.

People cannot be put on the no-fly list without cause. The list is managed by the FBI's Terrorist Screening Center and people on the list are suspected of terrorism or supporting terrorism. I don't see how JW, even if he is involved in this crime, would fit that criteria.
People cannot be put on the no-fly list without cause. The list is managed by the FBI's Terrorist Screening Center and people on the list are suspected of terrorism or supporting terrorism. I don't see how JW, even if he is involved in this crime, would fit that criteria.

Are you serious? Last I checked, the FBI IS the Justice dept.

Who is exactly is going to challenge a no fly list placement? Doesn't matter what crime is suspected, if the feds want placement on the no fly list, they will get it.

Are you serious? Last I checked, the FBI IS the Justice dept.

Who is exactly is going to challenge a no fly list placement? Doesn't matter what crime is suspected, if the feds want placement on the no fly list, they will get it.


If JW is put on the no fly list, but isn't suspected of terrorism or supporting it, that is a justice department out of control. If the feds are putting people on the no-fly list willy-nilly, I find that to be absolutely terrifying. If they're able to violate the rights of one person who hasn't been charged with a crime, let alone terrorism, then they could do it to me.
If JW is put on the no fly list, but isn't suspected of terrorism or supporting it, that is a justice department out of control. If the feds are putting people on the no-fly list willy-nilly, I find that to be absolutely terrifying. If they're able to violate the rights of one person who hasn't been charged with a crime, let alone terrorism, then they could do it to me.

By all means, I'd protest these egregious violations of civil rights. Go for it.
By all means, I'd protest these egregious violations of civil rights. Go for it.

Well, if the government's answer to why they used a terrorism statute to keep me off a plane is that I lied to them in an interview for a crime for which they have not charged me, I would probably win. And the government would have shown they aren't able to limit their application of terrorism laws to actual terrorist suspects. Big risk they'd be taking. Until/unless JW is charged with a crime, he enjoys the same rights and benefits as the rest of us. Due process.
Quote by Willow Knight

I agree that may be another reason for JW's absence. "dying of embarrassment due to lies" However, even his absence for that reason I acknowledge. He isn't out there trying to defend himself or get publicity. The position Mr SS gave JW was an interesting position. He never placed JW as a yard worker or other job Mr SS could have created. Mr SS gave JW a job that worked close with Mr SS. I think also that Mr SS was aware of JW recent past employment and the reason it ended. Whatever that reason was, Mr SS didn't appear to be bothered by it.

I think the position of personal assistant involves some level of trust. JW's boasting doesn't bother me too much, he is selling himself. And I don't know why the reason for his lies to LE, but I don't think they had anything to do with covering up a murder or home invasion.

How can a prolific liar be trusted? I'm not getting it. How can you sell yourself by telling lies? Anybody that had actually checked if his statements are true or not would not trust him. It's not even stretching the truth or embellishing. It's lies. If he was not thoroughly checked out by SS, then SS could not be bothered by what he didn't know. Too many other truthful people with better character are out there waiting to be hired. I'd hate to lose a job I'd been hoping to get to a guy like this.
If SS didn't know JW was a liar, I can see how he would take JW's word for why he was let go. I also don't think JW's job was as "personal assistant" as most of us understand the term. He ran errands and drove him sometimes. A true executive personal assistant has more knowledge of his/her employer's personal life - sends flowers to the mother-in-law on her birthday, has a credit card for expenses incurred on the job, keeps the employer's calendar, etc. Seems like with the dojo opening, SS saw an opportunity to help JW and have an extra set of hands. I can't figure out why he was with the family in NC - did he drive them or did SS let him come along to "help" so he could spend time at the competition. On SM JW said "my boss' son was racing, so I was kinda working which is why I didn't contact any of my Mooresville homies..."

On April 26, 2015 he said "... Stay tuned for a big announcement about my racing future!" He also had races on his calendar in California for June 26th and Italy on July 19th, but hadn't paid for them and didn't seem to have a new sponsor. If we're looking for a precipitating event, this could fit the bill.

BBM: The Amerit truck was registered in North Carolina I believe.
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