DC - Savvas Savopoulos, family & Veralicia Figueroa murdered; Daron Wint Arrested #20

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I have always wondered if JW might have left the garage door open, because maybe he was asked to do so. And maybe he sat in his car out on the street, watching the cash to make sure no one took it before his boss retrieved it. Because I would probably do that if I was responsible for 40k until it was in my bosses hands.

And what if he sat in his car and watched the garage, and saw an unknown male come out and close the garage door from inside?

I doubt it happened because I'd think he would have called SS if so. I would have. But IDK.

I thought he closed the garage door? At least that is what he said, and it would make sense for him to do so. Still, he might have caught onto some funny business somehow.
I don't think that JW thought that his delivery to the home had anything to do with the fire and bodies found inside. Why would he connect the two? So no, I don't think that JW would have felt the need to go to a cop and say "take me down to the station so I can fill you in on my employment with this family".

It's safe to say he thought they were busy with other things.

You still want to vilify this man who after almost 3 months still has no further involvement in this case. He been called a witness under oath. I happen to believe LE, especially in a high profile city like DC, in a high profile case have actually done their jobs. You seem to think differently. This isn't some backwater town where LEO aren't used to dealing with murder, etc. (No offense to backwater towns, since I live in one!)

I think that is exactly what NG did.
Why park at all if he wasn't going to introduce himself, ask about the family and tell them as much as he knew?? And then why leave without his car?? Odd.

Yeah, I don't think he drove straight from VA upon hearing about the fire because he was planning on putting it out himself. If he didn't plan on talking to LE as soon as he arrived (and they had time for him), why go to the S house at all?
Yes, he texted his girlfriend because he had $40K in his hands. He also texted her it was for the auction. It was "crazy weird" to have that much cash in his hands. It wasn't his. I would be freaking out too! Maybe you are used to handling cash amounts like that. 99% of the population is NOT!!!!

And of course, all of the people that SS spoke to didn't raise any red flags by the "crazy weird" request, why would JW assume it was? JW had been around in this circle for 6 weeks (or whatever). He would have no idea how things work around this family. He just knows what he was asked to do, and he did it.

Because you know, houses catch on fire and people die in them. Everyday. While others go about their daily lives, not assuming that someone has murdered the 4 people in the house and set it on fire.

You and I and everyone else have the benefit of hindsight. And a good portion of the puzzle. At the time, JW did not. He did his job, and his employer's house caught on fire and someone was removed from the home. That is all he knew, at the time.

We don't know what the other employees who had knowledge of the cash transaction did when they heard about the fire. I'm guessing (because it's what I would do) that the accountant who had JW go into the bank with him so his presence would be documented on video, also called LE as soon as he heard about the fire. JMO
Picture of JW's BMW beyond the police tape was entry #511 on thread 19, DC Police tweets timeline was on entry #389 of thread 19.

Last Thursday, I decided to time the most direct route from the dojo to the point on Woodland Dr. where Jw's car was pictured(entry 511). I started at the dojo on Willard Rd. in Chantilly at 1:45pm taking US 50 to VA28 to I66(have I said how I HATE I66?) to the Rock Creek Pkwy to Mass Ave to 30th St to Woodland Dr. parking just north of the intersection of 31st Place and Woodland. Driving at the normal Washington pace in an agile Volvo, the journey took me 68 and a half minutes.

Jump to the day of the murders. Police would have blocked Woodland at 31st Place because the next intersection(Woodland and 32nd)was the fire/crime scene. They would have used a patrol car blocking to divert traffic northbound onto 31st place to Cleveland Ave. and would have been done within 15 minutes of fire and police vehicles arriving at the SS house.

If we are to use the timeline of the fire being reported at 1:24pm, the police blockade of Woodland would have been done by 1:45pm. If JW left the dojo at 1:45pm, he could not arrived at the location where his BMW was pictured until 2:54pm. How did he get the car around the police car blocking the street(and the officer directing traffic) with an active crime scene just a hundred yards up the road?
Note: I also tried the other way to get there via the Beltway into Bethesda then south and it took an hour and twenty minutes without serious traffic problems.)

BBM: Thanks for your timing and I don't mean to question this but is it your opinion when the crime scene tape went up? I've not seen this reported.
I don't know why JW acted the way he did. Maybe someone will get to ask him those questions one day. For now I think the police have asked JW not to speak to the media which is totally understandable.

Remember when Kato Kalin was sort of an odd character and many even thought he may have helped OJ in the murders but he just turned out to be sort of a goofy guy who hadn't done anything wrong.

Whatever the reason for JW saying what he did I have never thought he was involved in these crimes in any manner.

In fact I am not surprised to see there have been no further arrest. I think Wint is it and there will be no one else arrested. I have had the same belief since the beginning. I think most likely the ones who were with Wint have convinced LE they did not know anything about what Wint had done before he came to be with them. They may testify on behalf of the state.


I can't remember now, because it was so long ago. Did Kato lie to LE when they first interviewed him?
HOW do we know he didn't share that info right from the start?

We know it was not Owen's intention to give the impression that JW did that right off, as he would have included that in his answer first thing. If Bach hadn't asked follow up questions, we would have been left with only the information that JW came to LE because he wanted to retrieve his car. Reasons for that?
Who said he left the scene and then came back to get his car. I thought that was speculation from a poster here.

LE said it. Hope someone else has the link. I already posted it some time ago.
I don't think so. We were all picking apart the quote and trying to interpret it. Maybe try to search it? I'll try to find it. Did you get a chance to read the transcript? Are you thinking that JW was at the scene the whole time? I thought, per LE, they taped his car in so they could have it to search it, and JW approached the officer to get his car back hours later. I could be wrong. I must be wrong according to all the hubbub I created just from me saying he wanted out of dodge. Maybe he didn't want out of dodge at all. Maybe he was just trying to find the right time to chat with someone.? Idk!

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He definitely wanted out of the tape! ;)
Exactly! How would they know it was JW's car? How would they know JW knew this family at all?

They could have known some of this if they talked to the accountant. He met JW at AIW and then they drove to the bank. The accountant put the money in JW's bag in the parking lot. He may have taken note of his lime green BMW.
I can only speak for how I Know I would have behaved in that situation. First, I'd be horrified and frightened. I realize people are different, but having been in a similar situation (no murder, no arson but crime scene taped off), I went to the first uniformed person who looked like they'd be the nicest person or least likely to bite my head off (some really look hardass just standing there and that intimidates me). Everything was fine for me. In this case, I would approach an officer who is not occupied or busy and tell them my of my relationship to the homeowner and what happened that morning because I had been there. The officer would contact his superior or the watch commander who would then determine whether to take my contact information and brief story and let me go or to have me wait there and be taken to the station for a more in-depth interview.

But, that's me. First, it would never occur to me to leave without saying anything to anyone because it's an extraordinary circumstance and I was involved however innocently. Secondly, I'd be a freaking nervous guilty-feeling wreck waiting for someone from LE to discover I'd been there for an errand in the morning, visited the scene during the fire and LE activity and said nothing because I KNOW at some point, they'd know I had been there and want to know why I didn't tell anyone.

I realize that goes against advice of volunteer nothing without benefit of legal representation, but I'd still do it. I can't handle suspense of any sort. I'd want to unburden as soon as possible and deal with what happens as it happens. For me, that's infinitely less stressful than waiting for that shoe to drop.

I would do this because it makes sense to me. I don't care if I didn't know a murder had been committed, I'd know that I was given a task by my boss to do something unusual and I did it. A few hours later, I'm informed that the boss's home is on fire. I go there to see what's going on or if I can help in some way. I then see or hear about bodies being taken out of the house. Hell yeah, I'd talk to an officer there.

I'd talk to an officer if there were no bodies being removed if it was just a simple fire. "Officer: what happened? I work for Mr. S and ran an errand for him this morning to drop something off at his house. I just got a call that his house was on fire and came to see if things were okay." And then, things would proceed from there.

And I absolutely don't believe that his car was there "for hours" as stated in that article that deliberately smushed together information to make it appear to be something it wasn't. It could have been a matter of minutes when he arrived, got out of the car to get closer on foot, came back to the car and it was taped off. At that time, police didn't know it wasn't a neighbor's car - it was just there.

ITA with everything you said, but want to add LE may not have known how long JW was parked in that spot, but they know how long the tape was up before JW returned to his car. JW would have had to have been parked at least that long.
I thought he closed the garage door? At least that is what he said, and it would make sense for him to do so. Still, he might have caught onto some funny business somehow.

That is what he said. But others have commented that he did not have access to a garage remote, or a code, and wondered how he closed it. So I wondered if that had something to do with all of his hemming and hawing about the door locked unlocked, garage door open/closed, etc. If MAYBE he did not want to involve himself in testifying against a gang member? IDK
Who said he left the scene and then came back to get his car. I thought that was speculation from a poster here.

It was a smarmy msm article that stated it. Doesn't make it true in the sense that the writer wanted to imply, in fact the statements were definitely slanted to paint a picture. Semantics games again. Grrr.

ETA: I do believe it could have been hours if JW was driven from the scene to be interviewed and returned later to get his car. But, the article was deliberately reporting something else.
We know it was not Owen's intention to give the impression that JW did that right off, as he would have included that in his answer first thing. If Bach hadn't asked follow up questions, we would have been left with only the information that JW came to LE because he wanted to retrieve his car. Reasons for that?

Owen's intention?
Owen stated
"he made himself known who he was and he wanted his car back."​

and Owens answered "Yeah" to this question:
"When you said he made himself known who he was did he tell the police that he was connected with the Savopoulos family?"

per PH:
Q And so when W-1 identified himself to the police he said that's my car, words to the effect of that's my car, I want my car back?
A I can't tell you his exact words, but in essence he made himself known who he was and he wanted his car back.
Q When you said he made himself known who he was did he tell the police that he was connected with the Savopoulos family?
A Yeah.
Q At that moment?
A Yeah.​

Yeah, I don't think he drove straight from VA upon hearing about the fire because he was planning on putting it out himself. If he didn't plan on talking to LE as soon as he arrived (and they had time for him), why go to the S house at all?

His boss's home is on fire and no one can reach SS or AS. Why wouldn't he rush over there?
That is what he said. But others have commented that he did not have access to a garage remote, or a code, and wondered how he closed it. So I wondered if that had something to do with all of his hemming and hawing about the door locked unlocked, garage door open/closed, etc. If MAYBE he did not want to involve himself in testifying against a gang member? IDK

How would he have known anything about a gang member at that point? That was before LE even had DW's DNA.
His boss's home is on fire and no one can reach SS or AS. Why wouldn't he rush over there?

I would think he would rush over there to check on his boss and his family and once there, to tell LE about the morning's unusual drop off, as well as his recent employment.
We know it was not Owen's intention to give the impression that JW did that right off, as he would have included that in his answer first thing. If Bach hadn't asked follow up questions, we would have been left with only the information that JW came to LE because he wanted to retrieve his car. Reasons for that?

He did include it in his answer first thing. It has been posted a couple of times that IN THE SAME MOMENT JW said he was connected to the family and he came to get his car. Saying he was connected to the family opened the conversation up immediately. So much so that LE took him right to the station and seized his car. I don't know how much more clearly Owens could have stated it. He was not there during the conversation so he did not quote JW. But we can see from the outcome that JW shared the important info 'in the same moment' as he asked for his car---to quote the detective.
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