DC - Savvas Savopoulos, family & Veralicia Figueroa murdered; Daron Wint Arrested #20

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Owen's intention?
Owen stated
"he made himself known who he was and he wanted his car back."​

and answered "Yeah" to this question:
"When you said he made himself known who he was did he tell the police that he was connected with the Savopoulos family?"

per PH:
Q And so when W-1 identified himself to the police he said that's my car, words to the effect of that's my car, I want my car back?
A I can't tell you his exact words, but in essence he made himself known who he was and he wanted his car back.
Q When you said he made himself known who he was did he tell the police that he was connected with the Savopoulos family?
A Yeah.
Q At that moment?
A Yeah.​

If Owens wanted the court to know that JW approached an officer to say he was employed by SS, he'd had an unusual job that morning, and BTW, that's my car, there are other ways that the detective could have answered that first question to make that clear. Even this long after the crimes, LE is still behaving as if they are suspicious of JW. I don't know why. But from my perspective, there is no question that they are not embracing him as a friendly and reliable witness. JMO
How would he have known anything about a gang member at that point? That was before LE even had DW's DNA.

Because if he did happen to see DW or a family member come out to the garage, and then later he goes to the home to see it burning and the bodies being gurneyed out, he is going to assume something along those lines. Anybody would.
If Owens wanted the court to know that JW approached an officer to say he was employed by SS, he'd had an unusual job that morning, and BTW, that's my car, there are other ways that the detective could have answered that first question to make that clear. Even this long after the crimes, LE is still behaving as if they are suspicious of JW. I don't know why. But from my perspective, there is no question that they are not embracing him as a friendly and reliable witness. JMO

I feel like people are nitpicking the statement. First it was being said that JW came back from somewhere, hours later, asking for his car back, desperate to get out of Dodge.

But then we look at the wording, and the detective said IN FACT, JW made it known IN THE SAME MOMENT that he was connected to the family and he wanted to retrieve his car. And he must have told them something of significance because they transported him to headquarters and seized his car.

So it is unfair to say that he tried to get his car back without telling them what he knew. JMO
I would think he would rush over there to check on his boss and his family and once there, to tell LE about the morning's unusual drop off, as well as his recent employment.

Isnt that what he did?
If Owens wanted the court to know that JW approached an officer to say he was employed by SS, he'd had an unusual job that morning, and BTW, that's my car, there are other ways that the detective could have answered that first question to make that clear. Even this long after the crimes, LE is still behaving as if they are suspicious of JW. I don't know why. But from my perspective, there is no question that they are not embracing him as a friendly and reliable witness. JMO

Owens was very clear in his answer to the first question: "he made himself known who he was. . ."
Owen's intention?
Owen stated
"he made himself known who he was and he wanted his car back."​

and Owens answered "Yeah" to this question:
"When you said he made himself known who he was did he tell the police that he was connected with the Savopoulos family?"

per PH:
Q And so when W-1 identified himself to the police he said that's my car, words to the effect of that's my car, I want my car back?
A I can't tell you his exact words, but in essence he made himself known who he was and he wanted his car back.
Q When you said he made himself known who he was did he tell the police that he was connected with the Savopoulos family?
A Yeah.
Q At that moment?
A Yeah.​

From just before the part quoted above in the PH transcript (p. 17#23)
Q And did -- how did W-1 make himself known to the police? What did he say when he went up to 3201?
A If I remember correctly his car was parked within the police tape and he wanted his car back and he made himself known to the police at that point.
Q So, just to be clear my questions are all based on your conversations with the officers who spoke directly with W-1?
A Yes.
Q Okay. And so prior to the police putting up the tape W-1 returned to the area of 3201 and parked his car; is that correct?
A Well, at some point the tape was put up and W-1's car was within the tape.
Q Okay. So in other words what I'm saying is the tape wasn't up and then W-1 went through the tape to park the car, the car was there before the tape went up?
A I believe so, yeah.
Q And so when W-1 identified himself to the police he said that's my car, words to the effect of that's my car, I want my car back?
A I can't tell you his exact words, but in essence he made himself known who he was and he wanted his car back.
Also, they took JW to homicide to interview him, not the local police station. So JW had to know this was a homicide investigation. His dad is former LE and he's not stupid.

For some reason, when Ago described JW's car, Bach objected because she said it wasn't relevant to the hearing. Interestingly, Ago said he believed there was evidence relevant to the case (not necessarily the PH) seized from JW's car and Bach who seems very sharp to me, said she wasn't sure what evidence Ago was talking about that was relevant to the hearing. Was there evidence relevant to the case seized from JW's car?
It was a smarmy msm article that stated it. Doesn't make it true in the sense that the writer wanted to imply, in fact the statements were definitely slanted to paint a picture. Semantics games again. Grrr.

ETA: I do believe it could have been hours if JW was driven from the scene to be interviewed and returned later to get his car. But, the article was deliberately reported something else.

It was a CBS News article. I don't see anywhere in the transcript that the detective said "that indicated he was there before the tape went up and came back hours later." I doubt the reporter interviewed the detective after the hearing (JMO). I don't think JW would have returned to his car after he was interviewed by LE at homicide. They would have told him he couldn't get his car back and there was a police officer stationed at the tape next to his car, so he wouldn't have been able to get his stuff out, either.

Also, they took JW to homicide to interview him, not the local police station. So JW had to know this was a homicide investigation. His dad is former LE and he's not stupid.

For some reason, when Ago described JW's car, Bach objected because she said it wasn't relevant to the hearing. Interestingly, Ago said he believed there was evidence relevant to the case (not necessarily the PH) seized from JW's car and Bach who seems very sharp to me, said she wasn't sure what evidence Ago was talking about that was relevant to the hearing. Was there evidence relevant to the case seized from JW's car?
Wasn't Ago referring to the registration for the Mosler?
I don't see the difference. If he was connected to the family then he was connected to this case. He told them he was connected to the family, they made an appt. to interview him, and he retrieved his car. I don't see what is so suspicious about that.

1. They did not make an appointment with him to interview him. They took him directly from the scene to homicide (not the local precinct) where they interviewed him.
2. He did not retrieve his car. It was secured behind the tape and then seized and towed by LE the next day. We still don't know if he has it back or if LE still considers it evidence.
You would do the same thing I would do. But I am an older white lady. I think a young black urban male might be a lot more cautious than you or I would. JMO

FWIW JW self-identifies as white and he was raised in the suburbs.
When I read that it makes me think that JW told them on scene that he dropped $ off that morning. Why else would they seize the car right then?

I'm not sure they seized JW's car right then. It was in the crime scene, so he wouldn't have been able to access it yet. They may have let other people move their cars eventually. Owens said he wasn't sure if other people were allowed to retrieve their cars. After they interviewed JW, they got a SW and towed the car the next day. They would need probable cause to get that SW, and at least one judge believed LE had probable cause after JW's interview.
It was a CBS News article. I don't see anywhere in the transcript that the detective said "that indicated he was there before the tape went up and came back hours later." I doubt the reporter interviewed the detective after the hearing (JMO). I don't think JW would have returned to his car after he was interviewed by LE at homicide. They would have told him he couldn't get his car back and there was a police officer stationed at the tape next to his car, so he wouldn't have been able to get his stuff out, either.


True! Lol, that's what I said. :drumroll: a smarmy article with an agenda. I didn't post the link because I'd posted it before. It stinks.

I also believe that if it were true (returning hours later) that the reason could have been he was away being interviewed. Just a possibility, because I'd hate to think that msm could post something not based on fact or truth... badumpbump. I believe it could be. We don't know.

They would have dropped him off there and told him that if they were ticked off at him for lying, lol. LE are human beings, too and just as capable as passive-aggressive behaviors.

IMO that's why Det. Owens testified how he did - annoyance maybe. To me, it wasn't straight up defense of W-1, it's true that he's not a suspect, etc. but it seemed grudgingly admitted.

We don't know. I do look forward to more information as it's released. That article sucked. Allegedly. :hilarious:
Yea, Detective Owens. Hmmm, I'm hoping (based on his limited testimony and oversight or recollection) that I'm never murdered and bankin' on him to find my killer. Maybe his "lack of recall" about who, what, when and where was some sort of strategic planning by the prosecutor (as has been suggested) but that feels a bit shady to me. I really look for transparency, and lots of it, when talking about law enforcement. I come from a family of law enforcement.....high ranking. So, I'm not banging them nor am I questioning his integrity because he's being fed what the State tells him.......but I'm looking for a guy who speaks what he knows without the state or anyone else leading him where they want to go. I'm off-topic with your original post but wanted to address what was, to me, a hands-off detective in this massacre of a family. Why did they pick him? With such limited recollection of, frankly, yesterday? Strange.

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They picked him because they wanted someone who would give testimony that supported holding DW for trial and give the defense as little information as possible. I don't think this is his first bronco ride.
It was a CBS News article. I don't see anywhere in the transcript that the detective said "that indicated he was there before the tape went up and came back hours later." I doubt the reporter interviewed the detective after the hearing (JMO). I don't think JW would have returned to his car after he was interviewed by LE at homicide. They would have told him he couldn't get his car back and there was a police officer stationed at the tape next to his car, so he wouldn't have been able to get his stuff out, either.


In the transcript it was very, very clear that JW returned to the scene and asked for his car PRIOR to him being taken to homicide. In fact, approaching LE for his car was the impetus for them taking him to homicide right then. Also, of course he told them who he was. If he had lied or refused to give his name and why he was in the neighborhood that would be big trouble.
It's my understanding that it is a 2008 BMW. If it is the car we believe it to be, it's a very loud neon green and did not look high-end to me. Just because it is a BMW doesn't mean it looked like it belonged there, IMO. Not something I'd picture the owner of a $5-&7 million home to be driving and maybe not their kids either.

2009 and it looks like something a gangsta' wannabe would drive IMO. Of course, I'm not a fan of the Mosler either, so what do I know? It does not look like it would belong in that neighborhood because it is neither high end enough (cheapest BMW produced) to be garishly desirable (see previous sentence) nor staid enough to be baby's first beemer. All JMO of course!

ETA: Unless they had information from another AIW employee, I don't believe they selected JW's car to "tape in". I think his car was just within the blocks designated "crime scene" and he was stuck with everyone else. I do think after they interviewed him, they told him they were taking his car and got a SW. He was not allowed to access his car or its contents after the interview. I assume the other people whose cars were trapped were interviewed and found to either live or work in the neighborhood.
True! Lol, that's what I said. :drumroll: a smarmy article with an agenda. I didn't post the link because I'd posted it before. It stinks.

I also believe that if it were true (returning hours later) that the reason could have been he was away being interviewed. Just a possibility, because I'd hate to think that msm could post something not based on fact or truth... badumpbump. I believe it could be. We don't know.

They would have dropped him off there and told him that if they were ticked off at him for lying, lol. LE are human beings, too and just as capable as passive-aggressive behaviors.

IMO that's why Det. Owens testified how he did - annoyance maybe. To me, it wasn't straight up defense of W-1, it's true that he's not a suspect, etc. but it seemed grudgingly admitted.

We don't know. I do look forward to more information as it's released. That article sucked. Allegedly. :hilarious:

We know he "returned" prior to him being taken to himicide for his interview. There would have been no reason for him to return again after his interview because he would have known that he could not get into his car at that point.
"After they spoke to him and were trying to determine if he could be a suspect they then took his car."
Or... he could be a witness.
IMO - after they spoke to him and were trying to determine if he could be a WITNESS, they then took his car.

Agree: "all logic says he was just doing what his boss asked him to do."

I doubt they got SWs for every car that was behind the crime scene tape.
They picked him because they wanted someone who would give testimony that supported holding DW for trial and give the defense as little information as possible. I don't think this is his first bronco ride.

I thought they picked him because he is the Lead Detective.
In the transcript it was very, very clear that JW returned to the scene and asked for his car PRIOR to him being taken to homicide. In fact, approaching LE for his car was the impetus for them taking him to homicide right then. Also, of course he told them who he was. If he had lied or refused to give his name and why he was in the neighborhood that would be big trouble.

From information provided thus far, JW definitely provided his name and the reason he was in the neighborhood.

I don't recall in the PH transcript where "it was very, very clear that JW returned to the scene and asked for his car PRIOR to him being taken to homicide".
Where is that in the transcript? TIA

On page 17, it reads to me that Owens corrected his answer on line 16.
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