DC - Savvas Savopoulos, family & Veralicia Figueroa murdered; Daron Wint Arrested #20

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Exactly! How would they know it was JW's car? How would they know JW knew this family at all?

IMO. This was a high-end, very well-to-do neighborhood. If I was LE and assessing the scene, JW's car would catch my eye as possibly being out of place. Something that didn't quite fit in. I'd definitely take note of it, possibly before looking into Range Rovers, Audis, Mercedes, etc. I might not know who JW is, but I'd definitely be looking at the car.
Very odd considering he had just left a voicemail for Amy asking if she was okay and told her the house was on fire.


Why is that odd? He called to check on her. Drove there, ran up to the house and saw the fire trucks, cops etc. Talked to the other employees, and bystanders. Eventually talked to the detectives. What is so odd?
IMO. This was a high-end, very well-to-do neighborhood. If I was LE and assessing the scene, JW's car would catch my eye as possibly being out of place. Something that didn't quite fit in. I'd definitely take note of it, possibly before looking into Range Rovers, Audis, Mercedes, etc. I might not know who JW is, but I'd definitely be looking at the car.

It's a BMW not a Pinto!!!!!!! Pretty sure most people would rank a BMW right up there with those other cars. He was parked at the end of a block. That is where the put the crime scene tape. It had nothing to do with the type of car or the owner of the car. It was done probably within less than an hour. There is NO investigation going on at that point. They are managing a crime scene.
It's a BMW not a Pinto!!!!!!! Pretty sure most people would rank a BMW right up there with those other cars. He was parked at the end of a block. That is where the put the crime scene tape. It had nothing to do with the type of car or the owner of the car. It was done probably within less than an hour. There is NO investigation going on at that point. They are managing a crime scene.

It's my understanding that it is a 2008 BMW. If it is the car we believe it to be, it's a very loud neon green and did not look high-end to me. Just because it is a BMW doesn't mean it looked like it belonged there, IMO. Not something I'd picture the owner of a $5-&7 million home to be driving and maybe not their kids either.
It's a BMW not a Pinto!!!!!!! Pretty sure most people would rank a BMW right up there with those other cars. He was parked at the end of a block. That is where the put the crime scene tape. It had nothing to do with the type of car or the owner of the car. It was done probably within less than an hour. There is NO investigation going on at that point. They are managing a crime scene.

Nothing says old money quite like neon green.
So are people really thinking that w1's car was the only one that got taped in after they realised this was a homicide, or that they said to themselves, ohhhh lookey there, there's a car that isn't the right color bmw, lete tape it and all these other cars in with crime scene tape. Just because of that car. Or could it be possibly, that, they put crime scene tape up, ( like they always do). To keep people out. The reason for the tape is to keep lookey loos out, w1's car happened to be parked in the area that they wanted people out of. After they spoke to him and were trying to determine if he could be a suspect they then took his car.

It really doesn't appear that he is a suspect anymore. I think the problem here is that we can't talk about any other people who are likely suspects, so we hang on to him even though all logic says he was just doing what his boss asked him to do. Can you imagine how awful he must feel, knowing what he knows now, second guessing himself, he should have done this or he should have figured something was wrong etc.... And then on top of it, to have people think you were actually involved in it. People dissecting your life, even to when and where you were born. I hope this guys getting some help dealing with this.
So are people really thinking that w1's car was the only one that got taped in after they realised this was a homicide, or that they said to themselves, ohhhh lookey there, there's a car that isn't the right color bmw, lete tape it and all these other cars in with crime scene tape. Just because of that car. Or could it be possibly, that, they put crime scene tape up, ( like they always do). To keep people out. The reason for the tape is to keep lookey loos out, w1's car happened to be parked in the area that they wanted people out of. After they spoke to him and were trying to determine if he could be a suspect they then took his car.

It really doesn't appear that he is a suspect anymore. I think the problem here is that we can't talk about any other people who are likely suspects, so we hang on to him even though all logic says he was just doing what his boss asked him to do. Can you imagine how awful he must feel, knowing what he knows now, second guessing himself, he should have done this or he should have figured something was wrong etc.... And then on top of it, to have people think you were actually involved in it. People dissecting your life, even to when and where you were born. I hope this guys getting some help dealing with this.

"After they spoke to him and were trying to determine if he could be a suspect they then took his car."
Or... he could be a witness.
IMO - after they spoke to him and were trying to determine if he could be a WITNESS, they then took his car.

Agree: "all logic says he was just doing what his boss asked him to do."
It's a BMW not a Pinto!!!!!!! Pretty sure most people would rank a BMW right up there with those other cars. He was parked at the end of a block. That is where the put the crime scene tape. It had nothing to do with the type of car or the owner of the car. It was done probably within less than an hour. There is NO investigation going on at that point. They are managing a crime scene.

I disagree "There is NO investigation going on at that point. They are managing a crime scene."
I believe from the minute LE knew of homicide in the S home, detectives were canvassing the crowd at the scene to determine any possible suspects or witnesses among the people who had gathered. They wouldn't have wasted much time at all. At that time, nobody knew if the killer was gone from the scene or still lurking nearby in bushes, or even hanging around the crowd pretending to be curious about the fire and the bodies being brought out of the home.
So are people really thinking that w1's car was the only one that got taped in after they realised this was a homicide, or that they said to themselves, ohhhh lookey there, there's a car that isn't the right color bmw, lete tape it and all these other cars in with crime scene tape. Just because of that car. Or could it be possibly, that, they put crime scene tape up, ( like they always do). To keep people out. The reason for the tape is to keep lookey loos out, w1's car happened to be parked in the area that they wanted people out of. After they spoke to him and were trying to determine if he could be a suspect they then took his car.

It really doesn't appear that he is a suspect anymore. I think the problem here is that we can't talk about any other people who are likely suspects, so we hang on to him even though all logic says he was just doing what his boss asked him to do. Can you imagine how awful he must feel, knowing what he knows now, second guessing himself, he should have done this or he should have figured something was wrong etc.... And then on top of it, to have people think you were actually involved in it. People dissecting your life, even to when and where you were born. I hope this guys getting some help dealing with this.

His happened to be the last car taped in and there was discussion about the tape having been moved, so I think there was speculation around that. Who knows, could totally be coincidence, or purposeful.\

ETA: I will note that the whole point of painting a car neon green is so that it will stand out, not blend in. So, it's totally possible that it did get noticed.
But saying he was connected to the family would mean they would immediately ask HOW. He'd say I work for SS. They immediately made an appt. for him to come in and be interviewed. He might have even told him he had been there earlier and why. WE DON'T KNOW YET.

When they are out on the street they do not do intensive, video'ed interrogations. That is what they intended for him.

It was the first interaction with LE at the scene according to the transcript. Beyond that, agreed, we don't really know anything else. I'm just going off what Owens said in the transcript, but, again, he didn't seem very informed on some things.
No matter what the feelings about JW, he's a prosecution witness. He's been investigated and his story verified by homicide detectives. We can second guess him but it is what it is.
The defense can try to discredit him but Bach gave notice that he's not involved any further than receiving a message from his boss to meet someone, pick up a package and deliver it and he did so.
IMO Ago is going to focus on trying to say there was sloppy crime scene management, cross contamination, lab errors...that route

I reread the whole darn thing again. I was paying special attention to where Bach would have said that in redirect. But I couldn't find anywhere where she said that, or anything like that. She DID ask Owens if JW's accounting of his whereabouts was corroborated and generally how it was corroborated. (The answer wasn't particularly strong: it was corroborated by JW's own account and cell phone pings. However, according to Owens, no inconsistencies were discovered.) Is this what you were interpreting as her giving notice?:

Q Did W-1 provide law enforcement with a full
accounting of where he was on May 13th and 14th?
A Yeah.
Q And has that been corroborated?
A Yes.
MR. AGO: Your Honor, I would object, the Court
prevented me from exploring this.
THE COURT: Not completely, counsel. Objection's
Q Just generally through what sources has it been
A Through himself and his phone, the locations of his
phone being used.
Q Have you found anything that is inconsistent with
his account of his whereabouts?
A No.

Q Have you learned anything in your investigation to
show that he was at the Savopoulos home on May 13th and 14th
other than during that short timeframe when he delivered the
A Repeat the question.
Q Sure. Other than the short period of time on May
13th and 14th when W-1 delivered the cash did you find any
evidence indicating that he was at the home any other time on
those two days?
A To deliver the cash on May 14th, that short period
of time, no.
i reread the whole darn thing again. I was paying special attention to where bach would have said that in redirect. But i couldn't find anywhere where she said that, or anything like that. She did ask owens if jw's accounting of his whereabouts was corroborated and generally how it was corroborated. (the answer wasn't particularly strong: It was corroborated by jw's own account and cell phone pings. However, according to owens, no inconsistencies were discovered.) is this what you were interpreting as her giving notice?:

Q did w-1 provide law enforcement with a full
accounting of where he was on may 13th and 14th?
A yeah.
Q and has that been corroborated?
A yes.
Mr. Ago: Your honor, i would object, the court
prevented me from exploring this.
The court: Not completely, counsel. Objection's
By ms. Bach:
Q just generally through what sources has it been
A through himself and his phone, the locations of his
phone being used.
Q have you found anything that is inconsistent with
his account of his whereabouts?
A no.

Q have you learned anything in your investigation to
show that he was at the savopoulos home on may 13th and 14th
other than during that short timeframe when he delivered the
A repeat the question.
Q sure. Other than the short period of time on may
13th and 14th when w-1 delivered the cash did you find any
evidence indicating that he was at the home any other time on
those two days?
A to deliver the cash on may 14th, that short period
of time, no.

y e s
I'm on my cell phone so I can't get the transcripts. Did the defence say at one point that they were not considering w1 as anwinfield defendant. Doesn't that mean they don't consider him to be involved.
I'm on my cell phone so I can't get the transcripts. Did the defence say at one point that they were not considering w1 as anwinfield defendant. Doesn't that mean they don't consider him to be involved.

It was the prosecution that floated that idea that the defense might be treating JW as a Winfield defendant, but her point (Bach's) was that he can't be a Winfield def because there is no indication that this crime was committed by only one person, so even if JW was totally involved, DW would still be guilty as well. I don't believe the defense confirmed or denied anything about their approach as it pertained to Winfield. But Ago did seem to start barking down a different path later.

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It was the prosecution that floated that idea that the defense might be treating JW as a Winfield defendant, but her point (Bach's) was that he can't be a Winfield def because there is no indication that this crime was committed by only one person, so even if JW was totally involved, DW would still be guilty as well. I don't believe the defense confirmed or denied anything about their approach as it pertained to Winfield. But Ago did seem to start barking down a different path later.

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Thank you
So are people really thinking that w1's car was the only one that got taped in after they realised this was a homicide, or that they said to themselves, ohhhh lookey there, there's a car that isn't the right color bmw, lete tape it and all these other cars in with crime scene tape. Just because of that car. Or could it be possibly, that, they put crime scene tape up, ( like they always do). To keep people out. The reason for the tape is to keep lookey loos out, w1's car happened to be parked in the area that they wanted people out of. After they spoke to him and were trying to determine if he could be a suspect they then took his car.

It really doesn't appear that he is a suspect anymore. I think the problem here is that we can't talk about any other people who are likely suspects, so we hang on to him even though all logic says he was just doing what his boss asked him to do. Can you imagine how awful he must feel, knowing what he knows now, second guessing himself, he should have done this or he should have figured something was wrong etc.... And then on top of it, to have people think you were actually involved in it. People dissecting your life, even to when and where you were born. I hope this guys getting some help dealing with this.

Everyone is welcome to an opinion, but I disagree that "all logic" says he was just doing what his boss say asked him to do. I am keeping my mind open to all possibilities, including random break-in, DW kept a grudge for 10 years and acted alone, DW had help, DW had help from particular people, the contractor had something to do with it, a former business partner or competitor had something to do with it, a disgruntled family member was involved, etc. There is a lot we don't know, and IMHO, we don't know enough to know what all logic dictates. JMO.
His happened to be the last car taped in and there was discussion about the tape having been moved, so I think there was speculation around that. Who knows, could totally be coincidence, or purposeful.\

ETA: I will note that the whole point of painting a car neon green is so that it will stand out, not blend in. So, it's totally possible that it did get noticed.

If you look at the early pictures, there is crime scene tape right around the area where the house is. Later that afternoon, LE tweeted that certain roads were closed and those tweets match where we saw the tape in the picture of JW's car. I think it's reasonable to assume the area was made larger at some later time after the bodies were discovered, since by 2:15 or so when JW would have arrived from Chantilly, he was still able to park in the area that was then later taped. That is, unless JW was not in Chantilly when he received the call about the fire and got there much sooner, and there was a delay in DC Police's tweets.
So are people really thinking that w1's car was the only one that got taped in after they realised this was a homicide, or that they said to themselves, ohhhh lookey there, there's a car that isn't the right color bmw, lete tape it and all these other cars in with crime scene tape. Just because of that car. Or could it be possibly, that, they put crime scene tape up, ( like they always do). To keep people out. The reason for the tape is to keep lookey loos out, w1's car happened to be parked in the area that they wanted people out of. After they spoke to him and were trying to determine if he could be a suspect they then took his car.

It really doesn't appear that he is a suspect anymore. I think the problem here is that we can't talk about any other people who are likely suspects, so we hang on to him even though all logic says he was just doing what his boss asked him to do. Can you imagine how awful he must feel, knowing what he knows now, second guessing himself, he should have done this or he should have figured something was wrong etc.... And then on top of it, to have people think you were actually involved in it. People dissecting your life, even to when and where you were born. I hope this guys getting some help dealing with this.

I am not saying the scene was taped because of JW's neon green car. I'm just saying that as LE, it would stand out to me and anything that looked out of place like that would draw scrutiny. Right or wrong, I'd see that car and focus on it. Of course, LE should be looking at everything, but JW's car would have stood out, IMO.
If you look at the early pictures, there is crime scene tape right around the area where the house is. Later that afternoon, LE tweeted that certain roads were closed and those tweets match where we saw the tape in the picture of JW's car. I think it's reasonable to assume the area was made larger at some later time after the bodies were discovered, since by 2:15 or so when JW would have arrived from Chantilly, he was still able to park in the area that was then later taped. That is, unless JW was not in Chantilly when he received the call about the fire and got there much sooner, and there was a delay in DC Police's tweets.

According to the transcript, JW was at the dojo and was told about the fire from someone at the dojo. That was the one place that Owens mentioned that had been corroborated beyond JW's accounting and cell phone pings--meaning, he said others placed him there.

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