DC - Savvas Savopoulos, family & Veralicia Figueroa murdered; Daron Wint Arrested #17

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Could he have used bucket to throw gas on car and throw a match? Or would fire be started inside car? If on top of car then that may be why wasn't in it. Also this perp may not have had the keys---maybe someone else drove it earlier?

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I know, I am confused about the timeline of the Porsche on Thurs. It would make perfect sense for DW to use it to flee from the fire, but then the chief specified that it went missing Thurs AM. Why would she think that? Maybe the Aussie Ambassador's security camera?
Also, the description of the person driving doesn't seem to match DW.

But if DW didn't flee in the Porsche, how did he get away? A pied?

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I know, I am confused about the timeline of the Porsche on Thurs. It would make perfect sense for DW to use it to flee from the fire, but then the chief specified that it went missing Thurs AM. Why would she think that? Maybe the Aussie Ambassador's security camera?
Also, the description of the person driving doesn't seem to match DW.

But if DW didn't flee in the Porsche, how did he get away? A pied?

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I have not seen any photos showing the Bentley. Are we 100% sure it's accounted for and didn't go missing during the crimes?
I have not seen any photos showing the Bentley. Are we 100% sure it's accounted for and didn't go missing during the crimes?

IIRC there were no police broadcasts to be on the
lookout for the Bentley. Only the Porsche
Few Qs. haven't been following log that closely so if these had been asked & answered sorry....
**Did AS wear specific jewelry?? wedding ring, necklace, bracelet, watch.... things that could be identified??- wonder if local pawn shops checked
**Dates & times & bank on money orders? Seems a bank would find large amts of Cash turned into MO's suspicious by a strange looking person- unless this ring had a *banking* connection
**Can the mosler be accessed thru the garage door...?? I thought I heard only access inside house. then JW thru inside house?
**Any cameras installed inside/outside Martial Arts Studio?? Any idea what JW was purchasing & what he was doing that was so important he couldn't answer his boss call at a critical juncture
**JW mom house listed for sale, Passport found in JW auto..(who leaves a passport in their auto??). any connection here.... ?

PS IMO * buckets*... just a **** carrying a construction bucket for accelerant to torch a car after the torching of a mansion...bucket provides easy access, easy to find in garage, holds accelerant well....probably not much else to this.... I am certain IMO that all the goods & valuables were long taken to their destination earlier in the day.....1 last deed finished off the horrors
I have not seen any photos showing the Bentley. Are we 100% sure it's accounted for and didn't go missing during the crimes?

Skigirl, I found a pic of Bentley in front of AIW. ((I can't seem to attach
photos from my iPad on this forum(or emojis)) just google Savvas Savopoulos Bentley and look through the images. It's Drk blue.
I agree, and appreciate, as well. Comparing theories and brainstorming together, helps me think outside the box. I'm still on the fence, with several issues. My initial thoughts were that this was a robbery, that turned into much more. The more that we probe into this, I'm wondering if the original plan was revenge torture/murder. This went way beyond a robbery gone bad. IMO, this was personal. The brutality was excessive, with a family that appeared to be cooperating with demands. I have assumed all along that he didn't have a gun, but that is not necessarily the case. He may have used the gun to gain entry or for control purposes only. He may not have wanted to use the gun for the killings, for a couple of reasons. One such reason could be that he enjoyed the torture and brutality of using knives, swords, bats, etc. Using the gun for control, makes some sense to me. If (a big if),he acted alone, I keep questioning how he could pull this off with just a knife and other items he found inside the home. Mr. S had 20 years of martial arts and sword training. I do realize he used PS for control, but if he acted alone, it would be so much more difficult. I've always thought in order to do that, he would have to have another accomplice in the room with PS, that he could threaten SS,"if you get out of line, or don't cooperate, my friend in the other room, will inflict pain on your boy". I don't know...nothing in this case makes sense. I'm trying to brainstorm all possibilities. I have never thought the initial motivation was for the vehicles. I feel if is was, he/they would have accomplished that. Those vehicles, more than likely were parked in the driveway every night. He could have checked them out, on any given night...as far as walking by, looking inside to see if they were automatic or stick. We have three RR in our family. None of them are stick. That's not to say they don't have that option. I'm embarrassed to say that I don't know if they offer that option on RR. Nonetheless, I feel that if the vehicles were the main draw, they would've taken them. Mr. S would have given them the keys, if for nothing else, hoping they would take them and leave. Both RR looked fairly new. That's well over 200K sitting in the driveway. IMO, it would have been the easiest to pull off. As far as the security camera, I imagine that was probably one of the first orders of business, after entering the house. IMO, he had already forced AS to shut it down, before SS came home. He is a seasoned criminal; therefore, knew he had to take care of that situation, first thing. This case is mind-boggling!!! LE needs to throw us a bone...give us a little more to work with, Lol. I [/I]
Those white buckets are also everywhere.

I don't have a valid reason, but I still think the initial plan was one thing (burglary OR torture murder) which turned into something else (overnight hostage situation including robbery, etc.) I keep thinking cars were the draw, but then why weren't any of them taken, except the Porsche? I doubt all the others, including Rovers, were manual transmission, if DW couldn't drive stick...

I don't think DW (et al?) arrived at the S house prepared to do much of anything. I think he found the duct tape, the sword, the baseball bat, the white bucket, etc., etc., at the house - although of all the things mentioned, the duct tape is the least likely IMO. I'm sure the S family was more organized than me, but unless it happened to be lying on the counter when he arrived, he'd have to dig through a closet or tool box to find a roll of duct tape, which would be hard to do if you're alone and trying to hold three people hostage until you can tie them up.

Maybe he brought the green vest, but if that was used to reduce suspicion, so someone would open the front door, the person wearing it could not also be wearing a mask. (I think the boot print on the door was not from entry. Again, no valid reason to think that, except LE completely missed the broken glass and possibly broken lock when they initially canvassed the house. If DW came in through the broken door, wouldn't that have been obvious? The boot print may not have shown up until they dusted for prints. No way to know when it was left.) Maybe someone else brought the vest later, or maybe it was in the garage - there seem to be differing opinions on whether green vests were found in the garage and if they had been there before the crime.

Back to knocking on the front door, dressed as a road worker/meter reader/whatever... If DW expected the house to be empty, when VF (AS or PS) opened the door, why didn't he make an excuse and take off? At that point he knows there's at least one person there. Did he think a house keeper was easy to control and wouldn't disrupt his original plan? Was it finding a child and then his mother that upped the ante?

There's one thing, mentioned by others, that makes me think maybe this was more than just a botched burglary/car theft. How did DW know how to avoid the security cameras and how did he know where to find the DVR and disable it? Could he have asked VF/AS about it first thing? Would it take an insider to tell him how to avoid being picked up on the cameras until he could take the security system out? Was it turned off before he arrived by an insider or because it was usually not on during the day?

If LE found a green vest in the burning Porsche, (I saw LE showing it to workers on a news video), if it was in the car, wouldn't the DVR be recoverable also - at least enough to know it was there, even if they couldn't read the data? (Am I assuming the green vest in LE's photo was found in the burning Porsche?) Perhaps the green vest in the photo was only similar to the one seen by W3 or it was found in the garage. IDK

Just want to take a second to share how much I appreciate comparing theories, "facts" and possibilities with all of you. I try to put aside the horror of the crime and "work" it as a giant puzzle. You guys come up with ideas I would never think of, and help me see angles I missed on my own.
I have not seen any photos showing the Bentley. Are we 100% sure it's accounted for and didn't go missing during the crimes?

LE must have known where the Bentley was or it seems they would have asked the public for help in locating it. But that doesn't necessarily mean that it was located somewhere that made sense. (For instance, if it were found parked in AIW parking garage: normal vs found on the side of the road somewhere.) Although it seems that LE would have still been interested in any sightings of it had it been found in an unusual place, unless they had the full story. IDK

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Agree 100%!!!
The white bucket baffles me as well. I can't see it being used for any accelerant.......you could put gasoline in a spray bottle and it would be enough to get a fire going. You know? And why take a stupid bucket? Doesn't even look like anything was in it when you see him running. He wasn't even struggling to carry it. Seemed empty.

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Would love to know if Porsche was in the street, in front of the house, when the pizza guy delivered pizza.
I know, I am confused about the timeline of the Porsche on Thurs. It would make perfect sense for DW to use it to flee from the fire, but then the chief specified that it went missing Thurs AM. Why would she think that? Maybe the Aussie Ambassador's security camera?
Also, the description of the person driving doesn't seem to match DW.

But if DW didn't flee in the Porsche, how did he get away? A pied?

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Police were looking for "scanners"? I've not heard that! Maybe that's why they were so comfortable in the house for so long. As for a body of water.......I'm in California so you would have to leave the state to find one these days! [emoji295]️

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Omgosh! What happened to the Pacific Ocean?
The white bucket baffles me as well. I can't see it being used for any accelerant.......you could put gasoline in a spray bottle and it would be enough to get a fire going. You know? And why take a stupid bucket? Doesn't even look like anything was in it when you see him running. He wasn't even struggling to carry it. Seemed empty.

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You're not thinking like a man. When you get a clean 5 gal bucket you never throw it away. Just like Duct Tape, it has 1,001 uses.
Exactly. I wonder if there's a painting contractor in the family. Who has buckets like that except painting contractors and gold miners?

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There is, but can't discuss here.
Skigirl, I found a pic of Bentley in front of AIW. ((I can't seem to attach
photos from my iPad on this forum(or emojis)) just google Savvas Savopoulos Bentley and look through the images. It's Drk blue.

But taken after the crimes? I was just saying that I don't think it was in any of the garage/driveway pictures.
Would love to know if Porsche was in the street, in front of the house, when the pizza guy delivered pizza.

We do know that it was there at approx 9:30 AM Thurs per VF's husband.

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The buckets recovered looked generic. Like those you could buy at Lowes, Home Depot, etc. the buckets recovered were blank. The video that LE says is Wint (I say Big Foot) also seems void of any description.....as if they were empty. Even if you buy paint, chemicals, etc, there HAS to be an OSHA label attached describing all kinds of crap.

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I don't mean to mislead you to another track but you can purchase 5-gal buckets at Home Depot (Homer Buckets), and Lowes sells both blue and white buckets.
The buckets recovered looked generic. Like those you could buy at Lowes, Home Depot, etc. the buckets recovered were blank. The video that LE says is Wint (I say Big Foot) also seems void of any description.....as if they were empty. Even if you buy paint, chemicals, etc, there HAS to be an OSHA label attached describing all kinds of crap.

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I'm not sure the bucket in the video is devoid of any labeling. When I first saw the video, I enlarged it and thought I saw a label or writing, but I couldn't read it. Also, when I first saw the clip, I thought the body looked more like a woman and I thought s/he moved the bucket from one hand to the other because it was heavy. Just my observations which may be/probably are wrong.
I still cannot, for the life of me, understand why that person chose a big awkward bucket to run with. It is just such an odd choice. I can't wait for the trial, just to find out what was in there and why it wasn't left in the torched car.

I have also wondered if the Porsche was maybe parked in that lot around 2 pm. And the driver went home and stashed whatever and did whatever...and then got nervous about leaving the car there and decided to run bAck and torch it?

If he did that, it would be less likely the bucket contained stolen goods. Would he leave valuables in the car or carry that bucket around with him for hours. So that would make the bucket really weird. Wonder how the fire started - in the interior, gas on seats, steering wheel, etc or in the engine, boot...
Question: Has anyone figured out DW's primary residence? Was he staying in NY with the girlfriend and traveling to DC to hang with the family? Just staying with the parents or sister maybe? Was Lanham his main base of operations while in the DC area?
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