DC - Savvas Savopoulos, family & Veralicia Figueroa murdered; Daron Wint Arrested #19

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My 27 yr old son bought his nice home at 25. He has a great job in Law Enforcement, a wife and a new baby. She teaches college English and is working on her PHD. They love these kinds of weird videos. They are both very responsible and professional types. My son has a very high security clearance after a major government background check. They went over him with a fine tooth comb. I guess they had no problem with the 'behavior' on his part of liking wierd homemade videos.

I totally understand the reasons for being suspicious of JW. But I don't think that video is of any significance in terms of it meaning he is delusional and/or criminally inclined.

The videos are only a piece of what has brought me to dislike the narcissistic, delusional, manipulative, money hungry, incompetent, immature liar I find him to be.
There were green beans, squash and tomatoes from the garden

For blessedlife


2 (10-inch) flour tortillas
2 tablespoons butter, melted
1 medium banana, thinly sliced
1/4 cup semisweet chocolate morsels
3 tablespoons firmly packed brown sugar, plus more for top
1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon
Vanilla ice cream, optional (not optional IMO)
Caramel sauce, optional


Preheat to medium-high heat. Spray the grill rack with cooking spray.

Brush 1 side of a tortilla with some melted butter. Place the tortilla on the grill (I use an iron skillet) buttered-side down. Arrange the banana slices on the tortilla and top evenly with the chocolate chips. Sprinkle with the brown sugar and cinnamon. Place the remaining tortilla on top to cover the bananas. Brush with more butter and sprinkle some brown sugar on top. Grill until the chocolate is melted and the bananas are soft, 3 to 4 minutes per side. Cut into wedges and serve with ice cream and caramel sauce, if desired. Serve immediately.

I made 10 tonight for us and our kids and their friends.

View attachment 78704

Food people. Garden people. In spite of the horrors that stop us in our tracks and make us want to fix it, understand it, solve it, heal it -
life goes on, and it is good. Live it while you have it. Your pictures remind me of things I used to cherish doing. Maybe I will start again.
I was under the impression that JW and his buddies actually wanted to grow Broke Racers Club into a "Lifestyle Brand", so they weren't just having fun. JW was out there trying to get sponsors, taking racing classes, trying to learn and make connections (according to his SM). Part of the training at the Skip Barber Karts to Cars competition was about learning how to get sponsors and craft your image off the track. He wasn't just having fun, although I'm sure he wanted to have fun while building his business. In the beginning, they couldn't afford to stock more than t-shirts, sweat shirts and decals, but I got the impression they wanted to expand the BRC into a viable business. I don't think the fact that it's on line makes it any less a serious business venture, but that's just my opinion.

The difference between JW and the people in their 20s that you're talking about, is that they have careers and skills that they use to support themselves (I'm assuming - paramedic, police and accountant.) They make videos to entertain themselves and each other in their spare time, not instead of working at a paying job. These videos were JW's "job". (Yes, he was working at Autobahn, but apparently that was an hourly position that didn't pay particularly well and he couldn't/didn't want to rely on it for long term employment.) He created the videos and websites as marketing tools to promote his "brand" (brands? JT Wallace Racing, Driver Gits, Racer Jordan, Broke Racers Club, etc.), but he didn't really have anything of substance to promote. He wanted to be a race car driver, but didn't have the financial backing to make it happen, and when he did get a chance to be on the track or in front of coaches (like at Skip Barber) he wasn't a stand out. He may have won a few races at some "show up and race" type events, but when he had a chance to shine in front of people who could help him progress, he didn't.

It is really quite sad, as I think he is one of those kids who fell victim to the (post-music) MTV mentality, where a career can be built on personality (or a sex tape) rather than hard work, talent and skill/knowledge. There seem to be a lot of people who have bought into that, some of the same people who often live with their parents in their 20s and 30s because they aren't willing to live in a group house and can't afford cable and XBOX on what they earn themselves. I've said before, it's the equivalent of kids growing up in inner city neighborhoods thinking their ticket out is an NBA career. If someone is 28 and still thinking they're going to make it in the NBA, but they aren't even the best player at the Wednesday night pick-up game, that is delusional IMO.

One of the other videos included Foster the People - Pumped up Kicks (a song about Columbine):

Yeah he found a six-shooter gun
In his dad's closet, in the box of fun things
I don't even know what
But he's coming for you, yeah he's coming for you

All the other kids with the pumped up kicks
You better run, better run, outrun my gun
All the other kids with the pumped up kicks
You better run, better run, faster than my bullet

The videos are only a piece of what has brought me to dislike the narcissistic, delusional, manipulative, money hungry, incompetent, immature liar I find him to be.

Well that was direct! :)
The videos are only a piece of what has brought me to dislike the narcissistic, delusional, manipulative, money hungry, incompetent, immature liar I find him to be.

No need to beat around the bush, tell us what you really think :)
AFAIK, we have only JW’s version of his job description. Imo, modesty and understatement are not among JW’s faults, so I’m left wondering about what his job was and if it had any relevance or impact on his poss involvement or non-involvement.

~ May 15
JW states* to LE his "...job consists of transporting Mr Savopoulus to & from work and handling daily assignments as given to him by" Mr S.
* Paragraph 6, page 3/7, re JW's stmt re his job description w Mr S. http://www.scribd.com/doc/267687232/Wint-Search-Warrant-Affidavit = May 15, S/Wrrnt for BMW JW drove.

July 20

In Monday's ct hearing Det Owens “… testified that the driver regularly ran errands for Savvas Savopoulos, including bringing cars in for inspections and other repairs.” http://www.courthousenews.com/2015/0...s-in-court.htm

W ~6 vehicles in S fam, in working for Mr S for ~ six wks, how many times would JW have taken cars for inspections or repairs? Once, twice, three times? Or none at all? Ditto repairs on cars.
Didn’t someone here post about a pattern of JW seeming to work for Mr S only 2 days/wk?

LE may have timesheets, paychecks, or e-doc equiv’s, and may have interviewed others, such as AIW employees, S fam, S neighbors about their observations and what Mr S told them. As JW says he was an employee of Mr S, not an employee of AIW, seems documentation about his hrs and duties may not be as extensive as if he had bn on AIW payroll.

What were JW's expectations about the job? What were Mr S's expectations of JW? Were those expectations being met?

JM2cts, could be all wrong.
First of all, JW is from a middle class suburban family, not a low income inner city home, so he has had all the benefits his parents could provide from their two incomes. He had access to good public schools and got into a good college, even if he only stayed for a semester. He didn't live in a neighborhood with boarded up houses, having to dodge rats and stray bullets on his way to school. I have sons about his age, and I think it is a sad day when not having a criminal record means a young adult (almost 30) is doing well. How low can we possibly set the bar? As for drugs and violence, we don't know anything about JW before he began working at Autobahn. (He did post videos of himself playing video games, but I'm not sure if those are still accessible.) There is NO information on line about him. None. Nothing about his stellar high school football and lacrosse careers. We don't really know where he lives or has lived, as the public databases are often wildly inaccurate. The only paper trail I've seen for him is an online birth record from Bexar County, TX and his Maryland traffic violation.

I think there's a good chance JW is innocent of involvement in the extortion murders but that doesn't have anything to do with whether he is delusional for thinking he can support himself as a race car driver, when he got started too late to make it and he has never shown particular promise at it. Forming a business is a good plan, but if you're starting a business based on racing, it helps to be good at racing or business. He seems to have some good ideas, but he has missed the education or on-the-job training that would give him the skills he needs to make it work. He has started several of these types of entities over the last few years, and it appears that once the fun of starting something is over, JW doesn't have the skills or dedication to continue slogging away after the initial thrill is gone.

The only way any of this has any bearing on his possible involvement in the crimes is that when people don't have a realistic sense of the work it takes to achieve something, or their ability to do something, people can become frustrated, blame others and/or look for short cuts. If a 28 year old truly believes that the only thing keeping him from a successful racing career is seed money, he might be willing to take some risks that a more grounded person would not. If someone is too immature to envision consequences, s/he can make poor decisions - not because s/he's evil or a bad person, but because they truly can't see the various ways their actions could affect other people.

My sons love to watch those videos, too. Sometimes they even goof with their younger brother and film themselves so they can laugh about it later. That is not the same thing as creating a brand based on yourself when you haven't yet accomplished anything for people to rally around.

Sorry didn't mean to quote you rkf Having issues with this app!
Food people. Garden people. In spite of the horrors that stop us in our tracks and make us want to fix it, understand it, solve it, heal it -
life goes on, and it is good. Live it while you have it. Your pictures remind me of things I used to cherish doing. Maybe I will start again.

Does everyone know that Websleuths has a cooking forum? It's called "What's Cooking". http://www.websleuths.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?96-What-s-Cooking

I understand that people like to take a break from the sadness and weight of the topic of this thread, but personally, looking at food right after someone mentions the torture of a ten year-old boy or strangulation and bloody baseball bats nauseates me. I realize I am in the minority, but it seems like the frequency of these types of off-topic posts are increasing, even if someone tacks a somewhat related sentence on the bottom ("Wonder what DW is having for dinner".)

I'm really not trying to offend anyone, I just wanted to share my feelings on the practice in case there were other people who feel the same way, but are too shy to say something.
From what I heard on cbsnews video of the phone call PS screams "What are You Doing?? Stop! screams After the release from CBS that was edited out of the videos that were aired on other network news..even missing from the 20/20 Murder in the Mansion show. I have a desk top and listen to the speaker..but like I said the link is gone now

I uploaded a clip that includes that part of the VM (I think). I will leave it up for a little while, but then I need the space back in my dropbox! It might take a few minutes to download.

https://www.dropbox.com/s/1xs1i2195ynot7v/Deadly DC Mansion Fire Leaves Questions.mp4?dl=0
AFAIK, we have only JW’s version of his job description. Imo, modesty and understatement are not among JW’s faults, so I’m left wondering about what his job was and if it had any relevance or impact on his poss involvement or non-involvement.

~ May 15
JW states* to LE his "...job consists of transporting Mr Savopoulus to & from work and handling daily assignments as given to him by" Mr S.
* Paragraph 6, page 3/7, re JW's stmt re his job description w Mr S. http://www.scribd.com/doc/267687232/Wint-Search-Warrant-Affidavit = May 15, S/Wrrnt for BMW JW drove.

July 20

In Monday's ct hearing Det Owens “… testified that the driver regularly ran errands for Savvas Savopoulos, including bringing cars in for inspections and other repairs.” http://www.courthousenews.com/2015/0...s-in-court.htm

W ~6 vehicles in S fam, in working for Mr S for ~ six wks, how many times would JW have taken cars for inspections or repairs? Once, twice, three times? Or none at all? Ditto repairs on cars.
Didn’t someone here post about a pattern of JW seeming to work for Mr S only 2 days/wk?

LE may have timesheets, paychecks, or e-doc equiv’s, and may have interviewed others, such as AIW employees, S fam, S neighbors about their observations and what Mr S told them. As JW says he was an employee of Mr S, not an employee of AIW, seems documentation about his hrs and duties may not be as extensive as if he had bn on AIW payroll.

What were JW's expectations about the job? What were Mr S's expectations of JW? Were those expectations being met?

JM2cts, could be all wrong.

Yes the glam shots with the S family cars happened on Tuesdays and Fridays. Four days during his time working for SS if memory serves.

Can we pull records for other vehicles to see when their inspections would be due?
Blessedlife, who was kind enough to buy the prelim transcripts for us, asked me for a recipe.
IMO it's no more off topic than song lyrics or mocking a guy who's a witness in a case because he's not successful enough.
Sorry to offend but scrolling is an option

Thanks again blessedlife. Looking forward to the transcripts
Does everyone know that Websleuths has a cooking forum? It's called "What's Cooking". http://www.websleuths.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?96-What-s-Cooking

I understand that people like to take a break from the sadness and weight of the topic of this thread, but personally, looking at food right after someone mentions the torture of a ten year-old boy or strangulation and bloody baseball bats nauseates me. I realize I am in the minority, but it seems like the frequency of these types of off-topic posts are increasing, even if someone tacks a somewhat related sentence on the bottom ("Wonder what DW is having for dinner".)

I'm really not trying to offend anyone, I just wanted to share my feelings on the practice in case there were other people who feel the same way, but are too shy to say something.

I understand your feelings on that. I think there must have been a lot of distance or time/posts between the crime details and the food, or I would have had the same response. It doesn't offend me to hear your feelings. I could never juxtapose the two things myself, and hope I did not. I think anyone's mind might be thinking of the worst we are speaking of at any moment, so I'll remember that. But I do love life, food, and people - why we are here. We have to keep living.
Point taken!
Yes the glam shots with the S family cars happened on Tuesdays and Fridays. Four days during his time working for SS if memory serves.

Can we pull records for other vehicles to see when their inspections would be due?

We need VINs or plates. I will see if I can read any of them from photos. If you have them, message me and I'll run the carfaxes.
I understand your feelings on that. I think there must have been a lot of distance or time/posts between the crime details and the food, or I would have had the same response. It doesn't offend me to hear your feelings. I could never juxtapose the two things myself, and hope I did not. I think anyone's mind might be thinking of the worst we are speaking of at any moment, so I'll remember that. But I do love life, food, and people - why we are here. We have to keep living.
Point taken!

Well said. I appreciate your support. If we don't all pause sometimes and have friendly convos (even if it's just sharing a virtual meal, glass of wine etc over a post) we might all go insane. It's been the practice the many years I've had the pleasure of posting at WS. Living on is not disrespecting the victims in any way.
It appears that the Porsche will be due to have its registration renewed in November 2015. In DC, you can choose to register your car for one or two years at a time, but it appears AS did it for 2 years in 2011, so I'm guessing she did the same in 2013.
Still looking for other cars' plates.
Wow, I think this is setting the bar for 27 year old urban males awfully low.

Beside, Annapolis Maryland is a prosperous little city, it's not like he was from a rough part of Baltimore (and even then, I hope 27 year old males have more to hope for than not getting arrested or doing drugs or being violent). JMO.

That was not the ONLY thing I listed. That was just the starting point. I said NOT ONLY did he avoid those rather common pitfalls for young urban males, he ALSO actively pursued his big dream. And he tried to create an on;ine business stemming from it. Actually, you bolded the first portion of my two paragraph reply and answered as if that was the ONLY thing I used to set the bar.
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