DC - Savvas Savopoulos, family & Veralicia Figueroa murdered; Daron Wint Arrested #20

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Owens said he "returned", then corrected and said "went up to the scene near 3201". Maybe JW was there the whole time yet never talked to LE, and Owens chose to use vague (even slightly misleading) language for some reason. Owens never said JW "returned to the the car". On top of that, when Ago specifically asked Owens if JW returned to the area of 3201 and parked his car before the tape went up, Owens answered, "Well, at some point the tape was put up and his car was there." Seems like he would have just said yes.

I don't think Owens "would have just said yes" if 'yes' wasn't his answer. That is why he didn't answer 'yes'.
According to the PH transcript, Owens' answer was "Well, at some point the tape was put up and W-1's car was within the tape."

Ago questioning Owens p 17 – 18:

Q Did W-1 make himself known to the police before he spoke to the police or did the police have to go out and get him? In other words, how did the police come across W-1?
A W-1 returned -- W-1 went up to the scene near 31 --3201 Woodland and he made himself known to the police at that point.
Q What date and time was this?
A It was the same day, May 14.
Q And do you know the time?
A I don't recall the exact time.
Q And did -- how did W-1 make himself known to the police? What did he say when he went up to 3201?
A If I remember correctly his car was parked within the police tape and he wanted his car back and he made himself known to the police at that point.
Q So, just to be clear my questions are all based on your conversations with the officers who spoke directly withW-1?
A Yes.
Q Okay. And so prior to the police putting up the tape W-1 returned to the area of 3201 and parked his car; is that correct?
A Well, at some point the tape was put up and W-1's car was within the tape.
It might not be on video to watch; it could be audio to hear, per PH:

Q Detective, I want to turn your attention to a person identified in your affidavit as W-1. Did you speak to W-1directly?
A No.
Q Did you speak to -- I take it the metropolitan police have spoken to W-1?
A Yes.
Q And did you speak to the police officers or detectives who spoke to W-1?
A Yes.
Q Okay. And is your characterization of what W-1, um, told in the affidavit based on those conversations with the police or those detectives?
A Yes.
Q And was W-1's -- was any of W-1's interviews by MPD videotaped or recorded?
A Yeah.
Q Did you view those videotapes or listen to those recordings?
A No.

PH transcript, page 16 & 17

Okay, hopefully he can watch the video or listen to the recording to ascertain whether the lies that he, himself, detailed in the affidavit, based on his teammates' interpretation of what JW was saying, were not lies at all and mischaracterized JW.
I don't think Owens "would have just said yes" if 'yes' wasn't his answer. That is why he didn't answer 'yes'.
According to the PH transcript, Owens' answer was "Well, at some point the tape was put up and W-1's car was within the tape."

Ago questioning Owens p 17 – 18:

Q Did W-1 make himself known to the police before he spoke to the police or did the police have to go out and get him? In other words, how did the police come across W-1?
A W-1 returned -- W-1 went up to the scene near 31 --3201 Woodland and he made himself known to the police at that point.
Q What date and time was this?
A It was the same day, May 14.
Q And do you know the time?
A I don't recall the exact time.
Q And did -- how did W-1 make himself known to the police? What did he say when he went up to 3201?
A If I remember correctly his car was parked within the police tape and he wanted his car back and he made himself known to the police at that point.
Q So, just to be clear my questions are all based on your conversations with the officers who spoke directly withW-1?
A Yes.
Q Okay. And so prior to the police putting up the tape W-1 returned to the area of 3201 and parked his car; is that correct?
A Well, at some point the tape was put up and W-1's car was within the tape.

That's what I just said.
My point is, why the caveat? Why wouldn't Owens just say "yes" if it was correct that JW drove back to the scene and parked before the tape went up. It almost seems like he was making a caveat that maybe JW didn't necessarily come back and park there, but that his car had already been parked there. It's just one thing that struck me as odd, that's all.
That's what I just said.
My point is, why the caveat? Why wouldn't Owens just say "yes" if it was correct that JW drove back to the scene and parked before the tape went up. It almost seems like he was making a caveat that maybe JW didn't necessarily come back and park there, but that his car had already been parked there. It's just one thing that struck me as odd, that's all.

Owens didn't simply say 'yes', because if he answered YES, he would have been agreeing with Ago's question which was "And so prior to the police putting up the tape W-1 returned to the area of 3201 and parked his car; is that correct? "
But it seems Owens wasn't agreeing with the entire question, especially the "returned to the area of 3201" part of the question. So, if Owens didn't agree, he isn't going to answer YES.
Owens didn't say simply say 'yes', because if he answered YES, he would have been agreeing with Ago's question which was "And so prior to the police putting up the tape W-1 returned to the area of 3201 and parked his car; is that correct? "
But it seems Owens wasn't agreeing with the entire question, especially the "returned to the area of 3201" part of the question. So, if Owens didn't agree, he isn't going to answer YES.

I think we are saying the same thing. My question is, why wouldn't have Owens agreed with the entire question? What part do you think he wouldn't have been agreeing with? Do you think he thought that Ago was trying to imply that JW drove to the scene of the fire, left the scene, then returned to the scene again in his car in time to park in a place that was not yet taped off?
I don't think so. The others are also detectives. He trusts what they tell him. Why listen to it himself when he has a zillion other more pressing concerns?

Strongly disagree. If I am the lead detective in a brutal quadruple homicide, I am SURELY going to be interested in what the dude that delivered $40,000 in cash just hours before the murders and fire has to say. In fact, it would be more than pressing; it would be one of my highest priorities.
I think we are saying the same thing. My question is, why wouldn't have Owens agreed with the entire question? What part do you think he wouldn't have been agreeing with? Do you think he thought that Ago was trying to imply that JW drove to the scene of the fire, left the scene, then returned to the scene again in his car in time to park in a place that was not yet taped off?

We are not saying the same thing. And I don't know if Owens knew what Ago was implying.

If I understand correctly, you think Owens should have agreed with the entire question by answering YES.
I think Owens did not answer YES because he didn't agree with the entire question.

Owens was simply responding with what he knew, including what his detective colleagues told him, stating "at some point the tape was put up and W-1's car was within the tape."
Owens didn't respond YES, because he likely didn't know if "W-1 returned to the area of 3201" or even if W-1 was the one who "parked his car".
If I didn't KNOW those things, I wouldn't agree with those statements.

PH transcript:
Q Okay. And so prior to the police putting up the tape W-1 returned to the area of 3201 and parked his car; is that correct?
A Well, at some point the tape was put up and W-1's car was within the tape.
Ooh. You've been fortunate as to not HAVE to have any job or to take one not exactly doing what you want. I'd agree with you if this was driving Joe Schmoe around, but SS was a 1) someone who knew JW at least superficially, and had multiple contacts with him during Autobahn, 2) a kind man, 3) a supportive person, 4) knew JW had been fired from previous position, 5) seemed to have created this position specifically for JW, and 6) fan of cars and his son was a huge fan of go kart racing. I have many more positive points on this and will add later when I return. I just had to respond to the negativity.

Isn't it a good thing to feel fortunate and be grateful for getting a job at all sometimes? And this specific job was at least in line with his choice. We never know where an opportunity might lead us and it's often on a path we couldn't imagine for better or for worse.

He seemed proud of his new job according to his SM posts. Who knows if it was his dream job or if he was just grateful to be working for a nice man who shared his love of cars. I'm guessing it really would have turned into JW's dream job if SS could propel him (through a sponsorship or otherwise) closer to his dream of being a racer (unbroke!)
Owens said he "returned", then corrected and said "went up to the scene near 3201". Maybe JW was there the whole time yet never talked to LE, and Owens chose to use vague (even slightly misleading) language for some reason. Owens never said JW "returned to the the car". On top of that, when Ago specifically asked Owens if JW returned to the area of 3201 and parked his car before the tape went up, Owens answered, "Well, at some point the tape was put up and his car was there." Seems like he would have just said yes.

ETA: For clarity, this almost made it seem like Owens was leaving it open that JW might not have returned to the scene from Chantilly and parked his car where tape would eventually go up, but that instead his car had already been there. No idea, just a weird add-on.

The impression I got is that Owens wasn't agreeing with the "returned to the area" part of the question. Instead of "returned to the area", I imagine Owens is thinking "drove to the area".
We are not saying the same thing. And I don't know if Owens knew what Ago was implying.

If I understand correctly, you think Owens should have agreed with the entire question by answering YES.
I think Owens did not answer YES because he didn't agree with the entire question.

Owens was simply responding with what he knew, including what his detective colleagues told him, stating "at some point the tape was put up and W-1's car was within the tape."
Owens didn't respond YES, because he likely didn't know if "W-1 returned to the area of 3201" or even if W-1 was the one who "parked his car".
If I didn't KNOW those things, I wouldn't agree with those statements.

PH transcript:
Q Okay. And so prior to the police putting up the tape W-1 returned to the area of 3201 and parked his car; is that correct?
A Well, at some point the tape was put up and W-1's car was within the tape.


Oh my gosh. This is getting funny. That is exactly my point. Those are interesting facts to consider because Owens did not answer YES, and yet he did not clarify why or what he knew. Instead, he only made a little vague caveat.
It would be assumed that JW drove back from Chantilly (you could say returned from Chantilly) to the house once hearing about the fire and parked his car, which then got taped in. But with Owens' little caveat, it does leave the door open to all kinds of things: Did JW take another car to and from Chantilly? Did he get a ride with someone else? Etc.?
Someone here on WS made the drive from Chantilly to the 3201 at around the same time of day and said it would have been impossible for JW to have made the drive after hearing about the fires in time to get to 3201 and park before the tape went up. That could be accurate or not accurate, but it's interesting when you couple it with what Owens said. That's all. Hopefully I am not being confusing.

ETA: the person who did the test drive said it would have been impossible for JW to make the drive to the scene in time to be parked where he was with tape up at the time the pic was taken that showed it. (Meaning the time that the perimeter was broadened.)

Oh my gosh. This is getting funny. That is exactly my point. Those are interesting facts to consider because Owens did not answer YES, and yet he did not clarify why or what he knew. Instead, he only made a little vague caveat.
It would be assumed that JW drove back from Chantilly to the house once hearing about the fire and parked his car, which then got taped in. But with Owens' little caveat, it does leave the door open to all kinds of things: Did JW take another car to and from Chantilly? Did he get a ride with someone else? Etc.?
Someone here on WS made the drive from Chantilly to the 3201 at around the same time of day and said it would have been impossible for JW to have made the drive after hearing about the fires in time to get to 3201 and park before the tape went up. That could be accurate or not accurate, but it's interesting when you couple it with what Owens said. That's all. Hopefully I am not being confusing.

Some have posted about the tape going up when the fire dept arrived, and then at a later time the tape getting extended to a broader area, surmising that once the bodies were discovered, the taped area was extended by LE. So, if that is accurate (?) that the tape was moved later in the afternoon, that could be why JW's car got inside the tape after the car was already parked... because LE moved the tape to a broader area of the neighborhood.
Some have posted about the tape going up when the fire dept arrived, and then at a later time the tape getting extended to a broader area, surmising that once the bodies were discovered, the taped area was extended by LE. So, if that is accurate (?) that the tape was moved later in the afternoon, that could be why JW's car got inside the tape... because LE moved the tape to a broader area of the neighborhood.

Yes, that's what I understand people are thinking as well. It sounds like LE broadened the perimeter of the scene and when they did, it happened that JW's BMW was the last car parked before the tape ended. (I sort of recall hearing something about the broadening happening when the bodies were found, but I'm sorta guessing that's spec.)
Owens said he "returned", then corrected and said "went up to the scene near 3201". Maybe JW was there the whole time yet never talked to LE, and Owens chose to use vague (even slightly misleading) language for some reason. Owens never said JW "returned to the the car". On top of that, when Ago specifically asked Owens if JW returned to the area of 3201 and parked his car before the tape went up, Owens answered, "Well, at some point the tape was put up and his car was there." Seems like he would have just said yes.

ETA: For clarity, this almost made it seem like Owens was leaving it open that JW might not have returned to the scene from Chantilly and parked his car where tape would eventually go up, but that instead his car had already been there. No idea, just a weird add-on.
Returned to his car:

16 A W-1 returned -- W-1 went up to the scene near 31 --

17 3201 Woodland and he made himself known to the police at that

18 point.

19 Q What date and time was this?

20 A It was the same day, May 14.

21 Q And do you know the time?

22 A I don't recall the exact time.

23 Q And did -- how did W-1 make himself known to the

24 police? What did he say when he went up to 3201?

25 A If I remember correctly his car was parked within


1 the police tape and he wanted his car back and he made

2 himself known to the police at that point.
A link about PS and a picture of his new race car with him in it. I wonder the cost of one of these K1 racecars. Apparently he raced with Praga, (sorry I got the purses and the cars mixed up, lol) which I believe Mr. was affiliated with



I am looking for a link to the approved article quoting PS's new coach. When I find it I will post it here. (found it)

'But “once he knew that Philip really loved the sport and was serious, Savvas said ‘I want the best of everything–the best coach, the best Kart,’” said Jay Howard, an Indy Racing professional driver who lives in Indianapolis who Savopoulos hired as Philip’s coach in January 2015.'


Praga USA, a new company in the North American karting community, launched at the Rotax Pan American Championships this past weekend as Jay Howard has taken on the United States distribution rights for the Praga product line. Located in Indianapolis, Indiana, Praga USA will house a national level race team, offer sales of karting equipment as well as set up dealers throughout the United States marketplace.

Returned to his car:

16AW-1 returned -- W-1 went up to the scene near 31 --

173201 Woodland and he made himself known to the police at that


19QWhat date and time was this?

20AIt was the same day, May 14.

21QAnd do you know the time?

22AI don't recall the exact time.

23QAnd did -- how did W-1 make himself known to the

24police?What did he say when he went up to 3201?

25AIf I remember correctly his car was parked within


1the police tape and he wanted his car back and he made

2himself known to the police at that point.

Yeah I got all that. No question he approached LE to get his car out from behind the tape. But It just doesn't indicate that he was at the scene and returned to his car from somewhere at the scene. (Maybe he was. But Owens didn't indicate that.) if you took his words verbatim it could easily seem that JW was not at the scene and came up to the scene to get his car.

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Strongly disagree. If I am the lead detective in a brutal quadruple homicide, I am SURELY going to be interested in what the dude that delivered $40,000 in cash just hours before the murders and fire has to say. In fact, it would be more than pressing; it would be one of my highest priorities.
Disagree all you want but you are not the lead detective in this case. Detective Jeffrey Owens is the lead detective and we need to rely on his judgment and experience in this investigation.
Some have posted about the tape going up when the fire dept arrived, and then at a later time the tape getting extended to a broader area, surmising that once the bodies were discovered, the taped area was extended by LE. So, if that is accurate (?) that the tape was moved later in the afternoon, that could be why JW's car got inside the tape after the car was already parked... because LE moved the tape to a broader area of the neighborhood.
It is in the transcript that the DC Fire Dept was still in charge of the house for over an hour after the fire was responded to. The DCMPD subsequently took charge an hour after Fire Dept. Crime scene tape would not have been strung during the firefighting period.
Page 87:
4 Q Do you know -- how long was it until the
5 Metropolitan Police Department was permitted to enter the
6 home?

7 A After the fire was completely extinguished.
8 Q Do you know the time?
9 A The exact time the fire department entered and the
10 exact time the police department entered I don't have the
11 exact time.
12 Q Can you approximate?
13 A I would approximate over an hour.
A link about PS and a picture of his new race car with him in it. I wonder the cost of one of these K1 racecars. Apparently he raced with Praga, (sorry I got the purses and the cars mixed up, lol) which I believe Mr. was affiliated with



I am looking for a link to the approved article quoting PS's new coach. When I find it I will post it here.

I assume you meant to say Praga North America and not Prada apparel company.
Yeah I got all that. No question he approached LE to get his car out from behind the tape. But It just doesn't indicate that he was at the scene and returned to his car from somewhere at the scene. (Maybe he was. But Owens didn't indicate that.) if you took his words verbatim it could easily seem that JW was not at the scene and came up to the scene to get his car.
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There is no reason that would cause me to assume JW was anywhere but at the scene of the fire. Neither Owens nor Bach have given any reason to suspect JW of not being accountable and accounted for in this time period.
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