DC - Savvas Savopoulos, family & Veralicia Figueroa murdered; Daron Wint Arrested #19

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I can't quite see a motive for JW. Seems like he was thrilled to have this job for SS. Texted/posted etc on SM about how great it was. I don't think he would intentionally be a part of the crime. Maybe unwittingly?

BBM And I agree with FelicityLemon's: Maybe it's a 'there by the Grace of God go I' kind of thang, for me

My initial thought when first hearing of this tragedy was that S.S. hoped against all hope that J.W. would clue in to the ridiculous nature of leaving $40,000 on a car seat and notify the police or at least confer with the accountant. Unfortunately it looks to me as if J.W. performed this "duty" without questioning it - if only to himself or to the accountant who knew about the money. This is so incredibly sad to me as these lives could have been spared.

Knowing after the fact that he held the key that could have saved these precious lives is probably eating at J.W. and I hope he is getting counselling. I would never want to be in his place now. (There but for the Grace of God). I would not wish his position on anyone.

I also believe that the L.E. are not giving out information about him or anyone else because they are building their case and crossing their "t's" and dotting their "i's" and for that I am truly grateful. I wouldn't want leaks getting out and also why should the L.E. tip their hand at this point for the defense?

I truly understand both positions taken on J.W. I think that some people feel angry towards him (I do) for not realizing something was wrong and that he could have alerted the police to this and this makes him an "accomplice" so to speak.

It's been difficult for me to have patience with the information on this case however I believe the L.E. are being extremely cautious and that is crucial in my opinion. JMO
I can't quite see a motive for JW. Seems like he was thrilled to have this job for SS. Texted/posted etc on SM about how great it was. I don't think he would intentionally be a part of the crime. Maybe unwittingly?

I lean toward either "unwittingly" because of a tendency toward indiscretion or "thought it would be a 'victimless' crime," since the S family had plenty of money. I doubt he had murder in mind, but I don't have trouble believing he was foolish enough to think he could come up with some scheme to get money from the family with nobody getting hurt.

FWIW, I think those posts to SM showing off the cars was a way of showing the folks at Autobahn that he had landed on his feet and was doing great after he was fired -- a way of saving face.
I'm glad you guys saw the Vimeo BRC with the green BMW - I assumed everyone had watched those videos and already knew the color of his car… so in case you didn't see this one, it's older - three years - but has JW in a neon green/yellow vest at 3:10. [video=vimeo;32557866]https://vimeo.com/32557866[/video]
I wonder if these are commonly used on race tracks and maybe that's why SS had some?

Thanks for posting birpu. I'm a little behind in the thread today, so maybe this has been mentioned already, but at approx. 3:36 into the video, there's a white truck in the background. Does anyone know if it's an Amerit truck? Or one similar?
Yes, if the 'business' is an online one. What is the Broke Racers Club other than an online group of peeps who like to race. Look at the name' Broke Racers' ===it is light hearted entertainment. It is not serious uptight business venture. My 27 yr old and his wife have their big flat screen tv hooked up to the u-tube on their i-phones so they can watch viral videos on a big screen. :facepalm:
I recently turned 50 and watch youtube on our flat screen. The Samsung smart TV pairs automatically with the iDevices! Plug and play, baby!
A typical sponsorship in Arena racing could go anywhere from 20K to 50K per year in order to do it right. A kart sponsorship would amount to about the same dollars. If JW was attempting to do both, then 100K would be the top end. JW's statements about the Skip Barber school meant training in a lower NASCAR series or in Indy lights and a full sponsorship in either of those series could approach a quarter milllion easily.

PS was getting the very high end from his father to learn and go racing in karts. Google Paul Menard to see a comparison. I strongly suspect that JW approached SS about sponsorships and was turned down(as SS had other expense streams like children's education, the dojo and PS's racing. IMO, the turndown was the genesis point for everything that's happened.

Thing is so much info about JW and SS's relationship died and was silenced. I wonder if the fighters could be called as witnesses. Perhaps their brother or parents confided in them about what JW did for Ss, how often he worked, Mosler details etc.
No. I think LE is still working on the investigation and that they are still investigating JW.


I think they will, and are still working on it.

Can you put that in the form of a question? :)

Because I believe the LE is competent and I believe there are too many coincidences and unexplained 'things' for them not to be taking him seriously as a suspect.

We have no idea what's been uncovered by LE.
In fact, every reported lead must be chased by investigators. In crimes that get a lot of media attention, it can take ages to follow every lead called in to tip lines. But, it has to happen.
Yes, if the 'business' is an online one. What is the Broke Racers Club other than an online group of peeps who like to race. Look at the name' Broke Racers' ===it is light hearted entertainment. It is not serious uptight business venture. My 27 yr old and his wife have their big flat screen tv hooked up to the u-tube on their i-phones so they can watch viral videos on a big screen. :facepalm:
I recently turned 50 and watch youtube on our flat screen. The Samsung smart TV pairs automatically with the iDevices! Plug and play, baby!
I know a lot of 26 and 27 yr olds that LOVE to make weird vids like this. They put them up on parachute or snap chat or vine, and they all watch them and laugh and rate them. THis is the exact age of the kids growing up with MySpace, U-Tube and FaceBook, and GO PRO. There is an entire generation that makes silly vids and no one takes them seriously. It is an art form and for entertainment. I don't see how it makes him delusional. My sons good friends made a silly DR WHO video and one of them is a paramedic for FD, one is LAPD and the other is a CPA. None of them are delusional or criminal minded.

I think 27 is a bit late for this type of behavior....at least for those with real jobs, owning a home etc
A typical sponsorship in Arena racing could go anywhere from 20K to 50K per year in order to do it right. A kart sponsorship would amount to about the same dollars. If JW was attempting to do both, then 100K would be the top end. JW's statements about the Skip Barber school meant training in a lower NASCAR series or in Indy lights and a full sponsorship in either of those series could approach a quarter milllion easily.

PS was getting the very high end from his father to learn and go racing in karts. Google Paul Menard to see a comparison. I strongly suspect that JW approached SS about sponsorships and was turned down(as SS had other expense streams like children's education, the dojo and PS's racing. IMO, the turndown was the genesis point for everything that's happened.


Welcome to Websleuths and thanks for a great first post. I can already tell you have some interesting things to add. Please tell us more!
I don't understand why people don't believe that LE wouldn't have investigated JW up the wazoo immediately. They're trying to catch ALL people involved in this, no matter how peripherally.

LE rarely rarely rarely rarely says "so and so is completely innocent of this, he's not a suspect, we're confident he didn't have anything to do with this either in person or in planning". I do wish they would make those statements in so many cases where people aren't believed innocent until someone else is actually convicted and swears no one else was involved. Sucks to be the person people are looking at when no guilty person is caught for days, weeks, months, years and even decades.

Serious (no snark) questions:

Do people think LE hasn't done a thorough investigation, and if so, why?
Do people think DC investigators aren't good at what they do?
Why think LE hasn't done everything it can possibly do to investigate and follow up on every little thing? They want to solve this and get all the bad guys.
Why do people think JW could still be a suspect?
What could be discovered or connected that wouldn't have been uncovered by now?
there's a lot of coincidences when it comes to JW

1) His lie about when he first heard from SS about picking up package
2) His lie about how he received the money (red bad, envelope, pocket)
3) His lie about finding the key to Mosler in the garage to unlock it.
4) The odd coincidence that he once lived very close to DW
5) Mosler registration in his backpack (and of course he's going to say SS intended for him to service the car, that's why he had it, what else could he say?)
6) The fact that he's only worked for SS for 6 weeks.
7) JW would have a lot of inside information ($40,000, NG new schedule, home layout, etc)
8) Recieving last outgoing call from SS ( we don't know if he answered, got a VM?)
9) Weird call to Ms AS on his way to fire (IMO)

I'm quite sure the LE are thoroughly investigating, but I think there's a lot that would
be hard to prove.

I'm hoping he's innocent.
No. I think LE is still working on the investigation and that they are still investigating JW.


I think they will, and are still working on it.

Can you put that in the form of a question? :)

Because I believe the LE is competent and I believe there are too many coincidences and unexplained 'things' for them not to be taking him seriously as a suspect.

We have no idea what's been uncovered by LE.

They said they still have a ton of evidence that must be analyzed.
Thanks for posting birpu. I'm a little behind in the thread today, so maybe this has been mentioned already, but at approx. 3:36 into the video, there's a white truck in the background. Does anyone know if it's an Amerit truck? Or one similar?

It doesn't look like one to me. But there are trucks that look similar to Amerit trucks in other of his off-road videos in California. Boy, did I spend some time starting and stopping videos a while back! I could never determine if they were in fact for the race or anything. But - there were large white trucks parked alongside the dirt tracks. I guess you would need some sort of mobile unit out in the desert if a car broke down. Pursuing what those trucks meant was too nebulous and would have led to fruitless discussions, so I never mentioned it. :)
If any sleuthers will be going to Singapore for F-1 street races this year, DH and I will be in attendance. PM me, and we can raise a glass to SS.
Banana Quesadillas

Banana Quesadillas? Looks like I am moving to Texas!

Come this way zen. Only way these could be better is if it was Blue Bell ice cream on top
It is most definitely the case that this crime was so terribly and brutally heinous. It brings tears and makes me ill all at once to think of what all four victims endured. I have been thinking about something that is so difficult to mention, so if anyone is offended, or thinks it inappropriate, please delete my post. <modsnip>.

The only place I've seen that bit about PS is in a comment to an article. I am hoping very much that it is not true. If it is true, I do think there's symbolism, even subconscious. But, I hope it is not.
Yeah, I didn't like how in the video the camera man asked if he wanted to say hi to someone and he said hi to his mom and said "give me more money". He may not be a suspect but i still don't like him and think he's suspicious in general the way he's living his life.

I agree, it's creepy! Plus the music - Living for the thrill, I'm going in for the kill, and then I think he was trying to do one of those gang signs.
This explains your point of view very well. You have believed in JW's innocence and posted tirelessly to that effect. You want justice and do not want to give cover to the guilty.

But there is another point of view on this Board. In our way, we are serving the same goals as you. We want justice too...and that means seeing that every single person who played any part in this most heinous crime be exposed. If we believe there is the slightest chance that JW facilitated or participated in this crime, our efforts to sleuth him are NOT in order to assist the defense, but to assist any any small way, that justice be served COMPLETELY in this case.

There have been some excellent "discoveries" and probing questions posed here about JW. I'm interested in reading replies that challenge those posts IN DETAIL and challenge those arguments, directly... with opposing information. I applaud the diligence of those searching for info on JW. The best way to counter is to provide, through ones own "research", intelligent detailed rebuttal.

I think we ALL have the best of motivations here. ALL efforts should be respected and not discouraged or silenced IMO.

I do suspect most have good intentions. Just be aware that these days forums like this are monitored by lawyers on both sides. IMO silly videos, his driving his moms car or his racing record have no bearing on this case.

What does IMO are his lies May 14 and his whereabouts May 13-14, the searches of his car and phone records. That's it

These have been resolved to the satisfaction of LE. He's been thoroughly investigated by seasoned homicide detectives.
That investigation has resulted not in his being charged with any crime nor arrested. In fact the lead investigator testified in the preliminary hearing that he's not a suspect in the case.
Could that change? IMO that's very unlikely. JMO
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Banana Quesadillas


I had to log back in to see this. I guess you already ate the steak? Were there any vegetables involved, or do you just&#8230; I'm suffering here. Ahh.
I sure hope you had some foie gras on toast beforehand. Just tell me you did. You know what makes the very best frites to go with steak?
Duck/goose fat from confit. Lordy.
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