DC - Savvas Savopoulos, family & Veralicia Figueroa murdered; Daron Wint Arrested #19

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I'm hung up on the horrific injuries to the victims, the burning the child alive, and the amount of time spent in the house. This is hard to explain, but the injuries seem like ones that indicate rage or a drug high. But the crime went on so long, I can't understand how either rage or that high could be sustained for so long.

The high can easily be sustained by using more meth or crack, etc. As can the rage, sadly enough. JMO

Considering that the victims were restrained, what accounts for the escalation to torture? If DW was there for money, he has everyone under control, how many times would he have to hurt PS or AS to have SS doing anything at all that he wanted? On AS Facebook page, if you look under "family", you'll see that she jokingly lists SS as "Mother." He must have been very protective of his much loved wife. It would not take much to have SS completely under control IMO.

IMO< the escalation to torture is no surprise. look at how vicious his earlier death threats were to his loved ones and to children even. He was a monster all along, imo.

I understand that perps kill to destroy evidence, but this was overkill and torture. Even in the awful crime in Connecticut, the fire was set to destoy evidence but the victims were not knifed, beaten with bats, cut with swords, strangled etc before that fire was set. It's like the killer or killers in THIS case just could not find enough ways to kill these people.

Do you mean in the Petit case? Because I believe the father was beaten with a bat and thrown in the basement. And the mother and youngest daughter were raped and assaulted. so it was similar, in that they were burned alive as well.

I understand there was a job loss, but guys like DW lose jobs all the time. His entire Facebook page contained more "working at self-employed" individuals then ones who had steady jobs.

As for SS and DW "knowing each other", my husband ran a company of this size and there is no way he would know every welder etc. and some would never have even had face-to-face contact with him.

This crime seems so full of hate, on such a personal level. If you assume, once the money was delivered, the object is to burn evidence and get away...why do we have all this time spent over-killing each victim? Time is valuable to any perp, why waste it?

IMO, the hatred and rage was not just about being fired. It was about economic disparity, wealth and perhaps race. Just my gut feeling.

I can't get the thought out of my head, that the torture was "sport" of some kind. That there was a group of people, showing off to each other, laughing, proving how macho they were with their displays of brutality.

IMO< if it was as you described, there would have been lost of others forensics in the home. JMO

But one person, running back and forth, clubbing, stabbing, strangling this one but not that one, doing all this overkill after hours with subdued victims had passed....no, I can't see that.

I don't think he had to do a lot of running back and forth. They were restrained. he could take care of one, then go to the next. Not that chaotic or even that difficult if you are a rage filled, vicious monster. he probably enjoyed it because he has been imagining it and fantasizing about it for years, imo.

Only my opinion, as ever.

My replies in BOLD...
I agree. The CEO might have held some kind of symbolic value for DW, but I highly doubt SS had much, if any, contact with DW, regardless of what Ficker might have asserted along with DW not liking pizza.

DW does have a history of revenge-like behavior, if you consider the neck-stabbing incident. But to target a family of virtual strangers because he got fired from the father's company 10 yrs ago, find their address, plot their comings and goings, get through an alarm system, risk going into a patrolled neighborhood, beckon AS and SS to come home one by one then torture/murder them in what seems like some kind sadistic party with a 10-year-old as the focus?

It seems unnecessarily risky and inconvenient to just get money, if that's all he was after. It doesn't add up for it to be one guy with a grudge who needs lawyer money. Especially one who knows the ins and outs of fencing and surely could sell drugs.

The overkill would maybe make sense if he was jacked up, but I don't think people stop to eat pizza in that condition and he'd crash. If SS were unbound he would have been able to outmaneuver him. It does seem like there is a bigger motive or precipitating event that connected DW back to SS and fueled that level of overkill--and LE doesn't seem to have changed their opinion that they believe others were involved. Just the mere fact that he gave half of his loot to his bro nods to some kind of collaboration. It's easier to believe that it was a gang hit, family affair, or DW was looking for cash and realized he had an insider to the wealthy family at his disposal to help pull off the scheming or at least give him the info that would make the job doable. Also, I don't think DW intended to escape in the Porsche. I think his ride bailed on him or couldn't make it in time.

Why the S family then?

Exactly he only needed $1100 for the attorney why all this risk and effort??
If it wasn't about money, what would be the point of staying in the house overnight waiting for 40 k to be delivered (a highly risky behavior).
He might have wanted cash only to make sure he wouldn't be caught. If he was already afraid of deportation, I am sure he didn't want to get caught with stolen goods.

Cash so he wouldn't be caught......but staying overnight, torture, four murders, stolen car set on fire are all riskier than "smash and grab". He could've worn a mask and gotten cash, credit cards, jewelry in no time from Amy or Vera.....easily enough for $1100.
That was for a retainer only. If lawyer had to do anything, it would be more $$$.

How much more? Was it even something he could've fought and won? Might he have given money to attorney for more sinister reason?
ITA LE knows so, so much more than what is being let out. It seems the felt comfortable with what they had being enough to find probably cause for DW, and why release more than that if they don't need to?

I respectfully disagree that it makes no sense to point intentionally at the street. It makes a lot of sense to me- see who might be lurking, driving by repeatedly, who is coming and going, etc. If there are places with high walls, fences, or gates, they may also have street-pointing cameras to monitor entry or the perimeter.

And, because I felt crazy that pointing at the street makes sense, I was trying to look up what people recommended. I found one site from the Fremont Police recommending street facing camera: http://www.fremontpolice.org/index.aspx?NID=322

Doesn't necessarily mean it applies in this case or that they'll get anything, but they lived in a pretty fancy-schmancy neighborhood and I would have really thought there'd be some street footage from somewhere. Even where I work in business-ey DC, there will be random embassies, ambassador building, etc. with cameras clearly catching me on camera as I walk by.
I forget that in the last couple of years consumer IP cameras have become ubiquitous. So in newer installations, it may be fast, easy, cheap to install a bunch of cameras pointed everywhere, and storage is absolutely cheap so that you'd pipe the streams up to the cloud. Yet, I still am doubtful.

That's not a neighborhood with a ton of churn in residents, and there may be inherited security systems that people kept with old school DVRs, like the one the SS family seems it may have had. The Aussies may have some perimeter footage worth seeing, but I'd be surprised if the homes captured anything of value. But I am no physical security expert with residential experience, so these are only my opinions.

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DW needed as much money as possible and quickly if he thought his latest arrest would involve immigration issues.

I think burglarizing SS home could have extra meaning for him. Not just cash and small things to steal and sell, but the fact that it was his former boss who may or may not have fired him, and definitely fired his relative. Maybe it was just simply thinking that he has it, I want it, he has insurance, he can afford the loss.

Maybe SS popped into his head as a potential target because he was the only wealthy person he actually knew. Maybe for whatever reason, he had been to the house before. Maybe he went to the door and talked his way in by being able to talk about details at AIW to back up a story that he still worked there and SS wanted him to check on something for him. I dunno.

Even though it hasn't been reported why no longer worked at AIW, I can speculate that he was fired. It has been reported that he was a problem employee (I'm paraphrasing) because of his attitude and SS tried to help him by moving him to different departments within AIW. Obviously, that didn't work out, either because ultimately he had to be let go whether by outright firing, or by laying off (same thing) or by DW quitting. In either case, there could have been hard feelings on DW's part.

Of course, it's also possible DW resigned because he had a better offer elsewhere. Just my opinion, but I think that one's :hilarious:
That doesn't mean it didn't happen. Clearly the S family had nice things. I can't imagine DW wouldn't take jewelry. If he didn't then this is not about money and a hit is more likely. DW has been arrested for receiving stolen goods.....why not take jewelry and watches. Easy to carry.

This (jewelry, silverware, etc.) could be one of those items that aren't publicized in order to gather more evidence.
Items stolen, pawned, sold and recovered could lead back to source DW. Items found in someone else's possession - same thing. Arrested for something, possessions inventoried for custody, voila. Wonder if the gf was sportin' any new baubles?
Exactly he only needed $1100 for the attorney why all this risk and effort??

Don't forget that $1100 was only a retainer. That may have been all that was needed when all was said and done as far as an immigration issue for that single March incident, but it could have run into much more money trying to defend all those previous arrests, restraining order, threats to kill lumped in.
Don't forget that $1100 was only a retainer. That may have been all that was needed when all was said and done as far as an immigration issue for that single March incident, but it could have run into much more money trying to defend all those previous arrests, restraining order, threats to kill lumped in.

Why would DW actually fight this in the courtroom? Seems like he'd just go into hiding, get a fake identity or something. Doesn't really fit to me.
Perhaps PS was the primary leverage to control AS until SS was lured back home. After that IMO both were used by DW to keep SS controlled.
IMO we haven't heard anything yet about any sexual assaults but LE has not released the coroners reports.

Wouldn't that be something. DW's going to have enough problems (in prison) because he tortured and murdered a child, but if there was sexual interference and it was reported, he'd have to be in super protective custody to not be killed before getting to trial. :thinking:
Why would actually fight this in the courtroom? Seems like he's just go into hiding, get a fake identity or something. Doesn't really fit to me.

Then why hire a lawyer in the first place? He's gotten away with years of criminal behavior and may have thought he could continue life as before once this was taken care of. I don't see him as running and hiding.
Then why hire a lawyer in the first place?

IMO it was very important to DW. Two days after slaughtering four humans he's off with $1,100 of the blood money hiring an immigration lawyer.
Then why hire a lawyer in the first place?

That's what I'm saying! I don't see DW as being the the type to spend thousands defending himself the right, legal way. And if so why screw that all up with risking another arrest. Fishy! Which attorney was this??
That's what I'm saying! I don't see DW as being the the type to spend thousands defending himself the right, legal way. And if so why screw that all up with risking another arrest. Fishy! Which attorney was this??

I have not seen a name but LE found a receipt. It was not Hanover who was hired in June by his family
BBM: It might make sense because the blood of SS was found on his shoes. Perhaps the most definitive info available at the time.

Sorry for being late to answer your reply Bella. Busy..busy weekend.

But respectfully it really doesn't make sense according to the law. It really doesn't matter if the blood found was SSs. By law he would be equally culpable in all four murders.

And thank you everyone who replied that you cant find the indictment online. I think the AP reported he has been charged with all four. I think I may trying emailing them tomorrow and asking them if they have seen the actual indictment.

Of course they know he isn't going anywhere and they can add additional charges at anytime before trial and that's a long way off, imo.

Again, thanks everyone who replied.:)
Mosler's story is an interesting one. He seems to be a high energy super intellect, and an unabashed dilettante. The car thing almost comes across like a tinkerer's hobby once you read enough about him.

Some people say his cars were ugly, that his speed tests were rigged, that they were produced in such limited numbers that they weren't "production" automobiles. But using Corvette parts when he employed one of the main Corvette design engineers seems an ode of sorts to me.

I like the guy's story. I am fascinated by the probable overlapping interests with SS in engineering, cars and likely the Greek economic crisis. I'd have loved sitting at a table with those two at a fundraising dinner.

Did someone else closely related to SS also have a Mosler or is he just FB friends? I know someone here mentioned there are were only 20 of this car made and Mr. M kept 2, was it Steven Spielberg had another, did SS and PS Sr each have one?
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